Moratorium on the use of the death penalty. Report of the Secretary-General (2008)
By United Nations, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
arruzh-hantesfrMore details See the document
The present report surveys respect for the rights of those sentenced to death as set out in the international human rights treaties and the guidelines established by the Economic and Social Council in 1984. Drawing on contributions of Member States, the report surveys various motivations for establishing a moratorium on or abolishing the death penalty, as well as those for retaining the death penalty. It also includes up-to-date statistical information on the worldwide use of the death penalty, including moratoriums established in States that have not abolished this form of punishment, together with relevant developments since the sixty-second session of the General Assembly. The report concludes by confirming the global trend towards abolition of the death penalty, the important role played by moratoriums in those States that seek to abolish it and possibilities for further work on the issue.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Moratorium ,
- Available languages وقف استخدام عقوبة الإعدام :تقرير الأمين العامМоратории на применение смертной казни: Доклад Генерального секретаря暂停使用死刑: 秘书长的报告Moratoria del uso de la pena de muerte : Informe del Secretario GeneralMoratoires sur l'application de la peine de mort: Rapport du Secrétaire général
Italian : Protocollo n° 13 alla Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell’Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali relativo all’abolizione delle pena di morte in ogni circostanza
By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
enenrufrMore details See the document
Articolo 1 – Abolizione della pena di morteLa pena di morte è abolita. Nessuno può essere condannato a tale pena né giustiziato.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law,
- Available languages German : Protokoll Nr. 13 zur Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten bezüglich der Abschaffung der Todesstrafe unter allen UmständenProtocol No. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstancesПротокол № 13 к Конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод относительно отмены смертной казни при любых обстоятельствахProtocole n° 13 à la Convention de sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés fondamentales, relatif à l'abolition de la peine de mort en toutes circonstances
German : Protokoll Nr. 13 zur Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten bezüglich der Abschaffung der Todesstrafe unter allen Umständen
By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
enenrufrMore details See the document
Artikel 1 – Abschaffung der TodesstrafeDie Todesstrafe ist abgeschafft. Niemand darf zu dieser Strafe verurteilt oder hingerichtet werden.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law,
- Available languages Italian : Protocollo n° 13 alla Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell'Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali relativo all'abolizione delle pena di morte in ogni circostanzaProtocol No. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstancesПротокол № 13 к Конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод относительно отмены смертной казни при любых обстоятельствахProtocole n° 13 à la Convention de sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés fondamentales, relatif à l'abolition de la peine de mort en toutes circonstances
German : Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten
By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
enenrufrMore details See the document
Artikel 2 – Recht auf Leben1 Das Recht jedes Menschen auf Le-ben wird gesetzlich geschützt. Niemand darf absichtlich getötet werden, außer durch Vollstreckung eines Todesurteils, das ein Gericht wegen eines Verbre-chens verhängt hat, für das die Todes-strafe gesetzlich vorgesehen ist.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Right to life,
- Available languages Italian : Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell'Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentaliConvention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsКонвенция о защите прав человека и основных свободConvention de sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés fondamentales
Italian : Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell’Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali
By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020
United Nations report
enenrufrMore details See the document
Articolo 2 – Diritto alla vita1 Il diritto alla vita di ogni persona è protetto dalla legge. Nessuno può essere intenzionalmente privato della vita, salvo che in esecuzione di una sentenza capi-tale pronunciata da un tribunale, nel ca-so in cui il reato sia punito dalla legge con tale pena.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Right to life,
- Available languages German : Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und GrundfreiheitenConvention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsКонвенция о защите прав человека и основных свободConvention de sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés fondamentales
Moratorium on the use of the death penalty. Report of the Secretary-General (2020)
By United Nations Secretary-General, on 1 January 2020
United Nations report
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type United Nations report
- Available languages (2020) وقف العم بعقوبة اإلعدام. تقرير األمين العامMoratoria del uso de la pena de muerte. Informe del Secretario General (2020)Moratoire sur l'application de la peine de mort. Rapport du Secrétaire général (2020)Мораторий на применение смертной казни. Доклад Генерального секретаря (2020)暂停使用死刑。 秘书长的报告 (2020)
Moratorium on the use of death penalty
By United Nations, on 1 January 2018
United Nations report
arrufrzh-hantesMore details See the document
Moratorium on the use of death penalty (2018)
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Moratorium , Death Penalty,
- Available languages وقف العمح فعقوفة الإعداМораторий на применение смертной казниMoratoire sur l'application de la peine de mort暂停使用死刑Moratoria del uso de la pena de muerte
General comment No. 36 on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life
By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) , on 1 January 2018
United Nations report
More details See the document
General comment No. 36 on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Right to life, Death Penalty,
Note verbale dated 7 September 2017 from the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
By United Nations, on 1 January 2017
United Nations report
Antigua and Barbuda
Brunei Darussalam
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saudi Arabia
Syrian Arab Republic
United Arab Emirates
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
The Permanent Missions to the United Nations in New York listed below have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution 71/187, entitled “Moratorium on the use of the death penalty”, which was adopted by the Third Committee on 17November 2016 and subsequently by the Assembly on 19 December 2016 by a recorded vote. The Permanent Missions wish to place on record that they are in persistent objection to any attemptto impose a moratorium on the use of the death penalty or its abolition in contravention of existing stipulations under international law, for the following reasons:
- Document type United Nations report
- Countries list Antigua and Barbuda / Bangladesh / Barbados / Botswana / Brunei Darussalam / Chad / China / Democratic People's Republic of Korea / Egypt / Ethiopia / Grenada / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iraq / Jamaica / Kuwait / Libya / Malaysia / Maldives / Nigeria / Oman / Pakistan / Papua New Guinea / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Sudan / Syrian Arab Republic / United Arab Emirates / Yemen / Zimbabwe
- Themes list Moratorium
- Available languages مذكرة شفوية مؤرخة 7 أيلول/سبتمبر 2017 موجهة إلى الأمين العام من البعثة الدائمة لمصر لدى الأمم المتحدةNota verbal de fecha 7 de septiembre de 2017 dirigida al Secretario General por la Misión Permanente de Egipto ante las Naciones Unidas.Note verbale datée du 7 septembre 2017, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente de l’Égypte auprès de l’Organisation des Nations UniesВербальная нота Постоянного представительства Египта при Организации Объединенных Наций от 7 сентября 2017 года на имя Генерального секретаря2017 年 9 月 7 日埃及常驻联合国代表团给秘书长的普通照会
Capital punishment and the implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty
By United Nations, on 1 January 2017
United Nations report
More details See the document
The present report is submitted pursuant to resolution 30/5 of the Human Rights Council. The report examines the consequences arising at various stages of the imposition and application of the death penalty on the enjoyment of the human rights of those facing the death penalty. It pays specific attention to the right to equality and non-discrimination in the context of the use of the death penalty. The report also highlights the discriminatory application of the death penalty to foreign nationals.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list International law, Right to life, Death Penalty,