United States

The American Constitution Society (ACS)

The American Constitution Society (ACS) is a United States-based network of progressive lawyers, law students, judges, policymakers, legislators, and academics dedicated to realizing the promises of the U.S. Constitution by advancing and defending democracy, justice, equality, and liberty; securing a government that serves the public interest; and guarding against the abuse of law and the concentration of power.

ACS interprets the U.S. Constitution based on its text and against the backdrop of history and lived experience. In collaboration with our nationwide network, ACS works to uphold the Constitution by ensuring that the law is a force for protecting our democracy and the public interest and for improving people’s lives.

Through our public programs (over 1,400 debates, conferences, and press briefings across America each year), publications, and active online presence, ACS generates intellectual capital for ready use by progressive allies and shapes debates on key legal and public policy issues including the death penalty and criminal legal reform more broadly, access to courts, voting, equality, immigration, workers’ rights, and many others.

ACS nurtures the next generation of progressive lawyers, judges, policy experts, legislators, and academics by providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, and organizing around matters of local, national, and international significance.

To learn more about ACS’s work on the death penalty, visit https://www.acslaw.org/projects/death-penalty-resources/. 

Date founded


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Contact informations

601 13th Street, NW
Suite 610
20005 Washington, DC
Phone (202) 393-6181
Fax (202) 393-6189
