
Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL)

 Being the forerunner of prisoners’ rights and anti-torture and death penalty
in Liberia, we have the vision that the Liberian society will adheres to:

1. The tenets of human rights, rule of law and democracy for
all people;
2. Active citizens’ participation in national and local
governance; and
3. Rehabilitation of survivals of torture, violence and drugs.

The Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL) serves the Liberian society by
providing alternatives to enhancing Human Rights, Rule of Law, Peace and
Democracy Building, and victims’ recovery.

RAL engages in:
Prison monitoring, violations decumenting and reporting; Advocacy on the abolition of torture and death penalty; rehabilitating victims of torture, human rights issues events in schools and forums, etc…

Date founded


Structure type


Contact informations

2nd Floor, B. J. K Anderson Building Carey & Lynch
Phone +231-652-4956
