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2513 Document(s) 960 Member(s) 1048 Article(s) 17 Page(s)


World Day: everybody stands up against the death penalty!

on 27 September 2007

The 5th World Day Against the Death Penalty takes place on Wednesday, 10 October 2007. Organised by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, it is marked by thousands of citizens and hundreds of organisations across the world who together, through hundreds of local initiatives, say ‘NO’ to capital punishment.


Democratic Republic of the Congo





Puerto Rico

United States



2007 Campaign : developing the world abolitionist movement

on 1 May 2007

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty has obtained financial support from the European Commission for its 2007 campaign, an indication of its growing recognition and legitimacy.



US Supreme Court revives “failed” death penalty

on 17 April 2008

The World Coalition condemns the April 16th decision of the United States Supreme Court upholding the lethal injection as a humane method of executing a human being.



United States


Liberia illegally restores the death penalty

on 28 July 2008

New Liberian legislation makes some violent crimes punishable by death, in violation of the country’s international obligations.






Spot opportunities and focus on education, abolitionists are told

on 24 February 2010

The workshop on “Defining strategies for abolition” was an opportunity for abolitionists to share views and experience on what works – and what does not – when pushing for the repeal of the death penalty.



South Africa




7th World Day Against the Death Penalty: teaching abolition

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 27 July 2009

On 10 October 2009, World Day Against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty wishes to teach abolition to all citizens around the world, especially to teenagers aged 14 to 18.


Public Opinion 


ICC paves the way for justice without killing

on 18 July 2009

The University of Kinshasa has hosted a conference on the theme of death penalty-free justice to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court.


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Malawi's flag


Malawi Supreme Court Reverses Abolition Decision

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 18 August 2022

On 30 April 2021, the World Coalition published the following article on the abolition of the death penalty in Malawi. Since its publication, the abolitionist status of the country has changed. This article has been updated below. —————————-




Abolition in New Mexico hailed around the world

on 19 March 2009

New Mexico’s governor Bill Richardson signed the repeal of the death penalty in to law on March 18, 2009, attracting praise from the global abolitionist community.


United States


Abolition of death penalty is now complete in Italy

on 4 March 2009

Italy became the 41st state to ratify the 13th Protocol to the European Convention for Human Rights on 3 March 2009.




Nicaragua makes abolition irreversible

on 4 March 2009

Nicaragua became the 71th state to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant for Civil and Politic Rights on 25 February 2009.




Africa’s human rights body takes a stance against the death penalty

on 30 November 2008

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights calls for a moratorium on executions and the ratification of the UN Protocol for the abolition of the death penalty.


Fair Trial


Does care have to be at the periphery if crime is at the centre? A conversation that unspools the various threads tying feminism with crime.

By The Third Eye, on 15 February 2024





More details See the document

Published on January 30, 2024.

The Third Eye invited Maitreyi Misra of Project 39A to help us think through our central idea: why do we need a feminist way of looking at crime, and how does that help the larger goal of social justice?

Project 39A is inspired by Article 39-A of the Indian Constitution, a provision that furthers the intertwined values of equal justice and equal opportunity by removing economic and social barriers. Using empirical research to re-examine practices and policies in the criminal justice system, Project 39A aims to trigger new conversations on legal aid, torture, forensics, mental health in prisons, and the death penalty.

  • Document type Article
  • Themes list Gender / Women


‘Sakineh’ campaign to culminate in worldwide protests

on 25 August 2010

What started as an effort to save an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning is turning into a global movement for human rights and against capital punishment.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Public Opinion 


Closing ceremony of the project « My pencil for abolition » at the French Ministry of foreign affairs

By Marion Gauer, on 27 May 2016

On May 23rd, 2016, the closing ceremony of the project “My pencil for abolition” took place at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This project was organized by the team of “Educating and Raising Awareness on Abolition” in the association Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM): it consisted in involving a few middle and high school’s classes, from Lorraine, Belfort and the Parisian region, in the elaboration of articles and cartoons in order to create a magazine committed to the abolition of the death penalty, known as the Abolition Mag.


Public Opinion 


ECPM takes social media campaign to the fair ground

By Bronwyn Dudley, on 16 September 2014

World Coalition member organisation Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM) was at September’s Fête de l’Humanité in Paris to spread awareness of the 12th World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10.



Intellectual Disability

Mental Illness


Life of the Network

on 22 June 2020

Abolitionists around the world are mobilizing to end the death penalty. World Day, World Congress, important events for the life of the World Coalition such as the steering committees, but also meetings, events and actions carried out by our members around the world: do not miss any event related to the fight against the death […]



Hank Skinner’s execution stayed amid international action

on 25 March 2010

The American death row inmate heard the news less than one hour before he was scheduled to die. From Huntsville to Paris, activists demand that new evidence be examined.



United States


Activists from Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo join forces

on 3 December 2008

The Great Lakes Regional Coalition Against the Death Penalty held its first meeting on November 17 in Kinshasa. Its lobbying efforts have accelerated Burundi’s legislative process.



Democratic Republic of the Congo




Centre d’Observation des Droits de l’Homme et d’Assistance Sociale (CODHAS)

on 30 April 2020

CODHAS aims to: – Contribute to the defense and promotion of human rights in the province of North Kivu; – Contribute to the promotion of peace and reconciliation; – Contribute to the promotion of gender Art6. Achieving these aims, in particular through the following strategies: – Organization of activities for the extension of Congolese law […]


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bird logo


Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD)

on 29 November 2023

The Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) is a non-profit organisation focusing on advocacy, education and awareness for the calls of democracy and human rights in Bahrain. BIRD was established in 2013 after co-founder and current Director of Advocacy, Sayed Alwadaei, fled Bahrain after being imprisoned and tortured following participation in the 2011 democratic […]




Former death row warden turns frontline abolitionist

on 6 June 2011

Jeanne Woodford, who used to oversee excutions in California, has become the executive director of the prominent anti-capital punishment organisation Death Penalty Focus.


Death Row Conditions 

Public Opinion 

United States


Will Arab revolutions bring new hope for abolition?

on 4 April 2011

The winds of change have brought fresh air to the abolitionist cause in countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa, with new faces in power reigniting a stalled debate.








Public Opinion 

Syrian Arab Republic





Chinese lawyers hailed as “heroes for justice”

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 22 June 2013

The role of lawyers in the fight against the death penalty has been discussed from different angles throughout the 5th World Congress, but the testimony of Chinese lawyers caught most people’s attention.



Fair Trial

Legal Representation


African leaders and abolitionists hold anti-death penalty summit in Cotonou

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2014

The signature of an African treaty on the abolition of the death penalty is a priority to firm up the trend moving away from capital punishment across the continent.




Public Opinion 


Caribbean events kick off with regional conference and abolitionist network launch

By Maria Donatelli & Aurélie Plaçais, on 3 October 2013

A wide range of activists, law practitioners and former death row inmates have met in Trinidad and Tobago to discuss strategies for abolition and organise under the Greater Caribbean for Life.





Puerto Rico

Trinidad and Tobago


Abolitionists from the whole Arab World hold their first congress

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 22 October 2012

The Regional Congress on the Death Penalty held in Rabat, Morocco between 18-20 October highlighted the key role of civil society in pushing the abolitionist agenda in a region affected by deep changes.








Public Opinion 



Illinois embraces “a culture of life” and outlaws the death penalty

on 11 March 2011

After nearly two months of fierce lobbying on both sides, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn abolishes the death penalty in the state and commutes all current death sentences to life in prison.


United States


Outgoing Gaza government must stop executing death sentences

on 26 July 2011

Leaders Organization, a Palestinian member of the World Coalition, is opposing a decision by the Hamas-run cabinet due to leave office in the Gaza Strip to carry out existing death sentences.


State of Palestine


The future of the death penalty in the United States

on 27 March 2011

Governor Pat Quinn’s signing abolition into law last week in Illinois has reopened the debate on the death penalty throughout the country. Several states are currently considering abolition.


Public Opinion 

United States


Opinion leaders meet to discuss death penalty abolition in Niger

on 13 March 2015

FIACAT and ACAT Niger, in collaboration with the Nigerien Coalition against the Death Penalty, organised a seminar to raise awareness of the abolition of the death penalty in Niamey (Niger) on 10 and 11 March 2015.





No mention of death row prisoners in Mandela rules

By Nordine Drici (Planète Réfugiés) & Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner (ECPM), on 30 November 2018

Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 2018 is an opportunity to question the effectiveness of civil and political rights, but also economic, social and cultural rights, in the context of an increasingly globalized world that ostracizes, excludes, sentences to death and continues to execute.


Death Row Conditions 


Abolitionist activities, criminal policy at the heart of abolition

By Clémentine Etienne, on 1 August 2018

On 30 June 2018, as a side event to the 2nd National Congress of Réseau des avocats contre la peine mort (RACPM), a conference was organised under the title “Death Penalty and Criminal Policy”. Morocco seemed eager to match its Tunisian neighbour, which had recently proposed, with the Commission on Individual Freedoms and Equality, abolishing the death penalty.


Fair Trial



Évaluation finale externe d’un projet de 36 mois sur l’abolition de la peine de mort en Afrique

By FIACAT, on 13 March 2018

1.    OrganisationLa Fédération internationale de l’Action des chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture, la FIACAT, est une organisation internationale non gouvernementale de défense des droits de l’homme, créée en 1987, qui lutte pour l’abolition de la torture et de la peine de mort. La Fédération regroupe une trentaine d’associations nationales, les ACAT, présentes sur quatre […]



Africa raises its voice against the death penalty

By Tiziana Trotta, on 21 October 2016

Many African organizations and institutions raised their voices on the occasion of the 14th World Day against the Death Penalty, whose last edition, celebrated on October 10, was dedicated to the use of death penalty for terrorism-related crimes.




World Day: inventiveness against the death penalty

on 23 October 2007

France, Peru, Togo, India… Abolitionist activists sounded a rallying call for the 5th World Day Against the Death Penalty across numerous countries via a variety of initiatives.





Public Opinion 

Republic of Korea



Saudi Arabia: why are foreigners losing their heads?

on 26 March 2008

Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan servant sentenced to death by a Saudi court, is facing decapitation. ACAT-France and ECPM have joined forces to defend poor immigrants at risk of capital punishment in Saudi Arabia.


Fair Trial


Legal Representation

Saudi Arabia



Podcasts recomendations

on 14 March 2023

Podcasts or series of podcasts by our members Broken Law Podcast Hosted by the staff of the American Constitution Society. Episode 23: How the World Views the Death Penalty Released on: Nov. 09, 2021 Listen to Podcast ADPAN Podcasts Series of podcasts hosted by The Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network Listen to Podcast Other podcasts to […]


Statement Saudi Arabia 2024 signatories


Escalating concerns over the lives of minors threatened with death in Saudi Arabia

on 3 May 2024

The undersigned organizations express their grave concern for the lives of minor defendants particularly the two young men, Yousif Al-Manasif and Ali Al-Mubaiouq, who are at imminent risk of execution in Saudi Arabia following confirmed information that the Specialized Criminal Court of Appeal (SCCA) has upheld their death sentences.



Saudi Arabia


International mobilisation saves the life of Filipina maid

on 12 December 2007

A Filipina woman sentenced to death in Kuwait for the murder of her employer has seen her sentence commuted to life imprisonment after joint action by migrant and abolitionist groups.






African Commission urges Gaddafi not to kill Nigerian convicts

on 20 September 2009

The African human rights watchdog has asked Libya not to execute 20 Nigerians on death row in the North African country after a Nigerian NGO highlighted their plight.






Drug policy reform, harm reduction movement and the death penalty abolition movement have much in common

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 26 June 2019

As 26 June is “Support. Don’t Punish” Global Day of Action, the World Coalition shares some insight on the 2019 Harm Reduction International Conference which took place in Porto end of April.


Drug Offenses


Bad press for China after Briton’s execution

on 10 January 2010

Bitter criticism has been targeting China since the execution of British national Akmal Shaikh in the Chinese province of Xinjiang on December 29 after he was found guilty of transporting drugs.



Mental Illness

United Kingdom


Project officer – The Death Penalty Project

By The Death Penalty Project, on 23 January 2018

The Death Penalty Project is recruiting a Project Officer.


United Kingdom


Legal Officer – The Death Penalty Project

By The Death Penalty Project, on 23 January 2018

The Death Penalty Project recruits a Legal Officer.

United Kingdom


California ruling paves way for abolition of one of the world’s largest death rows

By Elizabeth Zitrin, on 18 July 2014

United States Federal District Court Judge Cormac J. Carney, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, a strong supporter of the death penalty, ruled on 16 July that California’s death penalty system violates the US Constitution.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

United States


Indian ruling highlights importance of next World Day

By Emile Carreau, on 3 February 2014

On 21 January, India’s Supreme Court formally banned the execution of mentally ill prisoners and in doing so highlighted why this year’s World Day against the Death Penalty, which is dedicated to issues of mental health, is so important.



Intellectual Disability

Mental Illness


Thousands of abolitionists take action for a better world

By Thomas Hubert, on 11 October 2012

Dozens of events scheduled on five continents for the 10th World Day Against the Death Penalty combined actions by activists and diplomats, cultural and educational events and media presence.



United Nations headed for new moratorium resolution

on 15 November 2010

A proposed United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for a global suspension of executions has gained the support of two more countries pending a plenary vote next month.









Leaflet LGBTQIA+ people and the Death Penalty

By World coalition against the death penalty, on 2 October 2023


World Coalition


More details Download [ pdf - 861 Ko ]


One in nine exonerations in new database is a capital case

By World Coalition, on 26 May 2012

A new online project listing 891 exonerated wrongful convictions in the US includes 101 death sentences.



United States


World Coalition welcomes the success of the Regional Congress in Africa

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 12 April 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty held its Steering Committee meeting on 11/04/2018 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, following the Regional Congress held on 09-10 April 2018.



US abolitionists are training for the long run

on 24 January 2010

The Annual Conference of the US National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty gathered more than 400 abolitionists from around the country around the theme: Training for the long run.”


United States


Preventing exports of lethal drugs from Europe to the US

on 22 January 2011

High-profile civil society organizations have signed a submission appealing to the European Commission to control the exportation, from Europe, of the drugs that are used in US executions.


United States


Arab spring at the heart of World Coalition debates

on 26 June 2011

International abolitionists gathered in Morocco have discussed the recent wind of change in the region and the resulting hope for the abolition of the death penalty.


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment






KontraS (Commission for the Disapeared and Victims of Violence)

on 30 April 2020

KontraS (Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence) in Indonesia is a human rights NGO that deals with human rights issues in Indonesia, particularly civil and political rights. Abolition of the death penalty is one of its advocacy objectives. KontraS is a member of regional and national networks: Anti Death Penalty Asian Network (ADPAN) […]




Overcoming the isolation of the people sentenced to death and their relatives

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 September 2018

One of the observations made by the World Coalition while doing the preliminary work for this year’s World Day, is the isolation in which the people sentenced to death might live.


Death Row Conditions 


Global Prison Trends 2018 4th Edition

By Penal Reform International, on 6 June 2018

Global Prison Trends 2018 is the fourth edition in PRI’s annual flagship Global Prison Trends series, which identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice and prison policy and practice. It is published in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Justice, and features a foreword by the Rt Hon Helen Clark, Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme.


Death Row Conditions 


3rd Regional Congress Against the Death Penalty

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 March 2018

The African Congress will be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast on 9-10 April 2018. Over 300 participants are expected.



Stats show Iran executions are linked to political events

on 17 July 2013

Figures examined by World Coalition member organisation Iran Human rights show peaks in the use of the death penalty before and after each election.


Drug Offenses

Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Democratic Republic of the Congo: the abolitionists organize workshops for journalists

By Thalia Gerzso, on 25 September 2017

Concerned by the population’s view on the death penalty, the Human Rights Defenders and Abolitionist Advocates in Democratic Republic of the Congo Network [Réseau des associations de défense des droits de l’homme et militants abolitionnistes de la peine de mort en République Démocratique du Congo (RADHOMA)] organized several training courses for journalists in the past few months.


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Public Opinion 


A major abolitionist gathering for the 60th ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights in Niger

By Jessica Corredor, on 19 May 2017

The work of the 60th ordinary sessions of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) took place in Niger between the 8th and the 22th of May. Invited by SYNAFEN, one of its members, the World Coalition took this opportunity to gather in the margins of the ACHPR session.




Inquiry into Australia’s Advocacy for the Worldwide Abolition of the Death Penalty

By Peter Norden, on 25 November 2015

On 17, 20 and 27 November, the Australian Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs is conducting public hearings on Australia’s advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty. The World Coalition and its members uses this opportunity to make their voices heard.




Working with journalists to expose the death penalty’s flaws

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 30 June 2014

Journalists and activists held a joint practical workshop during the World Coalition’s recent AGM in Puerto Rico to discuss ways of getting the abolitionist message across in the media.


Public Opinion 

Puerto Rico


Children of people sentenced to death attract the UN’s attention

By Léa Macarez, on 19 September 2013

The UN Human Rights Council brought together representatives from civil society, States and the UN itself to discuss the rights of children whose parents are sentenced to death or executed.




International conference addresses Caribbean outlook on capital punishment

By Emile Carreau, on 26 October 2011

A two-day conference organised by the Community of Sant’Egidio on the death penalty in the Greater Caribbean took place in Madrid between 17-19 October, highlighting issues of rising crime and international influence in the region.


Murder Victims' Families

Public Opinion 


China’s “efforts to gradually reduce the application of the death penalty”

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 30 October 2014

Following a decision by the Communist Party’s Central Committee in November 2013 to “gradually reduce the number of crimes punishable by death”, a draft amendment to China’s criminal law was submitted for initial review to the country’s National People’s Congress this week.




7th World Congress – 28th february

By World coaltion against death penalty, on 28 February 2019

The programme of the 7th World Congress continued today with more than fifteen events held at the Egmont Palace. Plenary meetings, round tables, workshops, screenings and signings… This is a non-exhaustive summary of this new day.


Public Opinion 


7th World Congress – Opening ceremony and first day

By World coaltion against death penalty, on 27 February 2019

Launched yesterday, abolitionists from around the world have gathered in Brussels for the 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty organized by ECPM in partnership with the World Coalition that will continue until Friday. Looking back on the last two days of a Congress that has been thus far rich in emotion


Public Opinion 


Two countries asked to ratify the UN Protocol on abolition

on 9 December 2009

As part of the campaign in favour of the treaty on the abolition of the death penalty, Chile and Spain encouraged the Dominican Republic and the Ivory Coast to ratify the text.


Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Dominican Republic


Belarus moratorium a condition for closer ties with Europe

on 23 June 2009

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has decided not to restore Belarus’s special guest status until the country establishes a moratorium on the death penalty.






Human Rights Coordinator – HRI

By Harm Reduction International, on 9 April 2019

Harm Reduction International is currently seeking to recruit a full-time Human Rights Coordinator to join its Human Rights and Justice team for a period of six months.



Uzbekistan becomes the 70th state party to the UN’s Second Optional Protocol

on 17 December 2008

The former Soviet republic has confirmed its accession to the only international treaty abolishing the death penalty in an irreversible manner.





Europe to lead the abolitionist way

on 29 June 2007

European institutions have decided to press a resolution against the death penalty at the next General Assembly and to mark an official European Day against the Death Penalty on October 10th.




How Colorado became the 22nd abolitionist State in the USA

By Aurélie Plaçais, on 30 March 2020

On March 23 2020, the Governor of the State of Colorado, Jared Polis, signed legislation abolishing the death penalty. The bill SB20-100 had passed the Senate by a 19-13 vote on January 30 and the House by a 38-27 vote on February 26. He also commuted the sentences of the three people on death row […]


United States


Call for actions on World Day in the Maldives and Turkey

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 17 June 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and its 14 international member organizations active in the Philippines, the Maldives and Turkey are part of a joint project which aims to combat the resurgence of the death penalty, particularly in the aforementioned three countries at risk.





Call for actions on World Day in Sub-Saharan Africa 2

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 17 June 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (World Coalition) and FIACAT are part of a joint project which aims to contribute to the abolition of the death penalty in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Burkina Faso




Côte d'Ivoire

Democratic Republic of the Congo








Sierra Leone


United Republic of Tanzania


Uniting activists’ forces is Amina Bouayach’s obsession

on 25 February 2010

The Moroccan human rights campaigner came to discuss the best ways of bringing together abolitionist efforts with World Congress participants.




World Coalition General Assembly: all eyes on the UN

on 29 June 2007

The General Assembly of the World Coalition took place in Brussels on June 22nd. Particular focus was placed on the World Day on 10 October and the draft UN resolution for a world moratorium on the death penalty.



Call for actions on World Day in the Philippines

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 July 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and its 14 international member organizations active in the Philippines, the Maldives and Turkey are part of a joint project which aims to combat the resurgence of the death penalty, particularly in the aforementioned three countries at risk.




Expanded Ban on Death Penalty for Intellectually Disabled People in California

By Louis Linel, on 1 September 2020

The California State Legislature extended the ban on capital punishment for intellectually disabled people


Intellectual Disability

United States


Ten films to expose innocence on death row

By Laura Shacham - One for Ten, on 29 April 2013

One For Ten is a series of short documentary films telling the stories of innocent people who were on death row in the United States, with support from the World Coalition and several of its members.



United States


Live from death row

on 25 February 2010

The 180 members of the public who had gathered to view the film Manners of dying had an opportunity to witness a discussion between Mumia Abu-Jamal and his lawyer Robert Bryan.



United States


The Inter-American system commits to see the end of the death penalty

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 January 2020

In November 2019, Ecuador hosted a series of high level meetings of the Organisation of American States (OAS), including the Third Forum of the Inter-American Human Rights System and the 174th Period of Sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), during which abolition of the death penalty was on the agenda.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Statement on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 December 2020

Humanity and the global human rights movement, including the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, are celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. This day has been commemorated by the United Nations as International Human Rights Day.




Program and Admin Assistant (Trainee)

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 31 March 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is recruiting an intern for a period of 6 months going from mid-June to mid December 2020.



WANTED: Program and Admin Assistant

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 19 August 2016

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is looking for an intern for a period of 6 months, starting mid-September.



Program and Admin Assistant

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 5 January 2017

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty recruits interns twice a year for a period of 6 months (from March to August and from September to February).



Federal Justice orders the prison administration to immediately provide African-American journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal with treatment

By French Collective "Free Mumia", on 18 January 2017

On the 3rd January of this year, a Federal judge ordered Pennsylvania’s prison administration to immediately provide Mumia Abu-Jamal with medication to treat his hepatitis C infection, justifying his decision in these terms: “budgetary constraints cannot outweigh the Eighth Amendment’s constitutional guarantee of adequate medical care.”


Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment

United States


Human Rights Advocacy Officer

By Harm Reduction International, on 17 August 2017

Harm Reduction International is currently seeking to recruit Human Rights Advocacy Officer. Working as a member of the Campaigns and Advocacy Team.



Program and Admin Assistant (Trainee)

By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 October 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty recruits an intern for a period of 6 months starting in September 2019.


Zambia is the 25th African State to Abolish the Death Penalty


Zambia is the 25th African State to Abolish the Death Penalty

By Bronwyn Dudley, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 6 January 2023

On 23 December 2022, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema signed into law Penal Code (Amendment) Bill number 25, which bans the death penalty and the offence of criminal defamation of the president.




Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC)

on 30 April 2020

The Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) is registered as a private, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit making organization based in Tanzania, East Africa. The LHRC works to create legal and human rights awareness among the public, in particular the underprivileged section of the society of Tanzania, through legal and civic education, provision of legal aid, […]


United Republic of Tanzania


Somebody’s Child: Amid the Lingering Trauma of Trump’s Executions, a New Project Brings Families to Federal Death Row

By The Intercept, on 15 February 2024



United States

More details See the document

Published on February 11, 2024.

In 2002, Ra’id was arrested alongside several other suspects following a botched bank robbery that left two people dead and another paralyzed. His co-defendants pointed to him as the mastermind, which Ra’id adamantly denied. “I did not take part in that atrocity,” he told the court following his trial. “I did not shoot and kill anyone.”

Newson attended his father’s sentencing hearing, along with his mother, Jeannie Gipson-Newson. A death sentence would be “devastating to my child,” she remembered testifying. But it felt futile. The jurors seemed to have made up their minds. In 2004, Ra’id was sentenced to die.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States


Testimonies tool – World Day 2022

By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 28 June 2022


World Coalition

More details Download [ pdf - 764 Ko ]

The World Coalition and its members have collected testimonies of victims of torture in the death penalty. Confessions, death row phenomenon, moments before the execution, psychological torture of those not sentenced to death, methods of execution. Read the stories of these victims.
We thank all those who agreed to share their testimonies and their stories.


The Defense Team in Capital Cases

By Jill Miller / Hofstra Law Review, on 1 January 2003



United States

More details See the document

Fairness for those defendants facing the ultimate punishment of death requires that they be afforded zealous advocacy by competent counsel, and that counsel be provided with the resources necessary to effectively represent their clients. Stating that “[o]ur capital system is haunted by the demon of error, error in determining guilt, and error in determining who among the guilty deserves to die,” Governor Ryan cited many deficiencies in the justice system in Illinois, including poor lawyering and inadequate resources for defense counsel, in arriving at his decision to commute all death sentences. Over the years the imposition of the death penalty has too often been a function of unqualified counsel or counsel who lacked the resources, including time, funding, and provision of investigative, expert and supportive services, to competently represent their clients, rather than a reasoned decision based on the circumstances of the crime and the background and character of the defendant.

  • Document type Article
  • Countries list United States
  • Themes list Legal Representation,


American Death Penalty Exceptionalism, Then and Now

By Jordan Steiker, California Western International Law Journal , on 1 February 2024


Academic Article

United States

More details See the document

Published in October 2023.

The most commonly observed fact of American capital punishment is its present outlier status: the United States (U.S.) is the only developed Western democracy that retains the death penalty, and it does so not simply as a matter of law, but as a matter of practice, conducting numerous executions every year. This “exceptionalism” with respect to the death penalty is noteworthy, but focusing on present-day American retention obscures many additional aspects of American death penalty exceptionalism. This Keynote will trace several ways in which the American death penalty was an outlier at its founding and throughout its subsequent history, as well as the varied aspects of its exceptionalism today. I will conclude by predicting that U.S. exceptionalism will soon come to an end–with an “exceptional” form of death penalty abolition, traceable to the distinctive path of the American death penalty

  • Document type Academic Article
  • Countries list United States


The Arts and Human Rights: Introducing the “Sweet Destiny” Album and Film

on 25 August 2021


Multimedia content

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

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Iran Human Rights (IHR); August 25, 2021: Pioneering Iranian alternative rock band, Kiosk have released a new musical film and album titled “Sweet Destiny.” Based on a historic 1853 photograph of a public execution by cannon fire in Iran, it is the first professional Farsi language album or film of its kind to be dedicated to the subject of the death penalty.

The story is narrated by the photographer who has been summoned to photograph the scene of the execution as proof and questions the defendant’s crime. Divided into 14 acts, the imagined story of the execution is layered with cultural and political metaphors and references. Kiosk’s rich and poignant songs create context, take the viewers through the history of Iran since 1853 and highlight the critical issues around the death penalty and human rights breaches in Iran. Using historical photographs, paintings and animation, Sweet Destiny is visually mesmerising and thought provoking with sprinkles of satire that masterfully cross cultural boundaries. The film is subtitled in English.  

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  • Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Italian Poster 2005

By World coalition against the death penalty , on 10 October 2005



Trend Towards Abolition

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Italian Poster 2005

  • Document type Campaigning
  • Themes list Trend Towards Abolition


Foreign Nationals on Death Row

By The University of Oxford Death Penalty Research Unit, led by Professor Carolyn Hoyle, along with a network of human rights NGOs, including The Death Penalty Project, Eleos Justice, Harm Reduction International, Justice Project Pakistan, Project 39a, and ADPAN, on 8 December 2022


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The University of Oxford Death Penalty Research Unit, led by Professor Carolyn Hoyle, along with a network of human rights NGOs, including The Death Penalty Project, Eleos Justice, Harm Reduction International, Justice Project Pakistan, Project 39a, and ADPAN, have cooperated on a mapping project of foreign nationals at risk of capital punishment in Asia and the Middle East, initially funded by the ESRC.
These regions have a disproportionate number of migrants and others without citizenship detained for capital offences, including those convicted for drug crimes. Building on research, knowledge and expertise within the network, this collaborative database aims to collate and make available information on foreign nationals executed or under sentence of death.

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