San Francisco hosts World Coalition AGM
on 31 May 2010
For the first time, a major international abolitionist event will take place on US soil on June 12 when World Coalition members converge on California for their general meeting and a public conference. Register now for access!
United States
The World Coalition’s AGM in pictures
on 30 June 2009
Representatives from the World Coalition’s member organisations gathered in Rome on June 13, 2009 for their annual meeting.
All roads lead to Rome for world abolitionists
on 9 June 2009
Representatives from the World Coalition’s 88 member organizations will hold their AGM in Italy on June 13 to prepare future campaigns and listen to the testimony of a former death row inmate.
World Forum an opportunity to gather abolitionists
on 4 July 2008
As the World Coalition held its general meeting in Nantes at the end of June, discussions focussed on the involvement of corporations and local authorities.
World Coalition General Assembly: all eyes on the UN
on 29 June 2007
The General Assembly of the World Coalition took place in Brussels on June 22nd. Particular focus was placed on the World Day on 10 October and the draft UN resolution for a world moratorium on the death penalty.

2007 Campaign : developing the world abolitionist movement
on 1 May 2007
The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty has obtained financial support from the European Commission for its 2007 campaign, an indication of its growing recognition and legitimacy.
Take collective action: join the World Coalition
on 1 May 2007
Since 2002 about sixty non-governmental organisations, professional associations and public bodies working throughout the world in support of abolition of the death penalty have come together through the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.