10.10.10 World Day Against the Death Penalty – USA special
World Day
The 8th World Day aims to strengthen the trend towards abolition in the US and also the trend towards universal abolition. It is an opportunity to publicly oppose the use of this inhuman, cruel and degrading punishment and to support those in the US who are fighting for its abolition.
On 10 October 2010, take action against the death penalty! The event is only two months away, now is the time to prepare.
Wherever you are : in Africa, America, Asia, Oceania or Europe
Whoever you are: NGOs, teachers, lawyers, local representatives, parliamentarians, artists, reporters, religious leaders, citizens
Whatever your plans are: debates, concerts, press conferences, demonstrations, petitions, educational and cultural activities…
Find out more about the World Day and download posters, a banner for your blog, tips to organise an event, etc.: www.worldcoalition.org/worldday
Get in touch with the World Coalition to announce the events you are preparing for October 10 and we will promote them widely on the internet
Accept the Facebook invitation for the World Day and share it with your friends