ECPM takes social media campaign to the fair ground
World Day
ECPM welcomed festival goers to take part in the World Coalition’s #nodeathpenalty campaign by setting up a photo booth at the “Fête de l’Huma” and spread the truth about the death penalty more widely than ever before.
The selfie campaign is simple: anyone can take part by creating a sign in their language of choice, or choosing a pre-made one, starting with “I stand against the death penalty because…” followed by their reason, and having their picture taken holding it. The photo is then posted on their preferred social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Google+) along with the hashtag #Nodeathpenalty and a friendly nomination of at least three friends to do the same.
A powerful idea for your own World Day event
The Fête de l’Humanité provided ECPM with a unique opportunity to bring to life a campaign normally limited to the sphere of the internet. Armed with a camera, booth volunteers were there to help visitors snap their picture. For those who do not have social media accounts, ECPM has begun to share the photos they took on their own Facebook page with the accompanying hashtag.
By taking the campaign to street level, ECPM is able to share the voices of those who would otherwise not be reached, thus widening its campaign efforts and its effectiveness.
Under a sign reading “Share your picture against the death penalty”, ECPM set up a table filled with thick permanent markers, colored paper and large multilingual “I stand against the death penalty because…” signs in French, English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Arabic. ECPM volunteers then took part in the general buzz of France’s leading alternative music and ideas festival, encouraging curious passers-by to take part and express their views.
A catalyst to attract the crowds
The photo stand was considered a rousing success by all those who took part. One ECPM volunteers remarked on its “efficiency to attract people to the ECPM booth”, adding that the social networking campaign acted as a catalyst, drawing in a variety of individuals and adding to the jovial spirit of the fair.
“I have always stood against the death penalty – it’s engaging to be able to share that with others who don’t know me”, remarked one older fair goer, leafing carefully through the signs. “It’s just hard to pick amongst so many moving reasons!” She ended up creating her own, summarising in her own words what all the other messages alluded to: “I stand against the death penalty because life is better.”
For more information on how to set up a photo booth/stand at your event take a look at the World Day Against the Death Penalty Mobilisation kit.