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Act for Human Rights (ALEF)

on 30 April 2020

Act for Human Rights previously know as “Association libanaise pour l’éducation et la formation” core mandate is Monitoring and Advocacy. Its main concern are Human Rights issues, thus the organization has been advocating against death penalty. Currently our project activities are the following: Death Penalty Abolition Activities in Lebanon- ALEF – act for human rights […]




Comité des Observateurs des Droits de l’Homme (CODHO)

on 30 April 2020

On 1 July 1997 a group of lawyers, economists and political scientists from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) held a meeting following the massacre of children by militiamen in North Kivu in the east of the country. Revolted by this unspoken tragedy, they decided to set up the Committee of Human Rights Monitors (Codho). […]

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Puerto Rican Coalition Against Death Penalty

on 30 April 2020

The Puerto Rican Coalition against the Death Penalty (PCADP) is a non-party, non-sectarian organisation incorporated in Puerto Rico in March 2005 to promote the elimination of the capital punishment.The PCADP aims to join efforts among the different abolitionist organisations and activists in Puerto Rico. Its Statement of Principles emphasises that it does not believe in […]

Puerto Rico


Association Justice et Miséricorde (AJEM)

on 30 April 2020

The Association Justice and Mercy (AJEM) is a  Lebanese nonprofit, nonpolitical and nonsectarian nongovernmental organization (NGO) created in 1996 at the initiative of a group of social workers. AJEM deals mainly with the right of prisoners in Lebanon, and more generally with human rights, the fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, […]



Mouvance des Abolitionnistes du Congo Brazzaville

on 30 April 2020

Mandate and Objectives: – Promote fundamental human rights : LIFE , EDUCATION, ACCESS TO WATER AND ELECTRICITY – Making human rights in daily lives – Fighting for universal abolition of the death penalty, starting in Congo Brazzaville by a national moratorium Types of action: – Exhibitions and screenings – Lectures, discussion and citizen petition, Sit-in […]


CSHRD logo


Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders CSHRD

on 24 July 2024

The Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders (CSHRD) is an organization dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights in Somalia. CSHRD was established in 2014. CSHRD runs holistic and comprehensive torture victims rehabilitation centre in Somalia. CSHRD work is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDHR and the SDGs of 1, 5, 10, […]




Coalizione italiana contro la pena di morte

on 30 April 2020

The Italian Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (ICADP) was established to form a network between both Italian and foreign groups, associations, movements, and individuals that oppose capital punishment, and to coordinate their work and efforts. The ICADP holds talks about the death penalty around the world, spreads information and promotes campaigns. It is especially […]




The Advocates for Human Rights

on 30 April 2020

The mission of The Advocates for Human Rights is to implement international human rights standards in order to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law. By involving volunteers in research, education, and advocacy, The Advocates build broad constituencies in the United States and select global communities. In 1991, The Advocates adopted a formal […]

United States


Comitato Paul Rougeau

on 30 April 2020

Paul Rougeau was sentenced to death in Texas for the murder of an off-duty policeman. He always maintained he was innocent. In 1992, after he had spent 15 years on death row, the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto printed a letter by Paul Rougeau on its front page. A group of Italian citizens then decided to […]



Lualua Center for Human Rights

on 30 April 2020

The objectives of Lualua Center for Human Rights are: 1- To contribute in the promotion of economic, social, cultural, environmental and civil growth according to the international declaration of human rights and subsequent relevant international conventions. 2- To work on achieving integrity and transparency and fighting corruption. To enshrine the concept of citizenship by promoting […]
