
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 1950


Regional body report

More details See the document

Article 2 – Right to life1. Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

By United Nations, on 1 January 1948


United Nations report

More details See the document

On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and “to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.” Article 3 – Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


Of Crimes and Punishment

By Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana / Philip H. Nicklin, on 1 January 1764



More details See the document

This is a highly thought-provoking work where Beccaria-Bonesana has explained his ideas against the use of torture and capital punishments. He has produced a humanitarian spirit in the dispensation of laws. This work is important as the views expressed here, were not regarded either in his times or now.