Democratic Republic of the Congo

Centre d’Observation des Droits de l’Homme et d’Assistance Sociale (CODHAS)

CODHAS aims to:
– Contribute to the defense and promotion of human rights in the province of North Kivu;
– Contribute to the promotion of peace and reconciliation;
– Contribute to the promotion of gender Art6.

Achieving these aims, in particular through the following strategies:
– Organization of activities for the extension of Congolese law and international legal instruments ratified by the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
– Collaboration with other national and international organizations for the promotion and defense of human rights and peace;
– Organization of capacity building activities of the members of CODHAS and its target population;
– Dissemination of experiences in various fields of human rights, peace and gender;
– Action of lobbying and advocacy locally, nationally and internationally on various issues concerning human rights;
– Provision of medico-legal assistance to girls and women victims of gender violence and victims of torture;
– Organization of visits to places of detention.

CODHAS works on the death penalty through advocacy with legislators in the DRC, but also in communities, by organizing conferences, debates, radio and television programs. CODHAS also participated in the ninth World Day against the death penalty on 10 October 2011.

Date founded


Structure type


Contact informations

province du Nord-Kivu
113 Rutshuru
North Kivu
Phone +243998695790
