
First symposium on the abolition of the death penalty in Niger

By Nigerien Coalition against the Death Penalty, on 17 October 2018

October 10 2018, Niamey, National Human Rights Commission CNDH NIGER. The Nigerien Coalition against the Death Penalty and the Nigerien abolitionist movement in Niger (SYNAFEN, NGO REPRODEVH NIGER, ACAT NIGER) organized the First National Symposium on the Contribution to the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Niger, following the theme “DIGNITY FOR ALL” and entitled: “Living Conditions of those under Life Imprisonment in Niger’s prisons and pleading in favour of Niger’s vote on the draft Additional Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Africa…”, under the sponsorship of the President of the CNDH NIGER Professor KALID IKIRI.


Death Row Conditions 


Kenya’s new taskforce to review death penalty laws

By Nicolas Chua, on 11 September 2018

In December 2017, two Kenyan men challenged the legality of capital punishment at the Supreme Court, which resulted in Chief Justice Marage declaring the « mandatory nature of the death sentence » unconstitutional. Following this groundbreaking statement, the Taskforce on the Review of the Mandatory Nature of the Death Penalty was appointed on March 15 2018.




Abolitionist activities, criminal policy at the heart of abolition

By Clémentine Etienne, on 1 August 2018

On 30 June 2018, as a side event to the 2nd National Congress of Réseau des avocats contre la peine mort (RACPM), a conference was organised under the title “Death Penalty and Criminal Policy”. Morocco seemed eager to match its Tunisian neighbour, which had recently proposed, with the Commission on Individual Freedoms and Equality, abolishing the death penalty.


Fair Trial



Death Penalty and Terrorism

By Hand Off Cain, on 15 June 2018

Hands off Cain held a series of meetings, one year after the launch of the project “Containing the death penalty in time of war on terrorism in Somalia, Tunisia and Egypt”, in Nairobi, Kenya, to assess the work done in Somalia.





Parliamentarians from Francophone Africa meet in Kinshasa to discuss the abolition of the death penalty

By Parliamentarians for Global Action, on 12 June 2018

The 1st and 2nd June 2018, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Ensemble contre la peine de mort (Together against the death penalty, ECPM) and Culture pour la paix et la justice (Culture for peace and justice, CPJ) organised in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) a regional parliamentary seminar entitled “Abolition of the death penalty in Africa: the role of parliamentarians”, with the support of the European Union and of the Honourable Aubin Minaku, Speaker of the National Assembly of the DRC and Member of PGA.


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Public Opinion 


12 Years Without an Execution: Is Zimbabwe Ready for Abolition?

By Death Penalty Project, on 24 May 2018

The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with Veritas, launches “12 Years Without an Execution: Is Zimbabwe Ready for Abolition?” a national public opinion study, providing for the first time comprehensive and contextualised data on public attitudes towards the death penalty in Zimbabwe – a country that has not carried out any executions in over 12 years.


Public Opinion 



The death penalty at the heart of the debates of the 62nd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

By Guillaume Colin - Jessica Corredor, on 15 May 2018

The 62nd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the African Union body responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa, was held from April 25th to May 9th, 2018 in Nouakchott, Mauritania.The death penalty was at the heart of the debates throughout this Session, during panel discussions, side-events or during the review of the State’s periodic reports.



Public Opinion 


“It’s in Africa that we find the strongest dynamics towards abolition”

By Clémentine Etienne, on 24 April 2018

The third regional Congress against the death penalty was held in Côte d’Ivoire, in Abidjan, in 2018 from April 9 to 10th. This is a natural choice when one can know that Africa is named “next abolitionist continent” and that civil society recognized it as such.



World Coalition welcomes the success of the Regional Congress in Africa

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 12 April 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty held its Steering Committee meeting on 11/04/2018 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, following the Regional Congress held on 09-10 April 2018.



3rd Regional Congress Against the Death Penalty

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 March 2018

The African Congress will be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast on 9-10 April 2018. Over 300 participants are expected.