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Flurry of initiatives against the death penalty at ACATs in the past year

on 7 August 2007

During the past year, the 28 member associations in the FIACAT network have given their abolitionist activities a boost. The issue of the death penalty is at the heart of their mission.



The death penalty and the situation in Africa debated in Kinshasa

on 17 October 2011

A debate led by members of the World Coalition in the Democratic Republic of Congo discussed international law, local sensitivities and abolition.



California narrowly rejects abolition

on 8 November 2012

Citizens of the largest US state have voted against an initiative to replace the death penalty with life sentences, but the results show abolitionist views have gained significant ground through the referendum campaign.



A mission of the International Commission against the Death Penalty to the United States

on 21 July 2017

A delegation of the International Commission against the Death Penalty met US Governors and Attorney Generals to discuss the situation of the death penalty in their respective states and issues related to possible steps towards ending the practice of capital punishment in the United States.



Moving towards abolition in the Arab World

on 8 October 2010

NGOs and international organisations opposing the death penalty in Arab countries have met in Egypt for the second time. The World Coalition presented them with a new version of its study on abolition in the region.



2007 Campaign : developing the world abolitionist movement

on 1 May 2007

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty has obtained financial support from the European Commission for its 2007 campaign, an indication of its growing recognition and legitimacy.



Gabon quietly joins the abolitionist camp

on 4 March 2011

The West African nation outlawed the death penalty in February 2010 and then kept the secret for over a year.



Iran executes four juvenile offenders in one week

on 28 April 2014

The increased number of prisoners executed for offences committed before they turned 18 is in clear violation of Iran’s international commitments, the World Coalition says in the statement below.



West African court finds against Nigeria in abusive capital cases

on 3 July 2014

The ECOWAS Court has upheld the rights of death row detainees following litigation by World Coalition member organisation ASF France and Nigerian human rights defedenders.



2018 confirms a long-term decline of the death penalty in the US

on 28 January 2019

The Death Penalty Information Center’s 2018 End-of-Year report confirms decline despite strong lasting inequalities.



Ivory Coast invited to ratify the UN Protocol on the death penalty

on 27 November 2013

World Coalition member organization FIACAT has taken part in a follow up mission to the Ivory Coast after the African human rights body issued the country with recommendations including ratifying the treaty that copperfastens abolition.



Two perspectives on assistance to foreign nationals facing the death penalty

on 13 June 2013

World Coalition member Reprieve and the Mexican government share their experience of helping those facing a capital case overseas.



Lindy Lou Juror #2

on 31 July 2018

On the occasion of the screening of the movie Lindy Lou Juror number 2 on Monday 25 June 2018, abolitionist associations such as Amnesty International, ACAT France, Together Against The Death Penalty French Collectif Free Mumia! and the World Coalition against the Death Penalty met at the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles in Paris.



Puerto Rican abolitionists gain support from their government

on 5 March 2008

The Puerto Rican Coalition Against the Death Penalty and the Puerto Rican secretary of justice are joining forces to resist death sentences imposed by US federal courts.



Makwanyane Institute Is Launched at Cornell Law School

on 17 July 2017

Fifteen capital defense lawyers from eight African countries arrived at Cornell Law School on June 12 to begin eight days of training on how best to represent death penalty clients in the first session of the Makwanyane Institute.



São Tomé and Príncipe ratifies OP2 and approves total and definitive abolition of the death penalty

on 18 January 2017

On 10 January 2017, São Tomé and Príncipe ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty and became its 84th State party.



UN singles out Iraq’s ever-increasing practice of capital punishment

on 10 November 2014

A report on the death penalty by the UN mission to Iraq has unearthed startling new information about the use of capital punishment in the country. The study was released on the heels of the UN’s human rights review of Iraq, where the death penalty emerged as a primary concern.



Debate on California executions turned into abolitionist rally

on 4 July 2009

Hundreds of activists descended on Sacramento for a public review of the state’s lethal injection protocol, arguing that «the death penalty is killing California’s budget».



African Commission urges Gaddafi not to kill Nigerian convicts

on 20 September 2009

The African human rights watchdog has asked Libya not to execute 20 Nigerians on death row in the North African country after a Nigerian NGO highlighted their plight.



The death penalty for drugs: a central point during the regional congress

on 23 June 2015

In Asia, death penalty for drug offences is one of the major issues. During the regional congress, two sessions addressed this issue. It is also the theme of this years’ World Day against the Death Penalty on 10 October 2015.



From death row to elusive freedom

on 26 October 2010

Ron Keine, an exonerated former prisoner turned activist, shares his story so that the United States may one day join the rest of the civilized world in abolishing the death penalty.



Madagascar’s MPs abolish the death penalty

on 10 December 2014

The National Assembly of Madagascar adopted a bill that abolishes the death penalty on 10 December, World Human Rights Day.



Congo’s Presidential Election Strengthens the Controversial New Constitution that Abolished Capital Punishment

on 20 April 2016

On March 20, 2016, a tense presidential election in the Republic of the Congo resulted in the re-election of President Denis Sassou Nguesso, who has been in power for a total of 32 years. One of the election’s least discussed outcomes is its solidification of the new constitution that President Sassou introduced last year and that provides for abolition of the death penalty.



7th World Congress – 28th february

on 28 February 2019

The programme of the 7th World Congress continued today with more than fifteen events held at the Egmont Palace. Plenary meetings, round tables, workshops, screenings and signings… This is a non-exhaustive summary of this new day.



Outgoing Gaza government must stop executing death sentences

on 26 July 2011

Leaders Organization, a Palestinian member of the World Coalition, is opposing a decision by the Hamas-run cabinet due to leave office in the Gaza Strip to carry out existing death sentences.



Fewest death sentences in 40 years in the US

on 12 January 2015

The number of executions in the United States was at its lowest in 20 years and seven death row prisoners were exonerated in 2014.



The shared responsibility of capital punishment

on 27 September 2011

Everyone agrees that the highest international standards should apply in the fight against drug. But what about the standards used in punishing traffickers- and the inappropriate use of the death penalty against such criminals?



Activists celebrate abolition in Uzbekistan

on 7 January 2008

Uzbekistan became the first state to abolish the death penalty in 2008. World Coalition members Community of Sant’Egidio and Mothers Against the Death Penalty, who have led a campaign in the region, welcome the move.



Paris activists lie down against US federal executions

on 10 July 2009

ACAT-France and Amnesty International France staged their 9th “die-in” against the death penalty in the United States.



Death penalty systems disregard mental health – experts

on 25 September 2014

Despite international and national standards banning the use of capital punishment against mental ill or intellectually disabled people, health professionals familiar with death row say it is full of prisoners who should instead be receiving treatment.



Joint Statement on Malaysia

on 10 October 2019

As we mark the 17th World Day against the Death Penalty, a year after the government of Malaysia announced the revision of the country’s laws to fully abolish the death penalty on 10 October, we, member organizations of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty: •    Positively note the support by Malaysia for the seventh […]



Death Sentences and Executions in 2017

on 12 April 2018

Amnesty International published its international global review of the death penalty on Tuesday, 12th April 2018.At least 993 executions in 23 countries in 2017 were recorded, down by 4% from 2016 (1,032 executions) and 39% from 2015 (when the organization reported 1,634 executions, the highest number since 1989). China remained the world’s top executioner, but excluding China, 84% of all reported executions took place in just four countries – Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan.



“Catastrophic” conditions on Lebanon’s death row

on 31 May 2013

Ogarit Younan is a co-founder of the Lebanese Association for Civil Rights, which has just joined the World Coalition. She takes stock on the death penalty and abolitionist progress in Lebanon.



Mexico fights on after Texas illegally executes one of its nationals

on 23 January 2014

The execution of Edgar Tamayo in violation of an international court order spurs Mexico to pursue its efforts in favour of consular rights in the US, a diplomat says.



US Federal Executions Resume

on 28 July 2020

It has been 17 years since the United States decided on a de facto moratorium on federal executions, which can be carried out only for certain federal criminal offences. This moratorium, however, ended in July.



Outrage as Iran’s execution figures explode

on 12 February 2011

Iran hanged 121 people in six weeks between 20 December 2010 and 31 January 2011, many of them after unfair trails and for crimes that did not result in a person’s death.



Caribbean events kick off with regional conference and abolitionist network launch

on 3 October 2013

A wide range of activists, law practitioners and former death row inmates have met in Trinidad and Tobago to discuss strategies for abolition and organise under the Greater Caribbean for Life.



Pardon Prisoners On Death Row

on 8 November 2016

At the end of October, the death sentences of more than 2,500 prisoners were commuted by the Kenyan President. The presidential power of mercy was also recently exercised by the Zimbabwean President, where 10 death row prisoners were pardoned.



Liberia urged not to resume executions

on 9 April 2010

The World Coalition has been active in Liberia and internationally to bring the West African country back into the abolitionist community.




on 9 October 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is recruiting a Web-editor/Editorial Webmaster for its website.



Moratorium Stays in Place in Sri Lanka and Anti-Death Penalty Petitioners Secure an Official Record in Court Proceedings to Protect Future Rights

on 28 March 2023

Petitioners challenging the potential resumption of executions in Sri Lanka experienced received reassuring news on 23 February 2023 when the Attorney General of Sri Lanka reported to the Supreme Court that the incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe has agreed to not implement executions during his tenure.



Three years to save lives in Nigeria

on 25 April 2012

A conference to launch the project SALI: Saving Lives, was held in Abuja, Nigeria, on 27 March. It marked the start of the project activities while encouraging discussions on the issue of the death penalty in Nigeria.



Burundi abolishes the death penalty

on 29 April 2009

Burundi’s new penal code, which abolishes the death penalty, was signed into law on April 22. ACAT-Burundi chairman Merius Rusumo recounts the campaign’s success.



UN Protocol on death penalty turns 20

on 15 December 2009

For 20 years, the United Nations Protocol to abolish the death penalty has been the only universal treaty of worldwide scope to prohibit executions and secure universal abolition of the death penalty for all crimes.



Publication of a New Guide on Working with Parliamentarians to Abolish the Death Penalty

on 10 October 2021

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, in partnership with Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), has published a new how-to guide for civil society organizations (CSOs) on how to collaborate with parliamentarians to abolish the death penalty.



India: a “lethal lottery”

on 15 May 2008

A study of the rulings by New Delhi’s Supreme Court for more than 50 years concluded that “the administration of the death penalty in India is manifestly flawed”.



ICC paves the way for justice without killing

on 18 July 2009

The University of Kinshasa has hosted a conference on the theme of death penalty-free justice to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court.



Fighting to establish the unconstitutionality of the death penalty in the DRC

on 1 May 2008

Democratic Republic of Congo abolitionists have been leading a non-stop fight for two years to have the death penalty recognised as incompatible with their country’s constitution. Ongoing penal code reform is giving them a chance to defend their case.



Saudi Arabia slammed over child executions, discrimination

on 21 February 2009

United Nations agencies, governments and NGOs criticised Saudi Arabia’s death penalty record at the UN’s universal periodic review of human rights.



Benin on track to achieve abolition

on 7 February 2010

Benin’s President Thomas Yayi Boni, one of the World Congress’s guests, has asked the parliament to enshrine the abolition of the death penalty in the constitution. Justice Minister Victor Tokpanou details Benin’s path to abolition.



Finance and Administration Manager

on 14 May 2020

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty recruits a Finance and Administration Manager for a full time permanent position starting as soon as possible.



“Iran kills for possession of less than 50g of drugs”

on 9 April 2013

Annual reports published by two World Coalition member organizations of Iranian exiles expose the disproportionate use of the death penalty in Iran, mostly against drug users and traffickers.



Executions on the rise, but progress toward abolition in 2021 

on 9 June 2022

On 24 May, Amnesty International published their annual report on the global use of the death penalty, which shows the overall sentences and executions in 2021 Global figures Amnesty International recorded 579 executions in 18 countries in 2021, an increase of 20% from the 483 recorded in 2020. Despite these increases, the 2021 global executions figure constitutes the second-lowest figure recorded […]



UN General Assembly Committee adopts draft moratorium resolution

on 20 November 2012

A majority of the world’s nations have approved a text calling for a global moratorium on executions, with stronger support than in a previous vote two years ago.



Calls to end executions in The Gambia

on 3 September 2012

FIDH and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty join others to urge The Gambia to stop executions and call upon the African Union to relocate the seat of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights in another country.



Kenya’s mandatory death penalty ruled unconstitutional

on 6 August 2010

A joint effort by Kenyan and British lawyers and NGOs resulted in a court decision overturning all death sentences for murder. Legislation making capital punishment the only possible penalty for certain crimes is invalid.



If I do not accept that a terrorist kills me, I do not accept either to kill a terrorist

on 18 October 2016

Khachig Ghosn is a 22-year-old student of social work at the Lebanese University. Three years ago, he witnessed an explosion in Beirut. Despite this dramatic experience, he is against the use of the death penalty and he is convinced that capital executions have no deterrent effect on terrorism.Ghosn is aware that changes in his country take a very long time, but he has a positive long-term vision and hopes that the death penalty will be abolished.



World Day: the French and Iranians hand-in-hand in Paris

on 12 October 2007

Abolitionists from the two countries set up a gallows in the heart of the French capital similar to that used in Tehran only a few weeks ago.



Thousands of abolitionists take action for a better world

on 11 October 2012

Dozens of events scheduled on five continents for the 10th World Day Against the Death Penalty combined actions by activists and diplomats, cultural and educational events and media presence.



Translations in Chinese

on 21 January 2013

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty’s office in Paris, France, is currently calling for translation contributions in Chinese.
The objective is to award contracts for translation services for the publications of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty for 30 months (mid 2013 – mid 2015).



Four World Coalition members among NCADP award winners

on 3 February 2008

Each year, the US National Coalition Against the Death Penalty honours those individuals and organisations that have made outstanding contributions to the struggle against the death penalty. This year’s award winners included a number of World Coalition members.



Open letter to the China National People’s Congress

on 26 February 2008

The World Coalition and ADPAN are publicising an open letter to the China National People’s Congress demanding concrete steps towards the abolition of the death penalty in China.



Only one in 10 countries carried out executions in 2012

on 10 April 2013

At least 682 people were executed last year aside from China, according to Amnesty International.



Stats show Iran executions are linked to political events

on 17 July 2013

Figures examined by World Coalition member organisation Iran Human rights show peaks in the use of the death penalty before and after each election.



Belarusian setback on the way to abolition

on 2 April 2010

After one year of encouraging signals from Belarus, the last European country with the death penalty has brutally resumed secretive executions and the harassment of abolitionist activists.



Abolitionists block Nigerian executions

on 9 July 2010

Legal action by local activists and pressure from international organizations have succeeded in stopping plans by Nigeria’s authorities to execute hundreds of death row inmates.



Ten films to expose innocence on death row

on 29 April 2013

One For Ten is a series of short documentary films telling the stories of innocent people who were on death row in the United States, with support from the World Coalition and several of its members.



Mass executions in Saudi Arabia with more than 100 people executed since January 2019

on 7 June 2019

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia once again made its mark on the international scene by executing 37 people sentenced to death for terrorism in six regions of the country on Tuesday, 23 April 2019, 36 of whom were beheaded, while the last was crucified.



World Coalition welcomes the success of the Regional Congress in Africa

on 12 April 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty held its Steering Committee meeting on 11/04/2018 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, following the Regional Congress held on 09-10 April 2018.



Protest Against Executions Ordered by Minister of Justice Yoshihisa Furukawa

on 23 December 2021

On 21 December 2021, Japan’s new governement executed three men after two years with no execution during which Japan hosted the Olympics and the United Nations Congress on Criminal Justice.



Reorienting Drug Policy in Indonesia towards the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

on 6 August 2020

Indonesian not-for-profit organization LBH Masyarakat, Reprieve, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs recently published a report that reframes the drug problem and corresponding policy action in light of the country’s commitment to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report argues that the drug policies currently in place in Indonesia must be re-evaluated in such a way that tackles poverty and inequality and prioritizes support for those who are “left behind”, and put an end to its current punitive strategies.



Abolition of the death penalty in the Central African Republic

on 2 August 2021

Together Against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, the International Federation of ACAT (FIACAT) and Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture in the Central African Republic (ACAT CAR) welcome this interactive dialogue and wish to draw the attention of the Independent Expert on the application of the death penalty […]



Video about the death penalty in the Palestinian Territories

on 9 March 2016

Since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, in 1994, 172 death sentences have been issued in the territories under its authority, of which 30 in the West Bank and 142 in the Gaza Strip, 87 since Hamas gained the control of the area in 2007. The video points out arguments against the death penalty: it is ineffective, irreversible, against human dignity and it has no deterrence effect as proved by the high criminal rate shared by the countries which use it most. Besides, while the Islamic Law regards it as a right of the relatives of the victim, the Shaaria also supports forgiveness and compensation.



A Training on Advocacy for the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Sub-Saharan Africa

on 29 July 2019

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty in partnership with FIACAT, and their local members ACAT Cameroon and Droits et Paix (Rights and Peace), organized a continental training course in July on advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty in sub-Saharan Africa in Douala, Cameroon. This training brought together abolitionists and experts from 23 African countries.



Abolition on the agenda of the National Assembly in DR Congo

on 6 November 2010

The death penalty issue is back on the parliamentary agenda in the Democratic Republic of Congo thanks to a legislative sequence welcomed by local abolitionists.



‘Sakineh’ campaign to culminate in worldwide protests

on 25 August 2010

What started as an effort to save an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning is turning into a global movement for human rights and against capital punishment.



Singapore breaks three-year moratorium on executions

on 21 July 2014

On 18 July 2014, Singapore executed two death row prisoners, Tang Hai Liang, 36, and Foong Chee Peng, 48, bringing to an end a three-year official moratorium established by the government in 2011 as part of the review process of the mandatory death penalty.



Soon-to-be abolitionist Benin hosts forum on death penalty in Africa

on 24 April 2010

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights held a regional conference on the death penalty in North and West Africa in Benin mid-April.



China rejects all UN recommendations on death penalty use

on 24 March 2014

“China’s position is to retain the death penalty, but strictly and prudently limit its application according to law,” said the world’s top executioner after it rejected all 20 UPR recommendations to curb capital punishment.



Armenia and Angola Commit to Irreversible Abolition

on 4 October 2019

Following the United Nations Treaty Event in New York, two more states have committed to irreversible abolition of the death penalty by signing and ratifying the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (OP2-ICCPR). The Protocol was highlighted by the United Nations […]



Mental health seminar takes Malawi a step closer to resentencings

on 28 January 2015

The Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) held a two-day seminar on mental health evaluations in preparation for the resentencing of nearly 200 individuals after their mandatory death sentences were deemed unconstitutional.



Amnesty 2010 stats: retentionist countries increasingly isolated

on 28 March 2011

Countries which continue to use the death penalty are being left increasingly isolated following a decade of progress towards abolition, Amnesty International has said in its new report Death Sentences and Executions in 2010.



Working with journalists to expose the death penalty’s flaws

on 30 June 2014

Journalists and activists held a joint practical workshop during the World Coalition’s recent AGM in Puerto Rico to discuss ways of getting the abolitionist message across in the media.



Event on the UNGA resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty at the World Congress

on 27 June 2016

In the context of the 6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition together with Hands Off Cain and Amnesty International co-hosted a side event focusing on the 6th UNGA resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, whose adoption will be decided in New York in December this year.



Toward the abolition in Cameroon

on 6 July 2017

Despite Africa’s march towards abolition, considered by many as the next abolitionist continent, Cameroon continues to withstand the abolitionist trend. Cameroon is the biggest executioner among French speaking countries in Africa, and the seventh country – on a global scale – with the largest number of death sentences: 160 in 2016, according to Amnesty International.



Death penalty in 2019: Facts and figures

on 22 April 2020

Amnesty International published its annual report on death sentences and executions worldwide on 21 April 2020. It showed that the number of known executions decreased slightly on the 2018 total, reaching the lowest figure in more than 10 years, despite Iraq nearly doubling its tally and Saudi Arabia having its highest executions total in any given year.



Death Penalty in Iran: Sharp Increase in Executions

on 10 June 2022

An alarming situation  On 28 April 2022, Iran Human Rights (IHR) and Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM) released their 14th Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran, revealing  an increase in the number of executions in 2021. At least 333 people were executed and 83,5% of these executions were not announced by […]



Training consultant

on 21 January 2016

The World Coalition calls for applications for a consultant in charge of planning a training session in Sub-Saharan Africa.



2009 Amnesty statistics: at least 714 executions… excluding China

on 30 March 2010

Amnesty International has released its report on the death penalty in the world in 2009. The organisation has decided to exclude China from its calculation due to the lack of transparency on capital punishment in that country.



Statement on the occasion of the adoption of the upr report of Lebanon

on 2 August 2021

We welcome Lebanon’s position in accepting some of the recommendations on strengthening the justice sector and improving strengthening the justice sector and those aimed at improving the conditions of detention, including the fight against acts of torture and ill-treatment.



Philippines: Do not revive the Death Penalty

on 15 January 2017

ADPAN strongly urges all members of the Philippine House of Representative and Senate to reject the reinstatement of the death penalty and uphold the rights to life as enshrined in the Constitution.



Africa moving towards regional abolition treaty

on 5 October 2009

The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights organised its first regional conference on the death penalty in Africa in late September.



Progressing towards abolition in East Africa

on 7 August 2011

On 24-27 July, 2011, World Coalition members Penal Reform International (PRI), Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) and the International Commission of Jurists-Kenya section (ICJ), jointly hosted a regional roundtable on “Death Penalty in East Africa: Challenges, Strategies and Comparative Jurisprudence”, with the Judicial Studies Institute (JSI) in Nairobi, Kenya.



India asked to maintain the moratorium on executions

on 28 July 2011

After a six year moratorium on executions, India’s President Patil has rejected the mercy petition of two Indian nationals despite international outcry to maintain the moratorium.



Program Manager

on 15 October 2018

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty recruits a program manager for a full time permanent position starting in January 2019.



120 UN Member States Support the Moratorium at Committee Vote

on 18 November 2020

On 17 November, the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a draft resolution calling upon UN Member States to observe a moratorium on executions.



9th Resolution for a moratorium on the death penalty: the trend is growing

on 20 December 2022

On 15 December 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 9th resolution for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty with 125 votes in favor (2 more than in 2020), 37 votes against, 22 abstentions and 9 absent.



World Coalition calls on Liberia to regain its leading abolitionist role

on 2 October 2008

Details have emerged on the recent enactment of legislation asserting the death penalty in Liberia. The World Coalition has offered authorities in Monrovia its support to put Liberia back on the path to abolition.



Taiwan abolitionists remind their government of its promise

on 13 March 2011

After fresh executions, the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty has been campaigning to save the lives of five condemned prisoners, recalling the government to its commitments to human rights.



10 years with no hanging in the Caribbean

on 19 December 2018

The Greater Caribbean for Life (GCL) notes that 19 December, 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the hanging of Charles la Place in St Kitts and Nevis. He was the last person who was hanged in the English-speaking Caribbean.