Sri Lanka

Human Rights Office

Human Rights Office of Kandy Diocese is a catholic organization established in 2008. The HRO campaign to establish the Rule of Law by taking up individual cases of victims of Torture, rape, gender based violence, domestic violence, families of the disappeared and of the prisoners. HRO provide victims “Holistic” assistance – which includes: security, protection, legal, medical, psychological and educational assistance and journey with the victims and their families until the victims are integrated to the society.

The organization campaign and lobby for Judicial reforms.

Human Rights Office works with prisoners and families of the Prisoners and conduct ” Healing Art Therapy” classes every week in Prisons and monitor prisons to ensure basic minimum standards in Prisons. HRO also campaign against the death penalty as part of its advocacy. These campaigns against capital punishment aim to raise awareness among members of the government and the public in Sri Lanka about the abolition of this punishment.

Date founded


Structure type


Contact informations

3/4 A, Digana Road, Nattarampotha
Kandy Kandy
Phone 94812424511