World Coalition Against the Death Penalty


PRESS RELEASE – Indignation after 30 death sentences in Kinshasa

By Michel Kalemba, Suzanne Mangomba, Xavière Prugnard and Bertin Leblanc, on 4 August 2021

Kinshasa, Paris, May 27, 2021 Our organizations denounce the recent death sentences handed down by the High Court of Gombe, in the center of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, following violence against the forces of order.


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fair Trial

Legal Representation


World Coalition Against the Death Penalyt


Women sentenced to death: An invisible reality

By Advocates for Human Rights, International Federation of ACAT (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture), International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA), non-governmental organizations in special consultative status, on 4 August 2021

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and supporting member organizations welcome the annual full-day meeting to discuss the human rights of women under resolution 6/30.

Drug Offenses

Fair Trial


World Coalition Against the Death Penalty


Abolition of the death penalty in the Central African Republic

By ECPM, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, the International Federation of ACAT (FIACAT) and Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture in the Central African Republic (ACAT CAR), on 2 August 2021

Together Against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, the International Federation of ACAT (FIACAT) and Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture in the Central African Republic (ACAT CAR) welcome this interactive dialogue and wish to draw the attention of the Independent Expert on the application of the death penalty […]


Central African Republic


World Coalition Against the Death Penalyt


Statement on the occasion of the adoption of the upr report of Lebanon

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), on 2 August 2021

We welcome Lebanon’s position in accepting some of the recommendations on strengthening the justice sector and improving strengthening the justice sector and those aimed at improving the conditions of detention, including the fight against acts of torture and ill-treatment.



World Coalition Against the Death Penalty


Statement on the occasion of the adoption of the upr report of Mauritania

By Together against the death penalty, the Mauritanian Association for Human Rights, The Advocates for Human Rights and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 2 August 2021

Together against the death penalty, the Mauritanian Association for Human Rights, The Advocates for Human Rights and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty welcome the adoption of the report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Mauritania by the Human Rights Council.



World Coalition Against the Death Penalyt


Statement delivered to ACHPR on its 68th Ordinary Session 

By FIACAT, FIDH, WCADP, Avocats Sans Frontières, COJESKI-RDC, ECPM, RAL and Reprieve, on 12 May 2021

Oral statement on behalf of FIACAT, FIDH, World Coalition against the Death Penalty, ECPM, Avocats sans frontières, COJESKI-RDC, ECPM, RAL and Reprieve on the activities of the Members of the Commission and the Special Mechanisms.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Logo members Joint letter sent to Member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council


Widespread and systematic violations of human rights in Iran

By Impact Iran, on 12 March 2021

Joint letter sent to Member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council on 12 March 2021


Iran (Islamic Republic of)

World coalition against death penalty


Abolition of the death penalty must be an integral part of crime prevention programmes and criminal justice reforms

By Amnesty International, on 5 March 2021

As the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice is about to begin in Kyoto, Japan, the undersigned organizations urge the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and its subsidiary bodies, including the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); and all UN member states, including the Congress host country Japan, to make […]


Public Opinion 

World Coalition Against the Death Penalty


The Flaws of Deterrence Theory for Capital Punishment

By Fiacat, on 23 February 2021

Joint Oral Statement delivered during the United Nations 46th Human Rights Council Biennial high-level panel discussion on the question of the death penalty.


Public Opinion 

bahrain's flag


Calling Upon the Council of Paris to Overhaul Bahrain-Owned Paris FC’s Subsidy

By Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, on 5 February 2021

This Tuesday, on February 2, 2021, the Council of Paris will announce its position on the renewal of the yearly €500,000 subvention allocated to the Paris FC.



Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
