Death Penalty Can Prolong the Suffering of a Vicitm’s Family
By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020
Academic report
United States
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Many family members who have lost loved ones to murder feel that the death penalty will not heal their wounds nor will it end their pain. This webpage provides resources for those looking to connect with murder victims’ families organisations.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Networks,
Overview – Association of Southeast Asian Nations
By Association of Southeast Asian Nations, on 8 September 2020
Academic report
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This document provides a quick overview of ASEAN, going through its aims and purposes, fundamental principles, its community and its charter.
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Networks,
German : Einleitung durch die Kontaktgruppe der Europäischen Zivilgesellschaft : Ein Leitfaden für die Zusammenarbeit
By European Union, on 8 September 2020
Academic report
enfrMore details See the document
Das Handbuch ist dafür gedacht, Ihnen einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Sektoren von NGOs zu geben, die sich für BürgerInnenrechte und für das allgemeine Interesse einsetzen und kann Ihnen somit gleichsam als Kompass für die europäische Zivilgesellschaft dienen. Im ersten Teil geben wir Ihnen zunächst einen generellen Einblick in die bereits bestehende Praxis des Dialogs zwischen EU Institutionen und NGOs, die sich über die letzten 20 Jahre hinweg herausgebildet hat. Daran anschließend möchte wir Ihnen die Forderungen der NGOs im Bezug auf die Umsetzung des Paragraphen über den Zivilen Dialog nahebringen, wie er in der neuen Verfassung niedergeschrieben ist. Im zweiten Teil finden Sie einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Politkbereiche, in denen sich die sechs Sektoren in den nächsten 5 Jahren ihrer Amtszeit jeweils engagieren werden. Dieser Teil soll es Ihnen ermöglichen, die Bereiche auszumachen, in denen europäische NGOs für Ihre jeweils spezifische Arbeit im Parlament Expertise anbieten können. Die Werte und Ziele der Kontaktgruppe finden Sie in Teil III. Der Anhang ist eine komplette Kontaktliste der verschiedenen NGOs, die im Rahmen der Kontaktgruppe zusammen kommen.
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages The European Parliament 2004-2009 and European Civil Society: A Guide for PartnershipIntroduction du Groupe de Contact de la Société Civile: Un guide de partenariat
Japanese : 人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会
By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020
Academic report
United States
esfrenenMore details See the document
人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会(MVFHR)は、2004年の国際人権デーに、死刑に反対し、米国および世界中で幅広く講演活動を行っている被害者遺族のグループによって設立されました。私たちのメンバーが死刑に反対する理由は様々ですが、死刑はあらゆる法的・倫理的基準に違反しているという確信において一致しています。「いかなる場合であっても死刑には反対する」という方であれば、どのような遺族の方であれ~殺人事件、死刑執行、超法規 的な殺害行為そして「失踪」の被害者家族~、MVFHRの会員に なることができます
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages Familias de Víctimas de Homicidio por los Derechos HumanosFamilles de Victimes de Meurtre pour les Droits de l'Homme BrochureMurder Victims Families for Human Rights BrochureItalian : Famiglie Delle Vittime Di Omicidio Per I Diritti Umani
Italian : Famiglie Delle Vittime Di Omicidio Per I Diritti Umani
By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020
Academic report
United States
esfrenenMore details See the document
In tutto il mondo, coloro che sopravvivono alle vittime di omicidi sono in genere considerati a favore della pena capitale. Si presume che le esecuzioni vadano incontro al bisogno dei superstiti di giustizia, e di porre fine ad una vicenda. Opporsi alla pena di morte, è spesso visto come un andare contro alla vittima. Attraverso le loro dichiarazioni, le testimonianze e il materiale educativo, i membri dell’associazione fanno sapere ai responsabili della vita politica, e al grande pubblico, che è possibile essere sia a favore delle vittime che contro la pena di morte.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages Familias de Víctimas de Homicidio por los Derechos HumanosFamilles de Victimes de Meurtre pour les Droits de l'Homme BrochureMurder Victims Families for Human Rights BrochureJapanese : 人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会
By Organization of American States, on 8 September 2020
Academic report
esfrenMore details See the document
O formulário que se segue foi preparado pela Secretaria Executiva da CIDH e se destina a facilitar a apresentação de petições referentes a violações dos direitos humanos praticadas por Estados membros da OEA, denunciadas pelas vítimas de tais violações, por seus familiares, organizações da sociedade civil ou outras pessoas.
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages Instrucciones: Formulario para Presentar Peticiones sobre Violaciones a los Derechos HumanosInstructions: Formule de Plainte Relative à des Allégations de Violation des Droits de la PersonneInstructions: Form for Filing Petitions alleging Human Rights Violations
The Culture of Capital Punishment in Japan
By David T. Johnson, on 4 July 2020
Academic report
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Japan retains the death penalty for three main reasons: because it missed a major opportunity for abolition in the postwar Occupation, because of the long hegemony of the (conservative) Liberal Democratic Party, and because (like the United States and China) it has sufficient size, economic influence, and political clout to enable it to defy human rights norms. Capital punishment also persists in Japan because it performs welcome functions for politicians, prosecutors, media, and the public.
Despite widespread belief to the contrary, capital punishment in Japan does not deter homicide better than long terms of imprisonment do.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Japan
Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics Report 2019
By NLU Delhi , on 1 January 2020
Academic report
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The ‘Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics’ attempts to create a comprehensive year-by-year documentation of movements in the death row population in India. The publication tracks important political and legal developments in the administration of the death penalty and the criminal justice system in the year 2019.
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Death Penalty, Statistics,
Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics Report 2020
By Project 39A, on 1 January 2020
Academic report
More details See the document
The ‘Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics’ attempts to create a comprehensive year-by-year documentation of movements in the death row population in India. The publication tracks important political and legal developments in the administration of the death penalty and the criminal justice system in the year 2020.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list India
Death Penalty Sentencing in Trial Courts: Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra (2000-2015)
By Project 39A, on 1 January 2019
Academic report
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Compiled by Project 39A from the National University Law in Delhi, India and based on numerous figures and statistics, this report attempts to understand how death sentencing is practised among the district and sessions courts in India.
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Death Penalty,