International Network of Academics Against the Death Penalty
By International Academic Network for the abolition of capital punishment, on 8 September 2020
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It is of the utmost importance, in the short and medium-term, to develop an intense work of academically nature both of study and disclosure of the problems of the abolition of the death penalty in the international scenario, to complement and help the work of the diplomatic action and non-governmental organizations. To this effect it is proposed to keep REPECAP as an ever – growing scientific world network comprising academic law scholars, human rights centers, institutions of public law and Ngos, with expertise and skill in the problems of death penalty and interests in the field of international criminal justice, as well as young researchers who have been dealing with these topics or wish to get involved with the subject, regardless of nationality or locations.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Networks,
Guidelines for Submitting Communications
By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020
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This document outlines the functions of the Commission, how to make presentations in front of the Commission, the procedures of examining the communication and the recommendations of the Commission.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages Ligne Directrices pour la Commission Africaine des Droits de l'Hommes et des PeuplesProcedure (de la Communication de la Commission Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et Des Peuples)Procedure (Communications Procedure of the African Commission for Human and Peoples rights)
Procedure (Communications Procedure of the African Commission for Human and Peoples rights)
By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020
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This document describes the procedures of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights stating who can apply to the court and what measures they may take.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages Ligne Directrices pour la Commission Africaine des Droits de l'Hommes et des PeuplesProcedure (de la Communication de la Commission Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et Des Peuples)Guidelines for Submitting Communications
Instructions: Form for Filing Petitions alleging Human Rights Violations
By Organization of American States, on 8 September 2020
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esfrenMore details See the document
The following form, prepared by the Commission’s Executive Secretariat, is intended to make it easier for victims of violations, their family members, organizations of civil society or other persons to file complaints alleging human rights violations by OAS member States.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Networks,
- Available languages Instrucciones: Formulario para Presentar Peticiones sobre Violaciones a los Derechos HumanosInstructions: Formule de Plainte Relative à des Allégations de Violation des Droits de la PersonnePortuguese : Instruções: FORMULÁRIO PARA APRESENTAR PETIÇÃO SOBREVIOLAÇÕES DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS
Why two mothers back death penalty repeal
By Vicki Schieber and Carolyn Leming / The Gazette, on 8 September 2020
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This article talks about the tension between protecting the innocent on the one hand and dragging the process out for victims’ families on the other, and how those two can’t be reconciled.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Murder Victims' Families, Death Penalty,
Practice guide for defense counsel representing individuals facing the death penalty in Uganda
By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2019
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This Practice guide offers guidance to defense counsel in Uganda for the accused person facing a criminal trial of a capital offence involving a death penalty. The best practices are intended to ensure effective legal representation in order to mitigate the potential of imposition of the death penalty. The best practices detailed in the Practice guide intend to enhance the performance of criminal defense counsel in all stages of the criminal trial proceeding to mitigate the adverse effect of an erroneous conviction and sentencing of the accused person to death.The Practice guide was developed in recognition of the unique nature and effect of the death penalty compared to other criminal penalties, and therefore defense counsel in a capital case should take extraordinary efforts on behalf of the accused to review and ensure compliance with these best practices throughout the proceedings.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Legal Representation,
Briefing Tools for Practictioners: Activists
By Quaker United Nations Office, on 1 January 2019
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QUNO’s tool for activists.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Juveniles, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Death Penalty,
- Available languages Outil d'information pour les professionnels : militants
Briefing Tools for Practictioners: Defense Lawyers
By Quaker United Nations Office, on 1 January 2019
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QUNO’s tool for defense lawyers.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Juveniles, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Death Penalty,
- Available languages Outil d'information pour les professionnels : avocats de la défense
Briefing Tools for Practictioners: Legislators
By Quaker United Nations Office, on 1 January 2019
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QUNO’s tool for parliamentarians.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Juveniles, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Death Penalty,
- Available languages Outil d'information pour les professionnels : legislateurs
Briefing Tools for Practictioners: Media
By Quaker United Nations Office, on 1 January 2019
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QUNO’s tool for media.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Juveniles, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Death Penalty,
- Available languages Outil d'information pour les professionnels : médias