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Singapore: Cooperate or die: Singapore’s flawed reforms to the mandatory death penalty

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020


NGO report


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Singapore has recorded a significant reduction in its use of the death penalty in recent years, with executions dropping from more than 70 per year in the mid-1990s to single figures in the subsequent decade. Despite this progress, the death penalty in the country continues to be used in violation of international law and standards, particularly with respect to its mandatory application and use for drug-related offences.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Singapore
  • Themes list Mandatory Death Penalty, Member organizations, Death Penalty,


Human Rights Council, 39th session – Question of the death penalty

By United Nations, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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Pursuant to Human Rights Council decision 18/117, the present report is submitted to update previous reports on the question of the death penalty. In his report the Secretary-General confirms that the trend towards the universal abolition of the death penalty is continuing. During the reporting period, initiatives limiting the use of the death penalty and implementing the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty were also recorded in several States. A minority of States continued to use the death penalty, in contravention of international human rights law. As requested by the Council in its resolution 22/11, the report also includes information on the human rights of children of parents sentenced to the death penalty or executed.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Juveniles, Death Penalty,


Death In Decline ’09: Los Angeles Holds California Back as Nation Shifts to Permanent Imprisonment

By American Civil Liberties Union / Northern California, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

United States

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The tide is turning in the United States from death sentences to permanent imprisonment. A growing number of states are choosing permanent imprisonment over the death penalty, fueled by growing concerns about the wrongful conviction of innocent people and the high costs of the death penalty in comparison to permanent imprisonment. In 2009, the number of new death sentences nationwide reached the lowest level since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. California lags behind in this national trend. The Golden State sent more people to death row last year than in the seven preceding years. By the close of 2009, California’s death row was the largest and most costly in the United States.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Sentencing Alternatives, Networks,


Poster Lingala 2022 – Mokolo ya kobundela etumbu ya liwa na mokili mobimba

By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022


World Coalition

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  • Document type World Coalition


Execution in Saudi Arabia 2023: Ongoing Bloodshed with Unusual Sentences

By The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR), on 23 January 2024


NGO report

Saudi Arabia

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Published on 22 January، 2024.

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights views 2023 as a year that demonstrated Saudi Arabia’s inconsistency in using the death penalty. Besides the unexplained shift in the types of executed sentences, the implementation of death sentences for drug-related charges, and the disregard for international legal opinions, the high numbers indicate Saudi Arabia’s determination to use the death penalty without restraint.

In Saudi Arabia in 2023, 172 executions were carried out according to data from the Ministry of Interior published by the official news agency. The number of executions increased by 15% compared to the figure announced by the Ministry of Interior in 2022, where 147 sentences were reported, despite the mass execution of 81 individuals in 2022.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Saudi Arabia



By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022


World Coalition

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  • Document type World Coalition



By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022

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  • Document type Array


Poster 2022 German – 20. Welttag gegen die Todesstrafe

By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022

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Welttag gegen die Todesstrafe Poster

  • Document type Array


Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Portuguese

By World coalition against the death penalty, on 8 July 2024



World Coalition

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  • Document type Campaigning / World Coalition


In the Extreme: Women Serving Life Without Parole and Death Sentences in the United States

By The Sentencing Project, National Black Women’s Justice Institute and the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, on 14 January 2022


NGO report


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One of every 15 women in prison — amounting to more than 6,600 women — is serving a life sentence and nearly 2,000 of these have no chance for parole. Another 52 women in the U.S. are awaiting execution. Many women serving extreme sentences were victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse long before they committed a crime.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Women


Dealing with Punishment: Risks and Rewards in Indonesia’s Illicit Drug Trade

By Carolyn Hoyle, Death Penalty Project, on 18 April 2023


NGO report

Drug Offenses


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In 2020-2021, The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with Community Legal Aid Institute, LBH Masyarakat, commissioned The Death Penalty Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Oxford, in association with University Centre of Excellence HIV/AIDS Research Centre-HPSI at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCU), to conduct the research building empirical knowledge on who is being convicted for drug offences and uncover the factors that have influenced their motivations and decision making. Interviews were conducted on 57 prisoners from a prison in Jakrata, Indonesia, all convicted for drug offences. This is the first stage of a larger mapping project, which will interview those convicted of drug offences and sentenced to death or life in prisons across Indonesia and Southeast Asia. It also compliments our two part opinion study on attitudes on capital punishment in Indonesia.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Indonesia
  • Themes list Drug Offenses


Shattered Justice – Crime Victims’ Experiences with Wrongful Convictions and Exonerations

By Kimberly J. Cook, on 12 August 2022



United States

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Shattered Justice presents original crime victims’ experiences with violent crime, investigations and trials, and later exonerations in their cases. Using in-depth interviews with 21 crime victims across the United States, Cook reveals how homicide victims’ family members and rape survivors describe the painful impact of the primary trauma, the secondary trauma of the investigations and trials, and then the tertiary trauma associated with wrongful convictions and exonerations. Important lessons and analyses are shared related to grief and loss, and healing and repair. Using restorative justice practices to develop and deliver healing retreats for survivors also expands the practice of restorative justice. Finally, policy reforms aimed at preventing, mitigating, and repairing the harms of wrongful convictions is covered.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States



By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 5 August 2022


World Coalition

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  • Document type World Coalition


He Called Me Sister

By Suzanne Craig Robertson, on 24 February 2023



Death Row Conditions 

United States

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The fascinating, moving story of a friendship with an inmate on death row. It was a clash of race, privilege, and circumstance when Alan Robertson first signed up through a church program to visit Cecil Johnson on Death Row, to offer friendship and compassion. Alan’s wife Suzanne had no intention of being involved, but slowly, through phone calls and letters, she began to empathize and understand him. That Cecil and Suzanne eventually became such close friends—a white middle-class woman and a Black man who grew up devoid of advantage—is a testament to perseverance, forgiveness, and love, but also to the notion that differences don’t have to be barriers. This book recounts a fifteen-year friendship and how trust and compassion were forged despite the difficult circumstances, and how Cecil ended up ministering more to Suzanne’s family than they did to him. The story details how Cecil maintained inexplicable joy and hope despite the tragic events of his life and how Suzanne, Alan, and their two daughters opened their hearts to a man convicted of murder. Cecil Johnson was executed Dec. 2, 2009.

  • Document type Book
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions 


Poster Singhala 2022 – 20 වන ජගත් මරණ දඬුවමට එෙරහි දිනය

By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022


World Coalition

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  • Document type World Coalition


Poster Urdu 2022 – سزائے موت کے خلاف بیسواں عالمی دن

By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022

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  • Document type Array


Poster Tamil 2022 – மரண தண்டைனக்ெகதிரான இருபதாவது உலக நாள்

By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022

World Coalition

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  • Document type World Coalition



By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022

World Coalition

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  • Document type World Coalition


No death penalty: Essay on the human dignity of the guilty

By Alfredo De Francesco , on 11 January 2022



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Is the death penalty “natural” or sometimes legally due?
If not, is the death penalty always a political instrument?
If so, how and why can it be said that the death penalty is unjust, also considering religious values?
What about in case of war time or of very dangerous criminals?
In which way can there be an irrefutable argument for banning the death penalty worldwide and forever?

These and other issues concerning the death penalty are addressed by the Author of this book.
A book, where the most common theories for and against the death penalty are considered in the light of law history and philosophical views, and where Cesare Beccaria’s approach is revised, taking into account the development of the contemporary criminal law and of the legal positivism.

This is an essay, where the protection of humanity is not considered simply as a hope or as a naive dream, but rather as a juridical concept, absolutely necessary to understand one of most tragic questions of all time: “is it just to kill those who killed?”

  • Document type Book


Women and the Death Penalty in Iran

By Iran Human Rights, on 8 October 2021


NGO report

Iran (Islamic Republic of)


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In observation of the 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty dedicated to women, Iran Human Rights is providing a report on the women executed in Iran over the last 12 years (2010-2021). The executions in this period are by no means representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s complete history of executing women; the number of female political prisoners executed in the 1980s must be acknowledged due to their sheer volume and abhorrent nature. But even today, there is ample evidence of their cruel and inhuman treatment of female prisoners, which will be highlighted in this report.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Themes list Women


The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area – Background Paper 2018

By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), on 8 September 2020


NGO report

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OSCE participating States have made a number of commitments regarding the death penalty, including to consider the potential abolition of capital punishment. In light of these commitments and its mandate, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) monitors trends and new developments regarding human rights standards and practices among OSCE participating States related to the death penalty. The findings are presented each year in the Background Paper on the Status of the Death Penalty in the OSCE Area. The background paper is based on the information provided by participating States, in the form of responses to ODIHR questionnaires.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,


Japanese : The Chaplain

By Japan Society Film, on 8 September 2020

Multimedia content


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The late, great Ren Osugi (Hana-bi) stars as a prison chaplain working on death row in this thought-provoking chamber drama—his final film as an actor and first as a producer. Visiting with a regular roster of inmates who await their final sentence—including a converted ex-yakuza and a philosophy-spouting mass murderer—the newly appointed clergyman gradually learns of their circumstances and is forced to confront his own understanding of life, death and salvation. Featuring unforgettable characters and a restrained visual style, Dai Sako’s searching film takes on the rarely-addressed topic of Japan’s death penalty in order to question the state of the country’s soul.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list Japan
  • Themes list Retribution, Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,


PROCEEDINGS – 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), on 8 September 2020

Multimedia content

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Six months after the 7th World Congress against the Death Penalty, ECPM is proud to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the Brussels Congress. This unpublished, documented and illustrated book reports on the rich debates held during the Congress and discusses the new associative and political dynamics promoted in this context.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Themes list Member organizations, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,


Malay : Kecacatan yang membawa maut: Mengapa Malaysia harus mansuhkan hukuman mati

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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Hukuman mati dikekalkan di bawah undang-undang Malaysia untuk lebih 30 kesalahan dan selalu di laksanakan untuk kesalahan2 seperti- mengedar dadah- yang tidak sampai batas sempadan “jenayah paling serius”, yang mana perlaksanaan hukuman ini mesti di bataskan di bawah undang2 dan standard antarabangsa. Sehingga September 2019, lebih dari 1,290 orang telah di hokum mati. Kajian Amnesty International telah mengetengahkan beban hukuman mati dia Malaysia yang sebahagian besarnya terpikul di bahu pesalah yang disabitkan dengan kesalahan mengedar dadah, yang mana termasuklah wanita dan rakyat asing.


Death Row USA – Spring 2020

By NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. / Deborah Fins, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

United States

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Spring 2020 edition of Death Row USA, on the situation of the death penalty in the USA as of April 2020

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Statistics,


Indonesian : Tidak Manusiawi: Kondisi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Bagi Terpidana Mati di Indonesia

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM) / Kontras / Carole Berrih, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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Meskipun telah banyak penelitian telah dilakukan terkait dengan administrasi peradilan dalam kasus-kasus hukuman mati di Indonesia, hanya sedikit penelitian tentang kondisi penahanan seseorang yang dijatuhi hukuman mati di sebuah negara. Penelitian ini adalah salah satu penelitian pertama yang berfokus pada kondisi penahanan narapidana yang di hukum mati di Indonesia. Laporan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan suara kepada mereka yang mengalami hukuman mati di Indonesia dan juga pendapat dari keluarga mereka, bersamaan dengan mendokumentasikan situasi mereka.


Viêt Namese : Khả năng của Việt Nam gia nhập Nghị định thư tùy chọn thứ hai về bãi bỏ hình phạt tử hình theo Công ước quốc tế về các quyền dân sự và chính trị (ICCPR)

By European Union / United Nations Development Programme / Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai / Nguyen Van Hoan / Nguyen Minh Khue, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

Viet Nam

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Nghiên cứu này nhằm đánh giá khả năng Việt Nam phê chuẩn Nghị định thư không bắt buộc thứ hai đối với Công ước quốc tế về các quyền dân sự và chính trị (ICCPR) nhằm xóa bỏ án tử hình. Nó phân tích: (a) khung pháp lý quốc tế hiện hành và quá trình phát triển pháp lý để xóa bỏ án tử hình ở các quốc gia được chọn, (b) sự tương thích giữa các quy định hiện hành về án tử hình trong hệ thống pháp luật Việt Nam và Nghị định thư tùy chọn thứ hai của ICCPR và (c) đánh giá tính khả thi để bãi bỏ án tử hình ở Việt Nam.


SHAMS Center issues a report on the status of death penalty in the Palestinian territories: in 2017

By Human Rights & Democracy Media Center (SHAMS), on 8 September 2020

NGO report

State of Palestine

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In this report, SHAMS emphasizes that in Palestine they apply inconsistent legal combination of laws that punish with death penalty, which are not Palestinian laws basically.The problem is that capital punishment violates against an essential human right, and it is irreversible once executed. It doesn’t represent a public deterrent so; it is nothing but a form of violence not a solution for it.


Capital Punishment, 2016 – Statistical Brief

By Bureau of Justice Statistics / Elizabeth Davis, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

United States

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Presents statistics on persons under sentence of death at year-end 2016, including summary trends in the population, admissions to and releases from death row, the number of persons executed, and an advance count of executions in 2017. Data are from BJS’s National Prisoner Statistics(NPS-8 series.Highlights:- At year-end 2016, a total of 32 states and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) held 2,814 prisoners under sentence of death, which was 58 (2%) fewer than at year-end 2015.- California (26%), Florida (14%), and Texas (9%) held nearly half (49%) of the nation’s prisoners under sentence of death at year-end 2016; in 2016, Texas executed seven prisoners, Florida executed one, and California did not execute any prisoners.- In 2016, the number of prisoners under sentence of death decreased for the sixteenth consecutive year.- Twelve states received a total of 32 prisoners under sentence of death in 2016.- Five states executed a total of 20 prisoners in 2016, with Georgia (9) and Texas (7) accounting for 80% of executions.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States


Unjust and Unwanted: Malaysia’s Mandatory Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Project, on 8 September 2020

Multimedia content


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Malaysia is one of only a handful of countries around the world that continues to retain a mandatory death penalty. The newly elected Malaysian government has promised to abolish mandatory death sentences and other “oppressive laws”. This short animation sheds light on what the mandatory death penalty is, what the Malaysian public think about it and why it is time to consign this abhorrent punishment to history.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list Malaysia
  • Themes list Public opinion, Drug Offences, Mandatory Death Penalty,


: Time to Abolish the Death Penalty in Zimbabwe: Exploring the Views of its Opinion Leaders

By Death Penalty Project, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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This report draws on in-depth interviews with 42 opinion leaders on the death penalty, their knowledge of the criminal justice system, the likelihood of abolition and how that could be achieved. They represent the fields of politics, public service, law, religion, civil society, academia, and defence.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Zimbabwe
  • Themes list Public opinion,


Muzzling critical voices: Politicized trials before Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

Saudi Arabia

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Despite the Saudi Arabian authorities’ rhetoric about reforms, they have unleashed an intense crackdown on citizens promoting change in the last few years. One of the instruments of that repression has been the Specialized Criminal Court (SCC), which was set up in 2008 to try individuals accused of terror-related crimes. Amnesty International has documented the cases of 95 individuals who were tried before the SCC between 2011 and 2019. It has concluded that the SCC’s judges have presided over grossly unfair trials, handing down prison sentences of up to 30 years and numerous death sentences, in an effort to silence dissent.


Investigating Attitudes to the Death Penalty in Indonesia in bahasa Indonesia

By Universitas Indonesia LBH Masyarakat Universitas Oxford The Death Penalty Project, on 10 August 2021


NGO report

Drug Offenses


Public Opinion 

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Pandangan Para Pembentuk Opini tentang Hukuman Mati di Indonesia

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Indonesia
  • Themes list Drug Offenses / Public Opinion 


Capital Punishment, 2019 – Statistical Tables

By U.S. Department of Justice Tracy L. Snell, on 10 August 2021

Government body report

Death Row Conditions 

Drug Offenses

United States

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This report presents statistics on persons who were under sentence of death or were executed in 2019

  • Document type Government body report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions  / Drug Offenses


Voting record – Draft resolution A/C.3/75/L.41 as amended, Moratorium on the use of the death penalty

By United Nations General Assembly, on 18 November 2020


International law - United Nations

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  • Document type International law - United Nations
  • Available languages


No one is spared – The widespread use of the death penalty in Iran

By League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran, on 5 November 2020


Drug Offenses

Fair Trial

Iran (Islamic Republic of)



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  • Document type Array
  • Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Themes list Drug Offenses / Fair Trial / Juveniles / Women


SLAMMING THE COURTHOUSE DOORS – Denial of Access to Justice and Remedy in America

By American Civil Liberties Union / Washington, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

United States

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According to a new report by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) entitled, “Slamming the Courthouse Doors: Denial of Access to Justice and Remedy in America,” many states severely restrict access to justice for capital defendants and limit the availability of remedies to correct errors. The problem of inadequate counsel continues to pervade death penalty systems across the country: “Few states provide adequate funds to compensate lawyers for their work or to investigate cases properly. In addition to inadequate funding, the majority of death-penalty states lack adequate competency standards. Many states require only minimal training and experience for attorneys handling death penalty cases, and in some cases capital defense attorneys fail to meet the minimum guidelines for capital defense set by the American Bar Association (ABA),” according to the ACLU. The report also states that the absence of a right to counsel in post-conviction appeals leaves capital defendants with few options to address serious errors during their trial.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


Report to the Committee on Defender Services Judicial Conference of the United States – Update on the Cost and Quality of Defense Representation in Federal Death Penalty Cases

By Lisa Greenman / Jon B. Gould / Office of Defender Services of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

United States

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Part I of this report offers an introduction and overview of the research. Part II examines the way prosecution policies and practices have developed from 1989, the beginning of the modern federal death penalty era, through the end of 2009. Parts III, IV, and V of this report discuss the costs associated with defending a federal capital case. Section VI describes qualitative data obtained through interviews of federal judges who had presided over a federal death penalty case and experienced federal capital defense counsel on topics such as the quality of defense representation, case budgeting and case management practices, the role of experts, and the death penalty authorization process. Finally, in Sections VII and VIII, the Recommendations of the 1998 Spencer Report are reaffirmed, and the Commentary associated with those recommendations is updated to reflect the past 12 years of experience with federal capital litigation.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Financial cost,


Italian : Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell’Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020

United Nations report

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Articolo 2 – Diritto alla vita1 Il diritto alla vita di ogni persona è protetto dalla legge. Nessuno può essere intenzionalmente privato della vita, salvo che in esecuzione di una sentenza capi-tale pronunciata da un tribunale, nel ca-so in cui il reato sia punito dalla legge con tale pena.


German : Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020

United Nations report

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Artikel 2 – Recht auf Leben1 Das Recht jedes Menschen auf Le-ben wird gesetzlich geschützt. Niemand darf absichtlich getötet werden, außer durch Vollstreckung eines Todesurteils, das ein Gericht wegen eines Verbre-chens verhängt hat, für das die Todes-strafe gesetzlich vorgesehen ist.


Italian : Riflessioni sulla pena di morte

By Albert Camus, on 8 September 2020


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By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

Arguments against the death penalty

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Scientific studies have consistently failed to demonstrate that executions deter people from committing crime anymore than long prison sentences.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Deterrence ,


People’s Republic of China: The Death Penalty Log in 2000

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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The Death Penalty Log gives available details of death sentences and executions occurring in China throughout 2000.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list China
  • Themes list Statistics,


THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA – The Death Penalty in 2000

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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The attached report analyses the use of the death penalty in China in 2000 and examines sentencing patterns and the legislation behind the death penalty in China.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list China
  • Themes list Networks, Statistics,


TAJIKISTAN: DEADLY SECRETS – The death penalty in law and practice

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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Official secrecy surrounds the death penalty in Tajikistan. The picture that Amnesty International has been able to build is incomplete, yet alarming. With random and relentless cruelty, prisoners are executed in secret after unfair trials, with no warning to their families. According to the evidence gathered by Amnesty International, none of the prisoners sentenced to death in Tajikistan received a fair trial. Most, if not all, were tortured. Several different prisoners have given detailed accounts naming the same investigator, but no action has apparently been taken to investigate the truth of these allegations. Testimony extracted under torture has been admitted as evidence and used to condemn prisoners to death.


Dignity Denied: The Experience of Murder Victims’ Family Members Who Oppose the Death Penalty

By Robert Renny Cushing / Susannah Sheffer / Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

United States

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This report, which includes policy recommendations, is the culmination of a long effort to identify and document the bias on the part of some prosecutors, judges, and members of the victims’ services community against victims’ family members who oppose the death penalty.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families,



By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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Il 2001 ha confermato l´evoluzione verso l´abolizione della pena di morte in corso ormai da dieci anni. Nell´anno, la Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia è diventata totalmente abolizionista, il Cile ha abolito la pena di morte per i crimini ordinari, l´Irlanda l´ha abolita anche dalla Costituzione, il Burkina Faso è entrato a fare parte del gruppo degli abolizionisti di fatto non avendo eseguito sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni, il Libano ha deciso di attuare una moratoria delle esecuzioni.


Japanese : 死刑制度問題に関する提言

By Japan Federation of Bar Associations, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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国連の国際人権(自由権)規約は、第6 条6 項において、「この条のいかなる規定も、この規約の締約国により死刑の廃止を遅らせ又は妨げるために援用されてはならない」として、死刑廃止の方向性を確認していたが、1989 年、国連総会において国際人権(自由権)規約第二選択議定書、いわゆる「死刑廃止条約」(以下、「死刑廃止条約」という。)が採択され(1991 年発効)、死刑の廃止が明確化された。日本は米国・中国などと共に同条約に反対し、今日に至るまで批准していない(注1)。また、国際人権(自由権)規約人権委員会は、1993 年11 月4 日、第3 回の日本政府報告書の審査にあたり、日本政府に対し、死刑廃止に向けた措置をとること、および死刑確定者のおかれた拘禁状態が規約に違反するとして、これを改善することを勧告している。しかし、その後も日本において前記勧告を受けての改善は一切なされず、同委員会は1998 年11 月6 日に再度、日本政府に対し、死刑の廃止および死刑確定者処遇の改善を勧告した。


Italian : Sintesi dei fatti più rilevanti del 2000

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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In questi anni, abbiamo assistito ad un progressivo rafforzamento del processo abolizionista, ed anche i fatti registrati nel 2000 confermano questo trend positivo. Al 31 dicembre 2000, sono 123 i paesi abolizionisti a vario titolo: 77 sono totalmente abolizionisti, 12 abolizionisti per crimini ordinari, 30 abolizionisti di fatto, 2 impegnati ad abolire la pena di morte in quanto membri del Consiglio d´Europa, 2 attuano una moratoria legale delle esecuzioni. I paesi mantenitori sono 73.


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: No return to execution – The US death penalty as a barrier to extradition

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

United States

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This document examines the issue of extradition and the death penalty in the United States. It looks at the emergence of death penalty clauses in extradition treaties and laws and gives examples of specific cases in the US where extradition has either prevented the application of the death penalty or been circumvented to allow individuals to be sentenced to death.


People’s Republic of China: The Death Penalty in 1999

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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This report analyses the use of the death penalty in China and examines sentencing patterns and the legislation behind the death penalty.


Saudi Arabia: Defying world trends – Saudi Arabia’s extensive use of capital punishment

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

Saudi Arabia

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This document examines the death penalty in Saudi Arabia and how it is sustained by a mixture of legal, judicial and political factors, whose redress requires a strong political will from the Saudi Arabian government together with a consistent concern and assistance by the international community.



By William J. Bowers / Ursula Bentele / Brooklyn Law Review, on 8 September 2020


United States

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The first section below describes how, for many jurors, the decision about guilt appears to be so overwhelming that it prevents truly separate decision making about punishment. The second section focuses on the degree to which jurors feel constrained by what they view as a requirement to impose death if certain aggravating factors are present in the case. And finally, the third section explores the way in which mitigating evidence, even when it appears to have been extensive and credible, is ignored, devalued, or discredited.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: The death penalty – recent developments

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

Viet Nam

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This document contains information about the recent developments in Vietm Nam regarding the death penalty. Amnesty International welcomes the reduction in the number of offenses punishable by the death penalty. However, the organization remains concerned that there is still a broad range of offenses which are punishable by the death penalty.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Viet Nam


The High Cost of the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

Arguments against the death penalty

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A fact sheet on the cost of the death penalty in the United States. Life emprisonment without parole is suggested.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Transparency, Death Penalty, Financial cost,


Inadequete Legal Representation

By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

Arguments against the death penalty

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Perhaps the most important factor in determining whether a defendant will receive the death penalty is the quality of the representation he or she is provided. Almost all defendants in capital cases cannot afford their own attorneys. In many cases, the appointed attorneys are overworked, underpaid, or lacking the trial experience required for death penalty cases.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Legal Representation,



By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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La situazione ad oggi : La situazione della pena di morte nel mondo è quanto mai cambiata negli ultimi anni. I paesi o i territori che in un modo o nell´altro hanno deciso di rinunciare a praticarla sono oggi 130. Di questi 78 sono totalmente abolizionisti; 14 sono abolizionisti per crimini ordinari; 2 in quanto membri del Consiglio d´Europa sono impegnati ad abolirla e, nel frattempo, attuano una moratoria delle esecuzioni; 6 attuano una moratoria delle esecuzioni; 30 sono abolizionisti di fatto (non eseguono sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni). I paesi mantenitori della pena di morte sono 66, anche se non tutti la praticano con assiduità. Nel 2002, solo 34 di questi paesi hanno compiuto esecuzioni che sono state almeno 4.078, un po´ in calo rispetto al 2001 quando erano state almeno 4.700.


The Death Penalty in China and the World

By Amnesty International UK, on 8 September 2020


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In this lesson students aged 11-16 work collectively to use their mathematical skill and appropriate technology to examine and analyse information about the changing use of the death penalty in China and the world. They look for the most effective ways of presenting information using charts, graphs and maps, and comment on the reliability and validity of the data that they have collected.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Country/Regional profiles,


Procedure (Communications Procedure of the African Commission for Human and Peoples rights)

By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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This document describes the procedures of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights stating who can apply to the court and what measures they may take.


Guidelines for Submitting Communications

By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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This document outlines the functions of the Commission, how to make presentations in front of the Commission, the procedures of examining the communication and the recommendations of the Commission.


Overview – Association of Southeast Asian Nations

By Association of Southeast Asian Nations, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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This document provides a quick overview of ASEAN, going through its aims and purposes, fundamental principles, its community and its charter.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Networks,


Instructions: Form for Filing Petitions alleging Human Rights Violations

By Organization of American States, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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The following form, prepared by the Commission’s Executive Secretariat, is intended to make it easier for victims of violations, their family members, organizations of civil society or other persons to file complaints alleging human rights violations by OAS member States.


Listing of verifiable executions worldwide reported this month.

By Capital Punishment U.K., on 8 September 2020

NGO report

More details See the document

Listing of verifiable executions worldwide reported per month.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Statistics,


A Matter of Life and Death: films, an assembly, lessons and information on the death penalty to inspire students aged 14+

By Amnesty International UK, on 8 September 2020


More details See the document

Through A Matter of Life and Death lessons, assembly and films, students aged 14+ can explore the issues surrounding the use of the death penalty, one of Amnesty’s oldest and most established campaigns.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Public opinion,


Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions on a gender-sensitive approach to arbitrary killings

By United Nations, on 8 September 2020

International law - United Nations

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In the report, the Special Rapporteur considers key elements of a gender-sensitive perspective to the mandate, in the interests of strengthening an inclusive application of critical norms and standards related to the right to life. These elements include consideration of the impact of gender identity and expression, intersecting with other identities, on the risks factors to killings or death, the degree of predictability of harm and States’ implementation of its due diligence obligations. Applying gender lenses to the notion of arbitrariness, the Special Rapporteur highlights that gender-based killings — when committed by non-State actors — may constitute arbitrary killings. It also shows that violations of the right to life stem not only from an intentional act of deprivation of life by the State or a non-State actor, but also from the deprivation of basic conditions that guarantee life, such as access to essential health care

  • Document type International law - United Nations
  • Themes list International law, Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Torture, Arbitrariness, Death Row Conditions, Death Penalty,


Murder Victims Families for Human Rights Brochure

By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights was launched on international human rights day, 2004, by a group of victims’ family members who oppose the death penalty and have extensive speaking and organizing experience in the United States and around the world. Through their statements, testimony, and educational materials, MVFHR members let policymakers and the general public know that it is possible to be both pro-victim and anti-death penalty. The response to one human rights violation should not be another human rights violation. We honor victims by preventing violence, not by perpetuating it.


For or against abolition of the death penalty: Evidence from Taiwan

By Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty / The Death Penalty Project, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

More details See the document
  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion, Death Penalty,


Italian : Dei delitti e delle pene-Consulte criminali

By Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana / Garzanti Libri, on 8 September 2020


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‘Dei delitti e delle pene’ è il testo da cui nasce la moderna criminalistica. Non è un trattato di giurisprudenza; è piuttosto un pamphlet, un libretto coraggioso, liberissimo”, nel quale “in massa le idee tutte si aggirano, e cospirano in vari punti di vista, che formano una grand’opera”, come ebbe a scrivere Alessandro Verri. Filosofo, economista e illustre letterato di metà Settecento, Beccaria spera che dall’aspra battaglia contro le istituzioni esistenti possa nascere un nuovo ordine, la cui affermazione è legata alla forza di espressione delle esigenze di progresso. “Le Consulte criminali” affrontano invece con impeto i temi della pena di morte, della prevenzione del crimine e delle condizioni di vita e di assistenza nelle carceri.


German : Über Verbrechen und Strafen

By Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana / Tendler, on 8 September 2020


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Im Sommer des Jahres 1764 erschien in Livorno im Großherzogtum Toskana, das damals zum Habsburger Reich gehörte, ohne Namen des Verfassers ein schmales Buch von eben hundert Seiten über Verbrechen und Strafen: ‘Dei Delitti e delle Pene’. Das Titelblatt gab einen Satz Bacons wieder, der besagen sollte, daß der Zweck, dem dieses Buch diente, nicht sofort und mit einem Male zu erreichen sei, doch an die Beständigkeit und Festigkeit seiner Propagierung der Erfolg sich knüpfen werde. Cesare Beccaria (geboren am 15. März 1738 in Mailand, gestorben am 28. November 1794 ebendort) bestritt in dieser Abhandlung den Sinn der Todesstrafe und verfocht soziale Bedingungen, die Verbrechen einschränken müßten. Es war dies der erste wahrhaft unabhängige und von Rücksichten freie literarische Ausdruck der Aufklärung im Reich der Kaiserin Maria Theresia. Die vorliegende Neuübersetzung folgt der letzten Ausgabe Beccarias von 1766 und bringt im Anhang Texte aus der zeitgenössischen Diskussion.’Mißhandlung und Folter, all das Furchtbare wurde entweder tatsächlich beseitigt oder in den Strafprozessen aller Staaten wenigstens abgemildert; und dies ist das Werk nur eines Buches.’


Italian : Famiglie Delle Vittime Di Omicidio Per I Diritti Umani

By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

United States

More details See the document

In tutto il mondo, coloro che sopravvivono alle vittime di omicidi sono in genere considerati a favore della pena capitale. Si presume che le esecuzioni vadano incontro al bisogno dei superstiti di giustizia, e di porre fine ad una vicenda. Opporsi alla pena di morte, è spesso visto come un andare contro alla vittima. Attraverso le loro dichiarazioni, le testimonianze e il materiale educativo, i membri dell’associazione fanno sapere ai responsabili della vita politica, e al grande pubblico, che è possibile essere sia a favore delle vittime che contro la pena di morte.


Japanese : 人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会

By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

United States

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人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会(MVFHR)は、2004年の国際人権デーに、死刑に反対し、米国および世界中で幅広く講演活動を行っている被害者遺族のグループによって設立されました。私たちのメンバーが死刑に反対する理由は様々ですが、死刑はあらゆる法的・倫理的基準に違反しているという確信において一致しています。「いかなる場合であっても死刑には反対する」という方であれば、どのような遺族の方であれ~殺人事件、死刑執行、超法規 的な殺害行為そして「失踪」の被害者家族~、MVFHRの会員に なることができます



By Organization of American States, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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O formulário que se segue foi preparado pela Secretaria Executiva da CIDH e se destina a facilitar a apresentação de petições referentes a violações dos direitos humanos praticadas por Estados membros da OEA, denunciadas pelas vítimas de tais violações, por seus familiares, organizações da sociedade civil ou outras pessoas.


Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations

By United Nations / Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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The NGO Relations Cluster is the link to over 1,500 Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) associated with the Department of Public Information and supports their efforts to interact effectively with the United Nations in their areas of expertise.


Families of Murder Victims Oppose the Death Penalty

By California People of Faith Working Against the death penalty, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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The San Diego chapter of California People of Faith Working Against the DeathPenalty educates and mobilizes faith communities to act to abolish the death penalty in California. We are a nonpartisan, statewide, interfaith organization. As communities of faith, we join together to take responsibility for the killing of our citizens by the State of California. As people of faith, we know that the God/Wisdom of all faiths calls us to something more: a high and often difficult standard of love, forgiveness and justice that is rooted not in retribution but rather in redemption and restoration. The death penalty denies the sacredness of human life. Spiritually, the death penalty diminishes us all. As we invest in vengeance in this society, we divest ourselves of compassion. As we support retribution, we neglect restorative justice. We cannot be a community of compassion and unity if we choose to destroy one another. And we should not allow the State to do it for us.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Human Rights and the Death Penalty in the United States

By The Advocates for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020

Arguments against the death penalty

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This sheet details what human rights are in relation to the death penalty and the USA. It discusses racism, inadequete legal representation and the unjustifiable cost of the death penalty in the US.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty


Investigating Forensic Problems in the United States: How the Federal Government Can Strengthen Oversight Through the Coverdell Grant Program

By Benjamin N. Cardozo / The Innocence Project, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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The report describes the federal forensic oversight program; outlines the problems that have plagued the program since its inception (with specific examples): Explains the consequences of the federal government’s inadequate administration of the program; shows how forensic negligence and misconduct lead to wrongful convictions; and gives specific recommendations for what the federal government, states and individuals can do to strengthen forensic oversight.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Witness to Innocence – from death row to freedom

By Witness to Innocence, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

United States

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Errors have been made repeatedly in death penalty cases because of: poor legal representation, racial prejudice, prosecutorial misconduct, the presentation of erroneous evidence, false confession, junk science, eyewitness error. Once convicted, a death row prisoner faces enormous obstacles in convincing any court that he or she is innocent.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


How to Lobby

By California People of Faith Working Against the death penalty, on 8 September 2020


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Lobbying your elected officials is one of the most important actions you can take to bring about the end of the death penalty. Here are some tips for communicating effectively with government officials.

  • Document type Lobbying
  • Themes list Networks,


Capital Punishment in Context

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 8 September 2020


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Capital Punishment in Context contains several cases of individuals who were sentenced to death in the United States. Each case presents a narrative account of the individual’s crime, trial and punishment, along with guidelines for analysis, discussion and further research on issues raised by the case. The narratives are supplemented by resources such as original police reports from the homicide investigation and transcripts of testimony from witnesses. After reading the case, you can further explore issues by following a series of links to new information. Each case, along with the related materials, delineates a path through the criminal justice system. At every stage of the process, questions are raised about how the system works. These questions can lead to an analysis of key topics, such as the quality of legal representation for criminal defendants, the risk of wrongful convictions, the role of capital jurors, judicial independence, and the role that race may play in the criminal justice system.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Networks,


Host a Speaking Event

By Witness to Innocence, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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Are you stressing about finding that perfect speaker for your next event? Worried that the speaker be inspirational, educational, and entertaining all at the same time? Look no further. We are awaiting your call to help you organize an unforgettable and unique experience for your audience.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


False Confessions and Recording of Custodial Interrogations

By The Innocence Project, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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Many of the nation’s 249 wrongful convictions overturned by DNA evidence involved some form of a false confession. Yet it’s virtually impossible to fathom wh a person would wrongly confess to a crime he or she did not commit. The causes behind false confessions is explored in this text.


Facts on Post-Conviction DNA Exonerations

By The Innocence Project, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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This fact sheet gives facts on post DNA exonerations and provides information on the main causes of wrongful conviction including eyewitness misidentification, false confessions and snitches.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Screening questionnaire for DNA Grant Cases

By Arizona Justice Project, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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The Arizona Justice Project will use this questionnaire to decide whether your case qualifies for assistance under the DNA testing grant, provided by the National Institute of Justice.


Death Penalty Can Prolong the Suffering of a Vicitm’s Family

By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

United States

More details See the document

Many family members who have lost loved ones to murder feel that the death penalty will not heal their wounds nor will it end their pain. This webpage provides resources for those looking to connect with murder victims’ families organisations.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


Overview of the Capital Trial Process

By Capital Punishment in Context, on 8 September 2020

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This document briefly goes through the steps involved in a death penalty case, from the point of arrest to judge sentences.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Clemency Procedures in Death Penalty States

By Capital Punishment in Context, on 8 September 2020

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This file is relevant to the US, giving a list of states where governors can grant clemency, where the governor must have recommendations of clemency and where governors recieve a non-binding recommendation of clemency.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Death Qualification

By Capital Punishment in Context, on 8 September 2020

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This document describes who is elgible for Death Qualification, Jury Selection, and what death qualification entails.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Death Penalty Laws in states

By Capital Punishment in Context, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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This document provides state by state information in the United States regarding laws that govern the death penalty.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Petition for DNA Testing

By Arizona Justice Project, on 8 September 2020

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This is a document which can be used for those petitioning to have DNA evidence re-examined. Specific to Arizona but can be used as a guide in other jurisdictions.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Facts Law Enforcement Should Know About the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

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A leaflet detailing the facts that law enforcement should be aware of; how the system prolongs suffering of the victim’s family, mistakes that have been made, the uneven application of the death penalty – these amongst other topics are explored to inform law enforcement about the facts of the death penalty.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Japanese : 死刑民主主義国家にあるまじき行為

By International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) / Sharon Hom / Etienne Jaudel / Richard Wild, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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廃止推進団体の努力にもかかわらず、世論には、死刑制度の継続を支持する強い傾向があることは確かです。死刑適用の実状を政府が隠し、これまでよかったといわれた治安が徐々に悪化していることもあり、この時機に政府が、国民に不人気な決断をすることはないでしょう。欧州評議会をはじめとする、国際組織からの圧力に対して、政府は「内政に対する許しがたい干渉」ときめつけています。保守派が与党の政府において、廃止に向けての議論が政治決定となる気配はありません。 日本のすべての弁護士が加盟する日弁連は、廃止法案提案でコンセンサスに至らなかったという事実が、現時点で死刑がなくなる可能性が少ないことを雄弁に物語っています。


Death isn’t Justice

By Poster for Tomorrow, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details See the document

Poster for tomorrow is an independent, non-profit international project whose goal is to encourage people, both in and outside the design community, to make posters to stimulate debate on issues that affect us all.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Networks,


China’s death penalty: reforms on capital punishment

By Hong Lu / East Asian Institute (EAI), on 8 September 2020



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This paper covers the death penalty situation in China, which is, according to the author, unlikely to abolish the death penalty in the near future. China topped the world in the imposition of the death penalty in 2008, while wrongful convictions and erroneous executions have been found, despite China’s official policy to prevent excessive executions.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list China
  • Themes list Juveniles, Capital offences, Legal Representation, Statistics, Country/Regional profiles,


Polish : Czym jest ODIHR?

By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Biuro Instytucji Demokratycznych i Praw Człowieka (ODIHR) jest jedną z głównych organizacji praw człowieka na świecie. ODIHR prowadzi aktywną działalność w Europie, na Kaukazie, w Azji Centralnej i Ameryce Północnej. Siedziba ODIHR mieści się w Warszawie. Biuro działa na rzecz wspierania idei demokratycznych wyborów, poszanowania praw człowieka, praworządności, tolerancji i przeciwdziałania dyskryminacji. ODIHR jest instytucją praw człowieka należącą do Organizacji Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie (OBWE).


The Death Penalty in Japan: The Law of Silence – Going Against the International Trend

By Florence Bellivier / International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) / Dan Van Raemdonck / Jiazhen Wu, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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This report is the outcome of a fact-finding mission conducted by FIDH in July 2008, in order to assess the measures taken by the Japanese government to implement the recommendations made by a previous investigation, conducted in 2003.The conclusions of the report are appalling. According to Florence Bellivier, General Secretary of FIDH “Japan continues to condemn criminals to death, and incarcerate them up for decades, in prisons where secrecy and isolation are commonplace, in total disregard of the world opinion”. In addition, the rhythm of the executions has accelerated over the recent years. “2008 has been a record year, with more executions this year than in any other of the last fifteen years. We are witnessing a real step backwards” added Dan Van Raemdonck, Vice-President of FIDH. Thirteen persons have been executed since the beginning of the year, and 102 are currently on death row. There has not been a single retrial of a death penalty case since 1986, and no convicted prisoner has been pardoned since 1975.


India: Lethal Lottery: The Death Penalty in India – A study of Supreme Court judgments in death penalty cases 1950-2006

By Amnesty International / Bikram Jeet Batra, on 8 September 2020

NGO report


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The report shows that contrary to the majority Bench’s views and intentions in Bachan Singh, errors and arbitrariness have not been checked by the safeguards in place, and no small role in this has been played by the judges themselveswho have rarely adhered to the requirements laid down in Bachan Singh, making it clear that it is commonly the judge’s subjective discretion that eventually decides the fate of the accused-appellant.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list India
  • Themes list Due Process , Statistics,


Not “Waiving” But Drowning: The Anatomy of Death Row Syndrome and Volunteering for Execution

By Amy Smith / Boston University Public Interest Law Journal, on 8 September 2020


United States

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Within the international community, other countries have recognized the potential for harm caused by our current system, and as a result have refused to extradite back to the United States individuals who might face the death penalty. These countries cite not only the possibility of execution as reason for refusal, but the waiting process which attends that death as a separate, independent violation of human rights. If we remain unpersuaded by the international community, the behavioral trends of those individuals awaiting execution are telling as well. Within one week in 2008, two individuals awaiting death in Texas committed suicide, reflecting the heightened suicide rates on death row, estimated at ten times greater than those in society at large and several times greater than those in a general prison population. In addition, the widely-recognized practice of “volunteering” for execution permits condemned inmates to waive their state and federally mandated rights to appeal in order to speed up the execution process, in essence “volunteering” to be executed.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Row Phenomenon, Extradition,


Ross, Colin Campbell Eadie (1892 – 1922)

By Australian Dictionary of Biography , on 8 September 2020

Academic report


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The raped, strangled and naked body of 12-year-old Alma Tirtschke was found in a right-of-way off nearby Gun Alley. The press, notably the Herald under (Sir) Keith Murdoch, fanned public outrage, pressured police for an arrest and matched the government’s initial reward, which was quickly raised from £250 to £1000. Ross, one of many people routinely interviewed, was arrested and remanded. The police, relying on the information of dubious characters, including the fortune-teller ‘Madame Ghurka’, claimed that Ross had confessed to violating and choking the girl. The Herald prejudiced his trial by publishing his photograph and printing the names and addresses of the jury. George Maxwell, appearing for Ross with T. C. Brennan, described the Crown witnesses as ‘disreputables’, mercenaries whose evidence was contradictory and untrustworthy.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list Australia
  • Themes list Networks,