
Italian Federation for Human Rights (FIDU)

Active since 1987 as Italian Helsinki Committee, FIDU promotes the protection of human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social in other relevant international documents. FIDU therefore intends to work to spread the knowledge of human rights, monitor and report their violations, create greater awareness in public opinion, and exert influence on the States so that they comply with their own commitments on human rights.

FIDU is actively engaged in the campaign for the universal abolition of the death penalty and considers that, currently, the main challenge is to maintain the positive global trend towards the abolition and to persuade States that still have the death penalty to remove it from their legislations. As the establishment of moratorium on the use of the death penalty in a retentionist country is often a crucial step towards the abolition, FIDU is involved in an international campaign to obtain, for the next UNGA Resolution on this issue, a higher number of votes in favour and, at the same time, to prevent dangerous steps backwards.

FIDU is based in Rome and operates throughout Italy and worldwide; carries out its activities through its national and local bodies, and achieves its goals in compliance with international and EU standards, as well as with the Italian Constitution and laws; it is non-profit-making and pursues civic, solidarity and social utility purposes by carrying out activities of general interest; can join international federations and networks of associations that pursue the same ends with the same methods; it can bring together other associations with a federation pact.

Conferences, debates, seminars, exhibitions, fact-finding and advocacy missions in Italy and abroad, cycles of meetings in schools, universities and other educational institutions, printed publications or telematic networks are examples, not exhaustive, of FIDU’s operating methods in the pursuit of its statutory purposes.


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تاريخ التأسيس


نوع المنظمة

منظمة غير حكومية             

معلومات الاتصال

14 Via Boezio
00193 Rome
هاتف +39 0645493487