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Indonesian : Praktek Hukuman Mati Di Indonesia

By Kontras, on 8 September 2020


NGO report


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Paper ini merupakan catatan monitoring KontraS terhadap praktek hukuman mati di Indonesia. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di dunia yang masih menerapkan hukuman mati dalam aturan pidananya. Padahal, hingga Juni 2006, lebih dari setengah negara-negara di dunia telah menghapuskan praktek hukuman mati baik secara de jure atau de facto. Di tengah kecenderungan global akan moratorium hukuman mati, praktek ini justru makin lazim diterapkan di Indonesia. Paling tidak selama empat tahun berturut-turut telah dilaksanakan eksekusi mati terhadap para orang narapidana. Pro-kontra penerapan hukuman mati ini semakin menguat, karena tampak tak sejalan dengan komitmen Indonesia untuk tunduk pada kesepakatan internasional yang tertuang dalam Kovenan Internasional tentang Hak Sipil dan Politik serta Kovenan Internasional tentang Hak Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Indonesia



By Christof Heyns , on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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  • Document type NGO report


Мораторий на применение смертной казни. Доклад Генерального секретаря

By Генеральный секретарь ООН, on 11 December 2020


Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций

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  • Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций


Italian : Protocollo n° 6 alla Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell’Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali sull’abolizione delle pena di morte

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 1983


United Nations report

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Portuguese : Projecto de protocolo adicional à carta Africana dos direitos humanos e dos povos acerca da abolição da pena de morte em Africa

By FIACAT, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Para completar e reforçar as disposições da carta Africana dos direitos humanos e dos povos,o artigo 66 da carta autoriza a adopção de protocolos ou acordos particulares. É com estefundamento que a Comissão Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos (CADHP) – organismoda União Africana (UA) encarregado da promoção e protecção dos direitos humanos em Africa– propôs à UA a adopção de um protocolo específico sobre a abolição da pena de morte queprecisa que “o direito à vida é o fundamento de todos os outros direitos”, e que “a abolição dapena de morte é essencial à protecção eficaz” deste direito.


Slovene : Naj se slisi vas glas v EU: Prirocnik za nevladne organizacije

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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German : Einleitung durch die Kontaktgruppe der Europäischen Zivilgesellschaft : Ein Leitfaden für die Zusammenarbeit

By European Union, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Das Handbuch ist dafür gedacht, Ihnen einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Sektoren von NGOs zu geben, die sich für BürgerInnenrechte und für das allgemeine Interesse einsetzen und kann Ihnen somit gleichsam als Kompass für die europäische Zivilgesellschaft dienen. Im ersten Teil geben wir Ihnen zunächst einen generellen Einblick in die bereits bestehende Praxis des Dialogs zwischen EU Institutionen und NGOs, die sich über die letzten 20 Jahre hinweg herausgebildet hat. Daran anschließend möchte wir Ihnen die Forderungen der NGOs im Bezug auf die Umsetzung des Paragraphen über den Zivilen Dialog nahebringen, wie er in der neuen Verfassung niedergeschrieben ist. Im zweiten Teil finden Sie einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Politkbereiche, in denen sich die sechs Sektoren in den nächsten 5 Jahren ihrer Amtszeit jeweils engagieren werden. Dieser Teil soll es Ihnen ermöglichen, die Bereiche auszumachen, in denen europäische NGOs für Ihre jeweils spezifische Arbeit im Parlament Expertise anbieten können. Die Werte und Ziele der Kontaktgruppe finden Sie in Teil III. Der Anhang ist eine komplette Kontaktliste der verschiedenen NGOs, die im Rahmen der Kontaktgruppe zusammen kommen.


German : Einfluss nehmen in der EU: Ein Handbuch für NROs

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Italian : Far sentire la propria voce nell’UE Guida per le ONG

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Bulgarian : Как гласът ни да бъде чут в ЕС:Наръчник за НПО

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Това обучение наръчник е специално проектиран за тези “новодошъл”, неправителствени организации и активисти, които са в процес на създаване на Европейска стратегия. Това се постига, чрез предоставяне на “пригодени направени информация за институциите на ЕС, начин на работа на европейски НПО, както и лобиране” съвети “, илюстрирани с примери на ниво кампании на ЕС.


Romanian : Cum s v face i vocea auzit în cadrul Uniunii Europene: Îndreptar pentru Organiza iile Non-Guvernamentale

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Acest îndreptar a fost creat în mod special pentru acele ONG-uri care abia i-au început activitatea i pentru membrii acestora, implica i în procesul de formulare a unei strategii europene. Pentru a- i atinge scopul, aceast publica ie ofer informa ii despre UE adaptate pe m sura fiec rei organiza ii, precum i sfaturi legate de activitatea de „lobbying”, ilustrate prin prezentara unor cazuri de campanii la nivelul UE.


Estonian : Enda kuuldavaks tegemine Euroopa Liidus: juhend vabaühendustele

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Portuguese : Homofobia do Estado: Uma pesquisa mundial sobre legislações que criminalizam relações sexuais consensuais entre adultos do mesmo sexo

By Lucas Paoli Itaborahy / International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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Este relatório anual é caracterizado por contrastes – algumas vitórias a serem celebradas contra um conjunto de leis odiosas ainda em vigência e contra os crimes de ódio ao redor do mundo.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Minorities, Homosexuality, Most Serious Crimes,


Portuguese : Faça ouvir A sua voz na União Europeia!

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Facultando informações talhadas à medida sobre as instituições comunitárias ou sobre o modo de funcionamento das ONG europeias, fornecendo igualmente conselhos sobre a actividade de lobbying, este manual de formação, ilustrado com exemplos de campanhas realizadas ao nível europeu, foi elaborado com a intenção de servir as ONG e as(os) activistas que começaram agora a preocupar-se com a definição e a afirmação da sua própria estratégia europeia.


Hungarian : Hallassuk hangunkat az EU-ban: útmutató civil szervezeteknek

By Civil Society Contact Group, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Showing Remorse: Reflections on the Gap between Expression and Attribution in Cases of Wrongful Conviction

By Richard Weisman / Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, on 1 January 2004




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This paper seeks first to show that persons who are convicted of crimes can be perceived as either remorseful or as lacking in remorse. This division establishes a moral hierarchy that has profound implications for the characterization and disposition of persons who are so designated. Second, using both Canadian and American cases, it looks at how inclusion in the category of the unremorseful affects the characterization and disposition of those who have been wrongfully convicted. Finally, it suggests that remorse is a major site of conflict between persons who are wrongfully convicted and officials within the criminal justice system, conflict that involves the use of institutional pressure to encourage the expression of remorse, on the one hand, and the mobilization of individual resources to resist those expressions.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list Canada
  • Themes list Networks,


Capital Punishment: New Perspectives

By Peter Hodgkinson / Ashgate Publishing, on 1 January 2013



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The authors argue that capital litigators should use their skills challenging the abuses not just of process, but of the conditions in which the condemned await their fate, namely prison conditions, education, leisure, visits, medical services, etc. In the aftermath of successful constitutional challenges it is the beneficiaries (arguably those who are considered successes, having been ‘saved’ from the death penalty and now serving living death penalties of one sort or another) who are suffering the cruel and inhumane alternative.Part I of the book offers a selection of diverse, nuanced examinations of death penalty phenomena, scrutinizing complexities frequently omitted from the narrative of academics and activists. It offers a challenging and comprehensive analysis of issues critical to the abolition debate. Part II offers examinations of countries usually absent from academic analysis to provide an understanding of the status of the debate locally, with opportunities for wider application.

  • Document type Book


Wrongful Convictions and the Culture of Denial in Japanese Criminal Justice

By David T. Johnson / The Asia-Pacific Journal, on 1 January 2015




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The release of Hakamada Iwao from death row in March 2014 after 48 years of incarceration provides an opportunity to reflect on wrongful convictions in Japanese criminal justice. My approach is comparative because this problem cannot be understood without asking how Japan compares with other countries: to know only one country is to know no country well. Comparison with the United States is especially instructive because there have been many studies of wrongful conviction there and because the U.S. and Japan are the only two developed democracies that retain capital punishment and continue to carry out executions on a regular basis. On the surface, the United States seems to have a more serious problem with wrongful convictions than Japan, but this gap is more apparent than real. To reduce the problem of wrongful convictions in Japanese criminal justice, reformers must confront a culture of denial that makes it difficult for police, prosecutors, and judges to acknowledge their own mistakes.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list Japan
  • Themes list Fair Trial, Innocence,


A Stolen Life: The Debra Milke Story

By Jana Bommersbach, on 1 January 2019



United States

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Arizona said Debra Milke was a baby killer. Phoenix Homicide Detective Armando Saldate testified she “confessed” to having her four-year-old son murdered when he thought he was going to see Santa. In 1990, she ended up exactly where most thought she deserved–the only woman on Arizona’s death row. This compelling investigative work by one of Arizona’s most acclaimed journalists takes readers inside the case–inside the prison, inside the evidence, inside the breakdown of justice, inside the legal tenacity, inside the heart and mind of Debra Milke.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Women, Death Row Conditions,


Don’t Take His Eye, Don’t Take His Tooth, and Don’t Cast the First Stone: Limiting Religious Arguments in Capital Cases

By John Blume / Sheri Lynn Johnson / William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, on 1 January 2000



United States

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Religious arguments in the course of particular capital sentencing proceedings are very common. This may be in part because capital punishment jurisprudence, unlike the jurisprudence of reproductive rights or segregation, has itself mandated individualized decision-making. Public discussion of whether religious principles or authority compel (or preclude) the imposition of the death penalty for all police killings (or, more broadly, all killings) has been largely mooted by the Supreme Court’s determination that mandatory death penalty statutes violate the Eighth Amendment.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Religion ,


The Unusualness of Capital Punishment

By Louis D. Bilionis / Ohio Northern University Law Review, on 1 January 2000


United States

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The order struck during the regulatory years following Furman v. Georgia and Gregg v. Georgia has been inverted. Executions once were rarities of newsworthy moment; now, they are nearly twice-a-week occurrences that often pass with nary a notice. Skeptical scrutiny of death penalty cases once was the professed and practiced mission of the federal judiciary; now, words like weariness, ennui, and resentment seem better choices to capture the spirit of the federal courts when confronted with complaints from death row. As we will see, the various lines of objection join to form a sophisticated and comprehensive critique.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,



By John H. Blume / Sheri Lynn Johnson / Scott E. Sundby / Hofstra Law Review, on 1 January 2008



United States

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While there are antecedent factual determinations jurors must make, including the existence of a statutory aggravating circumstance, the final decision the jurors must make is not factual in nature. As the courts have noted, this is an “awesome responsibility,” and the jury must make a “reasoned moral” decision whether life imprisonment without the possibility of parole or the death penalty is the appropriate punishment.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


La Coalition d’Afrique Centrale contre la Peine de Mort commémore 13 ans sans exécutions en RDC

on 10 January 2016


Democratic Republic of the Congo


The World Coalition’s campaign in favour of the international and regional protocols on abolition

on 22 June 2020



Innocents Convicted: An Empirically Justified Factual Wrongful Conviction Rate

By D. Michael Risinger / Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, on 1 January 2007



United States

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The news about the astounding accuracy of felony convictions in the United States, delivered by Justice Scalia and Joshua Marquis in the passage set out epigrammatically above, would be cause for rejoicing if it were true. Imagine. Only 27 factually wrong felony convictions out of every 100,000! Unfortunately, it is not true, as the empirical data analyzed in this article demonstrates. To a great extent, those who believe that our criminal justice system rarely convicts the factually innocent and those who believe such miscarriages are rife have generally talked past each other for want of any empirically-justified factual innocence wrongful conviction rate. This article remedies at least a part of this problem by establishing the first such empirically justified wrongful conviction rate ever for a significant universe of real world serious crimes: capital rape-murders in the 1980’s. Using DNA exonerations for capital rape-murders from 1982 through 1989 as a numerator, and a 406-member sample of the 2235 capital sentences imposed during this period, this article shows that 21.45%, or around 479 of those, were cases of capital rape murder. Data supplied by the Innocence Project of Cardozo Law School and newly developed for this article show that only 67% of those cases would be expected to yield usable DNA for analysis. Combining these figures and dividing the numerator by the resulting denominator, a minimum factually wrongful conviction rate for capital rape-murder in the 1980’s emerges: 3.3%. The article goes on to consider the likely ceiling accompanying this 3.3% floor, arriving at a slightly softer number for the maximum factual error rate of around 5%. The article then goes on to analyze the implications of a factual error rate of 3.3%-5% for both those who currently claim errors are extremely rare, and those who claim they are extremely common. Extension of the 3.3%-5% to other capital and non-capital categories of crime is discussed, and standards of moral duty to support system reform in the light of such error rates is considered at length.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,



By MARY KOZLOVSKI / Asian Law Centre, on 1 January 2019


Multimedia content


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This paper provides an introduction to the Indian judicial system and court hierarchy, outlining the jurisdiction of constitutional and statutory courts and tribunals and the appointment, tenure and removal of judges. It describes forms of alternative dispute resolution that have emerged in recent decades, partly to combat delays in the court system, and informal dispute resolution bodies that mediate family disputes, such as Sharia courts. The paper concludes by discussing the contentious issues of delay in the court system, public interest litigation, and appointments to the Supreme and High Courts of India.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list India


on 22 March 2024



World Coalition Statutory Auditor’s Report 2022

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 22 August 2023


World Coalition

Trend Towards Abolition

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Poster World Day 2010

By World Coalition against the death penalty , on 10 October 2010



Trend Towards Abolition

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Poster World Day against the death penalty 2010


Final declaration of the African Congress

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), on 1 January 2018



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On 9 and 10 April, more than 300 abolitionists, activists, diplomats, politicians, parliamentarians, lawyers, former death row inmates and citizens gathered in Abidjan for the first African Congress against the death penalty. After two days of debating and sharing experiences, the delegates adopted a final declaration at the closing ceremony.


Executing the Mentally Ill: When Is someone Sane Enough to Die?

By Michael Mello / Criminal Justice, on 1 January 2007



United States

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Mental illness is a phenomenon that knifes across the entire corpus of our criminal justice system. From interrogations and waivers of Miranda rights, to consent to searches and seizures, to plea negotiations and the capacity to stand trial, to calculating sentences and participating in appellate and postconviction proceedings, mental illness warps the machinery of our criminal law and challenges its most cherished assumptions about free will, decisional competence, and culpability. This is so regardless of whether or not life hangs in the balance. But when the stakes are life and death, the structural distortions caused by mental illness become magnified, and the contradictions can rise to constitutional magnitude.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Mental Illness,


Myth of the hanging tree: stories of crime and punishment in territorial New Mexico

By Robert J. Torrez / University of New Mexico Press, on 1 January 2008



United States

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The haunting specter of hanging trees holds a powerful sway on the American imagination, conjuring images of rough-and-tumble frontier towns struggling to impose law and order in a land where violence was endemic. In this thoughtful study, former New Mexico State Historian Robert Torrez examines several fascinating criminal cases that reveal the harsh and often gruesome realities of the role hangings, legal or otherwise, played in the administration of frontier justice. At first glance, the topic may seem downright morbid, and in a sense it is, but these violent attempts at justice are embedded in our perception of America’s western experience. In tracing territorial New Mexico’s efforts to enforce law, Torrez challenges the myths and popular perceptions about hangings and lynching in this corner of the Wild West.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Hanging,


Application form – Call for Actions in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean States (18th World Day)

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020


Multimedia content

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Call for actions on World Day in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean States

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Themes list World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Death Penalty,


Capital Punishment As Human Sacrifice: A Societal Ritual as Depicted in George Elliot’s Adam Bede

By Roberta M. Harding / Buffalo Law Review 48, 175-248, on 1 January 2000



United States

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The ritual slaughter of humans for sacrificial purposes has an ancient provenance. Few members of modern society would be inclined to believe that killing humans for sacrificial purposes continues. Of those, most probably envision it only being practiced by individuals who belong to “uncivilized,” or non-“First-World” cultures. Upon closer scrutiny, however, it becomes apparent that this is a misconception because the past and present practice of capital punishment includes a thinly disguised manifestation of the ritualized killing of people, otherwise known as human sacrifice. The purpose of this article is to identify, describe, and analyze the historic and contemporary connection between the practices of capital punishment and human sacrifice. After describing how human sacrifice constitutes an integral component of capital punishment, it will be argued that the institutionalization of this antiquated barbaric ritual, vis-a-vis the use of capital punishment, renders the present use of the death penalty in the United States incompatible with “the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society”; and that consequently, this facet of capital punishment renders the penalty at odds with the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against the infliction of “cruel and unusual” punishments.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment,


Guided Jury Discretion in Capital Murder Cases: The Role of Declarative and Procedural Knowledge

By Richard L. Wiener / Psychology, Public Policy and Law / Melanie Rogers / Ryan Winter / Linda Hurt / Amy Hackney / Karen Kadela / Hope Seib / Shannon Rauch / Laura Warren / Ben Morasco, on 1 January 2004



United States

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This article analyzes whether state-approved jury instructions adequately guide jury discretion in the penalty phase of first-degree murder trials. It examines Eighth Amendment jurisprudence regarding guided jury discretion, emphasizing the use of “empirical factors” to examine the quality of state-approved instructions. Psychological research and testimony on the topic of the comprehensibility of jury instructions are reviewed. Data from a recently completed simulation with 80 deliberating juries showed that current instructions do not adequately convey the concepts and processes essential to guiding penalty phase judgments. An additional simulation with 20 deliberating juries demonstrated that deliberation alone does not correct for jurors’ errors in comprehension. The article concludes with recommendations for policy and future research.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Fair Trial,


Capital Punishment and American Exceptionalism

By Carol S. Steiker / Duke Law School, on 1 January 2002



United States

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At the same time, the countries that most vigorously employ the death penalty are generally ones that the United States has the least in common with politically, economically, or socially, and ones that the United States is wont to define itself against, as they are among the least democratic and the worst human rights abusers in the world. In recent years, the top five employers of capital punishment were China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States.3 Moreover, in the past twelve years, only seven countries in the world are known to have executed prisoners who were under 18 years old at the time of their crimes: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the United States.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


Finality Without Fairness: Why We Are Moving Towards Moratoria on Executions, and the potential Abolition of Capital Punishment

By Ronald J. Tabak / Connecticut Law Review, on 1 January 2001



United States

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In the past several years, there has been a marked change in the climate with regard to public discourse about the death penalty in the United States. This is partly due to advances in DNA technology. This Article, in Part II, will address the impact that DNA testing has had on public discourse on capital punishment. In Part III, it will discuss the overall context in which public discourse has changed, and its likely impact on judges, prosecutors and governors dealing with capital cases. Finally, in Part IV, it will consider the broader implications of this change in climate, in leading to a moratorium on executions in Illinois, consideration of moratoria elsewhere, and potentially to abolition of capital punishment in this country.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Moratorium ,


Capital Punishment and the Bible

By Gardner C. Hanks / Herald Press, on 1 January 2002



United States

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Capital Punishment and the Bible goes beyond proof-text arguments to examine biblical statements about capital punishment in their historical contexts and for present meaning. Does the use of capital punishment in the USA meet Old Testament standards for fairness? How did Jesus and the early church extend God’s love in restorative justice? Gardner C. Hanks convincingly shows that the use of the death penalty is not consistent with Jesus’ call for love and forgiveness.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Religion ,


Too Late for Luck: A Comparison of Post-Furman Exonerations and Executions of the Innocent

By Talia Roitberg Harmon / William S. Lofquist / Crime and Delinquency, on 1 January 2005



United States

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This study is a quantitative analysis designed to compare two groups of factually innocent capital defendants: Those who were exonerated and those who were executed. There are a total of 97 cases in the sample, including 81 exonerations and 16 executions. The primary objective of the authors is to identify factors that may predict case outcomes among capital defendants with strong claims of factual innocence. Through the use of a logistic regression model, the following variables were significant predictors of case outcome (exoneration vs. execution): allegations of perjury, multiple types of evidence, prior felony record, type of attorney at trial, and race of the defendant. These results point toward significant problems with the administration of capital punishment deriving primarily from the quality of the case record created at trial.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Raise the Proof: A Default Rule for Indigent Defense

By Adam M. Gershowitz / Connecticut Law Review, on 1 January 2007



United States

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Almost everyone agrees that indigent defense in America is underfunded, but workable solutions have been hard to come by. For the most part, courts have been unwilling to inject themselves into legislative budget decisions. And, when courts have become involved and issued favorable decisions, the benefits have been only temporary because once the pressure of litigation disappears so does a legislature’s desire to appropriate more funding. This Article proposes that if an indigent defense system is under-funded, the state supreme court should impose a default rule raising the standard of proof to “beyond all doubt” to convict indigent defendants. The legislature would then have the opportunity to opt out of this higher standard of proof by providing enough funding to bring defense lawyers’ caseloads within well-recognized standards or by providing funding parity with prosecutors’ offices. Such an approach will create an incentive for legislatures to adequately fund indigent defense without miring courts in detailed supervision of legislative budget decisions. At the same time, because courts can check once per year to determine whether there is funding parity with prosecutors’ offices or compliance with caseload guidelines, there will be constant pressure on legislatures to maintain adequate funding in order to avoid the higher standard of proof.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


Poster 2011

on 10 October 2011



World Coalition

Trend Towards Abolition

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Poster 2011


Imposing a Cap on Capital Punishment

By Adam M. Gershowitz / Missouri Law Review 72(1), 73-124., on 1 January 2007



United States

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This article argues that because prosecutors have discretion to seek the death penalty in too many cases, they lack the incentive to police themselvesand choose carefully. Put simply, because there are few legal constraints — and virtually no political constraints — on the sheer number of cases in which prosecutors can pursue the death penalty, the Government is not under sufficient pressure to limit its use of capital punishment to only the most heinous cases. As a result, two things happen. First, the death penalty is sought and meted out in some cases, which though terrible, are no worse than the thousands of other murder cases in which prosecutors pursue only life imprisonment. Second, because prosecutors file too many capital cases, the criminal justice system lacks the resources to focus sufficient attention on each one.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Arbitrariness, Most Serious Crimes,


MADP 2015 Annual Report: Infographics

By Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2015


Multimedia content

United States

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Missouri has had a surge in executions since 2008. The following data shows just how arbitrary and discriminatory Missouri’s death penalty system is. Such disparities in race, geography, and gender, are causes for concern that this system is broken and applied capriciously.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Discrimination, Country/Regional profiles,


Annexes 2014 World Day Report

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2015

Multimedia content

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Annexes of the 2014 World Day Report


Survivor on Death Row

By Amazon Digital Services / Clare Nonhebel, on 1 January 2012



United States

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Survivor on Death Row, a new e-book co-authored by death row inmate Romell Broom and Clare Nonhebel, tells the story of Ohio’s botched attempt to execute Broom by lethal injection in 2009. In September of that year, Broom was readied for execution and placed on the gurney, but the procedure was terminated after corrections officials spent over two hours attempting to find a suitable vein for the lethal injection.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment,


Life After Death Row: Exonerees’ Search for Community and Identity

By Kimberly J Cook / Saundra D Westervelt / Rutgers University Press, on 1 January 2012


United States

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n Life After Death Row: Exonerees’ Search for Community and Identity, the authors focus on three central areas affecting those who had to begin a new life after leaving years of severe confinement: the seeming invisibility of these individuals after their release; the complicity of the justice system in allowing that invisibility; and the need for each of them to confront their personal trauma

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States


Voices and video from death row- Ghezelhesar mass-executions

By Iran Human Rights (IHR), on 1 January 2015


Multimedia content

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

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This video was made by IHR after the start of the executions of 77 prisoners in Ghezehesar prison. Two of the prisoners speak about the interrogations, torture, – You also see the last farewell of a prisoner before the execution.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Torture, Death Row Conditions,


The Innocence Files

By Netflix, on 1 January 2020


Multimedia content

United States

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This mini-series sheds light on 8 true stories of wrongful convictions overturned thanks to the work of the Innocence Project and several organizations from the Innocence Network. One of its episode feature the case of Texas death-row exoneree Alfred Dewayne Brown.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence, Legal Representation, Death Penalty,
  • Available languages Preuves d'innocence


Capital Punishment at the United Nations: Recent Developments

By Ilias Bantekas / Peter Hodgkinson / Criminal Law Forum, on 1 January 2000



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The article discusses the difficulties and controversies surrounding the 1999 Draft Resolution on the Death Penalty to the United Nations General Assembly.

  • Document type Article
  • Themes list Networks,


The Inferno: A Southern Morality Tale

By Joseph Ingle / Westview Publishing, on 1 January 2012



United States

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chronicles the compelling story of Philip Workman, who was executed in Tennessee in 2007. The author, a minister of the United Church of Christ who has spent decades working with those on death row, served as Mr. Workman’s pastor and tells the story from his own viewpoint, as well as those of others familiar with the case.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions,
Acat ghana logo



on 3 May 2024

To raise awareness about torture and the death penalty among churches and Christian organisations and civil society




Physicians Willingness to Participate in the Process of lethal Injection for Capital Punishment

By Joan Weiner / Brian M. Aboff / Neil J. / Farber / Annals of Internal Medecine 135(10), 884-888 / Elizabeth B. Davis / E. Gil Boyer / Peter A. Ubel, on 1 January 2001



United States

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Occasionally, physicians’ personal values conflict with their perceived societal duties. One example is the case of lethal injection for the purpose of capital punishment. Some states require that such lethal injections be performed by physicians. At the same time, leading medical societies have concluded that physicians should avoid participating in capital punishment. Physicians’ attitudes toward involvement in capital punishment may depend on how they balance their responsibilities to individuals against their duties to society. Other factors may include a desire to provide a more painless death for the prisoner or concern over the competency of other health care personnel. In a previous survey, we found that a majority of physicians condoned involvement of their fellow physicians in capital punishment. For the current study, we conducted another survey to ascertain physicians’ attitudes about their own involvement in capital punishment, as well as factors associated with these attitudes.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Lethal Injection,


Convicting the Innocent

By Samuel R. Gross / Annual Review of Law and Social Science, on 1 January 2008



United States

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Almost everything we know about false convictions is based on exonerations in rape and murder cases, which together account for only 2% of felony convictions. Within that important but limited sphere we have learned a lot in the past 30 years; outside it, our ignorance is nearly complete. This review describes what we now know about convicting the innocent: estimates of the rate of false convictions among death sentences; common causes of false conviction for rape or murder; demographic and procedural predictors of such errors. It also explores some of the types of false convictions that almost never come to light—innocent defendants who plead guilty rather than go to trial, who receive comparatively light sentences, who are convicted of crimes that did not occur (as opposed to crimes committed by other people), who are sentenced in juvenile court—in fact, almost all innocent defendants who are convicted of any crimes other than rape or murder. Judging from what we can piece together, the vast majority of false convictions fall in these categories. They are commonplace events, inconspicuous mistakes in ordinary criminal investigations that never get anything close to the level of attention that sometimes leads to exoneration.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Chinese Executions: Visualising their Differences with European Supplices

By Bourgon J / European Journal of East Asian Studies, on 1 January 2003




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European executions obeyed a complex model that the author proposes to call ‘the supplice pattern’. The term supplice designates tortures and tormented executions, but it also includes their cultural background. The European way of executing used religious deeds, aesthetic devices and performing arts techniques which themselves called for artistic representations through paintings, theatre, etc. Moreover, Christian civilisation was unique in the belief that the spectacle of a painful execution had a redemptive effect on the criminals and the attendants as well. Chinese executions obeyed an entirely different conception. They were designed to show that punishment fitted the crime as provided in the penal code. All details were aimed to highlight and inculcate the meaning of the law, while signs of emotions, deeds, words, that could have interfered with the lesson in law were prohibited. In China, capital executions were not organized as a show nor subject to aesthetic representations, and they had no redemptive function. This matter-of-fact way of executing people caused Westerners deep uneasiness. The absence of religious background and staging devices was interpreted as a sign of barbarity and cruelty. What was stigmatised was not so much the facts that their failure to conform to the ‘supplice pattern’ that constituted for any Westerner the due process of capital executions.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list China
  • Themes list Networks,


Officials’ Estimates of the Incidence of ‘Actual Innocence’ Convictions

By Angie Kiger / Brad Smith / Marvin Zalman / Justice Quarterly, on 1 January 2008



United States

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Evidence indicates that the conviction and imprisonment of factually innocent persons occur with some regularity. Most research focuses on causes, but the incidence of wrongful convictions is an important scientific and policy issue, especially as no official body gathers data on miscarriages of justice. Two methods are available for discovering the incidence of wrongful conviction: (1) enumerating specific cases and (2) having criminal justice experts estimate its incidence. Counts or catalogues of wrongful conviction necessarily undercount its incidence and are subject to accuracy challenges. We surveyed Michigan criminal justice officials, replicating a recent Ohio survey, to obtain an expert estimate of the incidence of wrongful conviction. All groups combined estimated that wrongful convictions occurred at a rate of less than 1/2 percent in their own jurisdiction and at a rate of 1-3 percent in the United States. Defense lawyers estimate higher rates of wrongful conviction than judges, who estimate higher rates than police officials and prosecutors. These differences may be explained by professional socialization. An overall wrongful conviction estimate of 1/2 percent extrapolates to about 5,000 wrongful felony convictions and the imprisonment of more than 2,000 innocent persons in the United States every year.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Detailed factsheet on living conditions on death row

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2018


Multimedia content

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Detailed factsheet on living conditions on death row


Death Row Stories

By CNN, on 1 January 2020


Multimedia content

United States

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This docu-series investigate the fallibility of the death penalty in the United States.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Penalty,


Seven Dates With Death

By Mike Holland, on 1 January 2019


Multimedia content

United States

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In Louisiana in the late 50s, Moreese Bickham, who was the oldest living survivor of death row, killed two members of the Ku Klux Klan to save his own life. He was sentenced to death and believes he was lucky enough to even have a trial as a black man in the south. Due to mental toughness, a timely supreme court decision, and a lot of hope, Bickham survived his death sentence. Whether he knew it or not, after that day, his life was not going to get any easier

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Minorities, Death Row Conditions, Electrocution,


Statement on Executions in the USA

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020


World Coalition

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Following the botched execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma on 29 April, the United Nations called on the United States to suspend executions in the face of potential international law violations. The World Coalition supports this call.


Poster World Day 2003

By World coalition against the death penalty , on 10 October 2003



Trend Towards Abolition

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Poster World Day 2003


Mentally Ill Prisoners on Death Row: Unsolved Puzzles for Courts and Legislatures

By Richard J. Bonnie / Catholic University Law Review, on 1 January 2004



United States

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This paper focuses on the problems relating to mental illness or other mental disabilities that arise after sentencing, where the underlying values at stake are the dignity of the condemned prisoner and the integrity of the law.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Mental Illness, Intellectual Disability,


Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés (MEDEL)

on 30 April 2020

European Judges and Public Prosecutors for Democracy and Fundamental Rights (Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés – MEDEL)) is an association regrouping 23 association of judges and prosecutors coming from 16 European countries. Its activities are centred on debates and studies on the independence of the judiciary and international judicial co-operation, in connection […]




Failed Justice: Innocent on Death Row

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2018


Multimedia content

United States

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This video tells the story of one prisoner, Anthony Ray Hinton, who spent 30 years on death row in Alabama for a crime he did not commit.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Innocence, Death Row Conditions,



By Marit Lund Bødtker, on 1 January 2018


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Story of Ivan Ray Murphy Jr who was condemned to death for murder. Over a period of ten years and through the medium of more than a hundred letters, Murphy, who was known as Pee-Wee, shared his innermost thoughts with his twenty years older Norwegian pen friend, the author of this book, Marit Lund Bødtker. The author twice travelled to the prison in Huntsville, Texas, where Murphy was held and from where he worked tirelessly to regain his freedom. ‘Whether he is innocent, as he claims to be, or guilty, Murphy is first and foremost a human being, a man with his own personal strengths and weaknesses, dreams and aspirations. In all probability readers will sometimes find themselves agreeing with him, at other times totally at variance with his conduct and opinions, just as they do with other people they meet or read about.’ From the afterword by John Peder Egenæs, Secretary General, Amnesty International Norway

  • Document type Book
  • Themes list Innocence,


on 17 November 2022

Guide for NGOs to work with NHRIs for Death Penalty Abolition



The last executioner: memoirs of Thailand’s last prison executioner

By Chavoret Jaruboon / Nicola Pierce / kindle edition, on 8 September 2020




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Chavoret Jaruboon was personally responsible for executing 55 prison inmates in Thailand’s infamous prisons. As a boy, he wanted to be a teacher like his father, but his life changed when he chose one of the hardest jobs in the world. Honest and often disturbing – but told with surprising humour and emotion – ‘The Last Executioner’ is the remarkable story of a man who chose death as his vocation.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list Thailand
  • Themes list Firing Squad,


Shattered Justice – Crime Victims’ Experiences with Wrongful Convictions and Exonerations

By Kimberly J. Cook, on 12 August 2022



United States

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Shattered Justice presents original crime victims’ experiences with violent crime, investigations and trials, and later exonerations in their cases. Using in-depth interviews with 21 crime victims across the United States, Cook reveals how homicide victims’ family members and rape survivors describe the painful impact of the primary trauma, the secondary trauma of the investigations and trials, and then the tertiary trauma associated with wrongful convictions and exonerations. Important lessons and analyses are shared related to grief and loss, and healing and repair. Using restorative justice practices to develop and deliver healing retreats for survivors also expands the practice of restorative justice. Finally, policy reforms aimed at preventing, mitigating, and repairing the harms of wrongful convictions is covered.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States



By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 July 2021




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Collection of testimonials of women’s experiences around the world regarding their death sentences- World Day 2021


Application form – Call for Actions in the Maldives and Turkey (18th World Day)

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020


Multimedia content

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Call for actions on the World Day in the Maldives and Turkey

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Themes list Death Penalty,


Death and Harmless Error: A Rhetorical Response to Judging Innocence

By Colin P. Starger / Columbia School of Law, on 1 January 2011



United States

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The ‘Garret Study’ analyses the first 200 post conviction DNA exonerations in the United States. This article wheights the impact of the study and how it will depend on how jurists, politicians, and scholars extrapolate the explanatory power of the data.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Frequency and Predictors of False Conviction: Why We Know So Little, and New Data on Capital Cases

By Barbara O'Brien / Samuel R. Gross / Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, on 1 January 2007



United States

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In the first part of this paper we address the problems inherent in studying wrongful convictions: our pervasive ignorance and the extreme difficulty of obtaining the data that we need to answer even basic questions. The main reason that we know so little about false convictions is that, by definition, they are hidden from view. As a result, it is nearly impossible to gather reliable data on the characteristics or even the frequency of false convictions. In addition, we have very limited data on criminal investigations and prosecutions in general, so even if we could somehow obtain data on cases of wrongful conviction, we would have inadequate data on true convictions to compare them to. In the second part we dispel some of that ignorance by considering data on false convictions in a small but important subset of criminal cases about which we have unusually detailed information: death sentences. From 1973 on we know basic facts about all defendants who were sentenced to death in the United States, and we know which of them were exonerated. From these data we estimate that the frequency of wrongful death sentences in the United States is at least 2.3%. In addition, we compare post-1973 capital exonerations in the United States to a random sample of cases of defendants who were sentenced in the same time period and ultimately executed. Based on these comparisons we present a handful of findings on features of the investigations of capital cases, and on background facts about capital defendants, that are modest predictors of false convictions.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


A Tale of Two (and Possibly Three) Atkins: Intellectual Disability and Capital Punishment Twelve Years after The Supreme Court’s Creation of a Categorical Bar

By John H. Blume / Sheri Lynn Johnson / William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, on 8 September 2020



United States

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The article, with three co-authors, examines empirically the capital cases decided by the lower courts since the United States Supreme Court created the categorical ban against the execution of persons with intellectual disability twelve years ago in the Atkins decision.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Mental Illness,


The Use of Peremptory Challenges in Capital Murder Trials: A Legal and Empirical Analysis

By George Woodworth / David C. Baldus / David Zuckerman / University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law / Neil Alan Weiner / Barbara Broffitt, on 1 January 2001



United States

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One of the largely unique aspects of the American jury system is that it confers upon the parties the unilateral power – in the form of peremptory challenges – to remove prospective jurors for any non-racial or non-gender-based reason. This article presents an overview of the literature on peremptory challenges, and an empirical analysis of their use in Philadelphia capital cases in the 1980s and 1990s.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Fair Trial,


Dangerousness, Risk Assessment, and Capital Sentencing

By Aletha M. Claussen-Schulza / Psychology, Public Policy and Law / Marc W. Pearceb / Robert F. Schopp, on 1 January 2004



United States

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Judges, jurors, police officers, and others are sometimes asked to make a variety of decisions based on judgments of dangerousness. Reliance on judgments of dangerousness in a variety of legal contexts has led to considerable debate and has been the focus of numerous publications. However, a substantial portion of the debate has centered on the accuracy and improvement of risk assessments rather than the issues concerning the use of dangerousness as a legal criterion. This article focuses on whether dangerousness judgments can play a useful role in capital sentencing decisions within the framework of “guided discretion” and “individualized assessment” set forth by the Supreme Court of the United States. It examines the relationship between these legal doctrines and contemporary approaches to risk assessment, and it discusses the potential tension between these approaches to risk assessment and these legal doctrines. The analysis suggests that expert testimony has the potential to undermine rather than assist the sentencer’s efforts to make capital sentencing decisions in a manner consistent with Supreme Court doctrine. This analysis includes a discussion of the advances and limitations of current approaches to risk assessment in the context of capital sentencing.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


NGO Media Outreach: Using the Media as an Advocacy Tool

By Coalition for the International Criminal Court, on 1 January 2003


Working with...

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A guide for NGOs to use media effectively. This guide explains the importance of media, how to create contacts, how to prepare a media outreach campaign, how to deliver a campaign to the media and how to use available resources to support your media campaign.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


on 26 May 2021



on 18 September 2023



on 18 September 2023


on 9 June 2022



The Story of Chiou Ho-shun

By Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty / Ho Chao-ti, on 1 January 2011


Legal Representation

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Chiou Ho-shun, a death row inmate in Taiwan, may be executed at any time. He said, ‘ I hope you can save me, but if it’s too late, please scatter my ashes in the Longfeng harbour, and buy a meatball, come and see me.’

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Torture,


An Innocent Man: Hakamada Iwao and the Problem of Wrongful Convictions in Japan

By David T. Johnson / The Asia-Pacific Journal, on 1 January 2015




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The main aim of this article is to explore the problem of wrongful convictions in Japanese criminal justice by focusing on the case of Hakamada Iwao, who was sentenced to death in 1968 and released in 2014 because of evidence of his innocence.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list Japan
  • Themes list Fair Trial, Innocence,


Poster World Day 2009

By World Coalition against the death penalty , on 10 October 2009



Trend Towards Abolition

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Poster world day against the death penalty 2009


Justice Advocates Project

By Death Penalty Focus, on 1 January 2012


Multimedia content

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The Death Penalty Focus Justice Advocates Project empowers people with firsthand experience of the death penalty system to become advocates for fairness and justice by telling their personal stories to the public. Justice Advocates include the wrongfully convicted and law enforcement professionals, who bring their varied experiences of the flaws and dangers of the death penalty system to the public discourse

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Themes list Innocence,


David R. Dow: Lessons from death row inmates

By David R. Dow / TED, on 1 January 2012

Multimedia content

United States

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What happens before a murder? In looking for ways to reduce death penalty cases, David R. Dow realized that a surprising number of death row inmates had similar biographies. In this talk he proposes a bold plan, one that prevents murders in the first place.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Due Process ,


Remedies for California’s Death Row Deadlock

By Judge Arthur Alarcon / Southern California Law review, on 8 September 2020



United States

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This Article identifies the woeful inefficiencies of the current procedures that have led to inexcusable delays in arriving at just results in death penalty cases and describes how California came to find itself in this untenable condition. The article makes recomendations.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Fair Trial,


I Spent A Day With Death Row Survivors

By Anthony Padilla, on 1 January 2020


Multimedia content

United States

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Anthony Padilla interviewed 4 death row survivors to shed light on sentencing innocent people to death for a crime they did not commit. Derrick Jamison, Nick Yarris, Peter Pringle and Sunny Jacobs spent between 15 and 23 years awaiting executions, before being finally released from death row.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list United States


In This Timeless Time: Living and Dying on Death Row in America

By Univerity if North Carolina / Diane Christian, on 1 January 2012



United States

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In this comprehensive, well-crafted book, published in association with the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, SUNY-Buffalo professors Jackson and Christian build upon the photographs and interviews from death row in Texas that yielded their 1979 book and documentary Death Row

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Death Row Phenomenon,


Equal Justice USA

on 30 April 2020

Equal Justice USA, founded in 1990, is a national organization that works to transform the justice system by promoting responses to violence that break cycles of trauma. We work at the intersection of criminal justice, public health, and racial justice to elevate healing over retribution, meet the needs of survivors, advance racial equity, and build […]


United States



By Madman Films / Matthew Sleeth / Maggie Miles / Matthew Bate, on 8 September 2020


Multimedia content


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The final 72-hours in the life of Myuran Sukumaran, the Bali-9 convicted criminal who became an accomplished artist while in Kerobokan prison under the tutorship of artist Ben Quilty. Myuran was executed by Indonesian firing squad on Nusakambangan Island, 29 April 2015 alongside fellow Australian Andrew Chan and six others. Dramatic and archival material takes us into the final three days of Myuran Sukumaran’s life, as he farewells his family and creates his final paintings.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list Indonesia
  • Themes list Foreign Nationals, Firing Squad,


Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption

By Bryan Stevenson / Spiegel & Grau, on 1 January 2014



United States

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Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative in Alabama, has written a new book, Just Mercy, about his experiences defending the poor and the wrongfully convicted throughout the south. It includes the story of one of Stevenson’s first cases as a young lawyer, that of Walter McMillian, who was eventually exonerated and freed from death row. McMillian, a black man, had been convicted of the murder of a white woman in Monroeville, Alabama. His trial lasted just a day and a half, prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence, and the judge imposed a death sentence over the jury’s recommendation for life. Archbishop Desmond Tutu said of the book, “Bryan Stevenson is America’s young Nelson Mandela, a brilliant lawyer fighting with courage and conviction to guarantee justice for all. Just Mercy should be read by people of conscience in every civilized country in the world to discover what happens when revenge and retribution replace justice and mercy. It is as gripping to read as any legal thriller, and what hangs in the balance is nothing less than the soul of a great nation.”

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Due Process , Fair Trial, Death Penalty,


Killing the Willing: “Volunteers,” Suicide and Competency

By John H. Blume / Michigan Law Review, on 8 September 2020



United States

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Every death-row volunteer inevitably presents us with the following question: Should a death-row inmate who wishes to waive his appeals be viewed as a client making a legal decision to accept the justness of his punishment, or as a person seeking the aid of the state in committing suicide?

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


on 12 January 2024



Searching for Uniformity in Adjudication of the Accused’s Competence to Assist and Consult in Capital Cases

By John T. Philipsborn / Psychology, Public Policy and Law, on 1 January 2004



United States

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Based on the review of capital cases from various jurisdictions involoving issues of competence to stand trial, this article examines the standards, literature, and varying practices associated with competence assessments and adjudications. The author, who is an experienced criminal defense lawyer with capital trial and postconviction litigation experiece, examines the implications of disparities in the approaches and definitions used in dealing with competence assessments and suggests solutions to improve the standards of practice related to these important assessments.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,