Association Marocaine des Droits Humains (AMDH)
on 30 April 2020
Association marocaine des droits humains (AMDH) works towards safeguarding human dignity and for the respect, defence and promotion of human rights. Convinced of the universal nature of these rights, the AMDH bases its action on the international agreements which defend them. It campaigns for them to be respected in the political, civil, economic, social and […]

Amnesty International (AI)
on 30 April 2020
Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide voluntary activist movement working for human rights. It is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed, economic interest or religion. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to […]
United Kingdom
Arab Coalition Against the Death Penalty
on 30 April 2020
Within the framework of its European Commission-sponsored programme against the death penalty, Penal Reform International (PRI), together with the Amman Centre for Human Rights Studies (ACHRS), organised a regional conference in Amman, Jordan, on July 2 and 3, 2007 to develop a regional strategy to advance the abolition of the death Penalty in the Arab […]

Iran Human Rights
on 30 April 2020
Iran Human Rights (IHR) is a non-profit politically independent NGO with a mission to build a strong civil society by empowering citizens, promoting and defending human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Abolition of the death penalty is one of the main objectives of IHR’s activities. With its broad network of […]
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés (MEDEL)
on 30 April 2020
European Judges and Public Prosecutors for Democracy and Fundamental Rights (Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés – MEDEL)) is an association regrouping 23 association of judges and prosecutors coming from 16 European countries. Its activities are centred on debates and studies on the independence of the judiciary and international judicial co-operation, in connection […]

Bahrain Human Rights Society
on 30 April 2020
The Bahrain Human Rights Society is a non-governmental organization established in May 2001 and is registered with the Ministry of Social Development in the Kingdom of Bahrain under registration No. ( /ج/ت.ث 142). The Society was the first licensed society in the Kingdom of Bahrain specializing in the field of human rights. The Society seeks […]

Belarusian Helsinki Committee
on 30 April 2020
Founded in 1995, the National Human Rights Public Association “Belarusian Helsinki Committee” is one of the oldest human rights defenders organizations in Belarus. The list of its founders includes the nation’s most prominent leaders such as Vasil’ Bykau, Sviatlana Alexievich (Nobel prize in literature 2015). BHC sees as its main objective creating of civic context, […]

Coalition nationale tunisienne contre la peine de mort
on 30 April 2020
The National Tunisian Coalition Against the Death Penalty (CTCPM) was founded in 2007 and legally recognized in 2012 after the fall of dictator Ben Ali. The CTCPM continues many generations of activist’ fight for the abolition of the death penalty since the mid-1970s. The CTCPM’s objectives are written down in its charter: – Achieving the abolition […]

Human Rights Watch
on 30 April 2020
Human Rights Watch is a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization made up of more than 275 staff members around the globe. Its staff consists of human rights professionals including country experts, lawyers, journalists, and academics of diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Human Rights Watch is known for its accurate fact-finding, impartial reporting, effective use of media, […]

Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits de l’Homme
on 30 April 2020
The Ligue ivoirienne des droits de l’Homme [Ivory Coast Human Rights League, LIDHO] is politically and religiously independent. Its main aim is to work towards creating a state of law in Ivory Coast. To achieve that objective, it works in particular towards strengthening the legal system and ensuring an independent justice system and fair and […]
Côte d'Ivoire