All about Murder Victims’ Families
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Abolitionists support death row survivors
By Thalia Gerzso, on 14 November 2017
On October 26, abolitionists all around the world celebrated the release of Cheng Hsing-Tse, originally sentenced to death in 2006. This successful outcome highlights the work of numerous organizationss which assist death row survivors.
Murder Victims' Families

If I do not accept that a terrorist kills me, I do not accept either to kill a terrorist
By Tiziana Trotta, on 18 October 2016
Khachig Ghosn is a 22-year-old student of social work at the Lebanese University. Three years ago, he witnessed an explosion in Beirut. Despite this dramatic experience, he is against the use of the death penalty and he is convinced that capital executions have no deterrent effect on terrorism.Ghosn is aware that changes in his country take a very long time, but he has a positive long-term vision and hopes that the death penalty will be abolished.
Murder Victims' Families

USA: showing the human face of the death penalty
By Tiziana Trotta, on 14 October 2015
A conference organized by Journey of Hope is just one among the many activities carried out around World Day against the Death Penalty in the U.S.
Murder Victims' Families
United States

Ugandan tour exemplifies abolitionist collaboration
By Emile Carreau, on 21 December 2014
US-based World Coalition member Journey of Hope answers the call to tour Uganda and strengthen the fight against the death penalty in the country.
Murder Victims' Families

Improved access to unique global death penalty library
By Thomas Hubert, on 10 July 2014
The World Coalition has redesigned its online library to help visitors find the documents they need in its multilingual database of resources and campaigning tools on capital punishment.
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Death Row Conditions
Drug Offenses
Fair Trial
Intellectual Disability
Legal Representation
Mental Illness
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
Grief, Loss, and Treatment for Death Row Families
By Sandra Joy, on 5 December 2013
Murder Victims' Families
More details See the document
The families of death row inmates are rarely considered in public discourse regarding the death penalty. They have largely been forgotten, and their pain has not been acknowledged by the rest of society. These families experience a unique grief process as they are confronted with the loss of their loved one to death row and brace themselves for the possibility of an execution. Death row families are disenfranchised from their grief by the surrounding community, and their; mental health needs exacerbated as they struggle in isolation with the ambiguous loss that comes with the fear that the state will kill their loved one.
Grief, Loss, and Treatment for Death Row Families describes the grief that families experience from the time of their loved one’s arrest through his or her execution. In each chapter, Sandra Joy guides the reader through the grief process experienced by the families, offering clinical interventions that can be used by mental health professionals who are given the opportunity to work with these families at various stages of their grief. The author conducted over seventy qualitative interviews with family members from Delaware who either currently have a loved one on death row or have survived the execution of their loved one. Delaware was chosen because though it has a relatively small death row, it is ranked third in the nation with its rate of per capita executions. This book provides an in-depth awareness of the grieving process of death row families, as well as ways that professionals can intervene to assist them in healing. With increased awareness and effective clinical treatment, we can ensure that the families of death row inmates are forgotten no more.
- Document type Book
- Themes list Murder Victims' Families

Connecticut increases momentum for abolition
By Elizabeth Zitrin, on 13 April 2012
Lawmakers in the US State of Connecticut have abolished capital punishment and the State’s governor has said that he would sign the bill into law. Elizabeth Zitrin of the US NGO Death Penalty Focus chairs the World Coalition’s working group on the United States. She writes on the significance of this news for the wider abolitionist movement.
Murder Victims' Families
United States

International conference addresses Caribbean outlook on capital punishment
By Emile Carreau, on 26 October 2011
A two-day conference organised by the Community of Sant’Egidio on the death penalty in the Greater Caribbean took place in Madrid between 17-19 October, highlighting issues of rising crime and international influence in the region.
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion

World Day Buzz In Africa
By Emile Carreau, on 6 October 2011
Conferences, round tables, talks, tours, meetings with politicians, debates, press conferences, sit-ins, cultural evenings, marches and speeches are among the many events that will take place in Africa for this 9th World Day Against the Death Penalty.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
Puerto Rico hosts a week of World Coalition events
on 16 February 2011
International abolitionists gathered on the Caribbean territory to promote their message and to show solidarity with the local authorities against capital punishment.
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
Puerto Rico
United States
EU-NGO forum: death penalty is a priority
on 6 August 2010
At a meeting in Brussels in July, European institutions and NGOs restated their commitment to a long-term partnership to oppose the death penalty worldwide.
Murder Victims' Families
US murder victims’ families advocate abolition in Asia
on 14 July 2010
World Coalition member organisation Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights held public events and meetings with victims and leaders during a recent tour of South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
Murder Victims' Families
Republic of Korea
Victims of crime oppose the death penalty
on 26 February 2010
Parents and friends of those killed fill a growing space in the debate on the death penalty and, increasingly, this is to call for abolition rather than vengeance.
Murder Victims' Families
Campaigning through forgiving
on 24 February 2010
A former death row inmate and the grandson of a murder victim explain why compassion – not the death penalty – is the way to heal wounds.
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
United States
Death penalty and mental illness: “Double Tragedies”
on 7 July 2009
Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights and the National Alliance on Mental Illness slam the use of capital punishment against mentally ill people in the United States.
Mental Illness
Murder Victims' Families
United States
Thai seminars explore religious perspectives on the death penalty
on 4 August 2008
Thai human rights activists led by the Union for Civil Liberty (UCL) organised a series of seminars with religious leaders to raise their awareness and discuss their perspectives on abolition.
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
Mental illness and the death penalty: a painful intersection
on 28 May 2008
Two leading American grassroots organisations have come together to raise awareness about the execution of mentally ill defendants.
Mental Illness
Murder Victims' Families
United States
ADPAN: tearing down Asia’s death penalty veil of secrecy in 2008
on 3 February 2008
The majority of executions take place in Asia. But this is also the continent where campaigners have developed a fantastic regional abolitionist network, one that reaches across borders, languages and religions.
Drug Offenses
Fair Trial
Mental Illness
Murder Victims' Families
Public Opinion
Republic of Korea
“Ending the death penalty in Lebanon and worldwide”
on 5 November 2007
Over 75 people attended the conference focussing on the legal and social perspectives of the abolition of capital punishment in Beyrouth on October 17.
Murder Victims' Families