Legal information


This website is published by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.

Director: Aurélie Plaçais
Program Manager: Bronwyn Dudley
Administrative and Financial Manager: Wilfred Gondoro
Logisitics and Partnership Manager: Carlos Valera
Web-Editor: Hédia Zaalouni

Development and production: Moduloo (J Villalard)
Graphic design: Les poulets bicyclettes

Hosting : OVH

Copyright information
The contents of this website is licensed under a Creative Commons license which gives you the right to copy it provided that you give the original author credit. You may not use it for commercial purposes nor alter or transform it. This license applies to the entire website unless otherwise stated.

Personal information
The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty collects information which you provide by filling in the forms on the site (contact, membership, signing up to the newsletter and so on). In conformity with French law, you have the right to access and correct the information you concerning.

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For more information, please contact us.