Note verbale dated 13 September 2019 from the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
By United Nations, on 15 October 2020
United Nations report
Brunei Darussalam
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saudi Arabia
Syrian Arab Republic
United Arab Emirates
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
The Permanent Missions to the United Nations inNew York listed below have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution 73/175, entitled “Moratorium on the use of the death penalty”, which was adopted by the Assembly on 17 December 2018 by a recorded vote. The Permanent Missions wish to place on record that they are in persistent objection to any attempt to impose a moratorium on the use of the death penalty or its abolition in contravention of existing stipulations under international law, for the following reasons:
- Document type United Nations report
- Countries list Bahrain / Bangladesh / Botswana / Brunei Darussalam / Chad / China / Democratic People's Republic of Korea / Egypt / Ethiopia / Grenada / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iraq / Jamaica / Kuwait / Libya / Nigeria / Oman / Pakistan / Papua New Guinea / Qatar / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Sudan / Syrian Arab Republic / United Arab Emirates / Yemen / Zimbabwe
- Themes list Moratorium
- Available languages مذكرة شفوية مؤرخة 13 أيلول/سبتمبر 2019 موجهة إلى الأمين العام من الممثل الدائم لمصر لدى الأمم المتحدةNota verbal de fecha 13 de septiembre de 2019 dirigida al Secretario Generalpor el Representante Permanente de Egipto ante las Naciones UnidasNote verbale datée du 13 septembre 2019, adressée au Secrétaire général par le Représentant permanent de l’Égypte auprès de l’Organisation des Nations UniesВербальная нота Постоянного представителя Египта при Организации Объединенных Наций от 13 сентября 2019 года на имя Генерального секретаря2019年9月13日埃及常驻联合国代表给秘书长的普通照会
2018 Report – Moratorium on the use of the death penalty
By United Nations, on 14 October 2020
United Nations report
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type United Nations report
- Available languages تقرير 2018- وقف العمل بعقوبة الإعدامInforme 2018 - Moratoria del uso de la pena de muerteRapport 2018 - Moratoire sur l'application de la peine de mortДоклад 2018 - Мораторий на применение смертной казни2018报告 - 暂停使用死刑联合国
: التعليق العام رقم 36 المادة 6 ( الحق في الحياة )
By Human Rights Committee, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
enrufreszh-hantMore details See the document
يستعاض بهذا التعليق العام عن التعليق العام رقم 6 الذي اعتمدته اللجنة في دور تها السادسة عشرة (1982 )، والتعليق العام رقم 14 الذي اعتمدته اللجنة في دور تها ال ث ا لث ة والعشرين (1984 ).
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Right to life, Death Penalty,
- Available languages General Comment No 36 - Article 6: right to lifeЗамечание общего порядка No 36 - Статья 6: право на жизньObservation générale n°36 - Article 6 : droit à la vieObservación general núm. 36 - Artículo 6: derecho a la vida第36号一般性意见第六条:生命权
General Comment No 36 – Article 6: right to life
By Human Rights Committee, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
enrufreszh-hantMore details See the document
Tis general comment replaces general comments No. 6, adopted by the Committee at its sixteenth session (1982), and No. 14, adopted by the Committee at its twenty-third session (1984)
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Right to life, Death Penalty,
- Available languages : التعليق العام رقم 36 المادة 6 ( الحق في الحياة )Замечание общего порядка No 36 - Статья 6: право на жизньObservation générale n°36 - Article 6 : droit à la vieObservación general núm. 36 - Artículo 6: derecho a la vida第36号一般性意见第六条:生命权
A/HRC/42/28 – Capital punishment and the implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty
By Human Rights Council, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
rufrzh-hantarMore details See the document
The present report is submitted pursuant to resolution 36/17,of the Human Rights Council. The report examines the consequences arising at various stages of the imposition and application of the death penalty on the enjoyment of the human rights of persons facing the death penalty and other affected persons. It pays specific attention to the impact of the resumption of the use of the death penalty on human rights
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Death Penalty,
- Available languages A/HRC/42/28 - Смертная казнь и осуществление мер, гарантирующих защиту прав лиц, приговоренных к смертной казниA/HRC/42/28 - Peine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mortA/HRC/42/28 - 死刑和保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的执行情况عقوبة الإعوداموتنفيو الضومات الويتكفو حمايوةحقووقالو ي يواجهوونعقوبة الإعدام - A/HRC/42/28
A/HRC/RES/42/24 – Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 27 September 2019 – The question of the death penalty
By Human Rights Council, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
arrufrzh-hantesMore details See the document
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Death Penalty,
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/42/24 - قراراعتمده مجلس حقوق الإنسان في 27 أيلول/سبتمبر 2019 ٤2/2٤- مسألة عقوبة الإعدامA/HRC/RES/42/24 - Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человека 27сентября2019 года - Вопрос о смертной казниA/HRC/RES/42/24 - Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l'homme le 27 septembre 2019 - La question de la peine de mortA/HRC/RES/42/24 - 人权理事会 2019 年 9 月 27 日通过的决议 - 死刑问题A/HRC/RES/42/24 - Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos el 27 de septiembre de 2019 - La cuestión de la pena de muerte
Pakistan – Joint Submission UPR Review
By Justice Project Pakistan, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
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Joint submission for the Universal Periodic Review of Pakistan in 2017.
- Document type United Nations report
- Countries list Pakistan
- Themes list Juveniles, Mental Illness, International law, Torture, Death Row Conditions, Legal Representation, Death Penalty,
2016 Report – Moratorium on the use of the death penalty
By United Nations, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
rufrzh-hantesMore details See the document
The present report is submitted to the General Assembly pursuant to its resolution 69/186. It discusses developments towards the abolition of the death penalty and the establishment of moratoriums on executions. The report also reflects on trends in the use of the death penalty, including the application of international standards relating to the protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty. It also discusses the role of national human rights institutions and private companies, as well as regional and international initiatives for advancing the abolition of the death penalty.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Moratorium , Trend Towards Abolition,
- Available languages Доклад 2016 - Мораторий на применение смертной казниRapport 2016 - Moratoire sur l’application de la peine de mort2016报告 - 暂停使用死刑Informe 2016 - Moratoria del uso de la pena de muerte
Factsheet – Death Penalty Abolition
By European Court of Human Rights, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
More details See the document
Court’s case-law and pending cases on abolition of the death penalty. It deals with death-row phenomenon – the risk of being stoned to death / of being sentended to death and the death penalty as result of unfair trial.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Death Row Phenomenon, Stoning, Death Penalty,
Note verbale dated 28 July 2015 from the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
By United Nations, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
Antigua and Barbuda
Brunei Darussalam
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Saudi Arabia
Syrian Arab Republic
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
The permanent missions to the United Nations in New York listed below have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution 69/186, entitled “Moratorium on the use of the death penalty”, which was adopted by the Third Committee on 21 November 2014 and subsequently by the General Assembly on 18 December 2014 by a recorded vote. The permanent missions wish to place on record that they are in persistent objection to any attempt to impose a moratorium on the use of the death penalty or its abolition in contravention of existing stipulations under international law, for the following reasons:
- Document type United Nations report
- Countries list Antigua and Barbuda / Bangladesh / Botswana / Brunei Darussalam / China / Democratic People's Republic of Korea / Egypt / Ethiopia / Guyana / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iraq / Jamaica / Kuwait / Libya / Malaysia / Nigeria / Oman / Pakistan / Qatar / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Sudan / Syrian Arab Republic / Trinidad and Tobago / United Arab Emirates / Yemen / Zimbabwe
- Themes list Moratorium
- Available languages مذكرة شفوية مؤرخة 28 تموز/يوليه ٢٠١٥ موجهة إلى الأمين العام من البعثة الدائمة لمصر لدى الأمم المتحدةNota verbal de fecha 28 de julio de 2015 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente de Egipto ante las Naciones UnidasNote verbale datée du 28 juillet 2015, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente de l’Égypte auprès de l’Organisation des Nations UniesВербальная нота Постоянного представительства Египта при Организации Объединенных Наций от 28 июля 2015 года на имя Генерального секретаря2015年7月28日埃及常驻联合国代表团给秘书长的普通照会