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2156 Document(s) 1106 Member(s) 583 Article(s) 12 Page(s)


Divided opinions on death penalty in Belarus

on 8 October 2013

On the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty, World Coalition member organizations Penal Reform International and Belarus Helsinki Committee are releasing a rare opinion poll on what people know and think about capital punishment in the last European country with the death penalty.




Public Opinion 


Events, strong words and hard facts to fight death penalty in the Caribbean

By Thomas Hubert, on 11 October 2013

As World Day Against the Death Penalty events unfolded on an unprecedented scale across the region, local activists and international organisations took a firm stance against capital punishment across the Caribbean.







Public Opinion 

Puerto Rico

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Trinidad and Tobago


Mexico fights on after Texas illegally executes one of its nationals

By Thomas Hubert, on 23 January 2014

The execution of Edgar Tamayo in violation of an international court order spurs Mexico to pursue its efforts in favour of consular rights in the US, a diplomat says.



United States


National conference gives Lebanese abolitionist movement a boost

By Thomas Hubert, on 14 February 2014

Several hundred activists, experts and political leaders met in Beirut at the end of January to push the abolitionist cause with the Lebanese authorities and organise their movement at the national level.





Top UN representatives take stance on death penalty at Human Rights Council

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 14 March 2014

From UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to abolitionist and retentionist government ministers and World Coalition members, participants to a recent discussion on the death penalty placed the issue high on the international agenda.





Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Iran (Islamic Republic of)






Saudi Arabia

Sierra Leone



United States


New Hampshire one vote short of abolition

By Emile Carreau, on 25 April 2014

A bill to repeal the death penalty in the US state of New Hampshire was blocked in the Senate on 22 April with votes for and against the bill deadlocked at 12-12. Despite the disappointment, Renny Cushing, Executive Director of World Coalition member organisation Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights, sees some positives.


United States


Towards the abolition of the death penalty in DRC: advances to be confirmed

By Olivier LUNGWE FATAKI - Pax Christi Uvira, on 13 December 2016

To date, the Democratic Republic of the Congo maintains the death penalty in its legislation. The proponents of the capital punishment argue that it remains an efficient tool for deterrence in general as well as a solution to the recurring criminal phenomenon hitting the country’s Eastern part.


Democratic Republic of the Congo


Public Opinion 


Kazakhstan Penal Code reform runs counter to abolitionist trend

By Anne Souléliac (Paris Bar), on 22 July 2014

The new Kazakh Penal Code provides for an increase in the number of capital crimes, even though Kazakhstan has been moving away from the death penalty for years and has a stated policy of meeting international standards.






French youth event emboldens next abolitionist generation

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 22 October 2014

The testimony of an exonerated death row prisoners helped international students overcome initial awkwardness and launch into passionate debates at the invitation of Paris-based organisations on World Day Against the Death Penalty.



Iran (Islamic Republic of)


United States


Asia develops into hub of abolitionist dialogue

By Emile Carreau, on 6 November 2014

World Coalition member, Community of Sant’Egidio, has organised anti-death penalty conferences in Japan and the Philippines, both of which were overwhelmingly attended. Further conferences in the region are set to continue.






Lao People's Democratic Republic


Sri Lanka

Viet Nam


UN: freeze funding of Iran counter-narcotics efforts

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 17 December 2014

The World Coalition and its members call on UNODC to stop support to Iran as executions for drug trafficking surge.


Drug Offenses

Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Applause for Pennsylvania’s death penalty moratorium

By Death Penalty Focus, "Free Mumia!" French Support Group, on 23 February 2015

Newly elected Governor Tom Wolf placed a moratorium on executions in Pennsylvania on 13 February until concerns about the fairness of the state’s death penalty system are addressed.



United States


African Commission adopts draft Protocol on abolition

By Maria Donatelli, on 24 April 2015

At its 56th ordinary session, the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) put the abolition of the death penalty at the heart of its debates and adopted a draft regional treaty to help African Union member states move away from capital punishment.



International support for abolition is continuing to grow – foreign ministers

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 October 2015

The Declaration signed by 18 Foreign Ministers from different world regions, including several that are still on a path towards abolition of the death penalty, brings one common message: International support for abolition is continuing to grow, driven by an increasing awareness of the death penalty’s inherent risks and shortcomings.






Burkina Faso

Costa Rica














Event on the UNGA resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty at the World Congress

By Federica Merenda, on 27 June 2016

In the context of the 6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition together with Hands Off Cain and Amnesty International co-hosted a side event focusing on the 6th UNGA resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, whose adoption will be decided in New York in December this year.




Irreversible abolition of the death penalty in Togo and the Dominican Republic

By Guillaume Colin and Aurélie Plaçais, on 27 September 2016

On 14 September 2016, Togo acceded to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on the abolition of the death penalty, joined on 21 September 2016 by the Dominican Republic. These accessions make abolition of the death penalty in Togo and the Dominican Republic irreversible.


Dominican Republic



Pardon Prisoners On Death Row

By Lucy Peace Nantume, on 8 November 2016

At the end of October, the death sentences of more than 2,500 prisoners were commuted by the Kenyan President. The presidential power of mercy was also recently exercised by the Zimbabwean President, where 10 death row prisoners were pardoned.






Public opinion supportive of the abolition

By Sarah Saint-Sorny, on 10 June 2022

The 31st Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice of the ODC took place in Vienna from the 16th to the 20th of May 2022. At this occasion, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations organized a side-event: “Abolishing the Death Penalty: Public Opinion and the Road to Abolition”, which was held online […]




Public Opinion 

United States


22nd World Day Against the Death Penalty – FACTS AND FIGURES

By World coalition against the death penalty, on 8 July 2024



World Coalition

More details Download [ pdf - 206 Ko ]


Hank Skinner’s execution stayed amid international action

on 25 March 2010

The American death row inmate heard the news less than one hour before he was scheduled to die. From Huntsville to Paris, activists demand that new evidence be examined.



United States


ECPM takes social media campaign to the fair ground

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 16 September 2014

World Coalition member organisation Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM) was at September’s Fête de l’Humanité in Paris to spread awareness of the 12th World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10.



Intellectual Disability

Mental Illness


ADPAN network strengthens abolitionists across Asia

By Aurélie Plaçais (in Taipei, Taiwan), on 9 December 2014

The Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network, a coalition hosted by Amnesty International in London since 2006, has become an independent organisation registered in Malaysia and held its first AGM in Taipei, Taiwan on 4-5 December.






Public Opinion 

Republic of Korea




The death penalty for drugs must go, it has no place in a civilised society

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 21 October 2015

Those were the words of Anand Grover, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health during the opening ceremony of Harm Reduction International’s 24th conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



Drug Offenses





Closing ceremony of the project « My pencil for abolition » at the French Ministry of foreign affairs

By Marion Gauer, on 27 May 2016

On May 23rd, 2016, the closing ceremony of the project “My pencil for abolition” took place at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This project was organized by the team of “Educating and Raising Awareness on Abolition” in the association Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM): it consisted in involving a few middle and high school’s classes, from Lorraine, Belfort and the Parisian region, in the elaboration of articles and cartoons in order to create a magazine committed to the abolition of the death penalty, known as the Abolition Mag.


Public Opinion 


New defense manual to help lawyers in capital cases worldwide

By Thomas Hubert, on 29 May 2013

The World Coalition, together with Death Penalty Worldwide and the law firm of Fredrikson & Byron P.A., has launched the English and French editions of a manual compiling guidelines for defense lawyers whose clients face the death penalty at the 5th World Congress Against the Death Penalty.


Legal Representation


Life of the Network

on 22 June 2020

Abolitionists around the world are mobilizing to end the death penalty. World Day, World Congress, important events for the life of the World Coalition such as the steering committees, but also meetings, events and actions carried out by our members around the world: do not miss any event related to the fight against the death […]



Become a member

on 22 June 2020

Only legal entities can join the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty In accordance with article 5.1. of its Bylaws, the World Coalition welcomes organizations that share the aim of the universal abolition of the death penalty. What the World Coalition offers its members What the World Coalition does not offer its members How members […]


Belarus ends more than one year without execution

By Daria Gribanova, on 14 April 2014

Despite an execution this month, Amnesty International’s latest annual report on the death penalty shows Belarus did not kill any prisoner last year, meaning Europe and Central Asia was execution-free for the first time since 2009. This achievement bolsters local abolitionists – despite the risks they face in their activism.






World Coalition members share knowledge on UN advocacy

By Asil Abuassba (The Advocates for Human Rights), on 19 February 2015

Asil Abuassba, a Palestinian intern with World Coalition member organisation The Advocates for Human Rights, attended a training session to help global activists submit reports on the death penalty situation in their countries to UN bodies.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Death Row Conditions 

Fair Trial


Intellectual Disability


Mental Illness


‘Sakineh’ campaign to culminate in worldwide protests

on 25 August 2010

What started as an effort to save an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning is turning into a global movement for human rights and against capital punishment.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Public Opinion 


Flurry of educational events on World Day Against the Death Penalty

on 6 November 2009

An abolitionist wave of marches, cultural happenings, petition signings and educational events swept across the world for the 7th World Day on October 10.




Democratic Republic of the Congo




Public Opinion 


United States


Activists from Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo join forces

on 3 December 2008

The Great Lakes Regional Coalition Against the Death Penalty held its first meeting on November 17 in Kinshasa. Its lobbying efforts have accelerated Burundi’s legislative process.



Democratic Republic of the Congo




World Coalition takes part in UN death penalty report launch

on 30 May 2010

The World Coalition held a side event to accompany the presentation of the 8th Quinquennial Report of the UN Secretary General on capital punishment in Vienna on May 19.


Death Row Conditions 



Legal Representation


DPIC Special Report: The Innocence Epidemic

By Death Penalty Information Center, on 20 July 2022


NGO report


United States

More details See the document

A Death Penalty Information Center Analysis of 185 Death-Row Exonerations Shows Most Wrongful Convictions Are Not Merely Accidental.

  • Document type NGO report
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Innocence


Death in the time of Covid-19: Efforts to restore the death penalty in the Philippines

By Jose M.Jose and Maria Corazon A.De Ungria, on 10 August 2021


Academic report

Drug Offenses


More details See the document

The Philippine Congress recently passed a bill amending the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and reimposing the penalty of life imprisonment to death for specific-drug related offenses. House Bill No. 7814 also allows the presumption of guilt in certain drug-related crimes unless otherwise proven, thereby overturning the long-standing constitutional presumption of innocence.

The bill has been sent to the Senate for its concurrence and could only be several steps away before being signed into law by President Rodrigo R. Duterte. This paper discusses the ramifications of the new bill and the questioned timeliness of its passage when the country continues to have a large and overcrowded prison population and a significant number of deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 in Southeast Asia.

The government’s lapses in following the 2021 national vaccination plan became apparent in the 31 March 2021 assessment made by the congressional health panel on the government’s response to the pandemic.

From the authors’ perspective, the urgency of using the country’s limited resources to help medical frontliners and local government units prevent further infections and save lives should have outweighed the efforts exerted to pass a law that legalized the death penalty for the third time in the Philippines.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list Philippines
  • Themes list Drug Offenses


American Death Penalty Exceptionalism, Then and Now

By Jordan Steiker, California Western International Law Journal , on 1 February 2024


Academic Article

United States

More details See the document

Published in October 2023.

The most commonly observed fact of American capital punishment is its present outlier status: the United States (U.S.) is the only developed Western democracy that retains the death penalty, and it does so not simply as a matter of law, but as a matter of practice, conducting numerous executions every year. This “exceptionalism” with respect to the death penalty is noteworthy, but focusing on present-day American retention obscures many additional aspects of American death penalty exceptionalism. This Keynote will trace several ways in which the American death penalty was an outlier at its founding and throughout its subsequent history, as well as the varied aspects of its exceptionalism today. I will conclude by predicting that U.S. exceptionalism will soon come to an end–with an “exceptional” form of death penalty abolition, traceable to the distinctive path of the American death penalty

  • Document type Academic Article
  • Countries list United States


Lualua Center for Human Rights

on 30 April 2020

The objectives of Lualua Center for Human Rights are: 1- To contribute in the promotion of economic, social, cultural, environmental and civil growth according to the international declaration of human rights and subsequent relevant international conventions. 2- To work on achieving integrity and transparency and fighting corruption. To enshrine the concept of citizenship by promoting […]




Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions

By United Nations General Assembly, on 5 August 2022


United Nations report

More details See the document

To mark the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the mandate on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Morris Tidball-Binz, offers a reflection from a historical perspective on the establishment of the mandate and the subsequent evolution of its working methods. He retraces the development of international standards and guidelines elaborated with the substantial contribution and support of the various mandate holders. The report also contains an analysis of the question of the death penalty from the perspective of whether it is compatible with the absolute prohibition of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and recommendations aimed at ensuring the protection of the right to life, as guaranteed under international human rights instruments.

  • Document type United Nations report


According to Taiwanese civil society, new President Tsai Ing-wen might relaunch debate on the abolition of the death penalty

By Marion Gauer, on 31 March 2016

Even though Taiwanese general mindset appears to be quite in favor of death penalty, Taiwanese civil society expects some changes to happen in the application of death penalty under the presidency of Tsai Ing-wen. In his article “Taiwan: Can Tsai Ing-Wen Change the Politics of Death?”, Michael Caster – graduate student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, as well as human rights advocate and civil society consultant based in East Asia – quotes Executive Director of the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, Lin Hsin-yi, on that controversial matter.




10.10.10 Looking back on the World Day in Asia

on 3 December 2010

The Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network rounds up reports from the main events organised across the Asia-Pacific region for World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10.






Iran (Islamic Republic of)






United States


No mention of death row prisoners in Mandela rules

By Nordine Drici (Planète Réfugiés) & Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner (ECPM), on 30 November 2018

Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 2018 is an opportunity to question the effectiveness of civil and political rights, but also economic, social and cultural rights, in the context of an increasingly globalized world that ostracizes, excludes, sentences to death and continues to execute.


Death Row Conditions 


COVID-19: Calling for a Worldwide Moratorium on the Death Penalty During the Pandemic

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 18 June 2020

“When the whole world is trying hard to save lives from COVID-19, an execution by the state is contradictory and perverse” said Kevin Miguel Rivera Medina, President of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.




Greater Caribbean for Life – Project Manager

By Greater Caribbean for Life, on 7 June 2018

The Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) is currently seeking to appoint a part-time Project Manager, to assist with the management, administration, and implementation of a project seeking to restrict and reform the use of the death penalty in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean States.



Philippines: Do not revive the Death Penalty

By Ngeow Chow Ying, for the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN), on 15 January 2017

ADPAN strongly urges all members of the Philippine House of Representative and Senate to reject the reinstatement of the death penalty and uphold the rights to life as enshrined in the Constitution.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment


Clever use of online tools could boost activism

on 28 February 2010

Kathy Brown, an English IT specialist, is not the typical anti-death penalty campaigner. She is not an NGO-registered lawyer nor a political science student. But through the internet, she has become active in the global abolitionist community.



Drug Offenses

Mental Illness


Book: a victory on the road to abolition

on 19 January 2010

The Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty has just published Staving off the Executioner, a book describing the Taiwanese abolitionist movement’s strategies, challenges and successes.


Fair Trial

Legal Representation




Bad press for China after Briton’s execution

on 10 January 2010

Bitter criticism has been targeting China since the execution of British national Akmal Shaikh in the Chinese province of Xinjiang on December 29 after he was found guilty of transporting drugs.



Mental Illness

United Kingdom


World Coalition hands 5 million signatures over to the UN

on 1 November 2007

The President of UN General Assembly is to receive 5 million signatures calling for a moratorium on executions collected worldwide by the Community of Sant’Egidio and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.









New Zealand




Conférence Internationale des Barreaux

on 30 April 2020

The International Bar Association Conference (Conférence internationale des barreaux – CIB) was founded by representatives of 24 bar associations of countries that share both the French language and a common judicial tradition. It is now composed of 83 members. The CIB’s objective is to create a cooperation structure between them. It groups together associations that […]




Penal Reform International (PRI)

on 30 April 2020

Penal Reform International (PRI) is an independent international non-governmental organisation that structures its work through a policy programme, regional programmes, and a governance and strategy programme that ensures learning and impact. Registered in The Netherlands (registration no 40025979), PRI operates globally with offices in multiple locations. We work to promote criminal justice systems that uphold […]

United Kingdom


Collectif des Organisations des Jeunes Solidaires (COJESKI)

on 30 April 2020

The Collectif des organisations des jeunes solidaires du Congo-Kinshasa RDC [Collective of Youth Solidarity Organisations in Congo-Kinshasa DRC, COJESKI-RDC] is a platform consisting of 340 youth organisations which has been operating in Congo-Zaire since 1995. Its main aim is to promote and defend positive human values, sustainable development and good governance of the Democratic Republic […]

Democratic Republic of the Congo


League of Women Lawyers of Tajikistan

on 30 April 2020

The League of Women Lawyers of Tajikistan aims at improving the legal consciousness of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, the protection of civil, social, economic and cultural rights of women in Tajikistan, gender equality, improving women’s status in society lawyer, as well as assisting in the preparation of legal training among young girls. League […]




on 30 April 2020



Save Anthony

on 30 April 2020

Save Anthony is a charity registered under the 1901 French law. It is designed to promote the story and finance the privately retained legal team of Anthony Mungin, sentenced to death and incarcerated at the Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, Florida (USA) since February 23rd, 1993. Anthony Mungin has always maintained his innocence for the […]



Legal Awareness Watch (LAW)

on 30 April 2020

Legal Awareness Watch (LAW) is a nonpartisan, non-profitable NGO registered under law since 1999, holding registration number 1388. Since its creation, LAW has been advocating, and raising awareness in Pakistan on human rights of prisoners in 104 Pakistani prisons i.e. the right to vote, right to dignity, right to life etc. Apart from the promotion […]




Project 39A

on 13 September 2022

Project 39A is a criminal justice initiative, based in the National Law University, Delhi – a prestigious public university in New Delhi. Inspired by Article 39-A of the Indian Constitution, Project 39A’s work furthers the intertwined values of equal justice and equal opportunity.  Project 39A uses empirical research to re-examine policies on various criminal justice […]




Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI)

on 30 April 2020

The Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) is an independent, non-governmental organisation aiming to enhance the knowledge, respect and observance of human rights in Uganda. FHRI’s objective is to remove obstacles to democratic development. The organisation defends the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the 1995 Ugandan Constitution and other internationally recognised human rights instruments. FHRI undertakes […]




Swahili – Ripoti ya kimataifa ya amnesty international: hukumu za kifo na watu walioadhibiwa kifo 2023

on 29 May 2024


NGO report

Trend Towards Abolition

More details Download [ pdf - 1806 Ko ]

Ufuatiliaji wa Amnesty International wa matumizi ya adhabu ya kifo duniani ulibaini watu
1,153 wanaofahamika kuwa walinyongwa mwaka 2023, ambalo ni ongezeko la asilimia
31 kutoka 883 mwaka 2022. Hata hivyo nchi zinazowanyonga watu zilipungua kwa
kiwango kikubwa kutoka 20 mwaka 2022 hadi 16 mwaka 2023

  • Document type NGO report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition


Program and Admin Assistant (Trainee)

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 31 March 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is recruiting an intern for a period of 6 months going from mid-June to mid December 2020.



Program and Admin Assistant (Trainee)

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 October 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty recruits an intern for a period of 6 months starting in September 2019.



Country-by-country death penalty data now available

By Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern University School of Law, on 19 April 2011

A new statistic and legal database designed by Northwestern University in partnership with the World Coalition offers a unique view of the use of capital punishment in more than 90 states.



10.10.10 World Day Against the Death Penalty – USA special

on 6 August 2010

On 10 October 2010, the World Day Against the Death Penalty will focus on the USA. There are two months left to prepare and promote the events planned around the world on the big day.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

United States


Program and Admin Assistant

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 5 January 2017

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty recruits interns twice a year for a period of 6 months (from March to August and from September to February).



Human Rights Advocacy Officer

By Harm Reduction International, on 17 August 2017

Harm Reduction International is currently seeking to recruit Human Rights Advocacy Officer. Working as a member of the Campaigns and Advocacy Team.



Live from death row

on 25 February 2010

The 180 members of the public who had gathered to view the film Manners of dying had an opportunity to witness a discussion between Mumia Abu-Jamal and his lawyer Robert Bryan.



United States

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Statement on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 December 2020

Humanity and the global human rights movement, including the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, are celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. This day has been commemorated by the United Nations as International Human Rights Day.




WANTED: Program and Admin Assistant

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 19 August 2016

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is looking for an intern for a period of 6 months, starting mid-September.



Madagascar’s MPs abolish the death penalty

on 10 December 2014

The National Assembly of Madagascar adopted a bill that abolishes the death penalty on 10 December, World Human Rights Day.





Abolitionist movement shifts up a gear in Morocco

By Thomas Hubert, on 20 December 2013

Through engagement with members of Parliament, the publication of an unprecedented report on death row conditions and the launch of a new website, the Moroccan abolitionist movement is entering a new dimension.


Mental Illness


Zambia is the 25th African State to Abolish the Death Penalty


Zambia is the 25th African State to Abolish the Death Penalty

By Bronwyn Dudley, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 6 January 2023

On 23 December 2022, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema signed into law Penal Code (Amendment) Bill number 25, which bans the death penalty and the offence of criminal defamation of the president.




Calendar of events for World Day

By WCADP, on 10 September 2013

On 10 October 2013, the World Day Against the Death Penalty is focusing on the death penalty in the Greater Caribbean. Browse the schedule and the map to prepare and promote the events planned around the world on the big day.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment


Briefing Paper on the death penalty in Middle East & North Africa

By Penal Reform International, on 8 September 2020


Academic report

More details See the document

NGO coalition report submitted to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights

  • Document type Academic report


Pathways to abolition

By Death Penalty Worldwide / Cornell Law School, on 1 January 2016


Academic report

More details See the document

This report documents the processes by which 14 jurisdictions abolished the death penalty in law. The conclusions attempt to identify patterns and draw conclusions in the hope that they will provide ideas, insights and inspiration to countries that either already are on their path to abolition or yet have to embark on it.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition, Country/Regional profiles,


Somebody’s Child: Amid the Lingering Trauma of Trump’s Executions, a New Project Brings Families to Federal Death Row

By The Intercept, on 15 February 2024



United States

More details See the document

Published on February 11, 2024.

In 2002, Ra’id was arrested alongside several other suspects following a botched bank robbery that left two people dead and another paralyzed. His co-defendants pointed to him as the mastermind, which Ra’id adamantly denied. “I did not take part in that atrocity,” he told the court following his trial. “I did not shoot and kill anyone.”

Newson attended his father’s sentencing hearing, along with his mother, Jeannie Gipson-Newson. A death sentence would be “devastating to my child,” she remembered testifying. But it felt futile. The jurors seemed to have made up their minds. In 2004, Ra’id was sentenced to die.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States


Malaysia: On Death Row

By Al Jazeera, on 1 January 2019


Multimedia content


More details See the document

In Malaysian jails, more than 1,200 prisoners are on death row. For them, news that the government was planning to abolish the death penalty provided a much-needed glimmer of hope. But many Malaysians want to keep the law as it is, saying capital punishment deters criminals and helps keep citizens safe. Families of murder victims say the only way to get justice for their loved ones is by hanging the perpetrators. 101 East meets the people on either side of this emotional life-and-death debate and investigates if Malaysia is ready to abolish the death penalty.

  • Document type Multimedia content
  • Countries list Malaysia
  • Themes list Moratorium , Murder Victims' Families, Death Row Phenomenon,


Report of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2021 (A/HRC/48/29)

By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), on 15 September 2021


United Nations report

Public Opinion 

More details See the document

The present report is submitted pursuant to decision 18/117 and resolution 42/24 of the Human Rights Council. The report focuses on consequences arising from the lack of transparency in the application and imposition of the death penalty on the enjoyment of human rights.

  • Document type United Nations report
  • Themes list Public Opinion 


Experimenting with Death: An Examination of Colorado’s Use of the Three-Judge Panel in Capital Sentencing

By Lutz, Robin / University of Colorado Law Review, on 1 January 2002



United States

More details See the document

Mr. Page committed an atrocious crime. He did not know his victim, Peyton Tuthill, a young woman who had recently graduated from college and moved to Denver. But he was in her house, looking for money and items to sell, when she returned from a job interview. Instead of leaving her home, Mr. Page stayed to beat Peyton Tuthill, tie her up, stab her, slit her throat, rape her repeatedly, and eventually, kill her. Clearly, Ms. Tuthill did not deserve to die such a tortured death. Clearly, her death resulted from an egregious crime. However, the answer to the question of whether Mr. Page should be executed for committing this murder is not as clear. Some would answer affirmatively, others negatively. An important question is: who should decide?

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Networks,


The war on drugs, forensic science and the death penalty in the Philippines

By Maria Corazon A.De Ungria and Jose M.Jose, on 10 August 2021


Academic report

Drug Offenses


More details See the document

The effectiveness of the death penalty to deter heinous crimes remains a contentious issue even though it has been abolished in many countries. Three years into President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, the push to re-impose the death penalty is being taken seriously.

There is urgency in providing options to the drug problem other than killing drug suspects in the streets or sentencing them to death. The drug problem is a complex issue and exposes the human vulnerability of its users for criminal exploitation.

We propose here that addressing these vulnerabilities in a balanced and comprehensive manner through health-focused, rights-based criminal justice responses, conducting forensic science-based drug investigations and determining the social causes of drug abuse is an alternative solution that demands cooperation across different sectors of society as well as underscores the fundamental value of human life.

  • Document type Academic report
  • Countries list Philippines
  • Themes list Drug Offenses


The Sunny Center Foundation

on 30 April 2020




Norden Directions

on 30 April 2020

Norden Directions is an Australian non-government organisation founded in 2009. It focuses on policy in relation to social justice and human rights issues both within Australia and overseas. It has contributed to the abolition of the death penalty internationally in public debate over the past decade. Its Director, Professor Peter Norden AO, is an experienced […]



Portuguese : Homofobia do Estado: Uma pesquisa mundial sobre legislações que proíbem relações sexuais consensuais entre adultos do mesmo sexo

By Daniel Ottosson / International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), on 8 September 2020


NGO report

More details See the document

O propósito deste relatório anual sobre a Homofobia do Estado, expresso desde sua primeira edição, em 2007, é revelar e denunciar os países que, no século 21, negam às pessoas LGBTI os direitos humanos mais fundamentais: o direito à vida e à liberdade, na esperança de que, a cada ano, mais e mais países abandonem a ―comunidade‖ dos países homofóbicos.Em comparação com o relatório do ano passado, em que relacionamos os 77 países que perseguiam as pessoas com base em sua orientação sexual, no presente relatório você encontrará ‗apenas‖ 76 países nesta mesma lista, incluindo os cinco ―infames‖,que condenam as pessoas à morte com base em sua orientação sexual: Irã, Mauritânia, Arábia Saudita, Sudão e Iêmen (e algumas regiões da Nigéria e da Somália). Um país a menos, se comparado ao relatório de 2009, pode parecer um avanço insignificante, até nos darmos conta de que ele compreende 1/6 da população humana.


Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico

on 30 April 2020

The Puerto Rico Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico) represents all the attorneys in Puerto Rico, and has historically taken a very active role in the public debate. Since 2006 the Bar Association has been part of the World Coalition under the umbrella of the Puertorican Coalition Against the Death Penalty, […]


Puerto Rico


Conseil national des barreaux

on 30 April 2020



Kenya Human Rights Commission

on 30 April 2020



Cornell Center on Death Penalty Worldwide

on 30 April 2020

A research, training, and advocacy center focused on promoting international human rights law in the application of the death penalty.

United States


Serbia Against Capital Punishment (SACP)

on 30 April 2020

Serbia Against Capital Punishment (SACP) was formed in 2012 to work towards universal abolition of the death penalty and to oppose its reintroduction in Serbia or any other country. It also opposes torture, as well as all other inhuman and degrading punishments. SACP maintains a data base of more than 7.000 persons sentenced to death […]



Chaml (Non-Violent Non-Sectarian Lebanese Citizenly Youth)

on 30 April 2020

Mandate and goals : Spread the culture of non-violence, non-sectarianism and human rights and advocate for political/legal change that is relevant to our values. We have five principles: Non-sectarianism, Non-violence, Justice, Democracy, and Sovereignty. Kind of actions : – Raise awareness, protest, and lobby to pass the Lebanese Personal Status law – Document sectarian hate […]



The Death Penalty Project (DPP)

on 30 April 2020

The Death Penalty Project is an international legal action charity, based in London, working to promote and protect the human rights of those facing the death penalty. We provide free legal representation to death row prisoners around the world, with a focus on Commonwealth countries, to highlight miscarriages of justice and breaches of human rights. […]

United Kingdom


Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for the Promotion of Human Rights and Democracy in Iran

on 30 April 2020

Abdorrahman Boroumand Center previously know as Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation Mandate and goals : Promoting universal human rights in Iran and documenting the violation of the right to life in the Islamic Republic of Iran Kind of actions : Creation of an online memorial to the victims of the violation of the right to life in […]

Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Kurdistan Human Rights Association-Geneva (KMMK-G)

on 30 April 2020

Kurdistan Human Rights Association-Geneva (KMMK-G) is an independent organization, with no political affiliation. KMMK-G was established in 2006 to serve as a bridge between the Kurdish civil society and the United Nations (UN) agencies and International institutions on the one hand, and the Kurdish and Iranian civil society on the other hand. The organization aims […]

Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRAI)

on 30 April 2020

Human Rights Activists in Iran (also known as HRAI and HRA) is a non-political and non-governmental organization comprised of advocates who defend human rights in Iran. HRAI was founded in 2006 and aims to promote, safeguard and sustain human rights in Iran. The organization keeps the Iranian community and the world informed by monitoring human […]

Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)

on 30 April 2020

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), a non-profit, non-partisan international network of over 1,200 legislators in approximately 130 elected parliaments around the globe, aims to promote peace, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, gender equality and population issues by informing, convening, and mobilizing parliamentarians to realize these goals. The network of legislators’ programme of work […]

United States


International Association of Lawyers

on 30 April 2020

Established in 1927, and with members in 110 countries, the UIA (International Association of Lawyers) is a global and multi-cultural organization for the legal profession that facilitates professional development, stimulates learning and networking, and promotes the Rule of Law. UIA is open to all the world’s lawyers, both general practitioners and specialists. The UIA’s members […]



Center for Constitutional Rights

on 30 April 2020

Center for Constitutional Rights is an American NGO based in New York. The Center for Constitutional Rights is committed to fighting injustice on many fronts, as demonstrated by the breadth of our cases as well as our organizing work. CCR works on a wide range of issues: illegal surveillance and attacks on dissent, Criminal Justice […]

United States


Legal Defence & Assistance Project (LEDAP)

on 30 April 2020

LEDAP – Legal Defence & Assistance Project provides legal aid to victims of human rights violations, campaign for abolition of the death penalty in Nigeria, documentation of unlawful killings in Nigeria, support to torture survivors, domestic violence support to victims, legislative advocacy on criminal justice, gender violence, human rights. LEDAP is a member of the […]




Humanity Diaspo

on 27 March 2024

WOMEN’S HUMANITARIAN AND DEVELOPMENT NGO Humanity Diaspo is a non-profit, humanitarian, development, TechForGood and feminist non-governmental organisation (NGO). Humanity Diaspo is independent of any political, religious or philosophical movement. Humanity Diaspo’s aim, where appropriate in partnership with local entities, is to support people in situations of distress, exile and migration, precariousness and exclusion in all […]



Youth Safety Awareness Initiative (Crime Si Poa®) Logo


Youth Safety Awareness Initiative (Crime Si Poa®)

on 27 March 2024

Youth Safety Awareness Initiative mission is to promote social justice and a crime-free society through education, advocacy and social enterprise, targeting children and young people. Youth Safety Awareness Initiative primarily focus on discouraging at-risk and vulnerable youth from engaging in criminal activities and addressing threats to peace through behavioral and attitudinal change, while promoting the […]


Transitional Justice Working Group


Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG)

on 15 December 2023

As a human rights documentation NGO, TJWG has published biennial reports on public executions in North Korea based on interviews with North Korean defectors in 2017, 2019 and 2021. TJWG has also been calling for the complete abolition of the death penalty in North and South Korea, which has maintained it in the laws even […]


Republic of Korea

logo ESOHR


European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR)

on 29 November 2023

Founded in 2013 in response to extensive human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR), which is based in Berlin, emerged in the face of a robust campaign aimed at suppressing civil society and curtailing the activities of human rights advocates. ESOHR is committed to the abolition of the death […]


Saudi Arabia