
Dialogue on the death penalty during the 20th anniversary of the Reformasi

By Clémentine Etienne, on 27 June 2018

20 years after the end of the dictatorship, Indonesia is going through a period of legal changes and transition. What impact can abolitionist associations and NGOs working on the ground have in encouraging the actions of legal counsellors and civil society?




Caribbean Court of Justice strikes down mandatory death penalty in Barbados

By Death Penalty Project, on 27 June 2018

In probably the most significant judgment to arise from the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) so far, the region’s highest court has unanimously declared the mandatory death penalty unconstitutional in Barbados, finally settling an issue which has occupied domestic and international tribunals for almost 15 years.



Experts analyse the relationship between poverty and the death penalty

By Dr. Lina M. Torres Rivera, on 18 June 2018

The International Studies Programme Overseas Relations Assembly and the Institute for Human Rights Research and Promotion (INIPRODEH) organised a forum: The Death Penalty and Poverty on the 89th anniversary of abolition of the death penalty in Puerto Rico. Eminent figures from the abolitionist movement and academia reviewed and analysed research into this issue.


Puerto Rico


Death Penalty and Terrorism

By Hand Off Cain, on 15 June 2018

Hands off Cain held a series of meetings, one year after the launch of the project “Containing the death penalty in time of war on terrorism in Somalia, Tunisia and Egypt”, in Nairobi, Kenya, to assess the work done in Somalia.





Director (Research)

By Project 39A, on 14 June 2018

The National Law University, Delhi (“University”) is seeking to engage on a contractual basis, one Director (Research) for Project 39A.




Call for interns

By Project 39A, on 14 June 2018

Project 39A offers a minimum of four-week long internships to students of law and related fields.



Parliamentarians from Francophone Africa meet in Kinshasa to discuss the abolition of the death penalty

By Parliamentarians for Global Action, on 12 June 2018

The 1st and 2nd June 2018, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Ensemble contre la peine de mort (Together against the death penalty, ECPM) and Culture pour la paix et la justice (Culture for peace and justice, CPJ) organised in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) a regional parliamentary seminar entitled “Abolition of the death penalty in Africa: the role of parliamentarians”, with the support of the European Union and of the Honourable Aubin Minaku, Speaker of the National Assembly of the DRC and Member of PGA.


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Public Opinion 


Greater Caribbean for Life – Project Manager

By Greater Caribbean for Life, on 7 June 2018

The Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) is currently seeking to appoint a part-time Project Manager, to assist with the management, administration, and implementation of a project seeking to restrict and reform the use of the death penalty in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean States.



Global Prison Trends 2018 4th Edition

By Penal Reform International, on 6 June 2018

Global Prison Trends 2018 is the fourth edition in PRI’s annual flagship Global Prison Trends series, which identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice and prison policy and practice. It is published in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Justice, and features a foreword by the Rt Hon Helen Clark, Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme.


Death Row Conditions 


Burkina Faso has joined the global trend toward abolition of the death penalty in Africa

By International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), on 6 June 2018

On 31 May, the Burkinabe Parliament abolished the death penalty by adopting a new criminal code that excludes it from the arsenal of sentences regardless of crimes considered and circumstances in which they were committed. Thus, Burkina Faso become the 144th States in the World and the 40th African State abolitionist in law and in practice. Our organizations welcome this major step which strengthens the Burkinabe legal framework for the protection of human rights and is part of regional and international movement in favour of the abolition of this inhuman, ineffective and irreversible punishment.

Burkina Faso