
Prison Insider

Prison Insider is a French independent NGO. Prison Insider’s main mission is to raise awareness about the conditions of detention and to promote the rights and dignity of people deprived of liberty, everywhere in the world. To reach its aims, the organisation primarily operates an information website.

Prison Insider’s vocation is to make available and accessible to all – individuals, journalists, lawyers, civil servants, elected representatives, teachers, researchers, detainees’ relatives, NGO – all data related to imprisonnment.

The work of Prison Insider is complementary to the work that is already out there. It gives an exposure to numerous actors mobilised on the field in all geographical areas by using a unified vocabulary and presentation, essential tools for the comparison of data. Prison Insider does not do advocacy work but offers the possibility for civil society organisations to seize the information and undertake their own advocacy work.



To have a collaborative information space, fed by a network of correspondents, on detention conditions for all to use.

To allow, through an innovative mechanism, the comparison of data between different countries to promote good practices. We call on you to share any information on the conditions of detention on death row.

Prison Insider attaches the greatest importance to the words of the people concerned by the prison: prisoners themselves, parents, relatives.
Photographs are also a major element in understanding real-life situations.

Prison Insider mainly produces country-profiles, comparative studies, testimonies and portfolios.
Its productions are available in French, English, Spanish and in the language of the country concerned.


Follow Prison Insider on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Date founded


Structure type


Contact informations

100 rue de fougères
69009 Lyon
Phone +33 06 82 32 29 18