All about Puerto Rico
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Annual Report on the Death Penalty: The Case of Puerto Rico – 2015
By Puerto Rican Coalition against the Death Penalty, on 8 September 2020
NGO report
Puerto Rico
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After a presentation of the legislation regarding the death penalty in Puerto Rico, the report covers the death penalty situation in the State in 2015 (Puerto Ricans facing the death penalty in Puerto Rico and well as in U.S. states).
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Puerto Rico
- Themes list Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,
- Available languages Rapport annuel Peine de Mort: le cas de Porto Rico - 2015Informe Anual Pena de Muerte: El Caso de Puerto Rico 2015

Experts analyse the relationship between poverty and the death penalty
By Dr. Lina M. Torres Rivera, on 18 June 2018
The International Studies Programme Overseas Relations Assembly and the Institute for Human Rights Research and Promotion (INIPRODEH) organised a forum: The Death Penalty and Poverty on the 89th anniversary of abolition of the death penalty in Puerto Rico. Eminent figures from the abolitionist movement and academia reviewed and analysed research into this issue.
Puerto Rico

Expertos analizan relación entre la pena de muerte y la pobreza
By Dra. Lina M. Torres Rivera, on 18 June 2018
En conmemoración del aniversario número 89 de la abolición de la pena de muerte en Puerto Rico la Asamblea de Relaciones Exteriores del Programa de Estudios Internacionales y el Instituto de Investigación y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (INIPRODEH), realizaron el foro Pena de muerte y pobreza. En esta actividad distinguidas figuras del abolicionismo y de la academia reseñaron y analizaron investigaciones sobre este tema social.
Puerto Rico

Working with journalists to expose the death penalty’s flaws
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 30 June 2014
Journalists and activists held a joint practical workshop during the World Coalition’s recent AGM in Puerto Rico to discuss ways of getting the abolitionist message across in the media.
Public Opinion
Puerto Rico

Suriname and Haiti to lead abolitionist way in the Caribbean
By Thomas Hubert (in San Juan, Puerto Rico), on 27 June 2014
The World Coalition held its 2014 AGM in abolitionist Puerto Rico and highlighted key regional developments in the fight against the death penalty, which remains on the books of many countries in the Greater Caribbean.
Puerto Rico
Trinidad and Tobago

World Coalition raises mental health issues in administration of the death penalty
By Thomas Hubert (in San Juan, Puerto Rico), on 22 June 2014
World abolitionists gathered in Puerto Rico between 20-22 June to take stock on progress in the crucial Caribbean region and prepare for the next round of the fight against the death penalty.
Puerto Rico

AGM focuses on mental health and progress in the Caribbean
By Inès Oulmokhtar, on 16 May 2014
The World Coalition is holding its General Assembly between 20-22 June in San Juan, Puerto Rico and invites the public to take part in the event.
Puerto Rico

Salud mental y progresos en el Caribe del programa de la Asamblea General
By Inès Oulmokhtar, on 16 May 2014
La Coalición Mundial lleva a cabo su asamblea general anual del 20 al 22 de junio en San Juan de Puerto Rico e invita al público a participar en el evento.
Puerto Rico

La red del Caribe desarrolla sus planes para la abolición
By Emile Carreau, on 16 January 2014
El Comité Ejecutivo de la red del Gran Caribe por la Vida (GCV), constituida en octubre de 2013, se reunió en San Juan, Puerto Rico el 11 y el 12 de enero con el fin de idear estrategias para luchar contra la pena de muerte en la región.
Puerto Rico

Events, strong words and hard facts to fight death penalty in the Caribbean
By Thomas Hubert, on 11 October 2013
As World Day Against the Death Penalty events unfolded on an unprecedented scale across the region, local activists and international organisations took a firm stance against capital punishment across the Caribbean.
Public Opinion
Puerto Rico
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Trinidad and Tobago

Caribbean events kick off with regional conference and abolitionist network launch
By Maria Donatelli & Aurélie Plaçais, on 3 October 2013
A wide range of activists, law practitioners and former death row inmates have met in Trinidad and Tobago to discuss strategies for abolition and organise under the Greater Caribbean for Life.
Puerto Rico
Trinidad and Tobago

Puerto Rico pressures Obama to abolish unwanted federal death penalty
on 25 June 2011
In a letter addressed to President Obama, World Coalition member, the Puerto Rican Coalition Against the Death Penalty (PRCADP), has requested that the President abolish the application of the federal death penalty in Puerto Rico. The letter , signed by PRCADP’s General Coordinator Edgardo Roman-Espada, was sent to the White House before the President’s visit to the island on 14 June 2011.
Fair Trial
Puerto Rico
United States
Puerto Rico hosts a week of World Coalition events
on 16 February 2011
International abolitionists gathered on the Caribbean territory to promote their message and to show solidarity with the local authorities against capital punishment.
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
Puerto Rico
United States
World Day: everybody stands up against the death penalty!
on 27 September 2007
The 5th World Day Against the Death Penalty takes place on Wednesday, 10 October 2007. Organised by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, it is marked by thousands of citizens and hundreds of organisations across the world who together, through hundreds of local initiatives, say ‘NO’ to capital punishment.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Puerto Rico
United States