
When Justice Fails: Thousands executed in Asia after unfair trials

By Amnesty International / Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network, on 1 January 2011


NGO report

More details See the document

Failures of justice in trials which result in an execution cannot be rectified. In the Asia-Pacific region, where 95 per cent of the population live in countries that retain and use the death penalty, there is a real danger of the state executing someone in error following an unfair trial.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Fair Trial,


Hands Off Cain 2011 Report

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 1 January 2011

NGO report

More details See the document

Hands Off Cain 2011 Report. The worldwide trend towards abolition, underway for more than ten years, was again confirmed in 2010 and the first six months of 2011.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition,


Question of the death penalty. Report of the Secretary-General.

By United Nations, on 1 January 2011

International law - United Nations

More details See the document

The present report contains information covering the period from July 2010 to June 2011, and draws attention to a number of phenomena, including the continuing trend towards abolition, the ongoing difficulties in gaining access to reliable information on executions, and various international efforts towards the universal abolition of the death penalty.


Victims, We Care

By Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty / Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights / YouTube, on 1 January 2011

Working with...

More details See the document

Victims, We Care

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families,


MVFHR 飄洋過海來看你:看見被害人 20100704 台北信義誠品

By Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty / Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights / YouTube, on 1 January 2011

Working with...

More details See the document



The Kentucky Death Penalty Assessment Report: Evaluating fairness and accuracy in state death panlty systems. An Analysis of Kentucky’s Death Penalty Laws, Procedures, and Practices

By American Bar Association, on 1 January 2011

NGO report

More details See the document

This report examines how state death penalty systems are functioning in design and practice and are intended to serve as the bases from which states can launch comprehensive self-examinations, impose reforms, or in some cases, impose moratoria.

  • Document type NGO report


Facing their last moments with a smile: The Chinese women about to be executed for drug smuggling

By Rick Dewsbury / Mail Online, on 1 January 2011


More details See the document

The moving images could show any group of young women as they go about their daily lives in prison. But just hours – and in some cases minutes – after the pictures were taken, each of the four women were led into a concrete yard and executed.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions,


Witness to Murder

By Tony Medina / Lulu PRESS, on 1 January 2011


United States

More details See the document

Tony Medina was accused of shooting into a crowd of young people with a semi-automatic weapon from a dark colored car. Two children were fatally wounded during the shooting. Nevertheless, he is innocent according to the furnished evidence and the testimony of witnesses.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Capital Punishment Briefing Paper

By Peter Hodgkinson / Lina Gyllensten / Diana Peel / Center for Capital Punishment Studies, on 1 January 2011

NGO report

More details See the document

This briefing paper is offered as a critique of the received wisdom of abolition strategies against the background of an evidence based analysis of the literature. A point of interest to begin with is to try to tease out the motivation of individuals and groups that consider themselves death penalty abolitionists.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Networks,


California’s Death Penalty is Dead

By Natasha Minsker / American Civil Liberties Union / Miriam Gerace / Ana Zamora, on 1 January 2011

NGO report

More details See the document

California’s death penalty is dead. Prosecutors, legislators and taxpayers are turning to permanent imprisonment with no chance of parole as evidence grows that the system is costly, risky, and dangerous to public safety.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition,