
Save Anthony

Save Anthony is a charity registered under the 1901 French law. It is designed to promote the story and finance the privately retained legal team of Anthony Mungin, sentenced to death and incarcerated at the Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, Florida (USA) since February 23rd, 1993. Anthony Mungin has always maintained his innocence for the crime for which he has been sentenced to death.

His words:

“Since 1993 I have been fighting zealously to stay alive long enough to prove I am innocent of murder. I’ve been compelled to endure this plight without a father, mother nor family support of any kind. I am not deterred by defeats and setbacks, but rather gain new strength from them. I have seen some death row prisoners give up on life with only resigned sigh. Others fight a little, then lose hope. Still others –and I am one of those- never give up. I fight and fight and fight! I fight no matter the cost of battle, the losses I take, the improbability of success. I don’t think it is a question of courage. It’s something constitutional – an inability to let go of life, in which, I have a right to live.”
Anthony Mungin

Date founded


Structure type


Contact informations

13 allée des noisetiers
(Bâtiment A)
94210 La Varenne Saint Hilaire