
Coordination Eveil et cause pour l’Unité nationale et la lutte contre l’esclavage

on 30 April 2020

The Coordination Eveil et cause pour l’Unité nationale et la lutte contre l’eclavage is a non-governmental organization focused on the fight against slavery and its aftereffects. Created on 22 February 2012, it promotes a culture of Human rights and strenghten the national unity and and the bonds of love and brotherhood between every part of […]




Catholic Mobilizing Network

on 30 April 2020

Catholic Mobilizing Network is a national organization working in close collaboration with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and living the mission of the Congregation of St. Joseph. Catholic Mobilizing Network (CMN) proclaims the Church’s pro-life teaching and prepares Catholics for informed involvement in the public debate to end the death penalty and promote […]

United States

Communità di Sant'Egidio


Communità di Sant’Egidio

on 30 April 2020

Sant’Egidio is a Christian community born in 1968, right after the second Vatican Council. An initiative of Andrea Riccardi, it was born in a secondary school in the centre of Rome. With the years, it has become a network of communities in more than 70 countries of the world. The Community pays attention to the […]



Culture pour la Paix et la Justice (CPJ)

on 30 April 2020

The association Culture for Peace and Justice (CPJ) was founded in Kinshasa at the end of 1990s by a lawyer, Liévin Ngondji, and a law student, Molisho Ndarabu Eulethère. At a time of war, they wanted to fight against the practice of the Military court, an exceptional court established in 1997 that pronounced numerous death […]

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Fédération Syndicale Unitaire (FSU)

on 30 April 2020

The United Trade-Union Federation (FSU) brings together 22 national trade unions in the fields of education, teaching, research, culture, training and social integration. They represent the majority or a large proportion of workers in their professional fields. FSU unites these national trade unions by combining diversity, pluralism and unity. Its characteristic organisational innovation is to […]



International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

on 30 April 2020

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)’s mandate is to act effectively to ensure all the rights laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are respected. These include civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural ones. The FIDH is a federation of 141 leagues in 100 countries. It coordinates […]



Death Penalty Focus

on 30 April 2020

Death Penalty Focus (DPF) is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to the abolition of capital punishment in the United States through public education; grassroots organizing and political advocacy; media outreach; and domestic and international coalition building. With 150,000 members and supporters nationwide, DPF is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of renowned political, […]

United States


Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM)

on 30 April 2020

Since 2000, Together against the Death Penalty (Ensemble contre la peine de mort – ECPM) acts to fight against the death penalty around the world. The association promotes the universal abolition through the creation and dissemination of publications and teaching tools, as part of public campaigns and lobbies governments at both national and international levels. […]



Planète Réfugiés – Droits de l’homme

on 30 April 2020

Planète Réfugiés-Droits de l’Homme (PRDH) aims, through research, training and advocacy activities in France and internationally, at the effective realization of inherent human rights, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, treaties and conventions protecting individual and collective freedoms, international standards and guidelines. In terms of research, PRDH focuses part of its action […]



International Federation of ACATs (FIACAT)

on 30 April 2020

The International Federation of ACATs (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture), FIACAT, is an international non-governmental human rights organisation, set up in 1987, which works towards the abolition of torture and the death penalty. The Federation brings together some thirty national associations, the ACATs, present in four continents. FIACAT – representing its members […]
