
Training Resource: Protecting the Rights of Those Facing the Death Penalty and Life and Long-Term Imprisonment

on 1 January 2011


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PRI training resource (1/3): Aimed mainly to mid-level prison officers, this resource’s trains these stakeholders on: due process and fair trial standards, international standards on the treatment of prisoners, vulnerable prisoners, building a rehabilitation-oriented penal culture.

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  • Themes list Fair Trial, Death Row Conditions,


The Court in Brief (the European Court of Human Rights)

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2011

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The European Court of Human Rights is an international court set up in 1959. It rules on individual or State applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights. Since 1998 it has sat as a full-time court and individuals can apply to it directly.


Child Rights and the League of Arab States

By Childrens Rights Information Network, on 1 January 2011

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This document provides a list of the members of the Arab League and the origins of the organisation. It also describes its composition and provides contact information.

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  • Themes list Networks,


Individual Statement of Commissioner Renny Cushing

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2010


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Individual Statement of Commissioner Renny Cushing

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families, Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,


The European Parliament 2004-2009 and European Civil Society: A Guide for Partnership

By European Union, on 1 January 2010

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The handbook is intended to introduce you to the rights and value based NGO sectors in the EU and helps you to navigate your way around Civil Society. Part I gives a general overview of the context of dialogue between the EU institutions and NGOs – as it has been established over the last 20 years – and how NGOs would like civil dialogue to develop in the context of the new Constitution. In Part II you will find an overview of the policy areas that each of the 6 sectors will work on during the EP period 2004-2009. This is intended to help you identify the areas of expertise European NGOs can offer for your specific work in the EP. The values and objectives of the EU Civil Society Contact Group from Part III and the annex contain a comprehensive contact list for European NGOs within the 6 sectors.


Media Monitoring, Information Scanning and Intelligence

By Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International, on 1 January 2010

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This manual offers advice on information gathering by using search engines, Web alerts, newsletters, RSS feeds, and text mining.

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  • Themes list Networks,


Resource Guide for Managing Capital Cases Volume II: Habeas Corpus Review of State Capital Convictions

By Asifa Quraishi, Esq. / Federal Judicial Center, on 1 January 2010

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This guide was created to assist judges and court staff in managing capital habeas corpus cases by providing a summary of relevant law and case-management procedures. Section II, “Management of Individual Capital Habeas Cases,” summarizes the substantive law of federal habeas corpus that has an impact on case management and procedure (such as jurisdiction to appoint counsel, statutes of limitations, and evidentiary hearings) and describes various techniques judges have used to manage individual cases. Section III, “District-Wide and Circuit-Wide Approaches to Capital Habeas Corpus Case Management,” describes several practices used in the federal courts to monitor and streamline capital case management at a district- or circuit-wide level.

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  • Themes list Networks,


Making up for Lost Time : What the Wrongfully Convicted endure and how to Provide Fair Compensation

By The Innocence Project, on 1 January 2010

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It’s an accepted principle of fairness in our society to compensate citizens who, through no fault of their own, have suffered losses. When a person’s land has been seized for public use, they receive adequate repayment. Crime victims and their families receive financial compensation in all 50 states. Yet, strangely, the wrongfully imprisoned, who lose property, jobs, freedom, reputation, family, friends and more do not receive compensation in 23 states of the nation. These recommendations for state compensation laws have been developed by the Innocence Project after years of working with exonerees and their families, legislators, social workers and psychologists.

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  • Themes list Networks,


Death to the Death Penalty/ La peine de mort est condamnée à disparaître/Muerte a la Pena de Muerte.

By Amnesty International / YouTube, on 1 January 2010

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This video is part of the campaign run by Amnesty International titled “Death to the Death Penalty”, in the video wax figures ressembling forms of execution melt away leaving only the Amnesty International candle burning/Ce video, réalisé par Amnesty International pour la campagne intitulé “La peine de mort est condamnée à disparaître”/Muerte a la Pena de Muerte.

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  • Themes list Networks,


The Dark Room

By Amnesty International - Italy / Istituto Europeo di Design, on 1 January 2010

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The dark room was a photography exhibition planned as part of a project lunched by Amnesty International Italy under the title “I am against the death penalty because…”. The exhibition was held in Rome at Palazzo delle Exposizioni, Sala della Fontana, from 8th to 20th June 2010.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,