
Second Optional Protocol: An irreversible mechanism for abolishing the death penalty” – Denys Robiliard

on 7 September 2020

Denys Robiliard, a lawyer and former president of Amnesty International’s French section, details why the Second Optional protocol to the UN’s ICCPR is an crucial instrument to push the abolition of the death penalty worldwide.




Recent US Federal Executions Raise Ethical and Political Issues

By Louis Linel, on 2 September 2020

Two more federal executions were carried out at the end of August in the United States of America. The abolitionist movement in the United States denounces human rights violations, challenges the cost of the death penalty in this time of crisis and even opposes its disrespect for tribal sovereignity.


Fair Trial

Intellectual Disability

Public Opinion

United States


Expanded Ban on Death Penalty for Intellectually Disabled People in California

By Louis Linel, on 1 September 2020

The California State Legislature extended the ban on capital punishment for intellectually disabled people


Intellectual Disability

United States


Saudi Arabia Reviews Death Sentences Issues Against Children

By Louis Linel, on 1 September 2020

According to the Saudi Human Rights Commission, the death sentence issued against Ali al-Nimr, Dawoud al-Marhoun and Abdullah al-Zaher will be reviewed in accordance with reforms decreed in the Kingdom in April on juvenile criminal justice.


Saudi Arabia


Reorienting Drug Policy in Indonesia towards the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

By LHB Masyarakat, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, on 6 August 2020

Indonesian not-for-profit organization LBH Masyarakat, Reprieve, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs recently published a report that reframes the drug problem and corresponding policy action in light of the country’s commitment to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report argues that the drug policies currently in place in Indonesia must be re-evaluated in such a way that tackles poverty and inequality and prioritizes support for those who are “left behind”, and put an end to its current punitive strategies.


Drug Offenses



Sudan Repeals Capital Punishment for Homosexuality

By Louis Linel, on 31 July 2020

Sudan repealed the death penalty for homosexuality and apostasy




The ACHPR Moves Online, along with Advocacy to End Capital Punishment

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 30 July 2020

Adapting to the restrictions that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on physical gatherings, the NGO Forum and following 66th ACHPR Session (African Commission on Human and People’s Rights) were held via Zoom videoconference on 9-10 July and 13 July – 07 August, 2020, respectively.



US Federal Executions Resume

By Louis Linel, on 28 July 2020

It has been 17 years since the United States decided on a de facto moratorium on federal executions, which can be carried out only for certain federal criminal offences. This moratorium, however, ended in July.



United States


Call for tenders for printing, design and layout services

By Carlos Valera, on 7 July 2020

The World Coalition requires contracts for printing, design and layout services, visibility items and reprography for any publications that may be required, in addition to materials that may be required with these features.



Call for actions on World Day in the Philippines

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 July 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and its 14 international member organizations active in the Philippines, the Maldives and Turkey are part of a joint project which aims to combat the resurgence of the death penalty, particularly in the aforementioned three countries at risk.

