
Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders CSHRD

The Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders (CSHRD) is an organization dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights in Somalia. CSHRD was established in 2014.

CSHRD runs holistic and comprehensive torture victims rehabilitation centre in Somalia.

CSHRD work is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDHR and the SDGs of 1, 5, 10, 13, 16 and 17. CSHRD believes the right to life and therefore, death penalty should be abolished.

Here’s an overview of its mission, actions, and activities:


1. Protection and Advocacy: CSHRD aims to protect human rights defenders in Somalia and advocate for their rights and safety.

2. Promotion of Human Rights: The coalition works to promote human rights awareness and adherence to international human rights standards within Somalia.

3. Support for Human Rights Defenders: CSHRD provides support to individuals and organizations working on human rights issues, helping them to carry out their work safely and effectively.

Actions and Activities

1. Capacity Building: Conducts training programs and workshops to build the capacity of human rights defenders and organizations. These programs cover various topics, including human rights law, advocacy techniques, and personal security.

2. Monitoring and Reporting: Monitors the human rights situation in Somalia and reports on abuses and violations. This involves documenting cases of human rights abuses, raising awareness, and advocating for accountability.

3. Advocacy and Lobbying: Engages in advocacy and lobbying efforts at national and international levels to influence policies and practices that impact human rights in Somalia. This includes working with government bodies, international organizations, and other stakeholders.

4. Protection Mechanisms: Establishes protection mechanisms for human rights defenders at risk, including providing safe spaces, legal support, and emergency assistance.

5. Networking and Collaboration: Works in collaboration with local, regional, and international human rights organizations to strengthen the overall human rights movement in Somalia and to share resources and information.

6. Public Awareness Campaigns: Runs public awareness campaigns to educate the Somali population about their rights and the importance of defending human rights.

7. Research and Publications: Conducts research on human rights issues and publishes reports, policy briefs, and other materials to inform public discourse and policy decisions.

Through these activities, CSHRD plays a crucial role in advancing human rights in Somalia, supporting those who defend these rights, and striving for a more just and equitable society.

Date founded


Structure type


Contact informations

25261 Mogadishu
Phone 252627416321
Fax 252615891000