Malawi's flag


Malawi Supreme Court Reverses Abolition Decision

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 18 August 2022

On 30 April 2021, the World Coalition published the following article on the abolition of the death penalty in Malawi. Since its publication, the abolitionist status of the country has changed. This article has been updated below. —————————-



ACHPR 71st Ordinary Session


71st Ordinary session of the African Commission: focus on torture and the death penalty

By Sarah Saint-Sorny, on 9 June 2022

The African Commission on Human Rights and People (ACHPR) once again met on Zoom for its 71st Ordinary session from April 21st to May 13th, 2022. The honorable Rémy Ngoy Lumbu, President of the Commission, has expressed his hopes for the next session to take place in person in Banjul this autumn. 


Central African Republic


Democratic Republic of the Congo






Sierra Leone



Forum Liberia 2022


Liberian Civil Society Organize to Push for Abolition

By Rescue Alternatives Liberia and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 29 April 2022

On 12 April 2022, Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL) orchestrated a one-day forum on abolition in Liberia with the support of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The outcomes of this event were very promising, and time will tell if abolition in Liberia is near.



Public Opinion

Capitalization workshop of the project for the abolition in Africa


Capitalization workshop of the project for the abolition of the death penalty in sub-Saharan Africa

By Elise Garel, on 4 January 2022

Member organizations of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and African ACATs (Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture) met in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) for the capitalization workshop of Phase 2 of the project for the abolition of the death penalty in sub-Saharan Africa, organized on 29 and 30 November by the World […]


Côte d'Ivoire


Public Opinion

Advocacy at the 69th ACHPR Ordinary Session


NGO Forum and 69th Ordinary Session of the African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights

By Bronwyn Dudley and Corentin Mançois, on 17 December 2021

The ACHPR (the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights) met again virtually for its 69th Ordinary Session from 15 November – 5 December 2021.




World Coalition Against the Death Penalyt


Statement delivered to ACHPR on its 68th Ordinary Session

By FIACAT, FIDH, WCADP, Avocats Sans Frontières, COJESKI-RDC, ECPM, RAL and Reprieve, on 12 May 2021

Oral statement on behalf of FIACAT, FIDH, World Coalition against the Death Penalty, ECPM, Avocats sans frontières, COJESKI-RDC, ECPM, RAL and Reprieve on the activities of the Members of the Commission and the Special Mechanisms.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment


The World Coalition Has Published a New Guide on Working with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 26 March 2020

The World Coalition has developed and published a training manual, in partnership with its member the International Federation of Christians Against Torture (FIACAT), on working with the African Union’s human rights organ, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR). This how-to guide was created specifically for civil society to help encourage successful interaction with the ACHPR, a growing and influential human rights mechanism on the continent.



A Training on Advocacy for the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Abdoul Razak Ahmadou Youssoufou, on 29 July 2019

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty in partnership with FIACAT, and their local members ACAT Cameroon and Droits et Paix (Rights and Peace), organized a continental training course in July on advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty in sub-Saharan Africa in Douala, Cameroon. This training brought together abolitionists and experts from 23 African countries.




Awareness Building Workshop with African Union Members

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 14 May 2019

The end of March saw a first of its kind awareness-building workshop in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia for the permanent French-speaking members to the African Union. Moderated by the ACHPR’s Working Group on the Death Penalty and Extrajudicial, Summary of Arbitrary Killings in Africa in close collaboration with FIACAT, the World Coalition and the Organisation International de la Francophonie (OIF), the training focused on raising awareness of the Draft Protocol on the Abolition of the Death Penalty.



Arab League Summit: the death penalty at the heart of the alternative summit organized by civil society

By Hédia Zaalouni, on 10 May 2019

On the occasion of the 30th session of the Arab League Summit, which took place in Tunis from 26 to 31 March 2019 and brought together 21 Arab delegations, a parallel counter-summit, organized by civil society, was held to address the issue of human rights in the Arab world.

