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2148 Document(s) 1106 Member(s) 583 Article(s) 12 Page(s)


Taiwan activists battle in death penalty-triggered political crisis

on 19 March 2010

After Taiwan’s justice minister was forced to step down for not signing execution warrants, local and international abolitionists rushed in to restore a balanced debate and protect the country’s 44 death row inmates.



FIDH report on Vietnam: an update on death penalty statistics

on 19 September 2010

The FIDH and the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights released a new report, From Visions to Facts: Human Rights in Vietnam under its Chairmanship of ASEAN, on 16 August 2010.



Statutes of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty

on 26 June 2011

Amended by the General Assembly on June 26, 2011



Highest execution numbers in Iran in 10 years

on 13 March 2012

Iran Human Rights has published its annual report on the death penalty in Iran in 2011. IHR’s international spokesperson Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam says the Iranian authorities are keeping the number of executions high because they use the death penalty as a political tool.



“Iran kills for possession of less than 50g of drugs”

on 9 April 2013

Annual reports published by two World Coalition member organizations of Iranian exiles expose the disproportionate use of the death penalty in Iran, mostly against drug users and traffickers.



How the Death Penalty is Politicized: A Reflection on the 8th World Congress Against the Death Penalty

on 27 January 2023

During the 8th World Congress Against the Death Penalty, in Berlin Germany, the phrase “the death penalty is being used as a political tool” was used frequently – in panels, in round tables, in speeches, even amongst the participants getting a coffee in between Congress events.



NGOs join forces to tackle capital punishment at Iran’s rights review

on 30 October 2014

Several World Coalition members are among organisations co-ordinating their efforts to help the international community put pressure on Iran over its use of the death penalty.



The Supreme Court of Kenya declares the mandatory death penalty unconstitutional

on 23 January 2018

On December 14, 2017, the Supreme Court of Kenya declared the mandatory death penalty unconstitutional. This landmark decision puts an end to several years of uncertainties and constitutes an additional step towards the abolition of the death penalty in the country.



Justice ministers meet on the eve of Cities Against the Death Penalty

on 1 December 2013

More than 20 ministers of justice met in Rome for the annual conference on the abolition of the death penalty organised by the Community of Sant’Egidio and heard harrowing testimonies from courageous activists.



Investigating Attitudes to the Death Penalty in Indonesia Part One – Opinion Formers: An Appetite for Change

on 28 June 2021


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In 2019-20, The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and the University of Indonesia, commissioned Professor Carolyn Hoyle, of The Death Penalty Research Unit at the University of Oxford to conduct research investigating attitudes towards the death penalty in Indonesia.
The findings have been presented in a two-part report; the first details the findings of a nuanced public survey and the second details the findings of interviews conducted with opinion formers.

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African Commission adopts draft Protocol on abolition

on 24 April 2015

At its 56th ordinary session, the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) put the abolition of the death penalty at the heart of its debates and adopted a draft regional treaty to help African Union member states move away from capital punishment.



Applause for Pennsylvania’s death penalty moratorium

on 23 February 2015

Newly elected Governor Tom Wolf placed a moratorium on executions in Pennsylvania on 13 February until concerns about the fairness of the state’s death penalty system are addressed.



International Law and the Death Penalty Guide

on 1 November 2022


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The use of capital punishment has been an issue addressed by international human rights law since the earliest days of the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly in 1948, and an instrument widely recognised as the gold standard for human rights, affirms the right to life and the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Death Penalty Project produced this resource on international law and the death penalty.

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UN: freeze funding of Iran counter-narcotics efforts

on 17 December 2014

The World Coalition and its members call on UNODC to stop support to Iran as executions for drug trafficking surge.



Asia develops into hub of abolitionist dialogue

on 6 November 2014

World Coalition member, Community of Sant’Egidio, has organised anti-death penalty conferences in Japan and the Philippines, both of which were overwhelmingly attended. Further conferences in the region are set to continue.



International support for abolition is continuing to grow – foreign ministers

on 9 October 2015

The Declaration signed by 18 Foreign Ministers from different world regions, including several that are still on a path towards abolition of the death penalty, brings one common message: International support for abolition is continuing to grow, driven by an increasing awareness of the death penalty’s inherent risks and shortcomings.



French youth event emboldens next abolitionist generation

on 22 October 2014

The testimony of an exonerated death row prisoners helped international students overcome initial awkwardness and launch into passionate debates at the invitation of Paris-based organisations on World Day Against the Death Penalty.



Kazakhstan Penal Code reform runs counter to abolitionist trend

on 22 July 2014

The new Kazakh Penal Code provides for an increase in the number of capital crimes, even though Kazakhstan has been moving away from the death penalty for years and has a stated policy of meeting international standards.



Event on the UNGA resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty at the World Congress

on 27 June 2016

In the context of the 6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition together with Hands Off Cain and Amnesty International co-hosted a side event focusing on the 6th UNGA resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, whose adoption will be decided in New York in December this year.



New Hampshire one vote short of abolition

on 25 April 2014

A bill to repeal the death penalty in the US state of New Hampshire was blocked in the Senate on 22 April with votes for and against the bill deadlocked at 12-12. Despite the disappointment, Renny Cushing, Executive Director of World Coalition member organisation Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights, sees some positives.



Iraq’s frantic executions pace linked to serious human rights violations

on 27 March 2014

Iraq emerges as the country with the fastest-growing number of executions in Amnesty International’s new annual report on the death penalty. The World Coalition’s submission for Iraq’s upcoming UN human rights review calls for a moratorium on abusive executions.



Top UN representatives take stance on death penalty at Human Rights Council

on 14 March 2014

From UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to abolitionist and retentionist government ministers and World Coalition members, participants to a recent discussion on the death penalty placed the issue high on the international agenda.



National conference gives Lebanese abolitionist movement a boost

on 14 February 2014

Several hundred activists, experts and political leaders met in Beirut at the end of January to push the abolitionist cause with the Lebanese authorities and organise their movement at the national level.



Thai seminars explore religious perspectives on the death penalty

on 4 August 2008

Thai human rights activists led by the Union for Civil Liberty (UCL) organised a series of seminars with religious leaders to raise their awareness and discuss their perspectives on abolition.



Mexico fights on after Texas illegally executes one of its nationals

on 23 January 2014

The execution of Edgar Tamayo in violation of an international court order spurs Mexico to pursue its efforts in favour of consular rights in the US, a diplomat says.



Events, strong words and hard facts to fight death penalty in the Caribbean

on 11 October 2013

As World Day Against the Death Penalty events unfolded on an unprecedented scale across the region, local activists and international organisations took a firm stance against capital punishment across the Caribbean.



Divided opinions on death penalty in Belarus

on 8 October 2013

On the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty, World Coalition member organizations Penal Reform International and Belarus Helsinki Committee are releasing a rare opinion poll on what people know and think about capital punishment in the last European country with the death penalty.



Malaysian popular support for mandatory death penalty overstated

on 10 July 2013

A detailed opinion survey commissioned by the Death Penalty Project in Malaysia found that while most people initially respond supportively when asked about mandatory death sentences, their opinion changes when confronted with practical cases and additional information.



United Nations panel hears from innocent sentenced to death

on 4 July 2013

World Coalition members and a man who spent 18 years on death row for murders he did not commit joined UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon for a debate on capital punishment.



Inside Tunisia’s death row

on 4 June 2013

Following the launch of the investigative report Buried alive: a study of the death penalty in Tunisia is launched, ECPM’s Middle East and North Africa officer Nicolas Bray presents the research carried out in December 2012.



Study explores variety of national paths to abolition

on 3 May 2013

From courageous political leaders to traditional African values, the International Commission against the Death Penalty’s analysis of the factors leading to the abolition of capital punishment in 13 countries offers advice to retentionist countries.



American death penalty area shrank further in 2012

on 20 December 2012

Only nine US states carried out executions this year, the lowest number in 20 years, according to a new report released by the independent organisation Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC).



Singaporean and Malaysian activists welcome changes in their country

on 16 July 2012

In Singapore and Malaysia, governments are considering removing mandatory death penalty in some drug and murder cases. A move welcomed by activists on the ground, though they consider it “only a small step in the right direction”.



10 years, 132 members, 45 countries

on 30 June 2012

Penal Reform International welcomed the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty to celebrate its tenth anniversary in Jordan with support from Justice Minister Khalifa Al Sulaiman.



Migrant workers facing capital punishment show need for alternative sentences

on 26 April 2012

Four Singapore-based organisations denounce the high risk of miscarriage of justice in recent death sentences handed down on poor immigrants and calls for the abolition of the death penalty in the city-state.



Ratification of abolition treaties gathers pace in 2012

on 20 March 2012

The ratification campaign for the international protocols on the death penalty is on a roll with three new ratifications since January.



More than 1,000 sentenced to death in Iraq in 8 years

on 1 March 2012

The Iraqi institutions established after the US-led invasion and the fall of Saddam Hussein have reinstated the death penalty and extended its scope since 2004. In this op-ed article, Iraqi Coalition Against the Death Penalty president Nassr Abood calls for alternative sentences and for a strong stance from the international community.



Sharing best practices on ratifying the UN treaty to abolish the death penalty

on 25 September 2011

Belgium and the United Nations’ human rights office have held a panel discussion to promote efforts in favour of the strongest international instrument against capital punishment.



Opening up the debate in countries with the death penalty

on 19 September 2011

On 19 and 20 September, World Coalition member organisation Penal Reform International (PRI) is bringing 120 people from retentionist countries to London to discuss global trends towards abolition of the death penalty.



Irreversible abolition of the death penalty in Togo and the Dominican Republic

on 27 September 2016

On 14 September 2016, Togo acceded to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on the abolition of the death penalty, joined on 21 September 2016 by the Dominican Republic. These accessions make abolition of the death penalty in Togo and the Dominican Republic irreversible.



Kenya’s new taskforce to review death penalty laws

on 11 September 2018

In December 2017, two Kenyan men challenged the legality of capital punishment at the Supreme Court, which resulted in Chief Justice Marage declaring the « mandatory nature of the death sentence » unconstitutional. Following this groundbreaking statement, the Taskforce on the Review of the Mandatory Nature of the Death Penalty was appointed on March 15 2018.



Towards the abolition of the death penalty in DRC: advances to be confirmed

on 13 December 2016

To date, the Democratic Republic of the Congo maintains the death penalty in its legislation. The proponents of the capital punishment argue that it remains an efficient tool for deterrence in general as well as a solution to the recurring criminal phenomenon hitting the country’s Eastern part.



7th Congress – Preventing the resurgence of the death penalty

on 19 March 2019

The fragile victories of the abolitionist movement are being undermined by several states ready to resume the use of the death penalty, at the cost of abuses.



The death penalty in the DRC: an illusory means of combating impunity in the face of human rights implementation

on 30 August 2024

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is one of the States which has retained the death penalty in its legal arsenal, although applies a de facto moratorium on executions since 2003.



Abolition of the death penalty at the United Nations Human Rights Council 54th session

on 30 August 2024

 The United Nations Human Rights Council met for its 54th Regular Session from September 11 to October 13, 2023. If you missed it, here is what happened regarding the abolition of the death penalty!


Progress and impediments on path to abolition in U.S.   

on 3 April 2024

When President Biden won the 2020 election, he became the first successful U.S. presidential candidate to publicly oppose the death penalty.



Advocating for the Adoption of the Draft Protocol by the African Union: A Step in the Right Direction for Abolition in Africa 

on 15 December 2023

Advocacy in Addis-Ababa On the 10 October 2023, the FIACAT (International Federation of ACATs), and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, represented by Ms. Florence Ayivor-Vieira of ACAT-Ghana and Mr. Hervé Nsabimana of CODHAS (Centre d’observation des Droits de l’Homme et d’Assistance Sociale), Co-Chairpersons of the World Coalition’s working group on the draft protocol […]



Sudan Repeals Capital Punishment for Homosexuality

on 31 July 2020

Sudan repealed the death penalty for homosexuality and apostasy



TAEDP Withdraws from Ministry of Justice’s Task Force to Research the Gradual Abolition of the Death Penalty

on 30 April 2020

TAEDP Press Release, April 2, 2020The Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty made this decision after the Ministry of Justice, in total disregard for the rule of law, arbitrarily and illegally executed a death row inmate on April 1, 2020.



Punishing Sex Crimes: The Evolution of the Death Penalty in India

on 21 April 2020

The Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics, an annual report published in January 2020 by Project 39A, details the application of the death penalty in India during the year 2019. It also describes developments in criminal justice and policy in the country.



Philippines’ Major Setback as Abolitionist Leader in South-East Asia

on 23 January 2020

As a prominent leader in the campaign against death penalty in the South East Asia region for the last decade, Philippines’ reputation is endangered with President Duterte’s determination to reintroduce death penalty in the country. The country’s legislators are now on its second attempt to pass the bills.



Joint Statement on Malaysia

on 10 October 2019

As we mark the 17th World Day against the Death Penalty, a year after the government of Malaysia announced the revision of the country’s laws to fully abolish the death penalty on 10 October, we, member organizations of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty: •    Positively note the support by Malaysia for the seventh […]



The Undercurrent: How we took part in the 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty

on 7 October 2019

As night fell, Xu Ziqiang and Zheng Xingze boarded a plane for Dubai together with a group of TAEDP members. Belgium was their final destination following this layover. This would be Ziqian’s and Xingze’s first time on European soil; they were preparing to take part in the World Congress Against the Death Penalty, held once every three years.



Armenia and Angola Commit to Irreversible Abolition

on 4 October 2019

Following the United Nations Treaty Event in New York, two more states have committed to irreversible abolition of the death penalty by signing and ratifying the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (OP2-ICCPR). The Protocol was highlighted by the United Nations […]



A Training on Advocacy for the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Sub-Saharan Africa

on 29 July 2019

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty in partnership with FIACAT, and their local members ACAT Cameroon and Droits et Paix (Rights and Peace), organized a continental training course in July on advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty in sub-Saharan Africa in Douala, Cameroon. This training brought together abolitionists and experts from 23 African countries.



Joint Open Letter to the President of Sri Lanka on the Imminent Resumption of Executions

on 2 July 2019

The letter, co-signed by 58 organizations, encourages the President of Sri Lanka to do everything in his power to stop executions in Sri Lanka and consign the death penalty to the history books.



Awareness Building Workshop with African Union Members

on 14 May 2019

The end of March saw a first of its kind awareness-building workshop in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia for the permanent French-speaking members to the African Union. Moderated by the ACHPR’s Working Group on the Death Penalty and Extrajudicial, Summary of Arbitrary Killings in Africa in close collaboration with FIACAT, the World Coalition and the Organisation International de la Francophonie (OIF), the training focused on raising awareness of the Draft Protocol on the Abolition of the Death Penalty.



Hope resonates globally on World Day against the Death Penalty

on 25 October 2018

On 10 October 2018, abolitionist forces around the world celebrated the 16th World Day against the Death Penalty in a flurry of diverse activities and events meant to raise awareness on living conditions on death row. Activists in every continent mobilized civil society, challenged governments and reached out to the general public in a collective effort to promote and advance the common goal of universal, worldwide abolition of the death penalty.



Cities for Life 2016: Let’s stay vigilant

on 19 December 2016

On 30 November, the International Day of “Cities for Life” was celebrated around the world. An opportunity to raise awareness among the civil society on the universal abolition.



India asked to maintain the moratorium on executions

on 28 July 2011

After a six year moratorium on executions, India’s President Patil has rejected the mercy petition of two Indian nationals despite international outcry to maintain the moratorium.



Experts analyse the relationship between poverty and the death penalty

on 18 June 2018

The International Studies Programme Overseas Relations Assembly and the Institute for Human Rights Research and Promotion (INIPRODEH) organised a forum: The Death Penalty and Poverty on the 89th anniversary of abolition of the death penalty in Puerto Rico. Eminent figures from the abolitionist movement and academia reviewed and analysed research into this issue.



Parliamentarians from Francophone Africa meet in Kinshasa to discuss the abolition of the death penalty

on 12 June 2018

The 1st and 2nd June 2018, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Ensemble contre la peine de mort (Together against the death penalty, ECPM) and Culture pour la paix et la justice (Culture for peace and justice, CPJ) organised in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) a regional parliamentary seminar entitled “Abolition of the death penalty in Africa: the role of parliamentarians”, with the support of the European Union and of the Honourable Aubin Minaku, Speaker of the National Assembly of the DRC and Member of PGA.



Mandatory Death Penalty for Blasphemy in Mauritania

on 11 May 2018

Through this joint statement twenty one national and international NGOs, calls upon Mauritanian authorities to reverse the recent adoption of a law on apostasy related crimes making the death penalty mandatory for blasphemy.



“It’s in Africa that we find the strongest dynamics towards abolition”

on 24 April 2018

The third regional Congress against the death penalty was held in Côte d’Ivoire, in Abidjan, in 2018 from April 9 to 10th. This is a natural choice when one can know that Africa is named “next abolitionist continent” and that civil society recognized it as such.



No reason to delay commencement of DDAA 2017

on 4 April 2018

The Dangerous Drugs Amendment Act which was passed by the Parliament and received a Royal Assent on December 27, 2017, only came into force on March 15, 2018.This statement deals with the fact that there was no reasons to this delay and it has condemned 10 persons to the mandatory dealph penalty for drug trafficking between december and february.



« A new Gambia » welcomes the 61st session of the ACHPR

on 21 November 2017

From November 1st to November 15, 2017, the 61st session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, as well as the NGO Forum, took place in Banjul, Gambia. During the opening session, the President of The Gambia, Adama Barrow, confirmed the “New Gambia’s commitment” to human rights.



The United Nations Human Rights Council votes in favor of a new resolution on the death penalty

on 4 October 2017

After putting the death penalty at the heart of discussion, the 36th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council ended with the adoption of a resolution on the death penalty.



Gambia and Madagascar commit to irreversible abolition

on 22 September 2017

on 20 and 21 September 2017, Gambia signed and Madagascar ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty.



ADPAN network reinforces its strength in Asia

on 22 August 2017

The Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network held its third AGM in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 20 July, followed by a national conference on the abolition of the death penalty in Malaysia and Asia-Pacific.



Discussion at the Human Rights Council of human rights violations related to the use of the death penalty

on 7 March 2017

From Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to abolitionist and retentionist government representatives and World Coalition members, participants to the Biennial high-level discussion on death penalty exchanged views in order to address human rights violations related to the use of the death penalty, in particular with respect to the prohibition of torture.



Philippines: House of Representatives must uphold international law obligations ahead of first death penalty vote

on 19 February 2017

Nine international organisations are calling upon the Philippines to uphold its international obligations and not to restore death penalty in the country.



Sri Lanka: the death sentences of 60 prisoners commuted

on 17 February 2017

Good news from Sri Lanka: by decision of the President, the death sentences of 60 prisoners have been commuted.



ACAT-CI commits to the ratification of OP2 in Côte d’Ivoire

on 4 January 2017

Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture in Côte d’Ivoire (ACAT CI) has conducted advocacy activities between May and November 2016 in order to raise awareness on the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (OP2), aiming at the abolition of the death penalty. This project has been supported by the International Organisation of la Francophonie (OIF) and the International Federation of ACAT (FIACAT).



South Korea’s 5,000th day without an execution an opportunity for abolition

on 8 September 2011

8th September 2011 marks the 5,000th day without executions in South Korea. Houng-oh Kim, a member of the National Assembly and former Speaker, is aiming to introduce a new bill abolishing the death penalty to mark this occasion.



Pardon Prisoners On Death Row

on 8 November 2016

At the end of October, the death sentences of more than 2,500 prisoners were commuted by the Kenyan President. The presidential power of mercy was also recently exercised by the Zimbabwean President, where 10 death row prisoners were pardoned.



Amnesty 2010 stats: retentionist countries increasingly isolated

on 28 March 2011

Countries which continue to use the death penalty are being left increasingly isolated following a decade of progress towards abolition, Amnesty International has said in its new report Death Sentences and Executions in 2010.



Liberia illegally restores the death penalty

on 28 July 2008

New Liberian legislation makes some violent crimes punishable by death, in violation of the country’s international obligations.



Abolition of death penalty is now complete in Italy

on 4 March 2009

Italy became the 41st state to ratify the 13th Protocol to the European Convention for Human Rights on 3 March 2009.



Nicaragua makes abolition irreversible

on 4 March 2009

Nicaragua became the 71th state to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant for Civil and Politic Rights on 25 February 2009.


Vietnam considers reduction in scope of death penalty

on 9 February 2009

Vietnamese Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong has proposed a reduction in the number of capital offences – a demand put forward by the World Coalition’s demands on World Day Against the Death Penalty.



Algerian MPs want to abolish the death penalty

on 9 December 2008

A group of Algerian parliamentarians has filed a bill aimed at abolishing capital punishment. The World Coalition supports their campaign to have the proposed legislation passed.



Africa’s human rights body takes a stance against the death penalty

on 30 November 2008

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights calls for a moratorium on executions and the ratification of the UN Protocol for the abolition of the death penalty.



Malawi Supreme Court Reverses Abolition Decision

on 18 August 2022

On 30 April 2021, the World Coalition published the following article on the abolition of the death penalty in Malawi. Since its publication, the abolitionist status of the country has changed. This article has been updated below. —————————-



Abolition of the death penalty must be an integral part of crime prevention programmes and criminal justice reforms

on 5 March 2021

As the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice is about to begin in Kyoto, Japan, the undersigned organizations urge the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and its subsidiary bodies, including the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); and all UN member states, including the Congress host country Japan, to make […]



Two days to discuss abolition in Morocco

on 27 October 2008

Gathered in Rabat on World Day Against the Death Penalty, Moroccan and international politicians, religious leaders and campaigners held advanced discussions on this subject. The country has not carried out a single execution in the last fifteen years.



China refuses to consider 250,000-strong petition

on 16 June 2008

A World Coalition delegation found the door closed on June 16 when they attempted to handover to the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong a petition urging for changes in the death penalty system in China.



Paris activists lie down against US federal executions

on 10 July 2009

ACAT-France and Amnesty International France staged their 9th “die-in” against the death penalty in the United States.



Community of Sant’Egidio Calls for Universal Abolition with Cities for Life, Cities Against the Death Penalty

on 8 December 2020

The discussion was chaired by Mario Marazitti, who stood in front of broadcasted live images of the light-draped Colosseum in Rome, Italy, displaying the slogan of this international key event, “No Justice Without Life”.



Four World Coalition members among NCADP award winners

on 3 February 2008

Each year, the US National Coalition Against the Death Penalty honours those individuals and organisations that have made outstanding contributions to the struggle against the death penalty. This year’s award winners included a number of World Coalition members.



Activists celebrate abolition in Uzbekistan

on 7 January 2008

Uzbekistan became the first state to abolish the death penalty in 2008. World Coalition members Community of Sant’Egidio and Mothers Against the Death Penalty, who have led a campaign in the region, welcome the move.



“Ending the death penalty in Lebanon and worldwide”

on 5 November 2007

Over 75 people attended the conference focussing on the legal and social perspectives of the abolition of capital punishment in Beyrouth on October 17.



World Day: everybody stands up against the death penalty!

on 27 September 2007

The 5th World Day Against the Death Penalty takes place on Wednesday, 10 October 2007. Organised by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, it is marked by thousands of citizens and hundreds of organisations across the world who together, through hundreds of local initiatives, say ‘NO’ to capital punishment.



Flurry of initiatives against the death penalty at ACATs in the past year

on 7 August 2007

During the past year, the 28 member associations in the FIACAT network have given their abolitionist activities a boost. The issue of the death penalty is at the heart of their mission.



Death sentences in Morocco

on 9 May 2007

The World Coalition against the death penalty, the FIDH and the Moroccan Coalition against the Death Penalty are concerned with the continued pronunciation of death sentences by Moroccan courts



2007 Campaign : developing the world abolitionist movement

on 1 May 2007

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty has obtained financial support from the European Commission for its 2007 campaign, an indication of its growing recognition and legitimacy.



Puerto Rico hosts a week of World Coalition events

on 16 February 2011

International abolitionists gathered on the Caribbean territory to promote their message and to show solidarity with the local authorities against capital punishment.



Abolition in New Mexico hailed around the world

on 19 March 2009

New Mexico’s governor Bill Richardson signed the repeal of the death penalty in to law on March 18, 2009, attracting praise from the global abolitionist community.



Burundi: Promising advocacy workshop for the ratification of the abolitionist treaty

on 10 June 2022

On April 25, 2022, the Burundian Prison Observatory (BPO) organized a one-day advocacy workshop on the ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (OP2-ICCPR) with the support of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.



ICC paves the way for justice without killing

on 18 July 2009

The University of Kinshasa has hosted a conference on the theme of death penalty-free justice to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court.



Spot opportunities and focus on education, abolitionists are told

on 24 February 2010

The workshop on “Defining strategies for abolition” was an opportunity for abolitionists to share views and experience on what works – and what does not – when pushing for the repeal of the death penalty.