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2513 Document(s) 960 Member(s) 1048 Article(s) 17 Page(s)


Discrimination, Torture, and Execution: A Human Rights Analysis of the Deathe Penalty in U.S. Prisons

By International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), on 1 January 2013


NGO report

More details See the document

In May 2013, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) undertook a fact-finding mission in California and Louisiana to evaluate the death penalty as practiced and experienced in these jurisdictions under a human rights framework. The mission examined whether the death penalty was being applied in a discriminatory manner, and if the conditions on death row met the U.S.’s obligation to prevent and prohibit torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.The mission interviewed death-row prisoners, exonerees and their family members, advocates, legal counsel, and non-governmental organizations in both states, analyzing the information gathered against the backdrop of international human rights law. Based on the interviews conducted and documentary review, the mission concludes that the use of the death penalty in California and Louisiana fails to protect a number of basic rights, rendering the United States in breach of certain fundamental international obligations. Specifically, the mission finds California and Louisiana violate the principle of non-discrimination in the charging, conviction and sentencing of persons to death. Both states treat prisoners condemned to death in a manner that is, at minimum, cruel, inhuman or degrading, and in some cases, constitutes torture.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Mental Illness, Torture, Death Row Conditions, Death Penalty,


257 Executions in the Past One Year in Iran

By Prisoners' Rights League in Iran (PRLI), on 1 January 2018


NGO report

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Statistical Report of Implemented Death Penalties in Iran from 10 October 2017 – 10 October 2018.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Death Penalty, Statistics, Country/Regional profiles,


High-Level Panel Discussion On The Question Of The Death Penalty

By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) / Human Rights Council, on 1 January 2019


International law - United Nations

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The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 26/2 and 36/17. It provides a summary of the high-level panel discussion on the question of the death penalty held on 26 February 2019 at the fortieth session of the Council. The panel discussion addressed human rights violations related to the use of the death penalty, in particular with respect to the rights to non-discrimination and equality.


Towards a Universal Moratorium on the Use of the Death Penalty

By Caroline Sculier / World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2010


NGO report

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This report analyses the various ways in which moratoria is/can be used by a number of countries throughout the world. The countries are placed into one of three groups 1: One step away from Statutory Abolition? 2. Countries which are Abolitionist in Practice but Resist Making their Position Official; and, 3. Countries with an Ambiguous Stance.


The Death Penalty in Malaysia: Public opinion on the mandatory drug trafficking, murder and firearm offences

By Roger Hood / The Death Penalty Project, on 1 January 2013


NGO report

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This study reports the findings of a major public opinion survey of the views of a representative sample of 1,535 Malaysian citizens on this issue. A large majority said they were in favour of the death penalty, whether mandatory or discretionary: 91% for murder, 74 to 80% for drug trafficking depending on the drug concerned, and 83% for firearms offences. Concerning the mandatory death penalty, a majority of 56% said they were in favour of it for murder, but only between 25% and 44% for drug trafficking and 45% for firearms offences. When asked to say what sentences they would themselves impose on a series of ‘scenario’ cases, all of which were subject to a mandatory death sentence, a large gap was found between the level of support ‘in theory’ and the level of support when faced with the ‘reality

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Capital offences, Public opinion, Retribution, Trend Towards Abolition, Innocence, Mandatory Death Penalty,


Behind the Curtain: Secrecy and the Death Penalty in the United States

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2018


NGO report

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This report documents the laws and policies that states have adopted to make information about executions inaccessible to the public, to pharmaceutical companies, and to condemned prisoners. It describes the dubious methods states have used to obtain drugs, the inadequate qualifications of members of the execution team, and the significant restrictions on witnesses’ ability to observe how executions are carried out.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Transparency, Lethal Injection, Death Penalty,


State-sponsored Homophobia: A world survey of laws criminalising same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults

By Lucas Paoli Itaborahy / International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), on 1 January 2012


NGO report

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This annual report is characterized by contrasts – some victories to celebrate against a background of hateful laws still in force and hate crimes around the world.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Minorities, Capital offences, Homosexuality,


The Role of Race in Washington State Capital Sentencing, 1981-2014

By Katherine Beckett / University of Washington, on 1 January 2014


Academic report

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This report assesses whether race influences the administration of capital punishment in Washington State, and if so, where in the process it matters.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Discrimination, Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,


UN singles out Iraq’s ever-increasing practice of capital punishment

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 10 November 2014

A report on the death penalty by the UN mission to Iraq has unearthed startling new information about the use of capital punishment in the country. The study was released on the heels of the UN’s human rights review of Iraq, where the death penalty emerged as a primary concern.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Fair Trial





The inevitability of error: The administration of justice in death penalty cases

By Death Penalty Project, on 1 January 2014


NGO report

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This report provides a global snapshot of cases and research findings from Japan, the United States, Taiwan, the Commonwealth Caribbean, Sierra Leone and the United Kingdom. International human rights law recognises the potential for wrongful conviction and execution of the innocent, or those who have not had fair trails. As a consequence, international norms seek to impose exacting standards and apply a heightened level of due process in capital cases. The relevance of universal human rights standards and international norms, requiring states to apply rigorous procedural rules in the application of the death penalty, is detailed in the Appendix.


DEATH ROW USA – Spring 2018

By NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., on 8 September 2020


NGO report

United States

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This report provides death row statistics and an update on executions in the US as of April 2018.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Penalty, Statistics,


Myth #3 – The death penalty saves money

By Reprieve / Clive Stafford Smith , on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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MYTH: The death penalty saves money. It costs less to kill people than to imprison them for life. FACT:The death penalty costs millions more than a sentence of life without parole. Taxpayers’ money could be used more efficiently on crime prevention programs and police.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Sentencing Alternatives, Financial cost,


Manifesto for a Protocol to the African Charter on the abolition of the death penalty

By International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) / FIACAT, on 1 January 2014


Working with...

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Continental Conference on the Death Penalty2-4 July 2014, Cotonou, BeninHuman Rights Organisations’ Manifesto for a Protocolto the African Charter on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Africa


Myth #2 – The death penalty reduces crime

By Reprieve / Clive Stafford Smith , on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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MYTH: The death penalty acts as a deterrent to potential criminals. FACT: The death penalty does not deter crime. It stimulates it.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Deterrence ,


Last 100 executed: Who are they?

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2014


Arguments against the death penalty

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Some defendants who commit murder are automatically excluded from the death penalty in the U.S., such as juveniles and the intellectually disabled. Others with similar deficits are regularly executed. A new study by Robert Smith (l.), Sophie Cull, and Zoe Robinson examined the mitigating evidence present in 100 recent cases resulting in execution, testing whether the offenders possessed mitigating qualities similar to those spared from execution. This infographic presents some of their findings.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Mental Illness, Arbitrariness,


Death Penalty in the US Quiz

By The Advocates for Human Rights, on 1 January 2009



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Test your knowledge of human rights and the death penalty in the U.S. with our downloadable quiz.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Country/Regional profiles,


Myth #1 – Innocent people are not executed

By Reprieve / Clive Stafford Smith , on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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MYTH: Only guilty prisoners are sent to their death. FACT: Professionals in the justice system know that innocent people have been executed.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Innocence,


Foreign nationals facing the death penalty in the USA: the important role of consular officials

By Reprieve, on 1 January 2012



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This video explains the role of consular officers in protecting their nationals when they face the death penalty abroad.

  • Document type Lobbying
  • Themes list Foreign Nationals,


Listing of verifiable executions worldwide reported this month.

By Capital Punishment U.K., on 8 September 2020


NGO report

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Listing of verifiable executions worldwide reported per month.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Statistics,


Myth #4 – Only evil people are executed

By Reprieve / Clive Stafford Smith , on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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MYTH: Only evil people are executed. People on death row are truly evil. FACT: There is a lot more to a human being than his worst action.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Right to life,


Viêt Namese : Những biến chuyển về mặt Pháp Lý về sự riêng tư trên Internet và quyền tự do ngôn luận ảnh hưởng đến công việc và sự an toàn của những nhà Đấu Tranh Nhân Quyền toàn cầu.

By Frontline, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Khi emails của chúng ta không đến được người nhận hay khi chúng ta không thể lên được mạng? Chúng ta phản ứng như thế nào về chuyện virus phá hoại các máy vi tính trên thế giới, hay một email tưởng như đến từ một người bạn, yêu cầu mở một hồ sơ đính kèm? Những quyết định thiếu thông tin sẽ dẫn đến sự chọn lựa không hay, và s ựlệ thuộc mù quáng vào khoa học kỹ thuật thường dẫn đến những lỗi lầm đắt giá. Tài liệu này không nhắm tới những thiên tài điện toán. Mục đích của nó là huấn luyện những người sử dụng máy vi tính một cách bình thường và cung cấp họ những giải pháp cho những vấn đề về bảo mật và an toàn trong môi trường điện toán hiện nay.


Premeditated: meditations on capital punishment

By Malaquias Montoya / University of Notre Dame, on 1 January 2004


Working with...

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Meditations on Capital Punishment, Recent Works by Malaquias Montoya features recently created silkscreen images and paintings, and related research dealing with the death penalty and penal institutions.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions,


Death penalty’s unlikely opponents

By Death Penalty Information Center / Eliott C. McLaughlin, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

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This article reviews several cases where the families of victim’s speak out against the death penalty.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families,


Parting Words

By Amy Elkins, on 1 January 2014


Working with...

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Parting Words, a visual photographic archive of the 500+ prisoners to date executed in the state of Texas.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Public debate, Death Row Phenomenon,


Innocence Database

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2011


NGO report

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This database can be searched using any combination of the search filters below. All columns are sortable by clicking the title at the top of the column. To find out more about a case in the list, click on the name of the individual.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Innocence,


Black is the Day, Black is the Night

By Amy Elkins, on 1 January 2014


Working with...

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Black is the Day, Black is the Night is conceptual exploration into the many facets of human identity using notions of time, accumulation, memory and distance through personal correspondence with men serving life and death row sentences in some of the most maximum security prisons in the U.S., all of which had served between 13-26 years at point of contact.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions,


Getting It Right Project

By Brandon Garret / The Innocence Project, on 1 January 2011


Legal Representation

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Getting it right is a project to learn more about the central causes of wrongful convictions and suggested reforms to prevent future injustice. It analyses the role of eyewitness, forensics, confessions, informants, representation and law enforcement.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Innocence,


Anthony Graves: The TT Interview

By Brandi Grissom / The Texas Tribune, on 1 January 2011

Legal Representation

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The state of Texas incarcerated him for nearly two decades — and nearly executed him twice — for murders he didn’t commit. And now, the state is balking at giving him the $1.4 million he’s owed for all the years he spent wrongfully imprisoned.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Innocence,


A victim of 9/11 hate crime now fights for his attacker’s life

By Kari Huus / MSNBC, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

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Immigrant badly wounded by ‘Arab Slayer’ mounts long-shot bid to halt execution.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Retribution, Murder Victims' Families,


Death penalty ‘traumatises jail warders’

By Daily Nation, on 1 January 2011


Arguments against the death penalty

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The men who lead death row inmates to the gallows are traumatised on surrendering a prisoner to the hangman. This was told at a meeting of judges, commissioners of prisons and legal practitioners from East Africa on the death penalty in Nairobi.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Retribution, Death Row Conditions, Sentencing Alternatives,


The Night I Forgave My Daughter’s Killer

By Marietta Jaeger-Lane / Yes! Magazine / Lynsi Burton, on 1 January 2011

Legal Representation

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How a grieving mother put compassion before vengeance, and found closure along the way.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families,


Myth #10 – The death penalty is not political

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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MYTH: The death penalty is not political. FACT: The death penalty is often driven by politics rather than a desire to repair social problems and bring justice.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Fair Trial,


Financial Costs of the Death Penalty

By Office of Performance Evaluations Idaho Legislature, on 1 January 2014


Government body report

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Idaho’s death penalty involves many criminal justicestakeholders at both the local and state levels and in all three branches of government. Because death penalty processes involve so many entities, legislators asked for a better understanding of the structure, workings, and costs. The following events also sparked legislative interest: (1) two offenders sentenced to death werelater released from prison in 2001 and (2) two recent executions after a 17-year pause.Legislators wanted to know whether costs of sentencingdefendants to death could be compared with costs of sentencing them to life in prison.

  • Document type Government body report
  • Themes list Statistics, Financial cost,


Myth #9 – The Bible supports the death penalty

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 8 September 2020


Academic report

More details See the document

MYTH: The Bible preaches retribution. Jesus supports the death penalty. FACT: People have been arguing for decades over interpretations of the Bible. The Church has officially declared its opposition to the death penalty. The concept of “mercy” is preached in the majority of religions.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Religion ,


Myth #8 – Executions help victims’ families to heal

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details See the document

MYTH: Executions help victims’ families to heal. FACT: Whilst we cannot speak for all victims’ families, it is clear that not all families are healed after the execution. Rather, the death penalty creates more victims and more brutality.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Retribution, Murder Victims' Families,


Myth #7 – Executions are humane

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details See the document

MYTH: Executions are humane. The process is painless and orderly. FACT: There is no decent way to kill a prisoner. Hanging, stoning, beheading and electrocuting all constitute cruel, inhumane and degrading punishment.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment,



By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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Questa guida rientra nel progetto Education for Human Dignity di Amnesty International e nasce per essere utilizzata con i moduli del progetto riguardanti povertà e diritti umani.Il manuale di facilitazione, è stato, però, realizzato con la flessibilità necessaria a renderlo fruibile anche singolarmente, come risorsa generale in diversi contesti.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion, Public debate,


Myth #6 – The death penalty applies to everyone equally

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details See the document

MYTH: The death penalty applies to everyone equally, regardless of race, wealth or background. FACT: People who are convicted of the same crime receive vastly different penalties, across the world and within the same country or even case.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Arbitrariness,


Myth #5 – Death penalty trials are a fair process

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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MYTH: Death penalty trials are a fair process. Trials and appeals are closely scrutinised. The defendant’s basic rights are protected. FACT: People are executed around the world every day because they did not have a fair trial.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Fair Trial,


Ten myths and facts about the death penalty

By Reprieve / Clive Stafford Smith , on 1 January 2011



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Every 3 hours someone is put to death by their government. Is this justice? Watch first-hand testimonies by Reprieve lawyers and clients. Read ten hard facts about the death penalty. Decide for yourself.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Public debate, Death Penalty,


Travelling abroad? Beware the death penalty

By Reprieve / Emmanuelle Purdon , on 1 January 2011


More details See the document

Many Britons abroad think that the local death penalty cannot be applied to them. Most would not know what to do if they got arrested. Yet well-meaning Britons can indeed find themselves facing execution, even if they are innocent.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Foreign Nationals,


Elmer ‘Geronimo’ Pratt dies at 63; former Black Panther whose murder conviction was overturned

By Robert J. Lopez / Los Angeles Times, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

More details See the document

Elmer G. “Geronimo” Pratt, a former Los Angeles Black Panther Party leader whose 1972 murder conviction was overturned after he spent 27 years in prison for a crime he said he did not commit, has died. He was 63.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Guidelines for Submitting Communications

By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020

Working with...

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This document outlines the functions of the Commission, how to make presentations in front of the Commission, the procedures of examining the communication and the recommendations of the Commission.


The death penalty, terrorism and international law

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2014


Academic report

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The death penalty is retained for terrorism offences in many countries, but how does it conform with international standards? The global community has had much to say about both terrorism and capital punishment; this paper brings together the key arguments to identify the appropriate state responses in the face of terrorism.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list International law, Terrorism,


The Right to a Fair Trial

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2006


Working with...

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This handbook is designed to provide readers with an understanding of how legal proceedings at national level must be conducted in order to conform with the obligations under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It is divided into chapters, each of which treats a different aspect of the guarantees contained in the article.


The Right to Life: A Guide to the Implementation of Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2006

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This Handbook deals with the right to life, as guaranteed by Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR or “the Convention”), and with the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (“the Court”) under that article.


The ECHR in 50 questions

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2014


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This document describes the European Court of Human Rights, how it was formed, how many judges sit on the court, the proceedings at the court, etc. These and many more questions about the Court are answered in this text.


The Court in Brief (the European Court of Human Rights)

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2011


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The European Court of Human Rights is an international court set up in 1959. It rules on individual or State applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights. Since 1998 it has sat as a full-time court and individuals can apply to it directly.


Overview – Association of Southeast Asian Nations

By Association of Southeast Asian Nations, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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This document provides a quick overview of ASEAN, going through its aims and purposes, fundamental principles, its community and its charter.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Networks,


Model League of Arab States: Delegates’ Handbook and Rules of Procedure

By Youngstown State University, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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This document provides an introduction to the League explaining the idea of the Arab League, how it was formed, its objectives and its structure.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Networks,


Charter of Arab League

By League of Arab States, on 1 January 2006


Working with...

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The League of Arab States is composed of the independent Arab states which have signed this Charter.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Procedure (Communications Procedure of the African Commission for Human and Peoples rights)

By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020


Working with...

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This document describes the procedures of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights stating who can apply to the court and what measures they may take.


Fighting for clients’ lives: the impact of the death penalty on defence lawyers

By Susannah Sheffer / Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2014


Working with...

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How are lawyers affected by defending death penalty cases, where failure means execution? And how do they respond when their clients are killed?This briefing paper, written by Susannah Sheffer and drawing on her book Fighting for their lives, showcases the voices of the lawyers themselves to demonstrate the profound and long-lasting impacts that the death penalty can have on those indirectly affected by it.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Legal Representation,


African Court on Human and Peoples Rights Quick Facts

By African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 1 January 2006


Working with...

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The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights was established by the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Court’s Protocol). The Court’s mission is to complement and reinforce the functions of the Commission in promoting and protecting human and peoples’ rights, freedoms and duties in African Union Member States.


Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society

By United Nations, on 1 January 2008


Working with...

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Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society is addressed to the civil society actors who, every day in every part of the world, contribute to the promotion, protection and advancement of human rights. Developed following a survey among users of the first edition of the Handbook—Working with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: A Handbook for NGOs (2006)—this comprehensively updated and revised second edition puts United Nations human rights bodies and mechanisms at its centre. Speaking to all civil society actors, including but not only non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Handbook explains how civil society can engage with various United Nations human rights bodies and mechanisms. It is the hope of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) that this Handbook will enable more people to enjoy and make claim to their human rights through these bodies and mechanisms.


Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations

By United Nations / Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations, on 8 September 2020


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The NGO Relations Cluster is the link to over 1,500 Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) associated with the Department of Public Information and supports their efforts to interact effectively with the United Nations in their areas of expertise.


Media Monitoring, Information Scanning and Intelligence

By Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International, on 1 January 2010


Working with...

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This manual offers advice on information gathering by using search engines, Web alerts, newsletters, RSS feeds, and text mining.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Writing Wrongs: How to Shift Public Opinion on the Death Penalty with Letters to the Editor

By Nancy Oliviera, on 1 January 2009


Working with...

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This booklet explains why it is important to write letters to the editor as a platform for distributing information to the public. It provides a guide to good letter writing.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Write a Letter to the Editor

By National Coalition Against the Death Penalty / Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2007


Working with...

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Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, or submitting a story to a local blog, is a great way to fight the continued use of the death penalty. This site gives helpful tips on how to write such a letter.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Indonesian : Kaedilan ang Cacat. Peradilan Yang Tidak Adil Dan Hukuman Mati di Indonesia

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020


NGO report


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Meskipun protes keras dari Organisasi lokal dan hak asasi manusia internasional , pemerintah Indonesia baru di bawah Presiden Joko Widodo telah dieksekusi 14 orang , termasuk warga negara Indonesia dan asing , pada tahun 2015. Semua dari mereka telah dihukum karena perdagangan narkoba . Dalam kesempatan lain Presiden Widodo anche Lain Bahwa pemerintah publik akan menolak aplikasi apapun grasi dibuat oleh orang-orang yang dijatuhi hukuman mati untuk kejahatan narkoba . Yang laporan ini didasarkan pada pekerjaan Amnesty International selama tiga Dekade terakhir mendokumentasikan penggunaan hukuman mati di Indonesia , meliputi penelitian dilakukan selama kunjungan Maret 2015 ke negara itu . Laporan ini menyoroti 12 kasus individu tahanan hukuman mati , dari total 131 orang hukuman mati , yang mengarah ke masalah sistemik dalam administrasi Indonesia keadilan itu mengakibatkan pelanggaran hukum dan standar HAM internasional.


EU Guidelines: Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

By Council of the European Union / European Union, on 1 January 2009


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An integral part of our Human Rights Policy is a series of Guidelines on issues of importance to the Union. These Guidelines are practical tools to help EU representations in the field better advance our policy. The first Guideline, on the Death Penalty, was elaborated in 1998. It was followed by six others focussed on Torture, Dialogues with Third Countries, Children Affected by Armed Conflict, Human Rights Defenders, the Rights of the Child and Violence Against Women. The first five Guidelines were published as a brochure four years ago; this new edition adds those Guidelines adopted since then. In preparation for publishing this booklet, all of the older Guidelines underwent a review and renovation to reflect changes both in the Union and the external environment that have taken place since 2005. There is one other innovation in the edition you hold in your hands: for the first time, we have included a guideline developed in 2005 by Member State legal experts on the topic of International Humanitarian Law. Because of the explosive growth of operations and missions conducted under the European Security and Defence Policy and as a result of our conviction that counterterrorism be conducted within the framework of international law, the Guideline on IHL is growing in importance.


Executions per Death Sentence

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2010


NGO report

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Executions per Death Sentence, with cumulative death sentences (1977 through 2010), cumulative executions (1977 through 2010) and executions per death sentence, per State.

  • Document type NGO report


Prison guards and the death penalty

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2015


NGO report

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How are prison guards affected by overseeing prisoners on death row or even participating in executions? What effects does it have in the short and the longer term?This short paper draws on research and interviews with prison guards to outline the psychological impact that guards who have worked with prisoners for many years on death row can experience when a prisoner is put to death.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions, Death Row Phenomenon,


The Last Word: Rewriting the American death penalty

By Lawrence O’Donnell / MSNBC, on 1 January 2011



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Sept. 22: The execution of Troy Davis drew an unprecedented amount of media attention. But where was the outrage over Derrick Mason who was put to death in Alabama today? MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Fair Trial, Innocence, Arbitrariness,


Give up Tomorrow

By Michael Collins / Thoughtful Robot Production, on 1 January 2011

Legal Representation

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Reflecting schisms of race, class, and political power at the core of the Philippines’ tumultuous democracy, clashing families, institutions, and individuals face off to convict or free Paco, accused of the rape and murder of two chinese-philipino women.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Innocence,


A Matter of Life and Death: films, an assembly, lessons and information on the death penalty to inspire students aged 14+

By Amnesty International UK, on 8 September 2020



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Through A Matter of Life and Death lessons, assembly and films, students aged 14+ can explore the issues surrounding the use of the death penalty, one of Amnesty’s oldest and most established campaigns.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Public opinion,


Alternative Sanctions to the Death Penalty Information Pack

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2011


Arguments against the death penalty

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PRI information kit on the alternative sanctions to the death penalty: ; a review of current practices; the increasing use of ‘life’ and long-term sentences and their contribution to growing prison numbers; 12 steps toward alternative sanctions to the death penalty that respect international human rights standards and norms.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Sentencing Alternatives,


Irreversible Error: Recommended Reforms for Preventing and Correcting Errors in the Administration of Capital Punishment

By The Constitution Project, on 1 January 2014


NGO report

More details See the document

The Committee also offers a host of other recommendations to prevent and correct wrongfulconvictions. These include recommendations regarding the preservation, testing andpresentation of forensic evidence; the creation of statutory remedies for wrongful convictionsand the implementation of procedures for the systemic review to help avoid future errors; thevideotaping of custodial interrogations – where practical – in order to avoid the documentedproblem of false and otherwise inaccurate confessions; the adoption of best practices foreyewitness identifications; the effective implementation of prosecutors’ constitutionalobligation to disclose exculpatory evidence; and enforcement of the Vienna Convention onConsular Relations.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Innocence,


Japanese : 人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会

By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

More details See the document

人権のための殺人被害者遺族の会(MVFHR)は、2004年の国際人権デーに、死刑に反対し、米国および世界中で幅広く講演活動を行っている被害者遺族のグループによって設立されました。私たちのメンバーが死刑に反対する理由は様々ですが、死刑はあらゆる法的・倫理的基準に違反しているという確信において一致しています。「いかなる場合であっても死刑には反対する」という方であれば、どのような遺族の方であれ~殺人事件、死刑執行、超法規 的な殺害行為そして「失踪」の被害者家族~、MVFHRの会員に なることができます


Polish : Poradnik dla facylitatorów i facylitatorek Pakiet materiałów Projektu edukacja dla Godności Przewodnik Po strategiach aktywnego uczestnictwa w edukacji Praw człowieka

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

More details See the document

Publikacja jest częścią projektu Amnesty international – edukacja dla Godności i może być wykorzystywana w realizacji modułów projektowych na temat ubóstwa i praw człowieka, a także jako odrębna propozycja tematów zajęć szkoleniowych.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion, Public debate,


Sharia law and the death penalty

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2015


NGO report

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PRI has witnessed the death penalty’s abolition in a majority of the world’s nations, but it continues to be used in most Muslim countries. One of the main reasons for this is the justification that it is permitted by the Quran, the Islamic holy book. In many Islamic countries which continue to carry out executions, the death penalty has become a taboo subject. Governments frequently use Sharia to justify why they retain and apply capital punishment, and this can seem to close discussion on the subject. However, Sharia law is not as immutable on the death penalty as many scholars or states say. Among the misconceptions about Sharia law is the belief that there is a clear and unambiguous statement of what the punishments are for particular offences. In fact, there are several different sources referring to punishments, and different schools of Sharia law give different weight to them.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Religion , Methods of Execution,


International Affairs Forum. Capital Punishment Around the World

By Center for International Relations, on 1 January 2015

International law - Regional body

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The summer issue of International Foreign Affaires focuses on the topic of capital punishment around the world. It collects articles and interviews dealing with the issues of death penalty, the path towards abolition, and the situation of capital punishment in the world.

  • Document type International law - Regional body
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Death Row Conditions, Death Penalty,


Slovene : PrIročnIk Izobraževalno gradIvo Izobraževanje za človekovo dostojanstvo Priročnik o uPorabi ParticiPatornih metod Pri učenju človekovih Pravic

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

Priročnik je del projekta Amnesty International Izobraževanje za človekovo dostojanstvo in je namenjen souporabi z vsebinskimi priročniki projekta o revščini in človekovih pravicah. Razvit pa je bil s fleksibilnostjo, ki omogoča, da se ga lahko uporabi tudi samostojno kot splošni pripomoček v raznolikih okoljih.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion, Public debate,


Italian : Famiglie Delle Vittime Di Omicidio Per I Diritti Umani

By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

United States

More details See the document

In tutto il mondo, coloro che sopravvivono alle vittime di omicidi sono in genere considerati a favore della pena capitale. Si presume che le esecuzioni vadano incontro al bisogno dei superstiti di giustizia, e di porre fine ad una vicenda. Opporsi alla pena di morte, è spesso visto come un andare contro alla vittima. Attraverso le loro dichiarazioni, le testimonianze e il materiale educativo, i membri dell’associazione fanno sapere ai responsabili della vita politica, e al grande pubblico, che è possibile essere sia a favore delle vittime che contro la pena di morte.


Manual for Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities

By Organization of American States, on 1 January 2009


Working with...

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The purpose of this Manual for Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities, prepared by the Department of International Affairs, is to clarify the mechanisims through which CSOs can participate in OAS activities and contribute to the formulation of hemispheric policies. In addition, the Manual provides a summary of the structure and work areas of the Organization as well as the guiding principles for CSO participation.


Italian : SINTESI DEI FATTI PIÙ IMPORTANTI DEL 2007 (e dei primi sei mesi del 2008)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

La Moratoria Onu delle esecuzioni : Il 18 dicembre 2007, la 62ª Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite ha approvato con 104 voti a favore, 54 contrari e 29 astensioni una Risoluzione che chiede agli Stati membri di “stabilire una moratoria delle esecuzioni, in vista dell’abolizione della pena di morte.”


Searchable Execution Database

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2011


NGO report

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This new database search includes the county of conviction, as well as gender of victim. All results will display in chronological order by default. To sort by other criteria, click on the headings for those fields in the search results.

  • Document type NGO report


Executions by County in the United States

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2011

NGO report

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Although counties do not carry out executions, in almost all states the decision to seek the death penalty is made by the county district attorney. A small number of counties are responsible for a disproportionate number of the executions in the United States. Search results can be sorted by county.

  • Document type NGO report


Chinese Netizens’ Opinions on Death Sentences

By Bin Liang and Jianhong Liu, The University of Michigan Press, on 4 November 2021


Academic report


Public Opinion 

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The People’s Republic of China no doubt leads the world in both numbers of death sentences and executions. Despite being the largest user of the death penalty, China has never conducted a national poll on citizens’ opinions toward capital punishment, while claiming “overwhelming public support” as a major justification for its retention and use. Based on a content analysis of 38,512 comments collected from 63 cases in 2015, this study examines the diversity and rationales of netizens’ opinions of and interactions with China’s criminal justice system. In addition, the book discusses China’s social, systemic, and structural problems and critically examines the rationality of netizens’ opinions based on Habermas’s communicative rationality framework. Readers will be able to contextualize Chinese netizens’ discussions and draw conclusions about commonalities and uniqueness of China’s death penalty practice.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list China
  • Themes list Public Opinion 


Japanese : 「人権と死刑を考える国際リーダーシップ会議」

By Japan Federation of Bar Associations, on 8 September 2020


NGO report


More details See the document


  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Japan
  • Themes list Networks,


Innocence Lost: A Play About Steven Truscott

By Beverley Cooper / Centaur Theater Company, on 1 January 2013


Working with...

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In 1959, the Canadian justice system nearly killed an innocent 14-year-old boy. The fact that Steven Truscott was wrongly convicted of the rape and murder of 12-year-old Lynne Harper that year, and sentenced to hang, now seems surreal. All the more so since he’s alive and well and living quietly with his family after 10 years of unjust incarceration – and many more years as an obscure factory worker, father and grandfather, after suffering the consequences of a destroyed reputation.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Public opinion, Innocence,


Emergency Exit: Which actions for supporting offenders close te release?

By Save Anthony, on 1 January 2013

NGO report

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In a recent research , Emergency Exit: Which actions for supporting offenders close te release?, 13 key practices have proven to help resettle successfully ex offenders into society at their exit of prison and prevent them from re-offending.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public debate,


Infographic: Death Sentences in the USA in 2012

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 January 2012


NGO report

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DPIC collects information on the number of death sentences in the United States. We only count the number of “new sentences,” i.e., we do not recount individuals who were sentenced to death in a previous year, had their sentenced overturned, and were resentenced in the current year.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Statistics, Country/Regional profiles,


Japanese : 21世紀 日本に死刑は必要か?死刑執行停止法の制定を求めて

By Japan Federation of Bar Associations, on 8 September 2020


NGO report


More details See the document


  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list Japan
  • Themes list Networks,



By Human Rights Advocates, on 1 January 2012


NGO report

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Conditions surrounding the death penalty and its application necessitate examination and recognition of the tortuous experience endured by death row inmates, as it culminates in the onset of the death row phenomenon

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Death Row Phenomenon,



By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

La situazione ad oggi : La situazione della pena di morte nel mondo è quanto mai cambiata negli ultimi anni. I paesi o i territori che in un modo o nell´altro hanno deciso di rinunciare a praticarla sono oggi 130. Di questi 78 sono totalmente abolizionisti; 14 sono abolizionisti per crimini ordinari; 2 in quanto membri del Consiglio d´Europa sono impegnati ad abolirla e, nel frattempo, attuano una moratoria delle esecuzioni; 6 attuano una moratoria delle esecuzioni; 30 sono abolizionisti di fatto (non eseguono sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni). I paesi mantenitori della pena di morte sono 66, anche se non tutti la praticano con assiduità. Nel 2002, solo 34 di questi paesi hanno compiuto esecuzioni che sono state almeno 4.078, un po´ in calo rispetto al 2001 quando erano state almeno 4.700.


Article: “Troy Davis: Why Poster Boys Don’t Matter”

By David R. Dow / Guerinca, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

United States

More details See the document

Is the Troy Davis case the tipping point on the capital punishment debate? Unfortunately, not until the majority of Americans believes that killing—even an unquestionably guilty murderer—is wrong.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


A global approach to human rights case law

By HURIDOCS, on 1 January 2013


Working with...

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Our vision is to build a database that brings together all the case law of international human rights bodies. It will be the first to make human rights case law available in a coherent manner, break new grounds in terms of accessibility and on top of that will encourage sense-making by adding tools that help the user to go beyond the text.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Public opinion,


Guía práctica para la sociedad civil: FONDOS, SUBVENCIONES Y BECAS DE DERECHOS HUMANOS

By Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos, on 1 January 2013

Working with...

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Esta Guía práctica para la sociedad civil: fondos, subvenciones y becas de derechos humanos contiene una breve descripción de las fuentes de financiación, las subvenciones y las becas administradas por o con la participación de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH).


Film “Kill Troy Killing Me”

By Garry A. Boast / Cerebral Motion Productions, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

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A death penalty abolitionist (Martina Correia) must sound the alarms of our criminal justice system in time to save her brother from lethal injection.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence,


Film: “Execution”

By Steven Scaffidi / Ghost Rider Pictures, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Amnesty International Presents a Groundbreaking Film Event That Takes the Audience to the Front Row of an Execution–Regal Cinemas opens its doors in eight major cities across America for this first-of-a-kind motion picture less than 1 week after California’s attempt to repeal the death penalty fails.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Innocence,



By Organization of American States, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

More details See the document

O formulário que se segue foi preparado pela Secretaria Executiva da CIDH e se destina a facilitar a apresentação de petições referentes a violações dos direitos humanos praticadas por Estados membros da OEA, denunciadas pelas vítimas de tais violações, por seus familiares, organizações da sociedade civil ou outras pessoas.


Abolition of the Death Penalty: China in World Perspective

By Roger Hood / City University of Hong Kong Law Review 1-21, on 1 January 2009


Academic report

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This article outlines changes that the author has observed in the debate on the death penalty.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition,


Film: “The Execution of Wanda Jean”

By Liz Garbus / New Video Group, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

More details See the document

In THE EXECUTION OF WANDA JEAN, award-winning filmmaker Liz Garbus continues her investigations into the American criminal justice system with the compelling story of convicted murderess Wanda Jean Allen

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition,


Judy Kerr: Murder Victim Family Member

By California Crime Victims for Alternatives to the Death Penalty / YouTube, on 1 January 2009


Working with...

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Judy Kerr talks about her experience as a murder victim family member and her opposition against the death. Responding to violence with violence is not the answer.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Guidelines on human rights education, for law enforcement officials

By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), on 1 January 2011


Working with...

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These guidelines aim to support systemic and effective human rights education for police and other law enforcement personnel. They were prepared on the basis of broad consultations involving police trainers, university lecturers, national human rights institutions and individuals involved in the design and delivery of educational curricula for law enforcement officials.

  • Document type Working with...


Stakeholder Submission to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review on the United States

By The Advocates for Human Rights / Puerto Rican Coalition against the Death Penalty / Greater Caribbean For Life, on 1 January 2014


NGO report

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This submission addresses the United States’ compliance with its human rights obligations with regard to its use of the death penalty. This submission concludes that the United States, in continuing to allow a sentence of death, does not guarantee its citizens adequate protection against cruel and unusual punishment, freedom from discrimination, rights to life, liberty and security of person, due process, and equal protection. It also is failing to provide an adequate remedy for those whose rights are violated.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Due Process , Right to life, Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Innocence, Discrimination, Foreign Nationals, Lethal Injection, Country/Regional profiles,



By The Austin Film Society / Chelsea Hernandez, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

More details See the document

Delia Perez-Meyer, an elementary school teacher, has taken a weeklyjourney from the classroom to death row for the past 12 years. She tells of her personal voyage, beginning from a place of frustration to acceptanceand hopeful activism.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Women, Innocence,


Death Penalty: Sociological Survey of Public Opinion on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in the Republic of Tajikistan

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2013


NGO report

More details See the document

The present study of public opinion on the death penalty in Tajikistan was conductedbetween June and August 2013. The main purpose of the study was to obtain reliableinformation about public opinion on the deathpenalty in Tajikistan, its awareness ofthe changes that have occurred in this areaand to see any changes in attitude since2010.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion,