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2513 Document(s) 960 Member(s) 1048 Article(s) 17 Page(s)


Moving Away from the Death Penalty: Arguments, Trends, and Perspectives

By United Nations / Ivan Šimonovic, on 1 January 2014


International law - United Nations

More details See the document

Why yet another book on the death penalty? The answer is simple: Aslong as the death penalty exists, there is a need for advocacy against it.This book provides arguments and analysis, reviews trends and sharesperspectives on moving away from the death penalty.

  • Document type International law - United Nations
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition,


One Iranian lawyer’s fight to save juveniles from execution

By Amnesty International / The Guardian, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

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As part of Amnesty International’s 2012 death penalty campaign the Guardian and animators from Sherbet tell in this short animation fim the extraordinary story of Mohammad Mostafaei, a lawyer who has saved 20 of the 40 juveniles he has defended from execution in Iran. Actor Paul Bettany speaks the lawyer’s words.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Themes list Innocence,


Italian : Sintesi dei fatti più rilevanti del 2000

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

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In questi anni, abbiamo assistito ad un progressivo rafforzamento del processo abolizionista, ed anche i fatti registrati nel 2000 confermano questo trend positivo. Al 31 dicembre 2000, sono 123 i paesi abolizionisti a vario titolo: 77 sono totalmente abolizionisti, 12 abolizionisti per crimini ordinari, 30 abolizionisti di fatto, 2 impegnati ad abolire la pena di morte in quanto membri del Consiglio d´Europa, 2 attuano una moratoria legale delle esecuzioni. I paesi mantenitori sono 73.



By Organization of American States / Department of International Law, on 1 January 2011


Regional body report

More details See the document

Estado de Firmas y Ratificaciones del protocolo a la convention americana sobre derechos humanos relativo a la abolicion de la pena de muerte


Training Resource: Advocacy Tools in the Fight Against the Death Penalty and Alternative Sanctions that Respect International Human Rights Standards

on 1 January 2011

NGO report

More details See the document

The aim of this resource is to build and strengthen civil society organisation’s (CSOs) knowledge and awareness of advocacy and what advocacy methods are available for the fight against the death penalty and for alternative sanctions that respect international human rights standards. This resource covers issues related to using the media to influence, and how to build coalitions to strengthen your advocacy work.

  • Document type NGO report


Freedom Inside The Walls

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2005


Arguments against the death penalty

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Shot in Benin, Kenya and Malawi ‘Freedom Inside These Walls’ provides disturbing footage of prison conditions inside these countries, which are common to many other prisons in Africa. It highlights the challenges in accessing justice faced by poor people in conflict with the law.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions, Country/Regional profiles,


Not Making Us Safer: Crime, Public Saftey and the Death Penalty

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2013


NGO report

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Thisdocument aims at providing a generaloverview of how crime and concerns about public safety are often met by government calls forthe death penalty—distracting public attention fromthe much-needed, long-term solutionsthat could more effectively tackle crime and the root causes of crime. It reviews a number ofrecent studies on homicide trends, public perception of safety and the deterrent effect of thedeath penalty. The studies found that, in order toeffectively deter crime, governments shoulduse a multi-faceted approach involving different segments of society and multiple tools—andthat the death penalty is not one of them.


The death penalty and the “most serious crimes”: A country -by -country overview of the death penalty

By International Commission Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2013

NGO report

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This document provides brief commentary on the concept of “most serious crimes”, followed by a country by country overview of criminal offences punishable by death in retentionist states

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition, Statistics,


Death penalty abolition, Death penalty as inhuman and degrading treatment

By European Court of Human Rights, on 1 January 2012


International law - Regional body

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Factsheet regarding cases concerning the Death Penalty

  • Document type International law - Regional body
  • Themes list International law,


Moving Away From the Death Penalty: National Experiences

By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) , on 1 January 2012

International law - United Nations

More details See the document

Why do states retain the death penalty? Any suggestions that the death penalty has a meaningful deterrent effect have been overstated, with little research supporting such an assertion. The OHCHR is organising a series of global panel discussions on the abolition of the death penalty. This publication is based on the first of these discussions, held at the United Nations in New York on 3 July 2012.

  • Document type International law - United Nations
  • Themes list International law, Trend Towards Abolition, Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment,


In the Extreme: Women Serving Life Without Parole and Death Sentences in the United States

By The Sentencing Project, National Black Women’s Justice Institute and the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, on 14 January 2022


NGO report


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One of every 15 women in prison — amounting to more than 6,600 women — is serving a life sentence and nearly 2,000 of these have no chance for parole. Another 52 women in the U.S. are awaiting execution. Many women serving extreme sentences were victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse long before they committed a crime.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Women



By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

Il 2001 ha confermato l´evoluzione verso l´abolizione della pena di morte in corso ormai da dieci anni. Nell´anno, la Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia è diventata totalmente abolizionista, il Cile ha abolito la pena di morte per i crimini ordinari, l´Irlanda l´ha abolita anche dalla Costituzione, il Burkina Faso è entrato a fare parte del gruppo degli abolizionisti di fatto non avendo eseguito sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni, il Libano ha deciso di attuare una moratoria delle esecuzioni.


The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview 2012 Tipping the Scales for Abolition

By Patrick Gallahue / Fifa Rahman / Ricky Gunawan / Harm Reduction International / Karim El Mufti / Najam U Din / Rita Felten, on 1 January 2012


International law - United Nations

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There are many routes towards abolition of the death penalty. The courtroom is just one of them, as is the reduction of the number of offences for which the death penalty may be applied. However, considering how clearly international human rights bodies have set out the international norms against these laws, governments should now be forced to defend these international standards against the use of the death penalty.

  • Document type International law - United Nations
  • Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Drug Offences,


Social survey: public attitudes in Kazakhstan to the death penalty for terrorist offences

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2014


NGO report

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This survey polled public opinion in Kazakhstan towards the use of the death penalty for terrorist offences resulting in death, and also for especially grave crimes committed inwartime.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion,


Greek : Τι είναι το ODIHR;

By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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Το Γραφείο Δημοκρατικών Θεσμών και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων (ODIHR) του ΟΑΣΕ είναι ένα από τα βασικά περιφερειακά όργανα ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στον κόσμο. Με έδρα την Βαρσοβία της Πολωνίας, το ODIHR δραστηριοποιείται σε όλη την Ευρώπη, τον Καύκασο, την Κεντρική Ασία και την Βόρεια Αμερική.Προάγει τις δημοκρατικές εκλογές, τον σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, την ανοχή και την εξάλειψη των διακρίσεων και το κράτος δικαίου. Το ODIHR είναι ο θεσμός για τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα του Οργανισμού για την Ασφάλεια και την Συνεργασία στην Ευρώπη (ΟΑΣΕ), ενός διακυβερνητικού φορέα που εργάζεται για την σταθερότητα, την ευημερία και την δημοκρατία στα 56 Κράτη που συμμετέχουν σε αυτόν.


Guidelines on human rights education, for secondary school systems

By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), on 1 January 2011


Working with...

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These guidelines, which focus on human rights education in secondary schools, aim to support systemic and effective human rights learning for all young people.

  • Document type Working with...


Italian : SINTESI DEI FATTI PIU’ IMPORTANTI DEL 2006 (e dei primi sette mesi del 2007)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

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La situazione ad oggi : L’evoluzione positiva verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in atto nel mondo da oltre dieci anni, si è confermata anche nel 2006 e nei primi sette mesi del 2007. I paesi o i territori che hanno deciso di abolirla per legge o in pratica sono oggi 146. Di questi, i paesi totalmente abolizionisti sono 93; gli abolizionisti per crimini ordinari sono 9; 1 paese, la Russia, in quanto membro del Consiglio d’Europa è impegnato ad abolirla e, nel frattempo, attua una moratoria delle esecuzioni; quelli che hanno introdotto una moratoria delle esecuzioni sono 4; i paesi abolizionisti di fatto, che non eseguono cioè sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni, sono 39.


Ukrainian : ЄСПЛ у 50-ти запитаннях

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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Конвенція розрізняє два види заяв: індивідуальні, які подаються будь-якою особою чи групою осіб, компанією чи неурядовою організацією стосовно порушення їх прав; та міждержавні заяви, подані однієї державою проти іншої. З часу заснування Суду майже всі заяви до нього подавалися приватними особами, які безпосередньо зверталися до Суду зі скаргами на одне чи декілька порушень Конвенції.


Italian : I FATTI PIU´ IMPORTANTI DEL 2003 (e dei primi mesi del 2004)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

More details See the document

La situazione ad oggi : La situazione della pena di morte nel mondo è ulteriormente e positivamente cambiata in senso abolizionista nell´ultimo anno. I paesi o i territori che a vario titolo hanno deciso di rinunciare a praticarla sono oggi 133. Di questi 81 sono totalmente abolizionisti; 14 sono abolizionisti per crimini ordinari; 1 (la Russia) in quanto membro del Consiglio d´Europa è impegnato ad abolirla e, nel frattempo, attua una moratoria delle esecuzioni; 5 hanno stabilito una moratoria delle esecuzioni; 32 sono abolizionisti di fatto (non eseguono sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni).


Facing their last moments with a smile: The Chinese women about to be executed for drug smuggling

By Rick Dewsbury / Mail Online, on 1 January 2011



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The moving images could show any group of young women as they go about their daily lives in prison. But just hours – and in some cases minutes – after the pictures were taken, each of the four women were led into a concrete yard and executed.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions,


German : Der in Kürze Gerichthof

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte ist ein internationales Gericht, das seine Tätigkeit im Jahre 1959 aufnahm. Er entscheidet über Individual- und Staatenbeschwerden, in denen eine Verletzung der in der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention niedergelegten bürgerlichen und politischen Rechte gerügt wird. Seit 1998 ist der Gerichtshof ein ständig tagendes Gericht, an das sich Einzelpersonen direkt wenden können.


Italian : SINTESI DEI FATTI PIU’ IMPORTANTI DEL 2004 (e dei primi mesi del 2005)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

More details See the document

La situazione ad oggi : L’evoluzione positiva verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in atto nel mondo da almeno dieci anni, si è confermata anche nel 2004 e nei primi mesi del 2005. I paesi o i territori che hanno deciso di abolirla per legge o in pratica sono oggi 138. Di questi, i paesi totalmente abolizionisti sono 86; gli abolizionisti per crimini ordinari sono 11; 1 paese, la Russia, in quanto membro del Consiglio d’Europa è impegnato ad abolirla e, nel frattempo, attua una moratoria delle esecuzioni; quelli che hanno introdotto una moratoria delle esecuzioni sono 5; i paesi abolizionisti di fatto, che non eseguono cioè sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni, sono 35. Dall’inizio del 2004, 3 paesi sono passati dal fronte dei mantenitori a quello a vario titolo abolizionista, mentre altri 5 hanno fatto ulteriori passi in avanti all’interno dello stesso fronte abolizionista.


Italian : I FATTI PIù IMPORTANTI DEL 2005 (e dei primi sei mesi del 2006)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 8 September 2020

NGO report

More details See the document

La situazione ad oggi : L’evoluzione positiva verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in atto nel mondo da almeno dieci anni, si è confermata anche nel 2005 e nei primi sei mesi del 2006. I paesi o i territori che hanno deciso di abolirla per legge o in pratica sono oggi 142. Di questi, i paesi totalmente abolizionisti sono 90; gli abolizionisti per crimini ordinari sono 10; 1 paese, la Russia, in quanto membro del Consiglio d’Europa è impegnato ad abolirla e, nel frattempo, attua una moratoria delle esecuzioni; quelli che hanno introdotto una moratoria delle esecuzioni sono 5; i paesi abolizionisti di fatto, che non eseguono cioè sentenze capitali da oltre dieci anni, sono 37.


Condemned to Die

By Mark Davis / SBS, on 1 January 2011


Legal Representation

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Presenter Mark Davis travels to Indonesia with the mother of Bali Nine member Myuran Sukumaran, as she visits her son for the first time since his final death sentence appeal was rejected.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Drug Offences,


German : Der Gerichtshof in 50 Fragen

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

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Die Konvention unterscheidet zwischen zwei Beschwerdeformen: Individualbeschwerden, die von jeder natürlichen oder juristischen Person, Personenvereinigung oder nichtstaatlichen Organisation mit der Behauptung einer Verletzung der Konventionsrechte erhoben werden können, und Staatenbeschwerden, die von einem Konventionsstaat gegen einen anderen Konventionsstaat angestrengt werden.


Portuguese : Tribunal Africano dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos

By African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 2020

Academic report

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O Tribunal Africano dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos foi estabelecido pelo Protocolo à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos relativamente ao Estabelecimento do Tribunal Africano dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos. A missão do Tribunal consiste em complementar e reforçar as funções da Comissão promovendo e protegendo os direitos, as liberdades e as obrigações do homem e dos povos nos Estados membros da União Africana. O Tribunal é composto por onze (11) juízes cidadãos dos Estados membros da União Africana e eleitos em função de suas capacidades individuais.


Belarusian : відэа: “Палёт”

By Праваабарончы цэнтр "Вясна", on 8 September 2020

Academic report


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Анімацыйная стужка, створаная таленавітымі валанцёрамі кампаніі “Праваабаронцы супраць смяротнага пакарання” раскрывае тэму незваротнасці і жорсткасці смяротнага прысуду. Беларусь — апошняя краіна ў Еўропе і на постсавецкай прасторы, якая выкарыстоўвае смяротнае пакаранне.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list Belarus
  • Themes list International law, Public opinion,


Incendiary: the Willingham case

By Steve Mims / Joe Bailey Jr. / Yokel, on 1 January 2011


Legal Representation

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This film, by Steve Mims and Joe Bailey Jr., is just what its title implies: a match being lit to a tinderpile of flimsy evidence that led to the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham in Texas in 2004 after his 1992 conviction for setting the fire that killed his three babies.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Innocence,


Into the Abyss

By Werner Herzog / Skellig Rock (Werner Herzog Film) / Channel 4 (Spring Films), on 1 January 2011

Legal Representation

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We do not know when and how we will die. Death Row inmates do. Werner Herzog embarks on a dialogue with Death Row inmates, asks questions about life and death and looks deep into these individuals, their stories, their crimes. There are interviews (video).

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions,


Cameron Todd Willingham: Wrongfully Convicted and Executed in Texas

By The Innocence Project, on 1 January 2011

Legal Representation

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Tool containing all the documents on Cameron Todd’s case.

  • Document type Legal Representation
  • Themes list Innocence, Country/Regional profiles,


كار با برنامه حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد کتابی برای راهنمایی جامعه مدني

By United Nations / Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on 1 January 2008


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

اين كتاب راهنما خطاب به همه فعالان جامعه مدني، ازجمله سازمان هاي غيردولتي، اما نه فقط آنها، توضيح مي دهد چگونه جامعه مدني مي تواند با نهادها وسازوكارهاي گوناگون حقوق بشرسازمان ملل همكاري كند


Paralegal Aid Clinics: A handbook for paralegals working in prisons

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2002


Working with...

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The Paralegal Advisory Service (PAS) trainers manual for conducting paralegal aid clinics (PLCs) inside prison has been written for paralegal facilitators who will conduct PLCs in prisons aimed principally at remand prisoners

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Country/Regional profiles,


Portuguese : Homofobia do Estado: Uma pesquisa mundial sobre legislações que proíbem relações sexuais consensuais entre adultos do mesmo sexo

By Daniel Ottosson / International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

O propósito deste relatório anual sobre a Homofobia do Estado, expresso desde sua primeira edição, em 2007, é revelar e denunciar os países que, no século 21, negam às pessoas LGBTI os direitos humanos mais fundamentais: o direito à vida e à liberdade, na esperança de que, a cada ano, mais e mais países abandonem a ―comunidade‖ dos países homofóbicos.Em comparação com o relatório do ano passado, em que relacionamos os 77 países que perseguiam as pessoas com base em sua orientação sexual, no presente relatório você encontrará ‗apenas‖ 76 países nesta mesma lista, incluindo os cinco ―infames‖,que condenam as pessoas à morte com base em sua orientação sexual: Irã, Mauritânia, Arábia Saudita, Sudão e Iêmen (e algumas regiões da Nigéria e da Somália). Um país a menos, se comparado ao relatório de 2009, pode parecer um avanço insignificante, até nos darmos conta de que ele compreende 1/6 da população humana.


Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme A Handbook for Civil Society

By United Nations / Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on 1 January 2008


United Nations report

More details See the document


Italian : Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell’Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020


United Nations report

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Articolo 2 – Diritto alla vita1 Il diritto alla vita di ogni persona è protetto dalla legge. Nessuno può essere intenzionalmente privato della vita, salvo che in esecuzione di una sentenza capi-tale pronunciata da un tribunale, nel ca-so in cui il reato sia punito dalla legge con tale pena.


Victims, We Care

By Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty / Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights / YouTube, on 1 January 2011


Working with...

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Victims, We Care

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families,


German : Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten

By Council of Europe, on 8 September 2020


United Nations report

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Artikel 2 – Recht auf Leben1 Das Recht jedes Menschen auf Le-ben wird gesetzlich geschützt. Niemand darf absichtlich getötet werden, außer durch Vollstreckung eines Todesurteils, das ein Gericht wegen eines Verbre-chens verhängt hat, für das die Todes-strafe gesetzlich vorgesehen ist.


Paralegals in Rwanda A Case Study by Penal Reform International

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2002


Working with...

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Paralegals are becoming an increasingly important part of the criminal justice system in developing countries. By ensuring more people are aware of their rights within the prison system and can therefore represent themselves and follow up on their cases, paralegals contribute towards a reduction in numbers in pre-trial detention.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Country/Regional profiles,


Portuguese : História de uma execução

By Fabian Biasio / Swissinfo, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

United States

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Reportagem de Fabian Biasio sobre a execução de um assassino esquizofrênico no Texas. Em 2003, o fotógrafo acompanhou Tina Morris durante a semana que precedia a execução do seu irmão, James Colburn.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Murder Victims' Families, Death Row Conditions,


Northwestern Death Penalty Project

By Northwestern University Centre on Wrongful Convictions, on 1 January 1998


Working with...

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The Center on Wrongful Convictions is dedicated to identifying and rectifying wrongful convictions and other serious miscarriages of justice. The Center has three components: representation, research, and community services. Center faculty, staff, cooperating outside attorneys, and Bluhm Legal Clinic students investigate possible wrongful convictions and represent imprisoned clients with claims of actual innocence. The research component focuses on identifying systemic problems in the criminal justice system and, together with the community services component, on developing initiatives designed to raise public awareness of the prevalence, causes, and social costs of wrongful convictions and promote reform of the criminal justice system. In addition, the community services component helps exonerated former prisoners cope with the difficult process of reintegration into free society.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


The death penalty worldwide: developments in 2002

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2003


NGO report

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This paper covers significant events concerning the death penalty during the year 2002. Other subjects covered in this paper include significant judicial decisions; important studies; the use of the death penalty against the innocent; reductions in the scope of the death penalty; moratoria and commutations; and moves to restrict appeals in capital cases.


No to the Death Penalty, No to Revenge

By YouTube, on 1 January 2008


Working with...

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A murder victim’s family member talks out about her opposition to the death penalty.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Networks,


Arab Charter on Human Rights

By League of Arab States, on 1 January 2004


Regional body report

More details See the document

Article 51. Every human being has the inherent right to life.2. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.Article 6Sentence of death may be imposed only for the most serious crimes inaccordance with the laws in force at the time of commission of the crime and pursuant to a final judgement rendered by a competent court. Anyone sentenced to death shall have the right to seek pardon or commutation of the sentence.Article 71. Sentence of death shall not be imposed on persons under 18 years of age, unlessotherwise stipulated in the laws in force at the time of the commission of the crime.2. The death penalty shall not be inflicted on a pregnant woman prior to her deliveryor on a nursing mother within two years from the date of her delivery; in all cases, the best interests of the infant shall be the primary consideration.


Inadequete Legal Representation

By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020


Arguments against the death penalty

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Perhaps the most important factor in determining whether a defendant will receive the death penalty is the quality of the representation he or she is provided. Almost all defendants in capital cases cannot afford their own attorneys. In many cases, the appointed attorneys are overworked, underpaid, or lacking the trial experience required for death penalty cases.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Legal Representation,



By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

Arguments against the death penalty

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Scientific studies have consistently failed to demonstrate that executions deter people from committing crime anymore than long prison sentences.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Deterrence ,


The High Cost of the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Focus, on 8 September 2020

Arguments against the death penalty

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A fact sheet on the cost of the death penalty in the United States. Life emprisonment without parole is suggested.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Transparency, Death Penalty, Financial cost,


Alternatives to the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Focus / Alternatives to the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2008


Arguments against the death penalty

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In every state that retains the death penalty, jurors have the option of sentencing convicted capital murderers to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The sentence is cheaper to tax-payers and keeps violent offenders off the streets for good. The information is California specific.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Sentencing Alternatives,


Alternatives to the Death Penalty: The Problems with Life Imprisonment

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2007


Arguments against the death penalty

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This briefing examines the use of life imprisonment worldwide, including the increasing trend of life imprisonment without the possibility of release, or life without parole (LWOP). Emerging trends indicate an increase in the number of offences carrying the sanction of life imprisonment, a greater prevalence of indeterminate sentencing, a reduction in the use of parole, and the lengthening of prison terms as a whole. The abolition of the death penalty has played a significant role in the increased use of life imprisonment sentences, and LWOP in particular. Conditions of detention and the treatment of prisoners serving life sentences are often far worse than those for the rest of the prison population and more likely to fall below international human rights standards.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Sentencing Alternatives,


Prison conditions for women facing the death penalty: A factsheet

By Penal Reform International / Cornwell Death Penalty Project, on 1 January 2018



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There are at least 500 women currently on death row around the world. While exact figures are impossible to obtain, it is estimated that over 100 women have been executed in the last 10 years – and potentially hundreds more. Little empirical data exists about the crimes for which women have been sentenced to death, the circumstances of their lives before their convictions, and the conditions under which they are detained on death row. This Factsheet focuses on the latter topic, with some introductory remarks on the profiles of women under sentence of death. It draws on research published by the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty in 2018, which has shed light on this much-neglected population.


Position Paper No. 2 on the Abolition of the Death Penalty

By Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, on 1 January 2007


Government body report

More details See the document

This paper outlines the case for abolition of the death penalty in Kenya from a human rights perspective, including the position of the National Commissionon the subject. It seeks to persuade the public, and policy makers on the need to abolish capital punishment. Informed by the various theories of punishmentand human rights principles, the paper addresses arguments by the proponents of the death penalty; builds a case for abolition of the death penalty; andfi nally makes recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders for necessary action towards abolition of the death penalty.

  • Document type Government body report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition, Country/Regional profiles,


Compounded Violence: Domestic Abuse and the Mandatory Death Penalty in Ghana and Sierra Leone

By Anjuli Peters / University of Oxford, on 1 January 2019


Arguments against the death penalty

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This paper applies a gendered perspective to women sentenced to a mandatory death penalty in the West African countries of Ghana and Sierra Leone. At present, there are six women on death row in Ghana and two women on death row in Sierra Leone. All eight women are sentenced to mandatory death for murder. However, interviews with the women on death row suggest that their offenses do not meet the threshold of ‘most serious crimes.’ Instead, many are convicted for acts committed in retaliation following violence against them.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Women,



By African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, on 8 September 1981


United Nations report

More details See the document

ARTICLE 4Human beings are inviolable. Every human being shall be entitled to respect for his life and the integrity of his person. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of this right.ARTICLE 5Every individual shall have the right to the respect of the dignity inherent in a human being and to the recognition of his legal status. All forms of exploitation and degradation of man, particularly slavery, slave trade, torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment and treatment shall be prohibited.


Human Rights and the Death Penalty in the United States

By The Advocates for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020


Arguments against the death penalty

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This sheet details what human rights are in relation to the death penalty and the USA. It discusses racism, inadequete legal representation and the unjustifiable cost of the death penalty in the US.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty



By Organization of American States, on 1 January 1990


Regional body report

More details See the document

Article 1The States Parties to this Protocol shall not apply the death penalty in their territory to any person subject to their jurisdiction.



By Organization of American States, on 8 September 1969


United Nations report

More details See the document

Article 4. Right to Life1. Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.


Convention on the Rights of the Child

By United Nations, on 1 January 1989


United Nations report

More details See the document

Article 37States Parties shall ensure that:(a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment without possibility of release shall be imposed for offences committed by persons below eighteen years of age.


Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty

By United Nations, on 1 January 1989

United Nations report

More details See the document

The States Parties to the present Protocol,Believing that abolition of the death penalty contributes to enhancement of human dignity and progressive development of human rights,Recalling article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, and article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on 16 December 1966,Noting that article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights refers to abolition of the death penalty in terms that strongly suggest that abolition is desirable,Convinced that all measures of abolition of the death penalty should be considered as progress in the enjoyment of the right to life,Desirous to undertake hereby an international commitment to abolish the death penalty,Have agreed as follows:Article 11. No one within the jurisdiction of a State Party to the present Protocol shall be executed.2. Each State Party shall take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty within its jurisdiction.


Philippines: March 2018 National Survey on Public Perceptions on the Death Penalty

By Social Weather Stations (SWS), on 1 January 2018


NGO report

More details See the document

This is the main finding of the March 2018 National Survey on Public Perception on the Death Penalty, conducted by Social Weather Stations (SWS) for the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHRP). This is the first survey in the Philippines to explore thought processes and disentangle layers of perceptions about the death penalty. It did face-to-face interviews of 2,000 respondents aged 15 and above nationwide during the period March 22 to 27, 2018.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Public opinion, Death Penalty, Country/Regional profiles,


The death penalty in the Arab world: Study on the death penalty in some Arab countries

By Arab Penal Reform Organization APRO, on 1 January 2007


NGO report

More details See the document

The essence of the death penalty is the eradication of life for the condemned. Death penalty was a common practice in ancient heavenly religions, especially in times dominated by the idea of religious revenge. Additionally, it was implemented in a brutal and cruel way accompanied by terrible methods of torture. The death penalty has not been controversial in the old legislation; it has been recognized by scholars without attempting to justify it, as governors and legislators apply it without resistance from thinkers and philosophers. In the modern era, controversy has arisen about the feasibility and legality of the death penalty as a form of social reaction to the offender. The eighteenth century is marked by philosophical ideas which attacked the prevailing penal systems, as studies and research have appeared on the social and anthropological causes of crime. Thus, two intellectual trends have appeared on the horizon: those in favor of retaining the death penalty, and those demanding its abolishment. Each trend has its reasons and pretexts supporting their thoughts concerning the death penalty. Hence, the study analyses and examines “The Death Penalty in the Arab World” through a series of distinctive research methods, addressing the death penalty in ten Arab countries. The following is presented according to a signal research plan that includes: crimes punishable by death, and procedural guarantees on the death penalty and its adequacy, as well as putting forward many proposals and recommendations on the abolishment of the death penalty. This study includes the death penalty in ten Arab countries: Bahrain – Egypt – Jordan – Iraq – Lebanon- Morocco- Palestine – Saudi Arabia – Syria- Yemen. —- Go to first document in English.


Racial Bias

By National Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2014


Arguments against the death penalty

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This webpage provides information on the link between racism and the death penalty in the United States.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Discrimination,


Execution Facility Tour of North Carolina Death Row

By Scott Langley / YouTube, on 1 January 2010


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This video gives a tour of the death row facilities at North Carolina. It also explores the protocol for execution by lethal injection.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Lethal Injection,


Advocacy and Campaigning

By Ian Chandler / Bond - For International Development, on 1 January 2010


More details See the document

This guide describes the functions of advocacy and campaigning and provides instructions on how to approach and who participates in advocacy and campaigning.

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Networks,


Murder Victims Families for Human Rights Brochure

By Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights, on 8 September 2020


Working with...

More details See the document

Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights was launched on international human rights day, 2004, by a group of victims’ family members who oppose the death penalty and have extensive speaking and organizing experience in the United States and around the world. Through their statements, testimony, and educational materials, MVFHR members let policymakers and the general public know that it is possible to be both pro-victim and anti-death penalty. The response to one human rights violation should not be another human rights violation. We honor victims by preventing violence, not by perpetuating it.


Step by Step : Journey of Hope

By Journey of Hope / YouTube, on 1 January 2007


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This is a video following the Journey of Hope in Texas, a group lobbying for abolition in Texas.They tour Texas giving talks on the death penalty and they promote a message of love and not retribution. This video includes testimonies from murder victim families and exonerees.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Fault Lines: Politics of Death Penalty

By Fault Lines / YouTube, on 1 January 2010


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

FaultLines explores the death penalty in the United States. Interviews with murder victim families, politicans and the exonerated are included.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Mike Farrell: Paul House and Death Row

By Air America Media / YouTube, on 1 January 2009


Arguments against the death penalty

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Mike Farrell talks about the death penalty in the United States. Amongst many things he speaks about innocence, deterrence and retribution.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,



By The North Atlantic Innocence Project / The Innocence Project / YouTube, on 1 January 2009

Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This event was held by the North Atlantic Innocence Project. The video explores post conviction evidence that can prove innocence after conviction. Testimonials from the exonerated, a victim and from a police officier who works on post conviction cases.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Innocence,


End the Death Penalty, Mike Farrell on Meet the Bloggers

By Meet the Bloggers / YouTube, on 1 January 2008


Arguments against the death penalty

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Meet the Bloggers talks about the death penalty with two anti death penalty campaigners. The cases of Troy Davis and Montell Johnson are discussed and issues such as discrimination, retribution, the cost of the death penalty, religion and sentencing alternatives are touched upon. Short clips on the Death Penalty in Mexico, Amnesty Internationals campaign and how you can help fight the death penalty are all discussed here.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Stephen Bright v. Death Penalty

By Moblogic TV / YouTube, on 1 January 2008

Arguments against the death penalty

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Renowned capital defense attorney Stephen Bright discusses the death penalty in light of recent Supreme Court decisions.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Oleg Alkaev, former head of Belarus’s death row

By Amnesty International / Daily Motion, on 8 September 2020


Academic report


More details See the document

Colonel Oleg Alkaev, who was Director of remand prison (SIZO)6 No. 1 in Minsk and ordered a number of executions. He gave this testimony to Amnesty International, a member of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.


Stop the Death Penalty: Worldwide Abolition Now

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2007


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This video by Amnesty International talks about how the administration of the death penalty is cruel, often sought after unfair trials and how innocent people have been wrongfully convicted. Voice over by Colin Firth.


Jeremy Irons talks about the death penalty

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2007

Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This video features Jeremy Irons who speaks about the death penalty and arguements commonly made for it.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Council of Europe Goodwill Ambassador Bianca Jagger on the campaign against the Death Penalty

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2011


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This podcast is interview with the Goodwill Ambassador Bianca Jagger. She talksabout murder victims’ families, deterrence, a moratorium on executions and the trend towards abolition.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Death Penalty Debate

By Council of Europe, on 1 January 2009


Arguments against the death penalty

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During a televised panel discussion on the death penalty on 9th October, Slovenian law professor Dragan Petrovec said victims should play no role in the sentencing of offenders. ”The victim is never objective,” he said. ”Victims can’t be judges.” The discussion, organised by the Council of Europe to mark the European day against the death penalty, also featured Sweden’s Human Rights Ambassador Jan Axel Nordlander. Council of Europe’s Head of Department Jeroen Schokkenbroek said the organisation was critical of the United States and Japan over their use of the death penalty . He added that ”dialogue was continuing” with both countries towards ending the practice.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty



By National Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2014


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

This document provides information on the cost of death penalty cases in the United States.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks, Financial cost,


Capital Punishment, 2016 – Statistical Brief

By Bureau of Justice Statistics / Elizabeth Davis, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

United States

More details See the document

Presents statistics on persons under sentence of death at year-end 2016, including summary trends in the population, admissions to and releases from death row, the number of persons executed, and an advance count of executions in 2017. Data are from BJS’s National Prisoner Statistics(NPS-8 series.Highlights:- At year-end 2016, a total of 32 states and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) held 2,814 prisoners under sentence of death, which was 58 (2%) fewer than at year-end 2015.- California (26%), Florida (14%), and Texas (9%) held nearly half (49%) of the nation’s prisoners under sentence of death at year-end 2016; in 2016, Texas executed seven prisoners, Florida executed one, and California did not execute any prisoners.- In 2016, the number of prisoners under sentence of death decreased for the sixteenth consecutive year.- Twelve states received a total of 32 prisoners under sentence of death in 2016.- Five states executed a total of 20 prisoners in 2016, with Georgia (9) and Texas (7) accounting for 80% of executions.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States


Cut This: The Death Penalty

By ABC7 / YouTube, on 1 January 2010


Arguments against the death penalty

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An anti death penalty video which advocates the abolition of the death penalty. The personalities in the video suggest using the money which is currently used on the death penalty for improving the community.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


International Views on the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Focus, on 1 January 2011


Arguments against the death penalty

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The vast majority of countries in Western Europe, North America and South America – more than 139 nations worldwide – have abandoned capital punishment in law or in practice. This document goes through the death penalty status of countries world wide.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Networks,


Global Prison Trends 2018

By Penal Reform International, on 1 January 2018


NGO report

More details See the document
  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition, Sentencing Alternatives, Death Penalty, Statistics,


3 questions to Ndume Olatushani, former death row prisoner

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), on 1 January 2018

Academic report

United States

More details See the document

Ndume, 56 years old, spent 28 years in prison in the US, 20 of which on death row, for a crime he did not commit. Today, he is human rights activist, and fight with us for the abolition of the death penalty. He is also a very gifted painter.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions, Death Penalty,


3 questions to Susan Kigula, former death row prisoner

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), on 1 January 2018

Working with...

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Sentenced to death in Uganda for murder, Susan Kigula never stopped to claim her innocence. Creator of a death row inmates’ choir and law graduate from the University of London, she finally obtained her release after 15 years in prison. In Uganda, she became a real symbol of the fight against the death penalty. She continues the fight with us, and created the Susan Kigula African Child Foundation.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions, Death Penalty,


3 questions to Arthur Judah, former death row prisoner

By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), on 1 January 2018

Working with...

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Sentenced to death in Nigeria for murder, Arthur Judah was finally released in 2000 after 16 years of incarceration. Today, he works as writer and painter, and fight with us for the abolition of the death penalty.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions, Death Penalty,


How States abolish the death penalty 2nd Edition

By International Commission Against the Death Penalty, on 1 January 2018

International law - United Nations

More details See the document

This publication briefly describes the experiences of 26 countries and 3 USA states as they moved towards abolition of the death penalty. These Case Studies are drawn from 27 countries from all regions of the world. This publication is an updated and enlarged version of ICDP’s 2013 publication How States Abolish the Death Penalty.

  • Document type International law - United Nations
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition, Sentencing Alternatives, Death Penalty,


Myuran Sukumaran: Another Day in Paradise

By Myuran Sukumaran / Bendigo Art Gallery, on 1 January 2018

Working with...

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Another Day in Paradise is the first major exhibition by Myuran Sukumaran along with a series of newly commissioned artworks by leading Australian artists, Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Megan Cope, Jagath Dheerasekara, Taloi Havini, Khaled Sabsabi, Matthew Sleeth.It presents the significant body of work produced while incarcerated in Bali’s Kerobokan Prison, Denpasar and during the final 72 hours of his life spent on Nusa Kambangan Island. For Myuran, painting was a means of communicating with the world and a redemptive practice.

  • Document type Working with...
  • Themes list Death Row Conditions, Death Row Phenomenon, Death Penalty,


Innocence and the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Focus, on 1 January 2011


Arguments against the death penalty

More details See the document

The wrongful execution of an innocent person is an injustice that can never be rectified. Since the reinstatement of the death penalty, 139 men and women have been released from death row nationally.

  • Document type Arguments against the death penalty
  • Themes list Innocence,


Mandatory Justice: Eighteen Reforms to the Death Penalty

By The Constitution Project, on 1 January 2001


NGO report

More details See the document

One major goal of these recommendations is to create additional safeguards against the endemic tendency of decision-makers in the criminal justice system to “pass the buck.” The system is far too lax in catching errors and injustices in part because many of those who might catch these errors and injustices do not fully understand their own duty to ensure that a death sentence is the appropriate punishment. Several of these recommendations are addressed to those who occupy critical roles in the capital punishment system, including the defense attorney, the prosecutor, the jury, the trial judge, and the reviewing courts. They emphasize that each, individually, has the responsibility to ensure, to the best of his or her ability, that justice is done.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Networks,


THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTS OF 2007 (and the first six months of 2008)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 1 January 2008


NGO report

More details See the document

The U.N. Moratorium on Executions : On December 18, 2007, with 104 votes in favour, 54 votes against and 29 abstentions, the United Nations 62nd General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a Resolution that calls upon all States that still maintain the death penalty to “Establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty.”


A Crisis of Confidence: Americans’ Doubts About the Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Information Center / Richard C. Dieter, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

United States

More details See the document

According to a national public opinion poll conducted in 2007, the public is losing confidence in the death penalty. People are deeply concerned about the risk of executing the innocent, about the fairness of the process, and about the inability of capital punishment to accomplish its basic purposes. Most Americans believe that innocent people have already been executed, that the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime, and that a moratorium should be placed on all executions.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Public opinion,


Smart on Crime: Reconsidering the Death Penalty in a Time of Economic Crisis

By Death Penalty Information Center / Richard C. Dieter, on 1 January 2009


NGO report

More details See the document

The death penalty in the U.S. is an enormously expensive and wasteful program with no clear benefits. All of the studies on the cost of capital punishment conclude it is much more expensive than a system with life sentences as the maximum penalty. In a time of painful budget cutbacks, states are pouring money into a system that results in a declining number of death sentences and executions that are almost exclusively carried out in just one area of the country. As many states face further deficits, it is an appropriate time to consider whether maintaining the costly death penalty system is being smart on crime.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Financial cost,


Indonesia: A briefing on the death penalty

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2004


NGO report

More details See the document

This briefing follows the first executions in Indonesia in more than three years. Ayodhya Prasad Chaubey, an Indian national convicted of drug-trafficking in 1994, was executed by firing squad. Two Thai nationals, Saelow Prasert (m) and Namsong Sirilak (f), who had been sentenced to death in the same case, were executed on 1 October 2004. A total of at least 54 people are currently believed to be under sentence of death in Indonesia, 30 of them for drug-related offences. Amnesty International is concerned that these recent developments reflect an increasing willingness by the authorities to use the death penalty to address crime, in particular drug-trafficking. The organization is also concerned about calls to expand the number of crimes for which the death penalty may be imposed.


STOP CHILD EXECUTIONS! Ending the death penalty for child offenders

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2004

NGO report

More details See the document

International law prohibits the use of the death penalty for crimes committed by people younger than 18, yet some countries continue to execute child offenders or sentence them to death. Although executions of child offenders are few compared to the total number of executions in the world, they represent a complete disregard by the executing states of their commitments under international law, and an affront to all notions of morality and decency when it comes to the protection of children – one of the most vulnerable groups in society. This document describes the use of the death penalty against child offenders worldwide and its prohibition under international law.


Pakistan: Death Penalty Action on Pakistan

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2006


NGO report

More details See the document

Amnesty International has received reports from contacts in Pakistan that there has recently been an increase in executions in Pakistan: 60 people have been executed this year in the province of Punjab alone. In addition, 10 executions are known to have taken place in the North-West Frontier Province. There are continuing concerns around the application of the death penalty in Pakistan including the execution of juveniles.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Networks,


The Death Penalty Worldwide – Developments in 2003

By Amnesty International, on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

This document covers significant events concerning the death penalty during the year 2003. Subjects covered in this document include significant judicial decisions; the use of the death penalty against the innocent; reductions and expansions in the scope of the death penalty; moratoria on executions and commutations of death sentences


Death Penalty: Stop the state killing

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2007


NGO report

More details See the document

This document focuses on the significant developments and events – both negative and positive – in the struggle against the death penalty in 2006. It includes steps towards abolition; horrific state killings; executions after unfair trials, including that of Saddam Hussein; the growing global campaign for abolition, and the political courage needed to rid the world of judicial state killing.


Protecting the right to life against the Death Penalty. Written observations to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Legislative or Other Measures Denying Judicial or Other Effective Recourses to Challenge the Death Penalty.

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2004


NGO report

More details See the document

This document contains Amnesty International’s written observations to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on legislative or other measures denying judicial or other effective recourse to challenge the death penalty; in the matter of a request by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for an advisory opinion from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (article 64(1) of the American Convention on Human Rights) and in the matter of legislative measures concerning the mandatory imposition of the death penalty and related matters.


Children and the death penalty: Executions worldwide since 1990

By Amnesty International, on 1 January 2002


NGO report

More details See the document

The document details cases of child offenders executed since 1990 and cites the relevant international standards. Two tables are appended: a list of cases and a table of the 113 countries which provide for the death penalty but exclude its use of the death penalty against child offenders. There are also appendices giving the text of the resolution on “The death penalty in relation to child offenders” adopted by the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in August 2000 and extracts from the resolution on “The question of the death penalty” adopted by the UN Commission on Human Rights in April 2002.


THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTS IN BRIEF 2004 (and up to September 15, 2005)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 1 January 2005


NGO report

More details See the document

The worldwide situation to date: The worldwide trend towards abolition, underway for at least a decade, was again confirmed in 2004 and the first half of 2005. There are currently 138 countries that to different extents have decided to renounce the death penalty. Of these: 86 are totally abolitionist; 11 are abolitionist for ordinary crimes; 1 (Russia) is committed to abolishing the death penalty as a member of the Council of Europe and currently observing a moratorium on executions; 5 have a moratorium on executions in place and 35 are de facto abolitionist (i.e. no executions have taken place in those countries for at least ten years). Since the beginning of 2004, 3 countries have passed from retention to an extent of abolition, whereas 5 countries have advanced within the categories of the abolitionist group.



By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 1 January 2006


NGO report

More details See the document

The worldwide situation to date: The worldwide trend towards abolition, underway for at least a decade, was again confirmed in 2005 and the first half of 2006. There are currently 142 countries that to different extents have decided to renounce the death penalty. Of these: 90 are totally abolitionist; 10 are abolitionist for ordinary crimes; 1 (Russia) is committed to abolishing the death penalty as a member of the Council of Europe and currently observing a moratorium on executions; 5 have a moratorium on executions in place and 37 are de facto abolitionist (i.e. no executions have taken place in those countries for at least ten years).


THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTS OF 2006 (and the first seven months of 2007)

By HANDS OFF CAIN, on 1 January 2007


NGO report

More details See the document

The worldwide situation to date: The worldwide trend towards abolition, underway for at least a decade, was again confirmed in 2006 and the first six months of 2007. There are currently 146 countries and territories that to different extents have decided to renounce the death penalty. Of these, 93 are totally abolitionist, 9 are abolitionist for ordinary crimes, 1 (Russia) is committed to abolishing the death penalty as a member of the Council of Europe and currently observes a moratorium on executions, 4 have a moratorium on executions in place and 39 are de facto abolitionist (i.e. – no executions have taken place in the last ten years).