
Ukrainian : ЄСПЛ у 50-ти запитаннях

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

More details See the document

Конвенція розрізняє два види заяв: індивідуальні, які подаються будь-якою особою чи групою осіб, компанією чи неурядовою організацією стосовно порушення їх прав; та міждержавні заяви, подані однієї державою проти іншої. З часу заснування Суду майже всі заяви до нього подавалися приватними особами, які безпосередньо зверталися до Суду зі скаргами на одне чи декілька порушень Конвенції.


#nodeathpenalty – Signs

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 42 Ko ]

For this 12th World Day Against the Death Penalty the World Coalition has decided to focus on a social media campaign which it hopes will spread the truth about death penalty more widely than ever before. The concept is simple. People will make signs stating why they are against the death penalty and take a photo of themselves holding that sign and upload it onto a social media platform, with the hashtag #nodeathpenalty. With the photo uploaded, the person will nominate at least 3 people to do the same, thus creating an exponential (snowball) effect. Think of it as a cross between the #bringbackourgirls campaign in support for


#nodeathpenalty – Flyer

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 71 Ko ]

For this 12th World Day Against the Death Penalty the World Coalition has decided to focus on a social media campaign which it hopes will spread the truth about death penalty more widely than ever before. The concept is simple. People will make signs stating why they are against the death penalty and take a photo of themselves holding that sign and upload it onto a social media platform, with the hashtag #nodeathpenalty. With the photo uploaded, the person will nominate at least 3 people to do the same, thus creating an exponential (snowball) effect.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Public opinion, Trend Towards Abolition,
  • Available languages #nodeathpenalty - Flyer


Detailed Fact Sheet – Death Penalty and Mental Health

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 1671 Ko ]

Detailed information on the death penalty and mental health.


Leaflet – 12th World Day

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 717 Ko ]

The 2013 World Day leaflet provides information on the issues surrounding mental health and the death penalty. It also gives arguments against the death penalty.


Poster – 12th World Day

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ jpeg - 608 Ko ]

Poster of the 12th World Day against the Death Penalty dedicated to mental health:Mental disorder is never a crimeCare. Don’t kill


Ratification Campaign Update 15 – March 2014

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 78 Ko ]

This document presents the recent evolution of the campaign. This update will be published every other month to give information about the campaign development (status of ratifications, actions taken by the World Coalition and its members) and suggest taking action in the target countries.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list International law,


Ratification Campaign Update 14 – January 2014

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 76 Ko ]

This document presents the recent evolution of the campaign. This update will be published every other month to give information about the campaign development (status of ratifications, actions taken by the World Coalition and its members) and suggest taking action in the target countries.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition,


Ratification Kit – Togo

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report


More details Download [ pdf - 143 Ko ]

This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.


Ratification Campaign Update 16 – October 2014

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details Download [ pdf - 80 Ko ]

This document presents the recent evolution of the campaign. This update will be published every other month to give information about the campaign development (status of ratifications, actions taken by the World Coalition and its members) and suggest taking action in the target countries.