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كتيب – اليوم العالمي 2024 و 2025
on 26 September 2024
التحالف العالمي
enfrMore details Download [ pdf - 1910 Ko ]
- Document type التحالف العالمي / حملات
- Available languages Leaflet - World Day 2024 & 2025Brochure - Journée mondiale 2024 & 2025
Modèle de budget – FSTP-FFPA
By Consortium mondial contre la peine de mort, on 19 September 2024
enMore details Download [ vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - 19 Ko ]
- Document type Array
- Available languages Budget Template FSTP-FFPA
Budget Template FSTP-FFPA
By Global Consortium for Death Penalty Abolition, on 19 September 2024
More details Download [ vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - 18 Ko ]
- Document type Array
- Available languages Modèle de budget - FSTP-FFPA
Formulaire de demande – FSTP-FFPA
By Consortium mondial pour l'abolition de la peine de mort, on 19 September 2024
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Formulaire de demande – Soutien financier aux tiers – Consortium mondial pour l’abolition de la peine de mort
- Document type Array
- Available languages ApplicationForm-FSTP_FFPA
By Global Consortium for Death Penalty Abolition, on 19 September 2024
More details Download [ vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - 32 Ko ]
- Document type Array
- Available languages Formulaire de demande - FSTP-FFPA
Issues Impacting LGBTQ+ Prisoners
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 3 September 2024
NGO report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Fair Trial
United States
More details See the document
LGBTQ+ people, especially people of color and low income, experience high levels of policing and criminalization, leading to an overrepresentation of these individuals in the incarcerated population. A 2017 study from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, suggests that LGBTQ+ people are three times as likely to be incarcerated than the general population. Once incarcerated, LGBTQ+ people are often subjected to violence from correctional staff and fellow prisoners, as well denied medical care and access to mental health services.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment / Fair Trial
پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 – 2025
on 6 August 2024
ائتلاف جهانی
مبارزات انتخاباتی
arenesfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 1338 Ko ]
- Document type ائتلاف جهانی / مبارزات انتخاباتی
- Available languages ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 - 2025Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 - 2025Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 - 2025Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 - 2025海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
L’INSÉCURITÉ RÉVÉLÉE : Voix contre la peine de mort
By Coalition Mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 6 August 2024
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 1359 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages INSECURITY REVEALED: Voices Against the Death Penalty
INSECURITY REVEALED: Voices Against the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 6 August 2024
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 1313 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages L'INSÉCURITÉ RÉVÉLÉE : Voix contre la peine de mort
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Indonesian
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 24 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 5605 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Вопрос о смертной казни – Доклад Генерального секретаря
By Управление Верховного комиссара по правам человека, on 16 July 2024
Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
Международное право - Организация Объединенных Наций
Fair Trial
Death Row Conditions
arenesfrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 509 Ko ]
Во исполнение решения 18/117 Совета по правам человека настоящий доклад представляется для обновления предыдущих докладов по вопросу о смертной казни. В докладе Генеральный секретарь подтверждает тенденцию к всеобщей отмене смертной казни и отмечает инициативы по ограничению ее применения и реализации мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь. В период с июля 2022 года по июнь 2024 года смертная казнь по-прежнему применялась в меньшинстве государств, а некоторые значительно расширили ее применение. В соответствии с резолюцией 22/11 Совета доклад содержит также информацию о правах человека детей, родители которых были приговорены к смертной казни или казнены
- Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций / Международное право - Организация Объединенных Наций
- Themes list Clemency / Fair Trial / Death Row Conditions
- Available languages مادعلإا ةبوقع ةلأسم - ماعلا نيملأا ريرقتReport of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2024La cuestión de la pena de muerte Informe del Secretario GeneralQuestion de la peine de mort - Rapport du Secrétaire général死刑问题 秘书长的报告
死刑问题 秘书长的报告
By 人權事務高級專員辦事處(人權高專辦)。, on 16 July 2024
Fair Trial
Death Row Conditions
arenesfrruMore details Download [ pdf - 733 Ko ]
本报告根据人权理事会第 18/117 号决定提交,以更新以往关于死刑问题的报告。秘书长在报告中重申了普遍废除死刑的总体趋势,并着重介绍了限制使用死刑和落实保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的举措。2022 年 7 月至 2024 年 6 月期间,少数国家继续执行死刑,其中一些国家使用死刑的情况大幅增加。依照理事会第22/11 号决议,本报告载有关于被判死刑者或被处决者子女的人权问题的资料。
- Document type 联合国报告
- Themes list Fair Trial / Clemency / Death Row Conditions
- Available languages مادعلإا ةبوقع ةلأسم - ماعلا نيملأا ريرقتReport of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2024La cuestión de la pena de muerte Informe del Secretario GeneralQuestion de la peine de mort - Rapport du Secrétaire généralВопрос о смертной казни - Доклад Генерального секретаря
La cuestión de la pena de muerte Informe del Secretario General
By Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos, on 16 July 2024
Informe de las Naciones Unidas
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
arenfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 399 Ko ]
Este informe se presenta, de conformidad con la decisión 18/117 del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, para actualizar la información proporcionada en informes anteriores sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerte. En el informe, el Secretario General reafirma la tendencia general hacia la abolición universal de la pena de muerte y pone de relieve las iniciativas que limitan su uso y aplican salvaguardias que garantizan la protección de los derechos de los condenados a esta pena. Entre julio de 2022 y junio de 2024, una minoría de Estados siguió aplicando la pena de muerte, y algunos aumentaron considerablemente su uso. En cumplimiento de la resolución 22/11 del Consejo, el informe incluye información sobre los derechos humanos de los hijos de las personas condenadas a muerte o ejecutadas.
- Document type Informe de las Naciones Unidas
- Themes list Clemency / Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
- Available languages مادعلإا ةبوقع ةلأسم - ماعلا نيملأا ريرقتReport of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2024Question de la peine de mort - Rapport du Secrétaire généralВопрос о смертной казни - Доклад Генерального секретаря死刑问题 秘书长的报告
مادعلإا ةبوقع ةلأسم – ماعلا نيملأا ريرقت
By المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان, on 16 July 2024
القانون الدولي - الأمم المتحدة
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
enesfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 719 Ko ]
ب ًلامع ريرقتلا اذه مَّ دق ُ ي ررقم ناااااااااااسنلإا قوقح سلجم 18 / 117 قباااااااااااسلا ريراقتلا لامرتااااااااااسلا دجعاااااااااا لا لع يعاقلا ماعلا قاجتلاا ريرقتلا ا ً اقدجم ماعلا نجملأا دلايو ممادعلإا بوقع لاااااااااااسمب قلعتملا بوقعلا قذوق لمعلا نم دحلل نذ تملا ةارقالملا لع ءوااااعلا ضل لااااسي امل ممادعلإا بوقع ءاغلإ وحن املاعلا يامح لفرت اتلا ةاناماااعلا ذجفنتو لوي/وومت نم نرتفلا ا و ماوتوجاوم ا يا اااشلأا قوقح 2022 لإ اا نوي/ناريزح 2024 نقااايزق اااونم عللا مااا م ،مادااعلإا اابوقع ذااجفنت ا لوداالا نم اا لفأ ةَّ رمتااااااااااااااسا ، سلجملا رارقب ًلامعو مرجبل دح لإ اوماد تاسا 22 / 11 ، نااسنلإا قوقح نع ةامولعم ريرقتلا اذه نماعتي ماومدعُأ نيذلا وأ مادعلإاب يوجلع موكحملا لافطلأ
- Document type القانون الدولي - الأمم المتحدة
- Themes list Clemency / Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
- Available languages Report of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2024La cuestión de la pena de muerte Informe del Secretario GeneralQuestion de la peine de mort - Rapport du Secrétaire généralВопрос о смертной казни - Доклад Генерального секретаря死刑问题 秘书长的报告
Question de la peine de mort – Rapport du Secrétaire général
By Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme (HCDH), on 16 July 2024
Rapport des Nations Unies
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
arenesruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 504 Ko ]
Le Secrétaire général soumet le présent rapport en application de la décision 18/117 du Conseil des droits de l’homme, afin d’actualiser les informations fournies dans les précédents rapports consacrés à la question de la peine de mort. Il y constate une fois de plus une tendance générale à l’abolition de la peine de mort dans le monde et met en lumière les mesures prises pour limiter l’application de cette peine et pour garantir la protection des droits des personnes qui en sont passibles. Entre juillet 2022 et juin 2024, une minorité d’États ont continué d’appliquer la peine de mort, certains d’entre eux ayant nettement accru leur recours à cette pratique. Conformément à la résolution 22/11 du Conseil, le présent rapport contient des informations sur les droits humains des enfants dont les parents ont été condamnés à mort ou exécutés.
- Document type Rapport des Nations Unies
- Themes list Clemency / Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
- Available languages مادعلإا ةبوقع ةلأسم - ماعلا نيملأا ريرقتReport of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2024La cuestión de la pena de muerte Informe del Secretario GeneralВопрос о смертной казни - Доклад Генерального секретаря死刑问题 秘书长的报告
Report of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2024
By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), on 16 July 2024
United Nations report
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
Trend Towards Abolition
aresfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 424 Ko ]
Pursuant to Human Rights Council decision 18/117, the present report is submitted to update previous reports on the question of the death penalty. In the report, the SecretaryGeneral reaffirms the general trend towards universal abolition of the death penalty and highlights initiatives limiting its use and implementing safeguards guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing this penalty. Between July 2022 and June 2024, a minority of States continued to implement the death penalty, with some increasing their use considerably. Pursuant to Council resolution 22/11, the report includes information on the human rights of children of parents sentenced to the death penalty or executed.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Clemency / Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial / Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages مادعلإا ةبوقع ةلأسم - ماعلا نيملأا ريرقتLa cuestión de la pena de muerte Informe del Secretario GeneralQuestion de la peine de mort - Rapport du Secrétaire généralВопрос о смертной казни - Доклад Генерального секретаря死刑问题 秘书长的报告
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Lingala
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 15 July 2024
World Coalition
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- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Yoruba
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 11 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 1338 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Fiche d’information détaillée – journée mondiale 2024 & 2025
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 11 July 2024
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 429 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Detailed factsheet - World Day 2024 & 2025
Detailed factsheet – World Day 2024 & 2025
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 11 July 2024
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 485 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages Fiche d'information détaillée - journée mondiale 2024 & 2025
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Chinese
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
More details Download [ pdf - 1324 Ko ]
- Document type Array
海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
arenesfafrruMore details Download [ pdf - 1324 Ko ]
- Document type 世界联盟 / 活动
- Available languages ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 - 2025Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 - 2025Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 - 2025پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 - 2025Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 - 2025
La théorie de la dissuasion démystifiée
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 9 July 2024
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 564 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Debunking the deterrence theory
Debunking the deterrence theory
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 593 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages La théorie de la dissuasion démystifiée
Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 – 2025
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
Всемирная Коалиция
arenesfafrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 1334 Ko ]
- Document type Всемирная Коалиция / Кампании
- Available languages ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 - 2025Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 - 2025Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 - 2025پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 - 2025Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 – 2025
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
Coalición mundial
arenfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 1334 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / Coalición mundial
- Available languages ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 - 2025Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 - 2025پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 - 2025Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 - 2025海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 – 2025
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
التحالف العالمي
enesfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 1334 Ko ]
- Document type التحالف العالمي / حملات
- Available languages Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 - 2025Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 - 2025پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 - 2025Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 - 2025海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – German
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 1334 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Italian
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 1334 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Japanese
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
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- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Luganda
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 1334 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Swahili
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
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- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Tagalog
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 1335 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Urdu
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 9 July 2024
World Coalition
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- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
22e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort – Faits et chiffres
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 8 July 2024
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 173 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages 22nd World Day Against the Death Penalty - FACTS AND FIGURES
22nd World Day Against the Death Penalty – FACTS AND FIGURES
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 8 July 2024
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 206 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages 22e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort - Faits et chiffres
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025 – Portuguese
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 8 July 2024
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 1590 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Lethal Election: How the U.S. Electoral Process Increases the Arbitrariness of the Death Penalty
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 1 July 2024
NGO report
Public Opinion
United States
More details See the document
Key Findings
Elected supreme court justices in Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio are twice as likely to affirm death penalty cases during an election year than in any other year. This effect is statistically significant when controlling for the number of cases each year.
Changing public opinion means that zealous support for the death penalty is no longer a litmus test for elected officials in many death penalty jurisdictions. Today’s elections feature viable candidates who criticize use of the death penalty and pledge reforms or even non-use, reflecting the significant decline in public support for the death penalty.
Elected governors were more likely to grant clemency in the past when they did not face voters in an upcoming election. Concerns about voter “backlash” have eased today with declining public support and low numbers of new death sentences and executions, and have led to an increased number of prisoners benefiting from clemency grants, especially mass grants, in recent years.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Public Opinion
Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 12 June 2024
Coalition mondiale
arenesfaruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 817 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 - 2025Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 - 2025Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 - 2025پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 - 2025Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 - 2025海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
Poster World day against the death penalty 2024 – 2025
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 12 June 2024
World Coalition
aresfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 817 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages ملصق اليوم العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام 2024 - 2025Cartel Día mundial contra la pena de muerte 2024 - 2025پوستر روز جهانی علیه مجازات اعدام 2024 - 2025Affiche journées mondiales contre la peine de mort 2024 & 2025Плакат Всемирный день против смертной казни 2024 - 2025海報 2024 年至 2025 年世界反對死刑日
KIT DE MOBILISATION Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort 2024 – 2025 Sécurité et peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 12 June 2024
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 2607 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages MOBILIZATION KIT World Day Against the Death Penalty 2024 - 2025 Security and the death penalty
MOBILIZATION KIT World Day Against the Death Penalty 2024 – 2025 Security and the death penalty
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 12 June 2024
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 2534 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages KIT DE MOBILISATION Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort 2024 - 2025 Sécurité et peine de mort
Brochure – Journée mondiale 2024 & 2025
on 10 June 2024
Coalition mondiale
arenMore details Download [ pdf - 1346 Ko ]
Chaque 10 octobre, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et les abolitionnistes du monde entier célèbrent la Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort. C’est l’occasion de souligner les progrès accomplis dans la campagne mondiale pour l’abolition de la peine capitale. En 2024 et 2025, la Journée mondiale sera aussi l’occasion de remettre […]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages كتيب - اليوم العالمي 2024 و 2025Leaflet - World Day 2024 & 2025
Leaflet – World Day 2024 & 2025
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 10 June 2024
World Coalition
arfrMore details Download [ pdf - 1325 Ko ]
Every 10th October, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and abolitionist actors worldwide celebrate the World Day Against the Death Penalty. It is an occasion to highlight the progress achieved in the global campaign for the abolition of capital punishment. In 2024 and 2025, the World Day will serve as an opportunity to challenge […]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages كتيب - اليوم العالمي 2024 و 2025Brochure - Journée mondiale 2024 & 2025
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 7 June 2024
Rapport d'ONG
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
enMore details Download [ pdf - 964 Ko ]
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Themes list Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
By world coalition against the death penalty, on 7 June 2024
NGO report
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
frMore details Download [ pdf - 1029 Ko ]
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
By Taiwan alliance to end the death penalty , on 7 June 2024
NGO report
More details See the document
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Taiwan
Leaflet arabic 2019
By World coalition against the deaht penalty , on 3 June 2024
التحالف العالمي
enMore details Download [ pdf - 423 Ko ]
في 10 أكتوبر ،2019 سيحتفل التحالف العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة اإلعدام
والمنظمات الداعية إلى إلغاء عقوبة اإلعدام من جميع أنحاء العالم باليوم
العالمي السابع عشر لمناهضة عقوبة اإلعدام. وبالتزامن مع الذكرى الثالثين
التفاقية حقوق الطفل، تم تخصيص هذا العام لألطفال الذين حكم على والديهم
باإلعدام أو خضعوا بالفعل لهذه العقوبة.
- Document type التحالف العالمي
- Available languages Leaflet 2019 World Day
Uluslarasi af örgütü küresel raporu
on 29 May 2024
Rapport d'ONG
Mouvement vers l'abolition
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ölum cezalari ve infazlar 2023
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
Indonesian – Laporan Global Amnesty International : hukuman mati dan eksekusi 2023
on 29 May 2024
NGO report
Trend Towards Abolition
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Pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Amnesty Internasional terhadap hukuman mati secara global
mencatat terdapat 1.153 eksekusi hukuman mati pada tahun 2023. Angka tersebut menunjukkan
adanya peningkatan sebanyak 31% dari 883 eksekusi pada tahun 2022. Namun, ada penurunan
yang signifikan pada angka negara yang menerapkan hukuman mati. Dari 20 negara pada 2022
menjadi hanya 16 negara di 2023
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
Swahili – Ripoti ya kimataifa ya amnesty international: hukumu za kifo na watu walioadhibiwa kifo 2023
on 29 May 2024
NGO report
Trend Towards Abolition
More details Download [ pdf - 1806 Ko ]
Ufuatiliaji wa Amnesty International wa matumizi ya adhabu ya kifo duniani ulibaini watu
1,153 wanaofahamika kuwa walinyongwa mwaka 2023, ambalo ni ongezeko la asilimia
31 kutoka 883 mwaka 2022. Hata hivyo nchi zinazowanyonga watu zilipungua kwa
kiwango kikubwa kutoka 20 mwaka 2022 hadi 16 mwaka 2023
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
Amnesty International – Global Report : death sentences and executions 2023
on 29 May 2024
NGO report
Trend Towards Abolition
aresfrMore details See the document
Amnesty International’s monitoring of the global use of the death penalty recorded 1,153 known executions in 2023, an increase by 31% from 883 in 2022. However, there was a significant decrease in executing countries, from 20 in 2022 to 16 in 2023.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات اإلعدام في 2023Informe Global de Amnistia internacional: condenas a muerte y ejecuciones 2023Amnesty international - Rapport mondial : condamnations à mort et exécutions 2023
Amnesty international – Rapport mondial : condamnations à mort et exécutions 2023
on 29 May 2024
Rapport d'ONG
Mouvement vers l'abolition
arenesMore details See the document
Les informations recueillies par Amnesty International sur le recours à la peine de mort dans le monde en 2023 font état de 1 153 exécutions recensées au cours de l’année, ce qui représente une hausse de 31 % par rapport aux 883 exécutions enregistrées en 2022. Cependant, le nombre de pays procédant à des exécutions a nettement diminué, passant de 20 en 2022 à 16 en 2023.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
- Available languages التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات اإلعدام في 2023Amnesty International - Global Report : death sentences and executions 2023Informe Global de Amnistia internacional: condenas a muerte y ejecuciones 2023
التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات اإلعدام في 2023
on 29 May 2024
تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
enesfrMore details See the document
أظهر رصد منظمة العفو الدولية لاستخدام عقوبة الإعدام حول العالم 1153 عملية إعدام عُلم بتنفيذها، في عام 2023، بزيادة بنسبة %31 من 883 في عام 2022. ومع ذلك، كان هناك انخفاض كبير في عدد البلدان التي نفذت عمليات إعدام، من 20 في عام 2022 إلى 16 في عام 2023.
Informe Global de Amnistia internacional: condenas a muerte y ejecuciones 2023
on 29 May 2024
Informe de ONG
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
arenfrMore details See the document
Según el seguimiento que hace Amnistía Internacional del uso de la pena de muerte en el mundo, en 2023 se tuvo noticia de 1.153 ejecuciones: un aumento del 31% respecto de las 883 de 2022. Sin embargo, hubo un descenso significativo en el número de países que llevaron a cabo ejecuciones, que pasó de 20 en 2022 a 16 en 2023.
- Document type Informe de ONG
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
- Available languages التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات اإلعدام في 2023Amnesty International - Global Report : death sentences and executions 2023Amnesty international - Rapport mondial : condamnations à mort et exécutions 2023
Broken Promises: How a History of Racial Violence and Bias Shaped Ohio’s Death Penalty
By Death Penalty Information Center , on 14 May 2024
NGO report
Fair Trial
Trend Towards Abolition
United States
More details See the document
In January 2024, Ohio lawmakers announced plans to expand the use of the death penalty to permit executions with nitrogen gas, as Alabama had just done a week earlier. But at the same time the Attorney General and the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association are championing this legislation, a bipartisan group of state legislators has introduced a bill to abolish the death penalty based on “significant concerns on who is sentenced to death and how that sentence is carried out.” The competing narratives make it more important than ever for Ohioans to have a meaningful, accurate understanding of how capital punishment is being used, including whether the state has progressed beyond the mistakes of its past.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Fair Trial / Innocence / Trend Towards Abolition
Death Row in the USA: Death Penalty Cases and Statistics by State
By Legal Defense Fund , on 13 May 2024
Academic report
Death Row Conditions
United States
More details See the document
LDF issues a quarterly report entitled Death Row USA that contains death penalty information, death row populations by state, and other capital punishment statistics in the United States.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
Special issue: a decade-long review of the death penalty for drug offences
By Harm Reduction International, on 7 May 2024
NGO report
Drug Offenses
More details See the document
This report builds on the pioneering work HRI has been doing since its first ‘The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview (‘Global Overview’) in 2007. It analyses how the landscape of the death penalty for drug offences has shifted in the last decade, looking at the main trends regarding people on death row, death sentences and executions for drug offences, as well as key developments at national and international level in the period between 2014 and 2023.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Guess Who’s Coming to Jury Duty? How the Failure to Collect Juror Demographic Data Contributes to Whithewashing the Jury Box
By Berkeley Law Death Penalty Clinic , on 30 April 2024
Academic report
United States
More details See the document
Published on February 2024.
Founded in 2001, the Berkeley Law Death Penalty Clinic seeks justice for individuals facing capital punishment by providing high-quality representation and offers students a rich opportunity for meaningful, hands-on experience in high stakes, complex litigation. The clinic also tackles problems endemic to the administration of the death penalty and the criminal legal system.
The report continues the clinic’s racial justice research and advocacy by cataloging the states that gather prospective jurors’ self-identified race and ethnicity and those that do not. It examines what courts do with the information, including whether it is provided to the court and counsel for use during jury selection, and the consequences of these choices in furthering or obstructing jury representativeness and diversity. In particular, the report shows why the collection of prospective jurors’ self-identified race and ethnicity is vital to meeting state and federal fair cross-section guarantees and eliminating the discriminatory exercise of peremptory challenges.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
憲法法庭法庭之友意見書 主案案號:111年度憲民字第904052號 法庭之友:國際特赦組織台灣分會 均詳委任狀 代 表 人:林綉娟 理事長 代 理 人:陳瑋珊 律師 均詳委任狀 均詳委任狀
By Amnesty International, on 25 April 2024
NGO report
enMore details See the document
一、 國際特赦組織台灣分會與世界反死刑聯盟針對上述案件特此對中
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Taiwan
- Available languages Taiwan: Amicus Curiae submission by Amnesty International and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty to the Constitutional Court
Arbitrary and Capricious: Examining Racial Disparities in Harris County’s Pursuit of Death Sentences
By Texas Defender Service, on 24 April 2024
NGO report
United States
More details See the document
Published on February 2024.
Texas has executed more people than any other state. However, out of the 254 counties in Texas, 136 have never sent an individual to death row. Harris County—Texas’s largest county and home to the city of Houston—stands out as the “death penalty capital of the world.” Harris County has executed more people than any state in the United States except Texas3 and is responsible for a quarter of the 1,124 people who have been sent to Texas’s death row since 1973.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
By Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM), Coalition marocaine contre la peine de mort (CMCPM), Observatoire marocain des prisons (OMP), Réseau des avocats et avocates contre la peine de mort (RACPM), on 24 April 2024
Rapport d'ONG
More details See the document
Publié en Avril 2024.
Rabat, le 23 avril 2024. Les acteurs du mouvement abolitionniste marocain appellent l’Etat marocain à s’engager concrètement en faveur de l’abolition de la peine de mort dans leur pays. Dans un rapport d’enquête, réalisé en collaboration avec l’ONG Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM) et publié le 23 avril 2024, les quatre organisations s’inquiètent de la situation des condamnés à mort au Maroc et réclament des avancées concrètes vers l’abolition de la peine de mort. Malgré l’absence d’exécutions depuis plus de trente ans, la peine capitale est encore synonyme de mort au Maroc. Elle est aussi synonyme d’une profonde détresse pour les personnes condamnées et pour leurs familles, disloquées, stigmatisées, qui doivent parfois quitter leur quartier pour éviter le rejet de leur entourage, en raison de la condamnation à mort de leur proche. Pourquoi créer et maintenir tant de souffrance pour une peine qui n’est plus exécutée, interrogent les auteurs du rapport.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Countries list Morocco
Lethal injection in the modern era: cruel, unusual and racist
By Reprieve , on 24 April 2024
NGO report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
United States
More details See the document
Published on April 2024.
Researchers at Reprieve conducted an in-depth comparative study of botched lethal injection executions in the modern era of the U.S. death penalty, cross-referenced against the 1,407 lethal injection executions carried out or attempted during that period.
This report examines the phenomenon of botched executions by lethal injection, exploring the trends and contributing factors leading to botched executions through an analysis of 73 botched executions in the 1,407 lethal injection executions since 1977 (known as the modern era of the death penalty in the U.S.). This analysis used a process called multi-variable logistic regression, a type of analysis that assesses the odds of something happening considering multiple variables, to assess how identifiable characteristics (gender, age, and race) were associated with botched executions.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Gender Matters: Women on Death Row in the United States
By Sandra Babcock, Nathalie Greenfield, Kathryn Adamson, Cardozo Law Review , on 24 April 2024
Academic report
United States
More details See the document
This article presents a comprehensive study of 48 persons sentenced to death between 1990 and 2023 who presented as women at the time of their trials. This research is the first of its kind to conduct a holistic and intersectional analysis of the factors driving women’s death sentences. It reveals commonalities across women’s cases, delving into their experiences of motherhood, gender-based violence and prior involvement with the criminal legal system. This report also explore the nature of the women’s crimes of conviction, including the role of male co-defendants and the State’s use of aggravating factors. Finally, it reveals for the first time the extent to which capital prosecutions are dominated by men—including judges, elected District Attorneys, defense attorneys, and juror forepersons—and explain why gender matters in determining who lives and who dies
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Gender / Women
Taiwan: Amicus Curiae submission by Amnesty International and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty to the Constitutional Court
By Amnesty International, on 23 April 2024
NGO report
zh-hantMore details See the document
Published on April 8, 2024.
As the Constitutional Court of the Republic of China considers a challenge to the constitutionality of the death penalty, Amnesty International Taiwan and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty submitted a joint amicus curiae intervention, to ensure the protection of the rights of all those under sentence of death. The amicus interveners argue that the use of the death penalty in the Republic of China constitutes a violation of human rights as guaranteed under the Constitution and international law and standards; and sets the country against the global trend, which remains overwhelmingly in favour of abolition.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Taiwan
- Available languages 憲法法庭法庭之友意見書 主案案號:111年度憲民字第904052號 法庭之友:國際特赦組織台灣分會 均詳委任狀 代 表 人:林綉娟 理事長 代 理 人:陳瑋珊 律師 均詳委任狀 均詳委任狀
« ن گ راذ ی د ام ار دنشکب » نارحب مادعا یب یاه ناما رد اریا شزیخ نامز زا ن لاس 1
By Amnesty International, on 4 April 2024
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
enMore details See the document
ا شرازگ ،یقیقحت شیازفا کانتشحو مادعا رامش اه رد ناریا رد لاس 2023 هک نیرتلااب نازیم
مادعا رد تشه لاس هتشذگ ار تسا یزاسدنتسم .تسا هدرک رد یلاح هک تشگزاب دهاش نارگن هدننک
هب تسایس هزرابم رابگرم اب داوم ردخم زا نامز هب تردق ندیسر میهاربا یسیئر هب تسایر یروهمج
رد لاس 2021 شیب ،میتسه زا یمین زا مادعا اه هب لیلد تاماهتا طبترم اب داوم ردخم هدش ماجنا
.تسا اب تینوصم هب هجوت کیتامتسیس رشب قوقح ضقن نابکترم رد تازاجم زا ،ناریا نیا شرازگ رب
ترورض زاغآ تاقیقحت یرفیک یوس زا اهروشک ساسا رب لصا تیحلاص ییاضق یناهج یارب مئارج
نیب یللملا هک تاماقم یناریا بکترم هدش نودب ،دنا هجوت هب روضح ای مدع روضح مهتم رد ورملق
نآ اه ، یم دیکات ا نامز خ ی شز « ،نز گدنز ی ، دازآ ی » زا ربماتپس- ربماسد 2022 ، تاماقم یروهمج یملاسا اب لسوت هب ی ک راتشک کانتشحو و اب همانرب ر ی ز ی
باسح ،هدش زا تازاجم مادعا هب ناونع ی ک ی زا اهرازبا ی بوکرس و ارب ی ا ی داج سح سرت گارف ی ر رد رسارس ،روشک لامعا لرتنک رب مدرم و کحت ی م
تردق دوخ هب ره ق ی تم ی هدافتسا هدرک دنا .
- Document type Array
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Available languages "Don't let them kill us": Iran's relentless execution crisis since the 2022 uprising
“Don’t let them kill us”: Iran’s relentless execution crisis since the 2022 uprising
By Amnesty International, on 4 April 2024
NGO report
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
faMore details See the document
Published in 2024.
This research briefing documents the horrifying surge in executions in Iran in 2023, the highest in eight years. More than half of the executions were for drug-related offences amid a distressing return to a lethal antinarcotics policy since Ebrahim Raisi’s rise to presidency in 2021. With systemic impunity in Iran, the briefing reiterates the need for states to initiate criminal investigations under the principle of universal jurisdiction into crimes under international law committed by Iranian officials, irrespective of the absence or presence of the accused in their territory. Since the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising of September-December 2022, the Iranian authorities have weaponized the death penalty to create a pervasive climate of fear across the country, exert control over the population, and suppress dissent and any challenge to their iron grip on power. As a result, 2023 saw an exponential increase in the number of recorded executions. The authorities executed at least 853 people in 2023, a 48% increase from 2022 when 576 people were executed and a 172% increase from 2021 when 314 people were executed. Amnesty International believes that the real number of executions is higher, but the Iranian authorities are not transparent about the number of people executed each year and do not make data on executions publicly available.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Available languages « ن گ راذ ی د ام ار دنشکب » نارحب مادعا یب یاه ناما رد اریا شزیخ نامز زا ن لاس 1
The Death Penalty For Drug Offences: Global Overview 2023
By Harm Reduction International, on 28 March 2024
NGO report
Drug Offenses
More details See the document
Published in 2023.
At the end of 2023, 34 countries retained the death for drug offences. In July 2023 Pakistan took the landmark decision to remove the death penalty from the list of punishments that can be imposed for certain violations of its Control of Narcotics Substances Act. This year also saw notable progress in Malaysia, which abolished the mandatory death penalty for all offences, including drug-related ones. This reform may impact the lives of over 700 people on death row for drug offences and bring the country one step closer to total abolition of capital punishment. In stark contrast to these positive developments is the record-high number of drug-related executions in 2023 at least 467. Of those executed, at least 59 people belonged to ethnic minority groups (in Iran and in Singapore), 13 individuals were foreign nationals, and six were women. These figures confirm that these groups are uniquely vulnerable to capital punishment as a tool of drug control. Despite not accounting for the dozens, if not hundreds, of executions believed to have taken place in China, Vietnam, and North Korea, the 467 executions that took place in 2023 represent a 44% increase from 2022.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Annual Report On the Death Penalty in Iran 2023
By Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO) with the support of ECPM (Together Against the Death Penalty), on 14 March 2024
NGO report
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
More details See the document
Published on March 5, 2024
This report has been drafted by Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO) with the support of ECPM (Together Against the Death Penalty). Since 2012, Iran Human Rights and ECPM have been working together for the publication, international release and distribution of annual reports on the death penalty in Iran.
The 16th annual report on the death penalty by Iran Human Rights and ECPM (Together Against the Death Penalty) provides an assessment and analysis of the 2023 death penalty trends in 2023 in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It sets out the number of executions in 2023, the trend compared to previous years, the legislative framework and procedures, charges, geographic distribution and a monthly breakdown of executions. Lists of the female and juvenile offenders executed in 2023 are also included in the tables. The report also looks into the abolitionist movement within Iran, including the forgiveness movement and its contribution to reducing the use of the death penalty, and provides analysis on how the international community can contribute to limiting the scope of the death penalty in Iran. The 2023 report is the result of hard work from Iran Human Rights members and supporters who took part in reporting, documenting, collecting, analysing and writing of its contents. We are especially grateful to Iran Human Rights sources inside Iran who incur a significant risk by reporting on unannounced and secret executions in prisons of 30 different provinces. Due to the very difficult context, the lack of transparency and the obvious risks and limitations that human rights defenders face in the Islamic Republic of Iran, this report does not give a complete picture of the use of the death penalty in Iran by any means. There are 46 reported executions which are not included in this report due to a lack of sufficient details or an inability to confirm cases through two different sources. However, it aims to provide the most complete and realistic figures possible in the present circumstances. The current report does not include suspicious deaths in custody, death row prisoners who died in prison before the executions or those killed under torture. ECPM supports the elaboration, editing process, publishing and distribution of this report in the framework of its international advocacy work against the death penalty. The problems of transparency on the data and information about the death penalty in Iran should be overcome by a strong strategy of distribution and dissemination. The overall objectives of this report for Iran Human Rights and ECPM are to call attention to and publicise the facts, in order to change national and international views on the situation of the death penalty in Iran, first executioner country in the world.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Does care have to be at the periphery if crime is at the centre? A conversation that unspools the various threads tying feminism with crime.
By The Third Eye, on 15 February 2024
More details See the document
Published on January 30, 2024.
The Third Eye invited Maitreyi Misra of Project 39A to help us think through our central idea: why do we need a feminist way of looking at crime, and how does that help the larger goal of social justice?
Project 39A is inspired by Article 39-A of the Indian Constitution, a provision that furthers the intertwined values of equal justice and equal opportunity by removing economic and social barriers. Using empirical research to re-examine practices and policies in the criminal justice system, Project 39A aims to trigger new conversations on legal aid, torture, forensics, mental health in prisons, and the death penalty.
- Document type Article
- Themes list Gender / Women
Somebody’s Child: Amid the Lingering Trauma of Trump’s Executions, a New Project Brings Families to Federal Death Row
By The Intercept, on 15 February 2024
United States
More details See the document
Published on February 11, 2024.
In 2002, Ra’id was arrested alongside several other suspects following a botched bank robbery that left two people dead and another paralyzed. His co-defendants pointed to him as the mastermind, which Ra’id adamantly denied. “I did not take part in that atrocity,” he told the court following his trial. “I did not shoot and kill anyone.”
Newson attended his father’s sentencing hearing, along with his mother, Jeannie Gipson-Newson. A death sentence would be “devastating to my child,” she remembered testifying. But it felt futile. The jurors seemed to have made up their minds. In 2004, Ra’id was sentenced to die.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics Report 2023
By Project 39A, on 15 February 2024
NGO report
More details See the document
Published in 2023.
This is the eighth edition of the Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics Report. This annual publication presents changes in the death row population as well as political and legal developments in the administration of the death penalty in India each year. The statistics are compiled through a combination of data mining of court websites, media monitoring and Right to Information applications.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list India
Justice Project Pakistan, Pakistanis Imprisoned Abroad Database
By Justice Project Pakistan (JPP), on 7 February 2024
NGO report
More details See the document
Pakistan is counted among the countries that rely heavily on foreign remittances for economic stability and foreign reserves. However, despite its dependence on foreign remittances from migrant workers, Pakistan has done little to protect its vulnerable citizens from landing in foreign jails. As a result, Pakistan has seen a significant increase in the number of prisoners and executions abroad. Inadequate oversight and the lack of proper enforcement of existing protections is a literal death sentence for scores of Pakistanis who simply seek a better life and improved prospects for loved ones by working abroad.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Pakistan
A/HRC/RES/54/35 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человека
on 7 February 2024
Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
arenesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/54/35قرار اعتمده مجلس حقوق اإلنسانA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos HumanosA/HRC/RES/54/35 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/RES/54/35 人权理事会 通过的决议
A/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos
on 7 February 2024
Derecho internacional - Naciones Unidas
arenfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type Derecho internacional - Naciones Unidas
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/54/35قرار اعتمده مجلس حقوق اإلنسانA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/RES/54/35 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/RES/54/35 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/RES/54/35 人权理事会 通过的决议
A/HRC/RES/54/35 人权理事会 通过的决议
on 7 February 2024
国际法 - 联合国
arenesfrruMore details See the document
- Document type 国际法 - 联合国
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/54/35قرار اعتمده مجلس حقوق اإلنسانA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos HumanosA/HRC/RES/54/35 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/RES/54/35 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человека
A/HRC/RES/54/35 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’homme
on 7 February 2024
Rapport des Nations Unies
arenesruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type Rapport des Nations Unies
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/54/35قرار اعتمده مجلس حقوق اإلنسانA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos HumanosA/HRC/RES/54/35 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/RES/54/35 人权理事会 通过的决议
A/HRC/RES/54/35قرار اعتمده مجلس حقوق اإلنسان
on 7 February 2024
القانون الدولي - الأمم المتحدة
enesfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type القانون الدولي - الأمم المتحدة
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos HumanosA/HRC/RES/54/35 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/RES/54/35 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/RES/54/35 人权理事会 通过的决议
A/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council
on 7 February 2024
International law - United Nations
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type International law - United Nations
- Available languages A/HRC/RES/54/35قرار اعتمده مجلس حقوق اإلنسانA/HRC/RES/54/35 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos HumanosA/HRC/RES/54/35 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/RES/54/35 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/RES/54/35 人权理事会 通过的决议
Proven With(out) Certainty: How Judges Sentence Defendants to Death for Drug Offences in Iran
By Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights and Democracy in Iran, Monash University and ELEOS Justice, on 6 February 2024
NGO report
Drug Offenses
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Published in April 2023.
Despite the reduction in the number of executions for drug offences during 2018-2020, a sudden increase in executions was recorded during 2021-2023: at least 131 known executions were recorded for drug offences in 2021, 253 executions in 2022, and 82 executions during the first 3 months of 2023 (Table). However, information concerning the death penalty in Iran is notoriously difficult to obtain because of the secrecy surrounding the country’s criminal justice process. This note provides a rare glimpse into the application of capital drug laws in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It exposes the idiosyncratic practices of the judiciary and its decision-making, using cases concerning the death penalty for drug offences—its imposition prohibited long under international standards. These judgments repeatedly use the language of ‘certainty’ in convicting the accused. In reality, to those familiar with basic fair trial standards, they raise serious concerns about miscarriages of justice that could potentially result in the erosion of legitimacy of the criminal ‘justice’ system in Iran.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Drug Offenses
The politics of capital punishment for foreign nationals in Iran
By Death Penalty Research Unit (DPRU), University of Oxford, on 5 February 2024
Academic Article
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
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Published in December 2023.
This paper seeks to map the political economy of capital punishment in Iran, in particular in relation to dual and foreign nationals, and examines its external and internal functions. The external functions include suppressing the ‘cultural threat’ of cross-border drug trafficking, achieving more power in sanctions negotiations, seeking reciprocal prisoner swaps or demanding recompense for outstanding multinational debt. The internal functions include quashing protests against the regime, supressing separatist movements, or even just ‘otherness’. It is evident that those facing disadvantage across foreign national and intersectional lines face the death penalty disproportionately. In addition, although only representing a fraction of the overall population of death row, the arbitrary detention of dual nationals has a disproportionate political function.
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Blaming it on the past: Usages of the Middle Ages in contemporary discourses of the death penalty in England
By Death Penalty Research Unit (DPRU), University of Oxford, on 5 February 2024
Academic Article
United Kingdom
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Published in December 2023.
In popular, intellectual and political culture, the Middle Ages are intrinsically tied to violent images of public executions. To historians of the medieval period, this temporal attachment of the death penalty to a remote period is puzzling, especially since it is still widely enforced in the world today and was only relatively recently abolished in Europe. Capital punishment is not only a part of history, but a modern-day reality. Why, therefore, do we pin this punishment to the Middle Ages? This paper aims to analyse the discourses surrounding the usage of the Middle Ages in modern discussions on the death penalty, and to clarify medieval practices of capital punishment, showing how remote they are from our contemporary understanding
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list United Kingdom
Efforts towards abolition of the death penalty: Challenges and prospects
By Death Penalty Research Unit (DPRU), University of Oxford, on 5 February 2024
Academic Article
Trend Towards Abolition
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Published in December 2023.
This paper reflects on the role of international human rights treaties in promoting universal abolition and progressive restriction of the death penalty. It suggests that over the past quarter of a century a ‘new human rights dynamic’ has aimed to generate universal acceptance that however it is administered, the death penalty violates the human rights of all citizens exposed to it. Nevertheless, defences of capital punishment based on principles of national sovereignty are engrained in some parts of the world, particularly in Asia and the Middle East. The human rights project struggles to make inroads into such jurisdictions where political will is opposed to abolition, and trenchant protection of sovereignty threatens the very universality of these rights.
- Document type Academic Article
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
Women and The Death Penalty in Kenya: Essays on the Gendered Perspective of the Death Penalty
on 2 February 2024
NGO report
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
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This publication seeks to make visible the gender and intersectional discrimination faced by women in the judicial process leading to the death penalty. Through the various articlesin this publication, the authors bring to light the reality of women facing the death penalty through a different lens.
The first author, Shekinah Bright Kiting’a, in making a compelling case for abolition of the death penalty, explores how the death penalty uniquely affects women in the context of motherhood. Further, she highlights the rights and well-being of the children affected by their mothers’ death sentences, revealing flaws in our legal and ethical systems. With the overall aim of advocating for its abolition due to its significant impact on both parenthood and children’s rights, her article seeks to push for reforms that honour motherhood and prioritize children’s well-being in these difficult circumstances.
Kenaya Komba dissects gender disparity in the judicial system by exploring the intersection of domestic violence and the death penalty. In making a case for a restorative approach to justice, her article analyses the impact of capital punishment on victims of domestic violence and the systemic injustice and biases they continue to grapple with. Her elaborate analysis of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act, 2016, highlights the urgent need for reform in the legal system.
While Analyzing the role the media plays in shaping perceptions of women on death row, Patricia Chepkirui evaluates the implications of positive and negative media portrayals of such women by highlighting the ethical responsibilities of media in the coverage of women on death row cases. The article ultimately underscores the significance of responsiblemedia coverage in ensuring that media exposure of cases of women on death row is fair,balanced, and respectful of their rights and dignity.
Alex Tamei delves into the intricacies of abuse, gender-based violence, and trauma as mitigating factors in death penalty sentencing for women. His article comparatively analyses two Kenyan cases of murder in retaliation to intimate partner violence, seeking to shed light on the plight of victims of gender-based violence. The article effortlessly brings out the nexus between the death penalty and intimate partner violence and makessolid recommendations for change.
The fifth author, Patience Chepchirchir, delves into the nexus between psychological abuse and provocation. Through her article, she brings out the scope of psychological abuse while focusing on the linkage between emotional abuse and provocation and how the same can be considered as mitigating factors. Through an elaborate analysis of case law, she makes a case for psychological abuse of women as a mitigating circumstance during sentencing.
Stella Cherono’s article reflects on the intersectional discrimination faced by women in the criminal trial process leading to death row. The article highlights the complex and overlapping forms of discrimination women experience during the pretrial, trial and sentencing stages. Through her comprehensive analysis of gendered pathways to offending and imprisonment, she challenges how society perceives discrimination.
Loraine Koskei Interrogates the emerging jurisprudence on Intimate Partner Violence.Her article lays out the gendered factor in the commissioning and sentencing of women convicted of murder and offers possible recommendations.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Kenya
- Themes list Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial / Gender / Women
The Physician in the Execution Chamber: No Such Thing as the Normal Pain of Dying
By Joel Zivot, California Western International Law Journal , on 1 February 2024
Academic Article
United States
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Published in October 2023.
For capital punishment to be lawful in the United States of America, it must occur without cruelty, a requirement of the traditional reading of the Eighth Amendment. There has never been a consensus on what form of execution is cruel, although some historic practices are shockingly barbaric to modern sensibilities— I think of the “draw and quarter” technique. The family of the murdered victim may fairly argue that the murderous behavior should be the minimum degree of cruelty meted out. But western countries eschew that standard and seek moderate forms, partly to deter by punishment and partly as a forfeit of the murderer’s life for the victim’s life when execution is allowed in that state. Certainly, there is substantial support for continuation of execution in states that allow it. The judges must be respectful of that, but still, they must respect the 8th amendment. At present, the prevalent method of execution in the United States is “lethal injection” using injectable medicines in very high doses that are repurposed to kill the prisoner. Because it is impossible to ask an executed individual about the cruelty experienced during their own death, the state instead relies on the empathy of witnesses to gauge the cruelty of a prisoner’s execution. Lethal injection was expected to be a bloodless execution and aimed to eliminate the visible appearance of cruelty, sometimes through the use of a paralytic.
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list United States
American Death Penalty Exceptionalism, Then and Now
By Jordan Steiker, California Western International Law Journal , on 1 February 2024
Academic Article
United States
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Published in October 2023.
The most commonly observed fact of American capital punishment is its present outlier status: the United States (U.S.) is the only developed Western democracy that retains the death penalty, and it does so not simply as a matter of law, but as a matter of practice, conducting numerous executions every year. This “exceptionalism” with respect to the death penalty is noteworthy, but focusing on present-day American retention obscures many additional aspects of American death penalty exceptionalism. This Keynote will trace several ways in which the American death penalty was an outlier at its founding and throughout its subsequent history, as well as the varied aspects of its exceptionalism today. I will conclude by predicting that U.S. exceptionalism will soon come to an end–with an “exceptional” form of death penalty abolition, traceable to the distinctive path of the American death penalty
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list United States
More Indicators of the Falling Support for the Death Penalty
By Talia Roitberg Harmon and Michael L. Radelet, California Western International Law Journal , on 1 February 2024
Academic Article
United States
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Published on October 12, 2023.
In the seminal Furman v. Georgia case from 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court (in effect) invalidated all death penalty statutes then inforce in American jurisdictions. After many states went back to their legislative drawing boards, some of the revised statutes were approved by the Court in 1976. At that time, Gallup found that 66 percent of the American public supported the death penalty, while 26 percent stood opposed. While support grew to 80 percent in 1994, a recent Gallup Poll from October 2022 shows that this figure has dropped to 55 percent. Recently, only 36 percent of Americans still support the death penalty given the alternative punishment of life imprisonment.
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list United States
Gender, Violence, and the Death Penalty
By Sandra Babcock and Nathalie Greenfield, California Western International Law Journal , on 1 February 2024
Academic Article
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Published in 2023.
This article is the first in a series that will systematically explore how gender has affected the criminal proceedings of women currently on death row. For this inaugural article, we have undertaken the first—and, to our knowledge, only comprehensive analysis of gender-based violence (“GBV”) in the lives of all women currently on death row, examining the prevalence of GBV and how it has shaped the lives and affected the criminal prosecutions of women facing execution. Our research reveals, for the first time, that almost every woman on death row in the United States has experienced GBV. Indeed,the great majority have experienced more than one incident of GBV in their lifetime. Our findings align with previous studies demonstrating that women’s pathways to incarceration are paved with physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Our research further shows that both in the United States and around the world, defense attorneys frequently fail to present evidence of GBV in women’s capital trials. When they do introduce such evidence, they fail to fully explain the nature of their clients’ victimization and the harm they have suffered as a result. Moreover, prosecutors frequently rely on gendered tropes to discredit women’s accounts of violence such as childhood sexual abuse, rape, and intimate partner violence. Consequently, those who sentence women to die rarely comprehend the extensive trauma that the women have endured throughout their lives, and how that trauma relates to their legal and moral culpability.
- Document type Academic Article
- Themes list Gender / Women
The Use of the Death Penalty as a Bargaining Chip in Innocence Cases
By Claudia I. Salinas, California Western International Law Journal, on 1 February 2024
Academic Article
United States
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Published in 2023.
While 70% of the world’s countries have abolished the death penalty, also known as capital punishment, much of the United States continues to use it in its criminal legal proceedings.According to the Death Penalty Information Center, at least 190 people were exonerated prior to their fated execution date after being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death in the United States. There is no way to tell how many of the 1,562 people, who have been executed in the United States, were actually innocent. As there are wrongful convictions still happening today, it is no surprise that most countries consider the death penalty a human rights issue.
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list United States
From Advocacy To Abolition: How The Universal Periodic Review Can Shape The Trajectory Of The Abolition Of The Death Penalty
By Amy Bergquist, California Western, School of Law, on 1 February 2024
Academic Article
Trend Towards Abolition
More details See the document
Published in 2023.
This article assesses whether there is evidence to suggest that the UPR can influence the timing of a country’s decision to abolish the death penalty. The evidence arises out of the examination of thirty case studies of countries that abolished the death penalty, or ratifiedthe leading treaty calling for abolition. This article concludes that in some circumstances the UPR does appear to influence that timing. These conclusions can assist civil society organizations as they refine their advocacy to encourage more countries to abolish the death penalty.
Part I of this article offers an introduction to the global abolitionist movement and two of its advocacy targets: the U.N. Human Rights Council and the UPR. Part II makes the case for focusing on the UPR to assess the efficacy of U.N. advocacy. Part III describes the process of abolition and offers several theories as to how the UPR might influence a country’s trajectory toward abolition. Part IV sets out the study’s methodology and encompasses the analysis of the case studies, focusing first on countries that have abolished the death penalty early in a UPR cycle, then on countries that have abolished at mid-cycle, and finally on countries that have abolished during the tail end of the cycle. The conclusion discusses the implications of these findings for civil society organizations working toward abolition of the death penalty.
- Document type Academic Article
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
Migratory dependency and the death penalty: Foreign nationals facing capital punishment in the Gulf
By Lucy Harry, Carolyn Hoyle , and Jocelyn Hutton Death Penalty Research Unit, Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford, on 30 January 2024
Academic Article
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
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Published on July 2, 2023
This article focuses on the cases of 664 foreign nationals, the majority of whom are migrant workers, under sentence of death across the Gulf states (including Jordan and Lebanon) between 2016 and 2021. The features of these cases suggest that they are inextricably linked to migrant workers’ dependency under the kafala system, with examples of migrants duped into smuggling drugs across the border by their migrant broker, and once in country, accounts of violent altercations due to disputes about exit visas, and in the case of migrant domestic workers, self-defence against sexual violence. Engaging with the burgeoning literature on immigration, exploitation and criminalisation, as well as scholarship on capital punishment, this article will explore the multiple and unique layers of dependency fostered by the kafala system that place migrant workers at higher risk of the death penalty in these Gulf jurisdictions.
- Document type Academic Article
- Countries list Jordan / Kuwait / Lebanon / Qatar / Saudi Arabia / United Arab Emirates
The Death Penalty in 2023: Year End Report
By The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), on 25 January 2024
NGO report
Public Opinion
United States
More details See the document
Published on December 01, 2023.
Innocence cases dominated much of the media’s attention on death penalty cases in 2023. While these prisoners were largely unsuccessful in the courts, there was unprecedented support for their claims from state legislators, prosecutors, judges, and other elected officials, some of whom declared themselves newly disillusioned with use of the death penalty in their state. This year is the 9th consecutive year with fewer than 30 people executed (24) and fewer than 50 people sentenced to death (21, as of December 1). The 23 men and one woman who were executed in 2023 were the oldest average age (tied with 2021) and spent the longest average number of years in prison in the modern death penalty era before being executed. As in previous years, most prisoners had significant physical and mental health issues at the time of their executions, some of which can be attributed to the many years they spent in severe isolation on death row. Continued difficulties obtaining lethal injection drugs led some states to explore new, untested methods of execution or revive previously abandoned methods. Other states enacted or continued pauses on executions while the state’s method of execution was studied.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Public Opinion
The Illusion of Heightened Standards in Capital Cases
By Anna VanCleave, University of Connecticut - School of Law, on 25 January 2024
Fair Trial
United States
More details See the document
Published on April 3, 2023.
The death penalty has gained its legitimacy from the belief that capital prosecutions are more procedurally rigorous than noncapi-tal prosecutions. This Article reveals how a project of heightened capital standards, set in motion when the Supreme Court ended and then revived the death penalty, was set up to fail.
In establishing what a constitutional death penalty would look like, the Court in 1976 called for heightened standards of reliability in capital cases. In the late 1970s and early 80s, the Supreme Court laid out specific constitutional procedures that must be applied in capital cases, and left the door open for the Eighth Amendment to do even more. In the decades that followed, state and federal courts have fueled a perception of heightened procedural rigor in capital cases by referring repeatedly to the heightened standards applica-ble in capital cases.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Fair Trial
Reducing Facial Stereotype Bias in Consequential Social Judgments: Intervention Success With White Male Faces
By Youngki Hong, Kao-Wei Chua, & Jonathan B. Freeman, Columbia University, on 25 January 2024
United States
More details See the document
Published on December 18, 2023.
Initial impressions of others based on facial appearances are often inaccurate yet can lead to dire outcomes. Across four studies, adult participants underwent a counterstereotype training to reduce their reliance on facial appearance in consequential social judgments of White male faces. In Studies 1 and 2, trustworthiness and sentencing judgments among control participants predicted whether real-world inmates were sentenced to death versus life in prison, but these relationships were diminished among trained participants. In Study 3, a sequential priming paradigm demonstrated that the training was able to abolish the relationship between even automatically and implicitly perceived trustworthiness and the inmates’ life-or-death sentences. Study 4 extended these results to realistic decision-making, showing that training reduced the impact of facial trustworthiness on sentencing decisions even in the presence of decision-relevant information. Overall, our findings suggest that a counterstereotype intervention can mitigate the potentially harmful effects of relying on facial appearance in consequential social judgments.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
New Research Finds That Historical News Coverage Reduced Executed Black Men to “Faceless, Interchangeable Public Safety Hazards” While Executed White Men Were Portrayed As “Tragic Heroes”
By The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), on 24 January 2024
Public Opinion
United States
More details See the document
Published on December 12, 2023.
In a recently published academic article, Emory University History Professor Daniel LaChance writes about an important and underrecognized distinction in the way newspaper editors and journalists covered the executions of Black and white men in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Professor LaChance argues that the portrayals of the defendants made legal executions “a high-status punishment that respected the whiteness of those who suffered it.” While the length and detail of articles about the executions of Black men shrank dramatically over time, he notes that journalists consistently highlighted the humanity of white men who were executed, making it “easier for those who wanted to project a modern image of the South to distance capital punishment from lynching, a form of violence that was becoming a source of embarrassment for respectable white Southerners.”
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Public Opinion
Singapore’s death penalty for drug trafficking: What the research says and doesn’t
By Academia SG - Promoting Scorlorahsip Of/For/By Singapore, on 24 January 2024
Academic report
Drug Offenses
More details See the document
Published on October 7, 2023.
Of all retentionist countries, Singapore seems to be the most vocal about the need to execute individuals as a form of criminal punishment. MAI SATO (Monash University) reviews studies conducted or commissioned by Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs that claim public backing for and the effectiveness of the death penalty in managing drug trafficking. Sato finds that these studies provide far weaker evidence for using the death penalty for drug trafficking than their authors and officials citing them claim.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Singapore
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Death by Design: Part 2
By The Wren Collective, on 23 January 2024
NGO report
Legal Representation
United States
More details See the document
Published in December 2023.
In “Death by Design” Parts 1 and 2, Wren investigated the state of court-appointed capital representation in Harris County—the death penalty capital of the world. The second report examines why that poor representation has thrived, and the ways that the judges overseeing those cases have enabled it to continue that way.
Wren recommends a total overhaul to the system of capital representation for poor defendants in Harris County, with either the public defender absorbing those cases or the judges establishing a new, freestanding capital public defender that is independent from judicial oversight.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Legal Representation
Death by Design: Part 1
By The Wren Collective , on 23 January 2024
NGO report
Legal Representation
United States
More details See the document
Published in December 2023.
In “Death by Design” Parts 1 and 2, Wren investigated the state of court-appointed capital representation in Harris County—the death penalty capital of the world.The first report delves into the failings of the lawyers in capital cases.
Wren recommends a total overhaul to the system of capital representation for poor defendants in Harris County, with either the public defender absorbing those cases or the judges establishing a new, freestanding capital public defender that is independent from judicial oversight.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Legal Representation
الإعدام في السعودية 2023: دمويّة مستمرّة بأحكام غير معتادة
By European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESHOR), on 23 January 2024
تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
Saudi Arabia
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22 يناير، 2024
ترى المنظمة الأوروبية السعودية لحقوق الإنسان أن 2023 أظهرت التخبط في استخدام السعودية لعقوبة الإعدام. فإلى جانب التغير في أنواع الأحكام المنفذة بدون سبب واضح، وتنفيذ أحكام إعدام بتهم مخدرات، والاستخفاف بالآراء القانونية الدولية، تظهر الأرقام المرتفعة إصرار السعودية على استخدام عقوبة الإعدام دون روادع.
نفذت المملكة العربية السعودية في عام 2023، 172 حكم إعدام بحسب بيانات وزارة الداخلية التي تنشرها وكالة الأنباء الرسمية. عدد الإعدامات أكبر ب 15% من العدد الذي كانت وزارة الداخلية قد أعلنت عنه في 2022، حيث تم رصد 147 حكم، على الرغم من تنفيذ إعدام جماعي طال 81 شخصا في 2022.
نفذت المملكة العربية السعودية في عام 2023، 172 حكم إعدام بحسب بيانات وزارة الداخلية التي تنشرها وكالة الأنباء الرسمية. عدد الإعدامات أكبر ب 15% من العدد الذي كانت وزارة الداخلية قد أعلنت عنه في 2022، حيث تم رصد 147 حكم، على الرغم من تنفيذ إعدام جماعي طال 81 شخصا في 2022.
- Document type تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
- Countries list Saudi Arabia
Execution in Saudi Arabia 2023: Ongoing Bloodshed with Unusual Sentences
By The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR), on 23 January 2024
NGO report
Saudi Arabia
More details See the document
Published on 22 January، 2024.
The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights views 2023 as a year that demonstrated Saudi Arabia’s inconsistency in using the death penalty. Besides the unexplained shift in the types of executed sentences, the implementation of death sentences for drug-related charges, and the disregard for international legal opinions, the high numbers indicate Saudi Arabia’s determination to use the death penalty without restraint.
In Saudi Arabia in 2023, 172 executions were carried out according to data from the Ministry of Interior published by the official news agency. The number of executions increased by 15% compared to the figure announced by the Ministry of Interior in 2022, where 147 sentences were reported, despite the mass execution of 81 individuals in 2022.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Saudi Arabia
Documentaire: femmes dans la couloir de la mort
By Investigations et Enquêtes , on 17 January 2024
Multimedia content
Death Row Conditions
United States
More details See the document
Un regard déchirant sur la vie des femmes condamnées et les failles du système judiciaire américain. Aux Etats-Unis, 54 femmes « attendent » l’exécution de leur peine. Linda Carty et Melissa Lucio sont emprisonnées au Texas, Shawna Forde en Arizona. Elles se livrent. Parmi les prisonnières, certaines espèrent la révision de leur procès.
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions / Gender / Women
on 30 November 2023
Fair Trial
Intellectual Disability
enMore details Download [ pdf - 621 Ko ]
國際法和各國法律禁止對精神病人或發展和智能障礙者判處死刑,因為他們在 自我辯護時面臨特殊阻礙;有限的道德可非難性;及其理解死刑執行性質和原 因之能力下降。然而,由於在刑事訴訟程序缺乏調整(accommodation)和法律 保障,精神病人、發展和智能障礙者更可能遭剝奪公平審判權,並判處死刑。 此外如研究顯示,個人遭判處死刑、囚於死牢時,往往罹患精神疾病。死刑不 成比例地影響身心發展和智能障礙者。在防免精神病人、發展和智能障礙者判 處死刑,精神科醫師影響至關重大。除評估並告知法院有可能被判處或執行死 刑者之個人精神狀態,精神科醫師亦結合醫學與科學論據,協同制定相關法 律;精神科醫師亦為死刑犯和精神病人、發展和智能障礙者提供治療。職是, 本聲明旨在防免對精神病人或發展和智能障礙者判處死刑。
Maitreyi Misra,國立德里法律大學 (National Law University Delhi) 39A 專案 主任 (專攻心理健康和刑事司法)。
Namrata Sinha,國立德里法律大學 39A 專案研究助理 (心理健康和刑事司 法)。
Neeraj Gill,坎培拉大學健康研究所研究員 (Health Research Institute, University of Canberra)、格里菲斯大學藥學院 (Griffith University, School of Medicine,澳洲黃金海岸)。
Soumitra Pathare,精神醫學諮詢專家,印度法律社會學院心理健康法律和政 策中心主任(Director, Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy, ILS Law College,浦那 Pune)。
Afzal Javed,世界精神醫學會主席。
- Document type Array
- Themes list Fair Trial / Intellectual Disability
- Available languages World Psychiatric Association position statement mental health and the death penalty
World Psychiatric Association position statement mental health and the death penalty
By World Psychiatric Association, on 30 November 2023
Arguments against the death penalty
Fair Trial
Intellectual Disability
zh-hantMore details See the document
International law and laws of various countries prohibit the imposition of the death penalty on persons
with mental illness or developmental and intellectual disabilities due to the special barriers faced by
them in defending themselves; their limited moral culpability; and their diminished ability to
understand the nature and reason for their execution. However, due to lack of accommodations in
criminal proceedings and legal safeguards, persons with mental illness, developmental and intellectual
disabilities are at a greater risk of being sentenced to death and having their fair trial rights denied.
Maitreyi Misra, Director (Mental Health and Criminal Justice), Project 39A, National Law University
Namrata Sinha, Research Associate (Mental Health and Criminal Justice), Project 39A, National Law
University Delhi.
Neeraj Gill, Professor, Health Research Institute, University of Canberra and Griffith University,
School of Medicine, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia.
Soumitra Pathare, Consultant Psychiatrist, Director, Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy, ILS
Law College, Pune.
Afzal Javed, President, World Psychiatric Association.
- Document type Arguments against the death penalty
- Themes list Fair Trial / Intellectual Disability
- Available languages 世界精神醫學會針對精神健康與死刑之立場聲明
كتيب – اليوم العالمي 2023
on 2 October 2023
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منشور بمناسبة اليوم العالمي الحادي والعشرين لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام (2023) حول التعذيب وعقوبة الإعدام.
- Document type Array
- Available languages Leaflet - World Day 2023Brochure - Journée mondiale 2023
Fiche détaillée – Journée mondiale 2023
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 2 October 2023
Coalition mondiale
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Fiche détaillée sur le lien entre la torture et la peine de mort, à
l’occasion de la 21e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort.
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Detailed Factsheet - World Day 2023
Detailed Factsheet – World Day 2023
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 2 October 2023
World Coalition
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Detailed factsheet on the link between torture and the death penalty, to mark the 21st World Day against the Death Penalty.Detailed factsheet on the link between torture and the death penalty, to mark the 21st World Day against the Death Penalty.
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages Fiche détaillée - Journée mondiale 2023
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Lingala
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 2 October 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14445 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
Brochure femme et peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 2 October 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 1838 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Leaflet Women and the Death Penalty
Leaflet Women and the Death Penalty
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 2 October 2023
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 1448 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Brochure femme et peine de mort
Brochure personnes LGBTQIA+ et peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 2 October 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 1159 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Leaflet LGBTQIA+ people and the Death Penalty
Leaflet LGBTQIA+ people and the Death Penalty
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 2 October 2023
World Coalition
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- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Brochure personnes LGBTQIA+ et peine de mort
Travailler avec les Procédures spéciales des Nations unies – Journée mondiale 2023
By FIACAT et la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 18 September 2023
Coalition mondiale
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Les individus et les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) peuvent collaborer de plusieurs manières avec les Nations unies pour signaler des cas de violations des droits humains. L’une d’entre elles consiste à saisir les procédures spéciales du Conseil des droits de l’Homme (CDH) des Nations unies. Découvrez comment travailler avec elles ici.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages UN Special Procedures toolkit - World Day 2023
UN Special Procedures toolkit – World Day 2023
By FIACAT and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 18 September 2023
World Coalition
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There are several ways in which individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can work with the UN to report human rights violations. One way is through the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). Find out how to work with them here.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Travailler avec les Procédures spéciales des Nations unies - Journée mondiale 2023
From Lynch Mobs to the Killing State : Race and the Death Penalty in America
By Austin Sarat and Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., on 24 August 2023
United States
More details See the document
Since 1976, over forty percent of prisoners executed in American jails have been African American or Hispanic. This trend shows little evidence of diminishing, and follows a larger pattern of the violent criminalization of African American populations that has marked the country’s history of punishment.
In a bold attempt to tackle the looming question of how and why the connection between race and the death penalty has been so strong throughout American history, Ogletree and Sarat headline an interdisciplinary cast of experts in reflecting on this disturbing issue. Insightful original essays approach the topic from legal, historical, cultural, and social science perspectives to show the ways that the death penalty is racialized, the places in the death penalty process where race makes a difference, and the ways that meanings of race in the United States are constructed in and through our practices of capital punishment.
From Lynch Mobs to the Killing State not only uncovers the ways that race influences capital punishment, but also attempts to situate the linkage between race and the death penalty in the history of this country, in particular the history of lynching. In its probing examination of how and why the connection between race and the death penalty has been so strong throughout American history, this book forces us to consider how the death penalty gives meaning to race as well as why the racialization of the death penalty is uniquely American.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
The Road to Abolition?: The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States
By Charles J. Ogletree and Austin Sarat, on 24 August 2023
United States
More details See the document
At the start of the twenty-first century, America is in the midst of a profound national reconsideration of the death penalty. There has been a dramatic decline in the number of people being sentenced to death as well as executed, exonerations have become common, and the number of states abolishing the death penalty is on the rise. The essays featured in The Road to Abolition? track this shift in attitudes toward capital punishment, and consider whether or not the death penalty will ever be abolished in America.The interdisciplinary group of experts gathered by Charles J. Ogletree Jr., and Austin Sarat ask and attempt to answer the hard questions that need to be addressed if the death penalty is to be abolished. Will the death penalty end only to be replaced with life in prison without parole? Will life without the possibility of parole become, in essence, the new death penalty? For abolitionists, might that be a pyrrhic victory? The contributors discuss how the death penalty might be abolished, with particular emphasis on the current debate over lethal injection as a case study on why and how the elimination of certain forms of execution might provide a model for the larger abolition of the death penalty.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
Plan Stratégique 2023-2027 de la Coalition Mondiale
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 22 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
Mouvement vers l'abolition
enMore details Download [ pdf - 565 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
- Available languages World Coalition Strategic Plan 2023-2027
World Coalition Strategic Plan 2023-2027
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 22 August 2023
World Coalition
Trend Towards Abolition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 455 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Plan Stratégique 2023-2027 de la Coalition Mondiale
Impact of the World Coalition’s Strategic Plan 2018–2022
By World Coalition Agianst the Death Penalty, on 22 August 2023
World Coalition
Trend Towards Abolition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 265 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Impact du Plan stratégique 2018-2022 de la Coalition Mondiale
Impact du Plan stratégique 2018-2022 de la Coalition Mondiale
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 22 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
Mouvement vers l'abolition
enMore details Download [ pdf - 263 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
- Available languages Impact of the World Coalition's Strategic Plan 2018–2022
Statuts de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort 2023
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort , on 22 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
Mouvement vers l'abolition
enMore details Download [ pdf - 138 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
- Available languages Bylaws of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty 2023
Bylaws of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty 2023
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 22 August 2023
World Coalition
Trend Towards Abolition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 146 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Statuts de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort 2023
World Coalition Activity Report 2022
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 22 August 2023
World Coalition
Trend Towards Abolition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 323 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Rapport d'Activité de la Coalition Mondiale 2022
Rapport d’Activité de la Coalition Mondiale 2022
By Coalition Mondiale contre la Peine de Mort, on 22 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
Mouvement vers l'abolition
enMore details Download [ pdf - 343 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
- Available languages World Coalition Activity Report 2022
Coalition Mondiale Rapport de la Commissaire aux Comptes 2022
By Coalition Mondiale Contre la Peine de Mort , on 22 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
Mouvement vers l'abolition
enMore details Download [ pdf - 5979 Ko ]
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Mouvement vers l'abolition
- Available languages World Coalition Statutory Auditor's Report 2022
World Coalition Statutory Auditor’s Report 2022
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 22 August 2023
World Coalition
Trend Towards Abolition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 4925 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Coalition Mondiale Rapport de la Commissaire aux Comptes 2022
Faits et chiffres Les femmes et la peine de mort – 21e journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale conte la peine de mort, on 15 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
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- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Women and Death Penalty Factsheet - World Day 2023
Women and Death Penalty Factsheet – World Day 2023
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 15 August 2023
World Coalition
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- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Faits et chiffres Les femmes et la peine de mort - 21e journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
Faits et chiffres Les personnes LGBTQIA+ et la peine de mort – 21e journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 15 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
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- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages FACTS AND FIGURES LGBTQIA+ People and the Death Penalty - 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty
FACTS AND FIGURES LGBTQIA+ People and the Death Penalty – 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 15 August 2023
World Coalition
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- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Faits et chiffres Les personnes LGBTQIA+ et la peine de mort - 21e journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
Проблемы в области прав человека при решении мировой проблемы наркотиков во всех ее аспектах и борьбе с нею Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человека
By United Nations , on 15 August 2023
Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
Drug Offenses
arenesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
В настоящем докладе изложены проблемы в области прав человека при
решении мировой проблемы наркотиков в ее ключевых аспектах и борьбе с нею. В нем
также представлен обзор последних позитивных изменений, направленных на переход
к политике в отношении наркотиков, в большей степени ориентированной на
соблюдение прав человека, и даны рекомендации по дальнейшим действиям в связи с
предстоящим среднесрочным обзором Декларации министров 2019 года, а также в
целях содействия реализации Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период
до 2030 года.
- Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
- Themes list Drug Offenses
- Available languages التحديات الناشئئئنة لت التصئئئد لمخئئئ لة المخدرات العالمية بجميع جوان ا ومواج ت ا في التمتع بحقوق اإلنسان تقرير مفوضية األمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان*A/HRC/54/53: Human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsA/HRC/54/53: Desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos del problema mundial de las drogas - Informe de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos HumanosA/HRC/54/53 : Enjeux en matière de droits de l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue sous tous ses aspects - Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’hommeA/HRC/54/53:全方位处理和应对世界毒品问题方面的人权挑战 - 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
A/HRC/54/53: Human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem – Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
By United Nations , on 15 August 2023
Academic report
United Nations report
Drug Offenses
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
The present report outlines human rights challenges in addressing and countering key
aspects of the world drug problem. It also offers an overview of recent positive developments
to shift towards more human rights-centred drug policies, and provides recommendations on
the way forward in view of the upcoming midterm review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration
and to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- Document type Academic report / United Nations report
- Themes list Drug Offenses
- Available languages التحديات الناشئئئنة لت التصئئئد لمخئئئ لة المخدرات العالمية بجميع جوان ا ومواج ت ا في التمتع بحقوق اإلنسان تقرير مفوضية األمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان*A/HRC/54/53: Desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos del problema mundial de las drogas - Informe de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos HumanosA/HRC/54/53 : Enjeux en matière de droits de l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue sous tous ses aspects - Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’hommeПроблемы в области прав человека при решении мировой проблемы наркотиков во всех ее аспектах и борьбе с нею Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человекаA/HRC/54/53:全方位处理和应对世界毒品问题方面的人权挑战 - 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
A/HRC/54/53:全方位处理和应对世界毒品问题方面的人权挑战 – 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
By United Nations , on 15 August 2023
Drug Offenses
arenesfrruMore details See the document
结合即将到来的《2019 年部长级宣言》中期审查,就未来方向提供建议,以促
进落实《2030 年可持续发展议程》。
- Document type 联合国报告
- Themes list Drug Offenses
- Available languages التحديات الناشئئئنة لت التصئئئد لمخئئئ لة المخدرات العالمية بجميع جوان ا ومواج ت ا في التمتع بحقوق اإلنسان تقرير مفوضية األمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان*A/HRC/54/53: Human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsA/HRC/54/53: Desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos del problema mundial de las drogas - Informe de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos HumanosA/HRC/54/53 : Enjeux en matière de droits de l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue sous tous ses aspects - Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’hommeПроблемы в области прав человека при решении мировой проблемы наркотиков во всех ее аспектах и борьбе с нею Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человека
التحديات الناشئئئنة لت التصئئئد لمخئئئ لة المخدرات العالمية بجميع جوان ا ومواج ت ا في التمتع بحقوق اإلنسان تقرير مفوضية األمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان*
By United Nations , on 15 August 2023
تقرير للأمم المتحدة
Drug Offenses
enesfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
يوجز هذا التقرير التحديات الناشئئئئئلت عن التكئئئئئدر لمشئئئئئ لت المجداات ال الم ت م جوا ب ا
ومواج ت ا في التمت حقوق اإل سئئ ئ ئ ئئئ ئالم ةما يقدع لمحت عامت عن التيو اات اإلي ال ت األنحر للتحول حو
سئئئ اسئئئات للمجد اات ترةز قدا أكبر علإل سقوق اإل سئئئالا ويقدع تولئئئ ات شئئئ ل سئئئب الم ئئئي قدما
ضئئ ئ ئور اسئئ ئ ئت ارة منتكئئ ئ ئال المد المقب ل ع ل الو ا ار ل اع 2019 وللمسئئئئاهمت في تنةحذ نيت التنم ت
المستدامت ل اع 2030م
- Document type تقرير للأمم المتحدة
- Themes list Drug Offenses
- Available languages A/HRC/54/53: Human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsA/HRC/54/53: Desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos del problema mundial de las drogas - Informe de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos HumanosA/HRC/54/53 : Enjeux en matière de droits de l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue sous tous ses aspects - Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’hommeПроблемы в области прав человека при решении мировой проблемы наркотиков во всех ее аспектах и борьбе с нею Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человекаA/HRC/54/53:全方位处理和应对世界毒品问题方面的人权挑战 - 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
A/HRC/54/53: Desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos del problema mundial de las drogas – Informe de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos
By United Nations , on 15 August 2023
Informe de las Naciones Unidas
Drug Offenses
arenfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
En el presente informe se exponen los desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la
hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos fundamentales del problema mundial de
las drogas. También se ofrece una reseña de los avances positivos recientes en favor de la
adopción de políticas en materia de drogas más centradas en los derechos humanos y se
proporcionan recomendaciones sobre la manera de avanzar en vista del próximo examen de
mitad de período de la Declaración Ministerial de 2019 y para contribuir a la implementación
de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
- Document type Informe de las Naciones Unidas
- Themes list Drug Offenses
- Available languages التحديات الناشئئئنة لت التصئئئد لمخئئئ لة المخدرات العالمية بجميع جوان ا ومواج ت ا في التمتع بحقوق اإلنسان تقرير مفوضية األمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان*A/HRC/54/53: Human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsA/HRC/54/53 : Enjeux en matière de droits de l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue sous tous ses aspects - Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’hommeПроблемы в области прав человека при решении мировой проблемы наркотиков во всех ее аспектах и борьбе с нею Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человекаA/HRC/54/53:全方位处理和应对世界毒品问题方面的人权挑战 - 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
A/HRC/54/53 : Enjeux en matière de droits de l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue sous tous ses aspects – Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme
By United Nations , on 15 August 2023
Rapport des Nations Unies
Drug Offenses
arenesruzh-hantMore details See the document
On trouvera dans le présent rapport un exposé des enjeux en matière de droits de
l’homme de la mobilisation et de la lutte contre le problème mondial de la drogue dans ses
principaux aspects, ainsi qu’un aperçu des évolutions positives récentes dans la transition
vers des politiques en matière de drogue plus axées sur les droits de l’homme. Des
recommandations sont formulées sur la voie à suivre en vue de l’examen à mi-parcours de la
Déclaration ministérielle de 2019 et sur les mesures à prendre pour contribuer à la réalisation
du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030.
- Document type Rapport des Nations Unies
- Themes list Drug Offenses
- Available languages التحديات الناشئئئنة لت التصئئئد لمخئئئ لة المخدرات العالمية بجميع جوان ا ومواج ت ا في التمتع بحقوق اإلنسان تقرير مفوضية األمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق اإلنسان*A/HRC/54/53: Human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsA/HRC/54/53: Desafíos en materia de derechos humanos a la hora de abordar y contrarrestar todos los aspectos del problema mundial de las drogas - Informe de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos HumanosПроблемы в области прав человека при решении мировой проблемы наркотиков во всех ее аспектах и борьбе с нею Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человекаA/HRC/54/53:全方位处理和应对世界毒品问题方面的人权挑战 - 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
Cartographie de données : les femmes dans le couloir de la mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort , on 1 August 2023
Rapport d'ONG
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En 2021, la 19ème édition de la Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort (« Journée mondiale » du 10 octobre) a été consacrée à la réalité invisible des femmes dans le couloir de la mort, accroissant ainsi la disponibilité de nouvelles données sur la question. Pour préparer cette Journée mondiale, de nombreux membres de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort (« Coalition mondiale ») ont mené des recherches pour documenter la situation des femmes confrontées à la peine de mort dans leur pays. Pour systématiser les informations récoltées et avoir une vision globale sur les données existantes concernant les femmes condamnées à mort dans le monde, la Coalition mondiale a réalisé un exercice de systématisation de données.
Ce bref rapport présente les principales conclusions de cet exercice qui doivent être considérées comme une compilation des données existantes dont disposent la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et ses
organisations membres jusqu’en décembre 2022.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Data Mapping: Women on Death Row
Data Mapping: Women on Death Row
By World Coalition against the Death Penalty , on 1 August 2023
NGO report
frMore details Download [ pdf - 813 Ko ]
In 2021, the 19th edition of the World Day Against the Death Penalty (“World Day” on October 10) was dedicated to the invisible reality of women on death row, paving the way for new data on the issue of women sentenced to death. Many members of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (“World Coalition”), in preparation for 10 October, conducted research to document the situations of women facing the death penalty around the world. To systematize the information collected and have a global understanding of women sentenced to death, the World Coalition conducted a data systematization exercise.
This short report presents the main conclusions of this country exercise. These findings are a compilation of existing data available to the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and its members organization up to December 2022.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Cartographie de données : les femmes dans le couloir de la mort
Gender and Death Penalty Glossary
By World Coalition against the Death Penalty, on 1 August 2023
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 829 Ko ]
As part of the integration of a gender and intersectional approach into its strategy, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (World Coalition) decided to develop a glossary to identify and define the key terms of which the abolitionist movement should be aware to consider gender and other axes of intersectional discrimination at work in the capital punishment process, and more broadly to mainstream gender into their abolitionist work. This glossary was developed based on existing glossaries of World Coalition members on closely related topics, existing international definitions and standards established by international human rightsmechanisms as well as based on definitions written by international organizations specializing inwomen’s rights and LGBTQIA+ people’s rights.This glossary aims to support the abolitionist movement in recognizing the gender and intersectional biases at work in the judicial process leading to the death penalty and to contribute to the developmentof a common language around these issues, a process initiated a few years ago by members of theWorld Coalition Against such as the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide. Moreover, this glossary also aims to promote the integration of a gender approach into the internal workings o fabolitionist organizations.
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Glossaire Genre et Peine de mort
Glossaire Genre et Peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort , on 1 August 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 724 Ko ]
Dans le cadre de l’intégration d’une approche sensible au genre et intersectionnelle dans sa stratégie,la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort (Coalition mondiale) a décidé d’élaborer un glossaire afin d’identifier et de clarifier les définitions clés que le mouvement abolitionniste doit connaître pour prendre en compte le genre et la discrimination intersectionnelle à l’œuvre dans le processus de la peine capitale et, plus largement, intégrer une approche sensible au genre dans ses activités abolitionnistes. Ce glossaire a été élaboré sur la base des glossaires existants de membres de la Coalition mondiale sur des sujets étroitement liés, des définitions internationales existantes et des normes établies par les mécanismes internationaux des droits humains, ainsi que sur la base de définitions rédigées par desorganisations internationales spécialisées dans les droits des femmes et des personnes LGBTQIA+. Ce glossaire vise à aider le mouvement abolitionniste à reconnaître les biais de genre et intersectionnels à l’œuvre dans le processus judiciaire menant à la peine de mort et à contribuer au développement d’un langage commun autour de ces questions, un processus entamé il y a quelques années par des membres de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort tels que le Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide. En outre, ce glossaire vise également à promouvoir l’intégration d’une approche de genre au sein du fonctionnement interne des organisations abolitionnistes
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Gender and Death Penalty Glossary
Comment insérer les questions de genre dans le plaidoyer abolitionniste ?
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort , on 1 August 2023
enMore details Download [ pdf - 763 Ko ]
Cet outil a été élaboré par la Coalition Mondiale contre la peine de mort (Coalition Mondiale) en
partenariat avec The Avocates for Human Rights (TAHR), après qu’eut été constatée une faible insertion
des enjeux de genre au sein du plaidoyer abolitionniste mené par les organisations membres de la Coalition
Mondiale. Cet outil a également été nourrit par le groupe de travail genre de la Coalition Mondiale.
Dans le cadre du projet « Ne laisser aucune femme dans le couloir de la mort », cet outil vise à accompagner
les membres de la Coalition Mondiale et ses partenaires à mettre en œuvre un plaidoyer abolitionniste
sensible au genre.
Ce document, qui se veut un outil pratique, fournit des conseils sur la façon d’insérer, dans un plaidoyer
abolitionniste auprès des instances des droits humains, des recommandations propres aux enjeux de
genre. Cet outil se concentre sur les recommandations faites par les organisations de la société civile (OSC)
aux organes internationaux et régionaux de défense des droits humains, dans le but d’encourager les
autorités nationales à adopter un comportement particulier. Les mécanismes et organes de défense des
droits humains sont des acteurs essentiels pour légitimer et soutenir le travail des OSC sur le terrain. Les
recommandations formulées par des OSC peuvent, à leur tour, être acceptées par un mécanisme spécial
des droits humains et se transformer en une recommandation officielle pour l’État. À partir de là, les OSC
peuvent continuer à utiliser cette recommandation officielle dans leur plaidoyer national afin de renforcer
leur revendication et leur position, réalisant ainsi un cercle vertueux dans le travail de plaidoyer.
Dans ce document, l’ensemble des recommandations sont faites en attendant l’abolition totale de la peine
de mort. Elles sont considérées comme des étapes transitoires devant mener à une abolition totale de la
peine de mort, en droit et en pratique.
- Document type Lobby
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages How to Insert Gender issues in Abolitionist Advocacy?
How to Insert Gender issues in Abolitionist Advocacy?
By World Coalition against the Death Penalty, on 1 August 2023
frMore details Download [ pdf - 710 Ko ]
This tool was developed by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (World Coalition) in partnership with the Advocates for Human Rights (TAHR), after noting the limited integration of gender issues into the abolitionist advocacy of the World Coalition’s member organizations. This tool has also been edited and enrichened by the World Coalition’s Gender Working Group.
As part of the “Leave No Woman Behind on Death Row” project, this tool aims to assist World Coalition members and partners in implementing gender-sensitive abolitionist advocacy.
In this document, intended to be a practical tool, guidance is provided on how to incorporate gender-specific recommendations into abolitionist advocacy with human rights bodies. This tool focuses recommendations made by civil society organizations (CSOs) to international and regional human rights bodies, intended to encourage national authorities to act in a certain way. Human rights mechanisms and bodies serve as crucial actors in legitimizing and supporting CSOs work on the ground. A recommendation made by a CSO can, in turn, be accepted by a human rights special mechanism and be transformed into an official recommendation to the State. From there, CSOs can continue to use this official recommendation in their national advocacy to strengthen their claim and position, fulfilling a virtuous circle in advocacy work.
In this document, the recommendations made are done pending full abolition of the death penalty. They are seen as transitional steps towards full abolition of the death penalty in law and in practice.
This tool is divided into two sections. The first part focuses on how to increase visibility of the discrimination faced by women in the judicial process leading to the death penalty. The second part focuses on the discrimination faced by LGBTQIA+ people during the same judicial process. In both sections, definitions are provided as well as background information in order to understand the issues at stake in each of the themes.
- Document type Lobbying
- Themes list Gender
- Available languages Comment insérer les questions de genre dans le plaidoyer abolitionniste ?
Kit de Ratification – Samoa
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 24 July 2023
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 213 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Samoa
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Samoa
Ratification Kit – Zambia
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty , on 21 July 2023
frMore details Download [ pdf - 84 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Zambia
- Available languages Kit de ratification - Zambie
Ratification Kit – Central African Republic
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 21 July 2023
Central African Republic
frMore details Download [ pdf - 79 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Central African Republic
- Available languages Kit de ratification - République Centrafricaine
Kit de Ratificación – Ghana
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 21 July 2023
More details Download [ pdf - 102 Ko ]
Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Array
- Available languages Ratification Kit - GhanaKit de ratification - Ghana
Kit de ratification – Zambie
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 21 July 2023
enMore details Download [ pdf - 120 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Zambia
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Zambia
Kit de ratification – République Centrafricaine
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 21 July 2023
Central African Republic
enMore details Download [ pdf - 102 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Central African Republic
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Central African Republic
Kit de ratification – Ghana
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 21 July 2023
More details Download [ pdf - 104 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Array
- Available languages Ratification Kit - GhanaKit de Ratificación - Ghana
Ratification Kit – Ghana
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 21 July 2023
More details Download [ pdf - 158 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Array
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - GhanaKit de ratification - Ghana
Kit de ratification – Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 21 July 2023
Papua New Guinea
enMore details Download [ pdf - 118 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Papua New Guinea
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Papua New Guinea
Ratification Kit – Papua New Guinea
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 21 July 2023
Papua New Guinea
frMore details Download [ pdf - 82 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Papua New Guinea
- Available languages Kit de ratification - Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée
Amnesty International Rapport Mondial : Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2022
By Amnesty International , on 20 July 2023
Rapport d'ONG
areneszh-hantMore details See the document
Le présent rapport porte sur l’utilisation judiciaire de la peine de mort pour la période allant de janvier à décembre 2022. Amnesty International se limite à faire état des exécutions, des condamnations à mort et de certains autres aspects de l’utilisation de la peine de mort tels que les commutations et les déclarations d’innocence, lorsque les informations dont elle dispose ont été raisonnablement confirmées. Dans de nombreux pays, le gouvernement s’abstient de publier des données sur l’application qu’il fait de la peine de mort.
TEMOIGNAGES – 21ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
on 10 July 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 851 Ko ]
Ce document a été élaboré par le Secrétariat de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort avec l’aide substantielle d’organisations membres, notamment le Centre Abdorrahman Boroumand, Amnesty International, le Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, le Collectif français “Libérons Mumia !”, la Coalition allemande contre la peine de mort, Justice Project Pakistan, Parliamentarians […]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages TESTIMONIES- 21 st World Day Against the Death Penalty
TESTIMONIES- 21 st World Day Against the Death Penalty
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 759 Ko ]
This document has been compiled by the Secretariat of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty with substantial aid from member organizations, including Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, Amnesty International, Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, Free Mumia ! French Support Group (Collectif français “Libérons Mumia !”), German Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Justice Project Pakistan, […]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages TEMOIGNAGES - 21ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – traditional Chinese
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 49239 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Japanese
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14426 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Urdu
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14499 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Akan
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14499 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Luganda
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14504 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Italian
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 49299 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – Swahili
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14504 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty – German
on 10 July 2023
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 14504 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
Poster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
on 10 July 2023
arenesfafrruMore details Download [ pdf - 49239 Ko ]
- Document type 世界联盟 / 活动
- Available languages 2023 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster 21st World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster Russian 2023 — 21-Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ БОРЬБЫ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИ
Poster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگ
on 10 July 2023
ائتلاف جهانی
مبارزات انتخاباتی
arenesfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 49239 Ko ]
- Document type ائتلاف جهانی / مبارزات انتخاباتی
- Available languages 2023 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster 21st World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster Russian 2023 — 21-Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ БОРЬБЫ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
on 10 July 2023
Всемирная Коалиция
arenesfafrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 14446 Ko ]
- Document type Всемирная Коалиция / Кампании
- Available languages 2023 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster 21st World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
Poster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte
on 10 July 2023
Coalición mundial
arenfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 14499 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / Coalición mundial
- Available languages 2023 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster 21st World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster Russian 2023 — 21-Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ БОРЬБЫ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
2023 ملصق اليوم العال م
on 10 July 2023
التحالف العالمي
enesfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 49240 Ko ]
- Document type التحالف العالمي / حملات
- Available languages Poster 21st World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster Russian 2023 — 21-Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ БОРЬБЫ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
Children, Youth and the Death Penalty
By International Commission against the Death Penalty, on 23 June 2023
NGO report
More details See the document
ICDP announces the launch of its latest report: Children, Youth and the Death Penalty. The issue of how the death penalty affects children and youth is often ignored by policy makers. This report aims to change that by putting the protection of children’s rights at the center of the debate on the death penalty.
The report builds on the panel discussion titled “Youth and the Death Penalty,” which was organized by the International Commission against the Death Penalty (ICDP) and the Government of Australia. The discussion was held on 29 June 2022, at the sidelines of the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Juveniles
Doomed to Repeat: The Legacy of Race in Tennessee’s Contemporary Death Penalty
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 16 June 2023
NGO report
Fair Trial
United States
More details See the document
This report explores the current issues with capital punishment in Tennessee through a historical lens, tracing the origins of the use of the death penalty from lynchings and other forms of racial violence directed at Black Tennesseans. The stories of individuals and communities that have interacted with different facets of Tennessee’s justice system throughout history suggest that, in many ways, even though centuries have passed, the experiences of discrimination toward Tennessee’s communities of color continue. A meaningful understanding of the state’s history and its legacy of violence and racism is essential to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Fair Trial
Brochure – Journée mondiale 2023
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 12 June 2023
Coalition mondiale
arenMore details Download [ pdf - 1084 Ko ]
Brochure pour la 21e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort, sur le lien entre la torture et la peine de mort.
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages كتيب - اليوم العالمي 2023Leaflet - World Day 2023
Leaflet – World Day 2023
on 12 June 2023
World Coalition
arfrMore details Download [ pdf - 1095 Ko ]
Leaflet for the 21th World Day against the death penalty (2023), on torture and the death penalty.
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages كتيب - اليوم العالمي 2023Brochure - Journée mondiale 2023
Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2023
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 12 June 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 829 Ko ]
Depuis 21 ans, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort appelle à des initiatives locales et à des actions mondiales qui mettent en lumière l’abolition de la peine de mort. Le but de ce kit de mobilisation est d’informer sur les objectifs de cette Journée mondiale et de fournir des idées d’activités qui renforcent l’objectif abolitionniste mondial. Cette année, la Journée mondiale est consacrée aux personnes qui, durant le processus de condamnation à mort, ou après la condamnation à mort, ont été victimes de torture.
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Mobilization Kit World Day 2023
Mobilization Kit World Day 2023
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 12 June 2023
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 864 Ko ]
For the 21th year in a row, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is calling for local initiatives and world-wide actions that shine a spotlight on the abolition of the death penalty. The goal of this Mobilization Kit is to inform of this year’s objectives as well provide ideas of activities that boost the global abolitionist goal. This year’s World Day is dedicated to people who, during the process of being sentenced to death, or following the sentence of their death, have been victims of torture.
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2023
Rapport journée mondiale 2022
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 12 June 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 1549 Ko ]
Le 10 octobre 2021, la Coalition mondiale et les abolitionnistes du monde entier ont célébré la 20ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort (« Journée mondiale »). Chaque année, lors de la Journée mondiale, la Coalition mondiale met en lumière un aspect spécifique de la peine de mort.
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages 2022 World Day Report
2022 World Day Report
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 12 June 2023
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 1557 Ko ]
On 10 October 2022, the World Coalition and abolitionists around the world celebrated the 20th World Day Against the Death Penalty (‘World Day’). Every year on World Day, the World Coalition highlights one problematic aspect of the Death Penalty.
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages Rapport journée mondiale 2022
21ème Journée Mondiale – Faits et chiffres 2023
on 12 June 2023
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 149 Ko ]
Fiche sur les principaux faits et chiffres relatifs à la peine de mort dans le monde en 2022 et début 2023.
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages 21st World Day - Facts and Figures 2023
21st World Day – Facts and Figures 2023
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 12 June 2023
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 239 Ko ]
Find the main facts and figures regarding the death penalty worldwide in 2022 and early 2023.
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages 21ème Journée Mondiale - Faits et chiffres 2023
Poster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 12 June 2023
Coalition mondiale
arenesfaruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8442 Ko ]
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages 2023 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster 21st World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster Russian 2023 — 21-Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ БОРЬБЫ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
Poster 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World coalition against the death penalty, on 12 June 2023
World Coalition
aresfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 4027 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages 2023 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster Spanish – 2023 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2023 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster 21ème Journée Mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster Russian 2023 — 21-Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ БОРЬБЫ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2023- 第21个世界反对死刑日
Ripoti Ya Kimataifa Ya Amnesty International Hukumu Za Kifo Na Watu Walionyongwa 2022
By Amnesty International, on 16 May 2023
NGO report
More details See the document
Utafiti wa Amnesty International kuhusu matumizi ya adhabu ya kifo mwaka wa 2022 ulionyesha kwambakulikuwa na ongezeko kubwa la idadi ya watu wanaojulikana kuwa walinyongwa duniani, likiwemo ongezekokubwa la watu walionyongwa kutokana na makosa yanayohusiana na dawa za kulevya
- Document type NGO report
國際特赦組織 2022全球死刑報告
By 國際特赦組織, on 16 May 2023
NGO report
arenesfrMore details See the document
- Document type NGO report / 非政府组织报告
- Available languages 2022 منظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات الإعدام فيAmnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2022Informe Global de Amnistía Internacional : Condenas a muerte y ejecuciones 2022Amnesty International Rapport Mondial : Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2022
Informe Global de Amnistía Internacional : Condenas a muerte y ejecuciones 2022
By Amnistía Internacional, on 16 May 2023
Informe de ONG
arenfrzh-hantMore details See the document
Este informe examina la aplicación judicial de la pena de muerte durante el periodo comprendido entre enero y diciembre de 2022. Amnistía Internacional informa exclusivamente sobre ejecuciones, condenas a muerte y otros aspectos del uso de la pena capital, como conmutaciones y exoneraciones, cuando hay una confirmación razonable. En muchos países, los gobiernos no publican información sobre el uso que hacen de la pena de muerte.
2022 منظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات الإعدام في
By منظمة العفو الدولية, on 16 May 2023
تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
enesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
- Available languages Amnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2022Informe Global de Amnistía Internacional : Condenas a muerte y ejecuciones 2022Amnesty International Rapport Mondial : Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2022國際特赦組織 2022全球死刑報告
Amnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2022
By Amnesty International, on 16 May 2023
NGO report
aresfrzh-hantMore details See the document
This report covers the judicial use of the death penalty for the period January to December 2022. Amnesty International reports only on executions, death sentences and other aspects of the use of the death penalty, such as commutations and exonerations, where there is reasonable confirmation. In many countries governments do not publish information on their use of the death penalty.
NGO report
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Bu rapor, Ocak-Aralık 2022 dönemi için ölüm cezasının adli kullanımını kapsamaktadır. Uluslararası Af Örgütü yalnızca infazlar, ölüm cezaları ve ölüm cezasının kullanımına ilişkin diğer hususlar (cezanın hafifletilmesi ve beraat gibi) hakkında makul teyitlerin olduğu durumlarda raporlama yapmaktadır. Birçok ülkede hükümetler ölüm cezasının kullanımına ilişkin bilgi yayınlamamaktadır.
- Document type NGO report
The Fear of Too Much Justice : Race, Poverty, and the Persistence of Inequality in the Criminal Courts
By Stephen B. Bright, James Kwak , on 21 April 2023
Fair Trial
United States
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In The Fear of Too Much Justice, legendary death penalty lawyer Stephen B. Bright and legal scholar James Kwak offer a heart-wrenching overview of how the criminal legal system fails to live up to the values of equality and justice. The book ranges from poor people squeezed for cash by private probation companies because of trivial violations to people executed in violation of the Constitution despite overwhelming evidence of intellectual disability or mental illness. They also show examples from around the country of places that are making progress toward justice.
With a foreword by Bryan Stevenson, who worked for Bright at the Southern Center for Human Rights and credits him for “[breaking] down the issues with the death penalty simply but persuasively,” The Fear of Too Much Justice offers a timely, trenchant, firsthand critique of our criminal courts and points the way toward a more just future.
Available: June 2023
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Fair Trial
Dealing with Punishment: Risks and Rewards in Indonesia’s Illicit Drug Trade
By Carolyn Hoyle, Death Penalty Project, on 18 April 2023
NGO report
Drug Offenses
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In 2020-2021, The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with Community Legal Aid Institute, LBH Masyarakat, commissioned The Death Penalty Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Oxford, in association with University Centre of Excellence HIV/AIDS Research Centre-HPSI at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCU), to conduct the research building empirical knowledge on who is being convicted for drug offences and uncover the factors that have influenced their motivations and decision making. Interviews were conducted on 57 prisoners from a prison in Jakrata, Indonesia, all convicted for drug offences. This is the first stage of a larger mapping project, which will interview those convicted of drug offences and sentenced to death or life in prisons across Indonesia and Southeast Asia. It also compliments our two part opinion study on attitudes on capital punishment in Indonesia.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Indonesia
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Rapport annuel sur la peine de mort en Iran 2022
By Iran Huamn Rights, ECPM, on 13 April 2023
Rapport d'ONG
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
enMore details See the document
Le 15e rapport annuel sur la peine de mort en Iran, réalisé conjointement par Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO) et Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM), est édifiant : les exécutions ont continué d’augmenter en 2022. Au moins 582 condamnés à mort ont été exécutés, soit une augmentation de 75% par rapport à 2021. La situation du pays demeure ainsi préoccupante, la peine de mort étant à nouveau utilisée comme un ultime outil d’intimidation et d’oppression par le régime iranien afin de maintenir la stabilité de son pouvoir. En outre, le rapport confirme que les minorités sont statistiquement surreprésentées : 30% des exécutions concernent des prisonniers baloutches, alors que ce groupe ethnique ne représente qu’entre 2 et 6% de la population iranienne.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Available languages Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran 2022
Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran 2022
By Iran Human Rights & ECPM, on 13 April 2023
NGO report
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
frMore details See the document
The 15th Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran, by Iran Human Rights and ECPM reveals the highest annual number of executions since 2015. At least 582 people were executed, an increase of 75% compared to 2021. In 2022, Iran’s authorities demonstrated how crucial the death penalty is to instil societal fear in order to hold onto power.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Available languages Rapport annuel sur la peine de mort en Iran 2022
Silently Silenced: State-Sanctioned Killing of Women
By Eleos Justice, Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide , on 30 March 2023
Academic report
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Silently Silenced: State-Sanctioned Killing of Women examines States’ involvement in ‘feminicide’. Feminicide is understood as the gender-motivated killing of women and girls that States actively engage in, condone, excuse, or fail to prevent. We use the term ‘feminicide’ to refer to the various forms of State-sanctioned killing of women and girls. In this report, we outline States’ direct involvement and complicity in the killings of women and girls and explain these deaths as a product of gendered forms of structural violence upheld and sustained by the State. We examine 3 types of feminicide: gender- related killings of women directly perpetrated by the State, such as the death penalty and extrajudicial killings; gender-related killings of women committed by non-State actors that are excused or condoned by the State; and gender-related killings of women that the State failed to prevent.
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Women
Seven Winters in Teheran
By Steffi Niederzoll, on 24 March 2023
Multimedia content
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
frMore details See the document
In the summer of 2007, an older man approaches Reyhaneh Jabbari and asks the architecture student who has a side job as an interior decorator for her help in the design of offices. During the site inspection, he tries to rape her. Reyhaneh stabs him in self-defence. She is arrested for murder and sentenced to death. Reyhaneh was to spend the next seven years in prison while her family hired lawyers and made the public aware of the case. However, in spite of the efforts of national and international politicians and human rights organisations, the Iranian judiciary continued to cite the “right of blood-revenge”. This meant that, as long as Reyhaneh did not withdraw her accusations against the man, his family could demand her death. Reyhaneh stuck to her testimony and was hanged at the age of 26.
In her moving and shockingly topical documentary debut, director Steffi Niederzoll uses among other things original audio and visual material that was smuggled out of Iran. This film, in which Holy Spider actor Zar Amir Ebrahimi lends Reyhaneh her voice, makes visible the injustice in Iranian society and portrays an involuntary heroine who gave her life in the fight for women’s rights.
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Themes list Gender / Women
- Available languages Sept hivers à Téhéran
Sept hivers à Téhéran
By Steffi Niederzoll, on 24 March 2023
Multimedia content
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
enMore details See the document
En 2007 à Téhéran, Reyhaneh Jabbari, 19 ans, poignarde l’homme sur le point de la violer. Elle est accusée de meurtre et condamnée à mort. A partir d’images filmées clandestinement, Sept hivers à Téhéran montre le combat de la famille pour tenter de sauver Reyhaneh, devenue symbole de la lutte pour les droits des femmes en Iran.
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Themes list Women / Gender
- Available languages Seven Winters in Teheran
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview 2022
on 24 March 2023
NGO report
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Drug Offenses
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Saudi Arabia
Viet Nam
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Harm Reduction International has monitored the use of the death penalty for drug offences worldwide since our first ground-breaking publication on this issue in 2007. This report, our twelfth on the subject, continues our work of providing regular updates on legislative, policy and practical developments related to the use of capital punishment for drug offences, a practice which is a clear violation of international standards. As of December 2022, Harm Reduction International (HRI) recorded at least 285 executions for drug offences globally during the year, a 118% increase from 2021, and an 850% increase from 2020. Executions for drug offences are confirmed or assumed to have taken place in six countries: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, plus in China, North Korea and Vietnam – on which exact figures cannot be provided because of extreme opacity. Therefore, this figure is likely to reflect only a percentage of all drug-related executions worldwide. Confirmed death sentences for drug offences were also on the rise; with at least 303 people sentenced to death in 18 countries. This marks a 28% increase from 2021.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list China / Democratic People's Republic of Korea / Indonesia / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Malaysia / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Viet Nam
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Crossing the River Styx, The Memoir of a Death Row Chaplain
By Russ Ford. Charles Peppers. Todd C. Peppers, on 24 March 2023
Death Row Conditions
United States
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The Reverend Russ Ford, who served as the head chaplain on Virginia’s death row for eighteen years, raged against the inequities of the death penalty—now outlawed in Virginia—while ministering to the men condemned to die in the 1980s and 1990s. Ford stood watch with twenty-eight men, sitting with them in the squalid death house during the final days and hours of their lives. In July 1990 he accidentally almost became the 245th person killed by Virginia’s electric chair as he comforted Ricky Boggs in his last moments, a vivid episode that opens this haunting book. Many chaplains get to know the condemned men only in these final moments. Ford, however, spent years working with the men of Virginia’s death row, forging close bonds with the condemned and developing a nuanced understanding of their crimes, their early struggles, and their challenges behind bars. His unusual ministry makes this memoir a unique and compelling read, a moving and unflinching portrait of Virginia’s death row inmates. Revealing the cruelties of the state-sanctioned violence that has until recently prevailed in our backyard, Crossing the River Styx serves as a cautionary tale for those who still support capital punishment.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
The Mercy Workers, Death Penalty Mitigation Specialists
By Maurice Chammah, The Marshall Project, on 2 March 2023
Legal Representation
United States
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For three decades, a little-known group of “mitigation specialists” has helped save death-penalty defendants in the USA by documenting their childhood traumas. A rare look inside one case.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Legal Representation
He Called Me Sister
By Suzanne Craig Robertson, on 24 February 2023
Death Row Conditions
United States
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The fascinating, moving story of a friendship with an inmate on death row. It was a clash of race, privilege, and circumstance when Alan Robertson first signed up through a church program to visit Cecil Johnson on Death Row, to offer friendship and compassion. Alan’s wife Suzanne had no intention of being involved, but slowly, through phone calls and letters, she began to empathize and understand him. That Cecil and Suzanne eventually became such close friends—a white middle-class woman and a Black man who grew up devoid of advantage—is a testament to perseverance, forgiveness, and love, but also to the notion that differences don’t have to be barriers. This book recounts a fifteen-year friendship and how trust and compassion were forged despite the difficult circumstances, and how Cecil ended up ministering more to Suzanne’s family than they did to him. The story details how Cecil maintained inexplicable joy and hope despite the tragic events of his life and how Suzanne, Alan, and their two daughters opened their hearts to a man convicted of murder. Cecil Johnson was executed Dec. 2, 2009.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
سفك الدماء والأكاذيب: مملكة إعدام محمد بن سلمان
By منظمة ريبريف البريطانية والأوروبية السعودية لحقوق الإنسان, on 22 February 2023
Saudi Arabia
enMore details See the document
المملكة العربية السعودية منتهك صارخ للحق في الحياة. بين عامي 2010 و 2021 ، أعدمت السعودية ما لا يقل عن 1243 شخصًا ، مما يجعلها واحدة من أكثر الجلادين تفشيًا في العالم. اعتبارًا من ديسمبر 2022 ، أعدم النظام السعودي ما لا يقل عن 147 شخصًا آخر في عام 2022 ، بما في ذلك 81 شخصًا في يوم واحد في إعدام جماعي في 12 مارس 2022.
زاد استخدام المملكة العربية السعودية لعقوبة الإعدام بشكل كبير منذ عام 2015. وقد حدث هذا التصعيد على مرأى من الملك السعودي سلمان ، الذي اعتلى العرش في 23 يناير 2015 ، وابنه ولي العهد ورئيس الوزراء محمد بن سلمان. تضاعف المعدل السنوي لعمليات الإعدام تقريبًا منذ وصول الملك سلمان ومحمد بن سلمان إلى السلطة في عام 2015. بين عامي 2010 و 2014 ، كان هناك ما معدله 70.8 حالة إعدام سنويًا. في الفترة من 2015 إلى 2022 ، كان هناك 129.5 عملية إعدام في المتوسط سنويًا – بزيادة قدرها 82٪. لقد حدثت جميع عمليات الإعدام الست الأكثر دموية في تاريخ المملكة العربية السعودية الحديث تحت قيادة محمد بن سلمان والملك سلمان (2015 و 2016 و 2017 و 2018 و 2019 و 2022).
- Document type Array
- Countries list Saudi Arabia
- Available languages Bloodshed and Lies: Mohammed bin Salman’s Kingdom of Executions
Annual Statistics Report 2022
By Project 39A, on 22 February 2023
NGO report
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This is the seventh edition of the Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics Report published by Project 39A at National Law University, Delhi. 2022 represents a significant shift in death penalty adjudication, with the Supreme Court recognising the need to reconsider the capital sentencing framework for the first time since it was laid down in Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab in 1980. In a momentous order, the Supreme Court noted the gaps in the death penalty sentencing framework and has sought to address these concerns through a Constitution Bench towards establishing the components of a real, meaningful and effective capital sentencing hearing. In another decision, the Court laid down guidelines for the collection of mitigating material by trial courts. However, in the same year that the Supreme Court cast grave doubts on the death penalty sentencing framework and its implementation by trial courts, it is of concern that 165 death sentences were imposed by Sessions Courts, the highest in a single year since 2000.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list India
Capital Punishment & Social Rights Research Initiative – Texas
By Barbara Laubenthal, on 12 February 2023
Multimedia content
Death Row Conditions
United States
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The Capital Punishment and Social Rights Research Initiative assesses and analyzes the access of men and women on U.S. death rows to social rights such as health care, social contacts, visitation, communication, recreation and spiritual support. CPSR’s info series on living conditions on death row, state by state. Part 1: Texas
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
Bloodshed and Lies: Mohammed bin Salman’s Kingdom of Executions
By Reprieve UK and European Saudi Organization for Human Rights, on 31 January 2023
NGO report
Saudi Arabia
arMore details See the document
Saudi Arabia is a flagrant abuser of the right to life. Between 2010 and 2021, Saudi Arabia executed at least 1243 people, making it one of the most rampant executioners in the world. As of December 2022, the Saudi regime had executed at least a further 147 people in 2022, including 81 people in one day in a mass execution on 12 March 2022.
Saudi Arabia’s use of the death penalty has drastically increased since 2015. This escalation has taken place on the watch of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, who acceded the throne on 23 January 2015, and his son, Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman. The annual rate of executions has almost doubled since King Salman and Mohammed bin Salman came to power in 2015. From 2010-2014 there was an average of 70.8 executions per year. From 2015-2022 there was an average of 129.5 executions per year – a rise of 82%. The six bloodiest years of executions in Saudi Arabia’s recent history have all occurred under the leadership of Mohammed bin Salman and King Salman (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022).
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Saudi Arabia
- Available languages سفك الدماء والأكاذيب: مملكة إعدام محمد بن سلمان
Instruments juridiques clés et textes adoptés sur l’abolition de la peine de mort par le Conseil de l’Europe
By Council of Europe, on 24 January 2023
Rapport des organes régionaux
enMore details See the document
Tous les documents du Conseil de l’Europe relatifs à l’abolition de la peine de mort réunis en une seule page : décisions du Comité des Ministres, résolutions de l’Assemblée parlementaire, traités…
- Document type Rapport des organes régionaux
- Available languages Key legal Instruments and texts adopted on Abolition of the death penalty by the Council of Europe
Key legal Instruments and texts adopted on Abolition of the death penalty by the Council of Europe
By Council of Europe, on 24 January 2023
Regional body report
Trend Towards Abolition
frMore details See the document
All the Council of Europe documents related to abolition of the death penalty gathered in one page : decisions of the Committee of Ministers, resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly, Treaties…
- Document type Regional body report
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Instruments juridiques clés et textes adoptés sur l'abolition de la peine de mort par le Conseil de l'Europe
Living with a Death Sentence in Kenya: Prisoners’ Experiences of Crime, Punishment and Death Row
By Carolyn Hoyle and Lucrezia Rizzelli, on 24 January 2023
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The Death Penalty Project’s latest report provides a comprehensive analysis of the lives of prisoners on death row in Kenya. It focuses on prisoners’ socio-economic backgrounds and profiles, their pathways to, and motivation for, offending, as well as their experiences of the criminal justice process and of imprisonment. It complements our previous research, a two-part study of attitudes towards the death penalty in Kenya, The Death Penalty in Kenya: A Punishment that has Died Out in Practice.
While 120 countries around the world have now abolished the death penalty, including 25 in Africa, Kenya is one of 22 African nations that continues to retain the death penalty in law, albeit it has not carried out any executions for more than three decades. As such, Kenya is classified as ‘abolitionist de facto’, the United Nations term for a country that has not carried out an execution for at least 10 years. Yet, while state-sanctioned executions no longer occur, hundreds of people are currently living under sentence of death and others are convicted and sentenced to death each year. As long as the death penalty is retained in law, there remains a risk that executions might resume if there is political change. Moreover, the plight and turmoil of those languishing on death row – consistently the poorest and most vulnerable – cannot be ignored. They are disproportionately sentenced to death and suffer the harshest punishments and treatment.
- Document type Book
- Countries list Kenya
Getting to Death: Race and the Paths of Capital Cases after Furman
By Fagan, Jeffrey and Davies, Garth and Paternoster, Raymond, Columbia Public Law Research Paper, Forthcoming, Cornell Law Review, Vol. 107, No. 1565, 2022, on 13 January 2023
Academic report
Fair Trial
United States
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Decades of research on the administration of the death penalty have recognized the persistent arbitrariness in its implementation and the racial inequality in the selection of defendants and cases for capital punishment. This Article provides new insights into the combined effects of these two constitutional challenges. We show how these features of post-Furman capital punishment operate at each stage of adjudication, from charging death-eligible cases to plea negotiations to the selection of eligible cases for execution and ultimately to the execution itself, and how their effects combine to sustain the constitutional violations first identified 50 years ago in Furman. Analyzing a dataset of 2,328 first- degree murder convictions in Georgia from 1995–2004 that produced 1,317 death eligible cases, we show that two features of these cases combine to produce a small group of persons facing execution: victim race and gender, and a set of case-specific features that are often correlated with race. We also show that these features explain which cases progress from the initial stages of charging to a death sentence, and which are removed from death eligibility at each stage through plea negotiations. Consistent with decades of death penalty research, we also show the special focus of prosecution on cases where Black defendants murder white victims. The evidence in the Georgia records suggests a regime marred less by overbreadth in its statute than capriciousness and randomness in the decision to seek death and to seek it in a racially disparate manner. These two dimensions of capital case adjudication combine to sustain the twin failures that produce the fatal lottery that is the death penalty.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Fair Trial
The Death Penalty in 2022: Year End Report
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 16 December 2022
NGO report
United States
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In a year awash with incendiary political advertising that drove the public’s perception of rising crime to record highs, public support for capital punishment and jury verdicts for death remained near fifty-year lows. Defying conventional political wisdom, nearly every measure of change — from new death sentences imposed and executions conducted to public opinion polls and election results — pointed to the continuing durability of the more than 20-year sustained decline of the death penalty in the United States.
The Gallup crime survey, administered in the midst of the midterm elections while the capital trial for the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida was underway, found that support for capital punishment remained within one percentage point of the half-century lows recorded in 2020 and 2021. The 20 new death sentences imposed in 2022 are fewer than in any year before the pandemic, and just 2 higher than the record lows of the prior two years. With the exception of the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, the 18 executions in 2022 are the fewest since 1991.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
Texas Death Penalty Developments in 2022: The Year in Review
By Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, on 16 December 2022
NGO report
United States
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Use of the death penalty in Texas remained near historic low levels in 2022, with juries sentencing two people to death and the State executing five people. Three other scheduled executions were stayed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA). Overall, the eight execution dates set for 2022 were the fewest in Texas since 1996.
Despite their low number, the executions set and carried out in 2022 raise troubling issues about the fairness and utility of the death penalty. Four of the men put to death, including 78-year-old Carl Wayne Buntion, suffered from physical or mental impairments or histories of childhood trauma, while two maintained their innocence of the crimes for which they were convicted.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
Генеральная Ассамблея ООН – Резолюции 77-й сессии
By Организация Объединённых Наций, on 15 December 2022
Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
arenesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
В настоящем докладе Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций представлены резолюции 77-й сессии. В него включены доклады о моратории на применение смертной казни (A/77/463/Add.2 DR XII), который был принят 15 декабря 2022 года в результате голосования (125-37-22) (A/77/PV.54) по пункту 68(b). Руководствуясь целями и принципами, содержащимися в Уставе Организации Объединенных Наций, она подтверждает Всеобщую декларацию прав человека, Международный пакт о гражданских и политических правах и Конвенцию о правах ребенка и напоминает о втором Факультативном протоколе к Международному пакту о гражданских и политических правах, направленном на отмену смертной казни.
- Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
- Available languages الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة - قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعينUnited Nations General Assembly - Resolutions of the 77th SessionAsamblea General de las Naciones Unidas - Resoluciones del 77º Período de SesionesAssemblée Générale des Nations Unies - Résolutions de la 77e Session联合国大会 - 第77届会议的决议
الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة – قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعين
By الأمم المتحدة, on 15 December 2022
تقرير للأمم المتحدة
enesfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
يعرض هذا التقرير المقدم من الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعين. وهو يتضمن تقارير عن وقف استخدام عقوبة الإعدام (A / 77/463 / Add.2 DR XII) الذي تم اعتماده في 15 ديسمبر 2022 بتصويت (125-37-22) (A / 77 / PV.54) في إطار البند 68 (ب). واسترشاداً بالمقاصد والمبادئ الواردة في ميثاق الأمم المتحدة ، فإنه يؤكد من جديد الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان ، والعهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية ، واتفاقية حقوق الطفل ، ويشير إلى البروتوكول الاختياري الثاني للاتفاقية الدولية. العهد الخاص بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية الهادف إلى إلغاء عقوبة الإعدام.
- Document type تقرير للأمم المتحدة
- Available languages United Nations General Assembly - Resolutions of the 77th SessionAsamblea General de las Naciones Unidas - Resoluciones del 77º Período de SesionesAssemblée Générale des Nations Unies - Résolutions de la 77e SessionГенеральная Ассамблея ООН - Резолюции 77-й сессии联合国大会 - 第77届会议的决议
联合国大会 – 第77届会议的决议
By 联合国, on 15 December 2022
arenesfrruMore details See the document
联合国大会提供的这份报告介绍了第77届会议的决议。它包括关于暂停使用死刑的报告(A/77/463/Add.2 DR XII),该报告于2022年12月15日在项目68(b)下以投票方式(125-37-22)通过(A/77/PV.54)。在《联合国宪章》所载宗旨和原则的指导下,它重申了《世界人权宣言》、《公民及政治权利国际公约》和《儿童权利公约》,并回顾了旨在废除死刑的《公民及政治权利国际公约第二项任择议定书》。
- Document type 联合国报告
- Available languages الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة - قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعينUnited Nations General Assembly - Resolutions of the 77th SessionAsamblea General de las Naciones Unidas - Resoluciones del 77º Período de SesionesAssemblée Générale des Nations Unies - Résolutions de la 77e SessionГенеральная Ассамблея ООН - Резолюции 77-й сессии
Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas – Resoluciones del 77º Período de Sesiones
By Organización de las Naciones Unidas, on 15 December 2022
Informe de las Naciones Unidas
arenfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
Este informe de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas presenta las resoluciones del 77º periodo de sesiones. Incluye informes sobre la moratoria del uso de la pena de muerte (A/77/463/Add.2 DR XII) que fue adoptada el 15 de diciembre de 2022 con una votación (125-37-22) (A/77/PV.54) bajo el punto 68(b). Guiada por los propósitos y principios contenidos en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, reafirma la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño y recuerda el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte.
- Document type Informe de las Naciones Unidas
- Available languages الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة - قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعينUnited Nations General Assembly - Resolutions of the 77th SessionAssemblée Générale des Nations Unies - Résolutions de la 77e SessionГенеральная Ассамблея ООН - Резолюции 77-й сессии联合国大会 - 第77届会议的决议
Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies – Résolutions de la 77e Session
By Organisation des Nations Unies, on 15 December 2022
Rapport des Nations Unies
arenesruzh-hantMore details See the document
Ce rapport fourni par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies présente les résolutions de la 77e session. Il comprend des rapports sur le moratoire sur l’application de la peine de mort (A/77/463/Add.2 DR XII) qui a été adopté le 15 décembre 2022 avec un vote (125-37-22) (A/77/PV.54) au point 68(b). Guidée par les buts et principes contenus dans la Charte des Nations Unies, elle réaffirme la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques et la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant et rappelle le deuxième protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort.
- Document type Rapport des Nations Unies
- Available languages الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة - قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعينUnited Nations General Assembly - Resolutions of the 77th SessionAsamblea General de las Naciones Unidas - Resoluciones del 77º Período de SesionesГенеральная Ассамблея ООН - Резолюции 77-й сессии联合国大会 - 第77届会议的决议
United Nations General Assembly – Resolutions of the 77th Session
By United Nations, on 15 December 2022
United Nations report
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
This report provided by the United Nations General Assembly presents the resolutions of the 77th session. It includes reports on the moratorium on the use of the death penalty (A/77/463/Add.2 DR XII) which was adopted on the 15th of December 2022 with a vote (125-37-22) (A/77/PV.54) under item 68(b). Guided by the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations, it reaffirms the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child and recalls the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty.
- Document type United Nations report
- Available languages الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة - قرارات الدورة السابعة والسبعينAsamblea General de las Naciones Unidas - Resoluciones del 77º Período de SesionesAssemblée Générale des Nations Unies - Résolutions de la 77e SessionГенеральная Ассамблея ООН - Резолюции 77-й сессии联合国大会 - 第77届会议的决议
Death Penalty and the Indian Supreme Court (2007-2021)
By Project 39A, on 8 December 2022
NGO report
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Death Penalty and the Indian Supreme Court (2007-2021) maps the important trends and developments in the Supreme Court’s death penalty jurisprudence. These past 15 years have witnessed significant developments in the law on capital sentencing, post-mercy jurisprudence, and other procedural developments pertaining to the administration of the death penalty. Imagined as an intellectual successor of PUCL and Amnesty International’s doctrinal study of the Supreme Court’s death penalty cases between 1950 to 2006, in ‘Lethal Lottery: The Death Penalty in India’, this report highlights the sustained inconsistency and judge-centric reasoning in capital cases, with particular emphasis on the problem of arbitrariness in approaches to capital sentencing at the Supreme Court.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list India
Closing the Slaughterhouse
By Dale M Brumfield, on 8 December 2022
United States
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On July 1, 2021, Virginia ended a 413-year tradition by abolishing the death penalty.
Many of those convicted from 1608 to 2017 deserved harsh punishment – but Virginia took harsh to a whole new level with its “finality over fairness” philosophy. Four hundred years of her racist, mob-driven capital punishment system ensnared many innocent and undeserving victims under the toxic guises of protecting white citizens or being “tough on crime.” So many of those killed by the state died with their guilt or innocence lost to history.
Virginia leads the nation with 1,390 executions. After a 1976 Supreme Court decision, Virginia institutionalized and streamlined the parade to the death chamber more efficiently than any other state, executing between 1976 and 2017 a breathtaking 73 percent of all who received death sentences. The national average is 16 percent.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
Foreign Nationals on Death Row
By The University of Oxford Death Penalty Research Unit, led by Professor Carolyn Hoyle, along with a network of human rights NGOs, including The Death Penalty Project, Eleos Justice, Harm Reduction International, Justice Project Pakistan, Project 39a, and ADPAN, on 8 December 2022
Multimedia content
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The University of Oxford Death Penalty Research Unit, led by Professor Carolyn Hoyle, along with a network of human rights NGOs, including The Death Penalty Project, Eleos Justice, Harm Reduction International, Justice Project Pakistan, Project 39a, and ADPAN, have cooperated on a mapping project of foreign nationals at risk of capital punishment in Asia and the Middle East, initially funded by the ESRC.
These regions have a disproportionate number of migrants and others without citizenship detained for capital offences, including those convicted for drug crimes. Building on research, knowledge and expertise within the network, this collaborative database aims to collate and make available information on foreign nationals executed or under sentence of death.
- Document type Multimedia content
ICDP Launches How States abolish the Death Penalty: A Supplement of Case-Studies
By International Commission against the Death Penalty, on 17 November 2022
NGO report
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An increasing number of countries have recognized that state killing undermines human dignity and respect for human rights, such as the discriminatory use of the death penalty, the use of forced confession that increases the possibility of executing an innocent person, and the lack of deterrence effect of capital punishment. This move towards abolition of the death penalty is being witnessed in all regions of the world regardless of political system, religion, culture or tradition. As of today, at least 110 countries have abolished the death penalty for all crimes, while at least eight countries have abolished for ordinary crimes, while less than 20 countries have reportedly
carried out executions in 2021.
This publication is a supplement to the ICDP´s 2018 work on “How States Abolish the Death Penalty: 29 Case Studies.”
- Document type NGO report
Comment travailler avec les institutions nationales des droits de l’homme pour abolir la peine de mort ?
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 17 November 2022
Coalition mondiale
Travailler avec...
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Le rôle des institutions nationales des droits de l’homme (INDH) en tant qu’actrices influentes dans le domaine des droits humains est primordial et, à ce titre, leur contribution à l’abolition de la peine de mort ne doit pas être sous-estimée lors de l’élaboration d’une stratégie de lutte contre la peine de mort.
Rédigé par le président de la Commission béninoise des droits de l’Homme, le contenu de ce guide a été enrichi par des exemples et des conseils provenant d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) sur le terrain. Travailler avec les INDH peut sembler être une tâche intimidante, en particulier pour les organisations de la société civile qui n’ont pas l’habitude de collaborer avec ce type de structure. Ce guide a été spécialement conçu à l’intention des groupes abolitionnistes de la société civile du monde entier, avec des points de focus provenant du continent africain.
- Document type Coalition mondiale / Travailler avec...
- Available languages How to Work with National Human Rights Institutions to Abolish the Death Penalty - A Practical Guide
How to Work with National Human Rights Institutions to Abolish the Death Penalty – A Practical Guide
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 17 November 2022
Working with...
World Coalition
Trend Towards Abolition
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National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) role as influential human rights actors is paramount, and as such their contributions to abolition of the death penalty should not be underestimated when developing an anti-death penalty strategy. Expertly written by the President of the of the Beninese Commission on Human Rights, this guide’s content has been bolstered by examples and advice coming from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the field. Working with NHRIs can seem like a daunting task, especially for civil society organizations that do not have previous experience working with them. As such, this guide has been specifically designed for abolitionist civil society groups around the world, both beginners and advanced activists, with a focus on the African continent.
- Document type Working with... / World Coalition
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
- Available languages Comment travailler avec les institutions nationales des droits de l’homme pour abolir la peine de mort ?
Carrying out executions took a secret toll on workers — then changed their politics
By Chiara Eisner, on 16 November 2022
United States
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Most of the workers NPR interviewed reported suffering serious mental and physical repercussions. But only one person said they received any psychological support from the government to help them cope. The experience was enough to shift many of their perspectives on capital punishment. No one who NPR spoke with whose work required them to witness executions in Virginia, Nevada, Florida, California, Ohio, South Carolina, Arizona, Nebraska, Texas, Alabama, Oregon, South Dakota or Indiana expressed support for the death penalty afterward, NPR found.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
Wrongful Convictions and the Death Penalty Guide
By The Death Penalty Project, on 1 November 2022
NGO report
Fair Trial
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One of the most compelling forces behind the evolution of international attitudes towards capital punishment in recent decades has been the increasing recognition of the potential for error in its use – that those states that choose to retain the practice may be taking the lives of innocent individuals. The Death Penalty Project produced this resource on wrongful convictions and the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Fair Trial
Deterrence and the Death Penalty Guide
By The Death Penalty Project, on 1 November 2022
NGO report
Public Opinion
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The most common justification for the retention of the death penalty among the minority of states that continue to sentence to death and execute individuals who are found guilty of committing certain serious offences is a belief that this punishment has a unique deterrent effect. The Death Penalty Project produced this resource on deterrence and the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Public Opinion
Public Opinion and the Death Penalty Guide
By The Death Penalty Project, on 1 November 2022
NGO report
Public Opinion
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When faced with calls to join the majority of states worldwide that have now abolished capital punishment, a key justification, typically relied upon by retentionist states, is that their citizens are not yet ready for abolition, and that political leaders must represent ‘the will of the people.’ The Death Penalty Project produced this resource on public opinion and the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Public Opinion
International Law and the Death Penalty Guide
By The Death Penalty Project, on 1 November 2022
NGO report
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The use of capital punishment has been an issue addressed by international human rights law since the earliest days of the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly in 1948, and an instrument widely recognised as the gold standard for human rights, affirms the right to life and the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Death Penalty Project produced this resource on international law and the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
Roper and Race: the Nature and Effects of Death Penalty Exclusions for Juveniles and the “Late Adolescent Class”
By Craig Haney, Frank R. Baumgartner and Karen Steele, on 20 October 2022
Academic report
United States
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In Roper v. Simmons (2005), the US Supreme Court raised the minimum age at which someone could be subjected to capital punishment, ruling that no one under the age of 18 at the time of their crime could be sentenced to death. The present article discusses the legal context and rationale by which the Court established the current age-based limit on death penalty eligibility as well as the scientific basis for a recent American Psychological Association Resolution that recommended extending that limit to include members of the “late adolescent class” (i.e., persons from 18 to 20 years old). In addition, we present new data that address the little-discussed but important racial/ethnic implications of these age-based limits to capital punishment, both for the already established Roper exclusion and the APA-proposed exclusion for the late adolescent class. In fact, a much higher percentage of persons in the late adolescent class who were sentenced to death in the post-Roper era were non-White, suggesting that their age-based exclusion would help to remedy this problematic pattern.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
Deeply Rooted: How Racial History Informs Oklahoma’s Death Penalty
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 14 October 2022
United States
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These individual cases illustrate issues found in systemic reviews of the state’s death penalty system. In 2017, a bipartisan commission that included former prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges, citizens, crime victim advocates, and law professors found that the state’s capital punishment system created “unacceptable risks of inconsistent, discriminatory, and inhumane application of the death penalty.” In an extensively researched report, the commission recommended a moratorium on executions until reforms were made. Five years later, Oklahoma has enacted “virtually none” of the suggested reforms.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
Geometrical Justice: The Death Penalty in America
By Scott Phillips and Mark Cooney, on 12 October 2022
United States
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In their new book, released in the Summer of 2022, University of Denver criminology and sociology professor Scott Phillips and University of Georgia sociologist Mark Cooney apply the concept of “social geometry,” developed in the 1970s by sociologist Donald Black, to analyze outcomes of capital cases. After reviewing extensive data collected in connection with the landmark Baldus Study of capital sentencing in Georgia and from the national Capital Jury Project, they conclude that the sentencing outcomes in the cases in those databases support key principles of Black’s theory: the higher the social status of the victim and the lower the social status of the defendant, the more likely a death sentence will be imposed.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
Death Penalty in Pakistan
By Justice Project Pakistan, on 10 October 2022
NGO report
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The implementation of capital punishment has seen substantial shifts over the course of the past decade. During the period from the end of a moratorium on executions in December 2014 to August 2019, an estimated 1,800 death sentences were imposed across the entire court system and 520 people were executed. Various amendments to Pakistan’s criminal law over the past several decades have resulted in a list of 33 offenses, most of which are far removed from the definition of the “most serious crimes” under international law. A full list of offences is attached at the end of the report.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Pakistan
المحكمة تطمئن إلى سلامة الاعتراف : أحكام الإعدام في البحرين إثر التعذيب والمحاكمات الصُوَرية
By هيومن رايتس ووتش, on 10 October 2022
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في رسالة وجّهتها حكومة البحرين في فبراير/شباط 2019 إلى “مكتب الأمم المتحدة في جنيف”، زعمت أن محاكمها أصدرت عددا صغيرا جدا من أحكام الإعدام. في الواقع، منذ 2011، حكمت المحاكم في البحرين على 51 شخصا بالإعدام، وأعدمت الدولة ستة منذ انتهاء الوقف الفعلي لتنفيذ الإعدامات في 2017. لغاية يونيو/حزيران 2022، كان 26 رجلا ينتظرون تنفيذ حكم الإعدام فيهم، وجميعهم استنفدوا الاستئناف. بموجب القانون البحريني، يتمتع الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة بصلاحية التصديق على الأحكام، أو تخفيفها، أو منح العفو.
- Document type مقالة
- Countries list Bahrain
- Available languages The Court is Satisfied with the Confession: Bahrain Death Sentences Follow Torture, Sham Trials
The Court is Satisfied with the Confession: Bahrain Death Sentences Follow Torture, Sham Trials
By Human Rights Watch, on 10 October 2022
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In a February 2019 letter to the United Nations Office in Geneva, the government of Bahrain claimed that its courts “actually hand down very few death sentences.” In fact, since 2011, courts in Bahrain have sentenced 51 people to death, and the state has executed six since the end of a de facto moratorium on executions in 2017. As of June 2022, 26 men were on death row, and all have exhausted their appeals. Under Bahraini law, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has the power to ratify these sentences, commute them, or grant pardons.
- Document type Article
- Countries list Bahrain
- Available languages المحكمة تطمئن إلى سلامة الاعتراف : أحكام الإعدام في البحرين إثر التعذيب والمحاكمات الصُوَرية
The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area: Background Paper 2022
By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, on 7 October 2022
Regional body report
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This paper updates The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area: Background Paper 2021. It is intended to provide a concise update to highlight changes in the status of the death penalty in OSCE participating States since the previous publication and to promote constructive discussion of the issue. It covers the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.
- Document type Regional body report
Termes de référence – Évaluation sensible au genre de la Journée Mondiale 2021
on 7 October 2022
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- Document type Array
Terms of Reference – Gender-sensitive evaluation of the 2021 World Day Against
on 7 October 2022
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- Document type Array
Travailler avec les Procédures spéciales des Nations unies – Journée mondiale 2022
By FIACAT et la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 26 September 2022
Coalition mondiale
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Les individus et les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) peuvent collaborer de plusieurs manières avec les Nations unies pour signaler des cas de violations des droits humains. L’une d’entre elles consiste à saisir les procédures spéciales du Conseil des droits de l’Homme (CDH) des Nations unies. Découvrez comment travailler avec elles ici.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages UN Special Procedures toolkit - World Day 2022
UN Special Procedures toolkit – World Day 2022
By FIACAT and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 26 September 2022
World Coalition
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There are several ways in which individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can work with the UN to report human rights violations. One way is through the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). Find out how to work with them here.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Travailler avec les Procédures spéciales des Nations unies - Journée mondiale 2022
Estimating the effect of death penalty moratoriums on homicide rates using the synthetic control method
By Stephen N. Oliphant, on 18 September 2022
Academic report
United States
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Research examining death penalty deterrence has been characterized as inconclusive and uninformative. The present analysis heeds a recommendation from prior research to examine single-state changes in death penalty policy using the synthetic control method. Data from the years 1979–2019 were used to construct synthetic controls and estimate the effects of death penalty moratoriums on homicide rates in Illinois, New Jersey, Washington, and Pennsylvania. Moratoriums on capital punishment resulted in nonsignificant homicide reductions in all four states.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Moratorium
(Not) Talking about Capital Punishment in the Xi Jinping Era
By Tobias Smith, Matthew Robertson and Susan Trevaskes, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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An investigation into the death penalty in the People’s Republic of China in the Xi Jinping era (2012–) shows that unlike previous administrations, Xi does not appear to have articulated a signature death penalty policy. Where policy in China is unclear, assessing both the quality and frequency of discourse on the topic can provide evidence regarding an administration’s priorities.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list China
Framing Death Penalty Politics in Malaysia
By Thaatchaayini Kananatu, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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The death penalty in Malaysia is a British colonial legacy that has undergone significant scrutiny in recent times. While the Malaysian Federal Constitution 1957 provides that ‘no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with law’, there are several criminal offences (including drug-related crimes) that impose the mandatory and discretionary death penalty. Using Benford and Snow’s framing processes, this paper reviews death penalty politics in Malaysia by analysing the rhetoric of abolitionists and retentionists. The abolitionists, comprising activist lawyers and non-government organisations, tend to use ‘human rights’ and ‘injustice’ frames, which humanise the ‘criminal’ and gain international support. The retentionists, such as victims’ families, use a ‘victims’ justice’ frame emphasising the ‘inhuman’ nature of violent crimes. In addition, the retentionist state shifts between ‘national security’ and ‘national development’ frames. This paper finds that death penalty politics in Malaysia is predominantly a politics of framing.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Malaysia
Holdouts in the South Pacific: Explaining Death Penalty Retention in Papua New Guinea and Tonga
By Daniel Pascoe and Andrew Novak, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
Papua New Guinea
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The South Pacific forms a cohesive region with broadly similar cultural attributes, legal systems and colonial histories. A comparative analysis starts from the assumption that these countries should also have similar criminal justice policies. However, until 2022, both Papua New Guinea and Tonga were retentionist death penalty outliers in the South Pacific, a region home to seven other fully abolitionist members of the United Nations. In this article, we use the comparative method to explain why Papua New Guinea and Tonga have pursued a different death penalty trajectory than their regional neighbours. Eschewing the traditional social science explanations for death penalty retention, we suggest two novel explanations for ongoing retention in Papua New Guinea and Tonga: the law and order crisis in the former and the traditionally powerful monarchy in the latter.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Papua New Guinea / Tonga
Ambivalent Abolitionism in the 1920s: New South Wales, Australia
By Carolyn Strange, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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In the former penal colony of New South Wales (NSW), a Labor government attempted what its counterpart in Queensland had achieved in 1922: the abolition of the death penalty. Although NSW’s unelected Legislative Council scuttled Labor’s 1925 bill, the party’s prevarication over capital punishment and the government’s poor management of the campaign thwarted abolition for a further three decades. However, NSW’s failure must be analysed in light of ambivalent abolitionism that prevailed in Britain and the US in the postwar decade. In this wider context, Queensland, rather than NSW, was the abolitionist outlier.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Australia
‘Upholding the Cause of Civilization’: The Australian Death Penalty in War and Colonialism
By Mark Finnane, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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The abolition of the death penalty in Queensland in 1922 was the first in Australian jurisdictions, and the first in the British Empire. However, the legacy of the Queensland death penalty lingered in Australian colonial territories. This article considers a variety of practices in which the death penalty was addressed by Australian decision-makers during the first half of the 20th century. These include the exemption of Australian soldiers from execution in World War I, use of the death penalty in colonial Papua and the Mandate Territory of New Guinea, hanging as a weapon of war in the colonial territories, and the retrieval of the death penalty for the punishment of war crimes. In these histories, we see not only that the Queensland death penalty lived on in other contexts but also that ideological and political preferences for abolition remained vulnerable to the sway of other historical forces of war and security.
This article was first pubished in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Australia
Anti–Death Penalty Advocacy: A Lawyer’s View from Australia
By Julian McMahon SC, on 1 September 2022
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This article reviews the executions of Australians in the region and the Australian responses over the past two decades. Informed by the author’s legal defence role in death penalty cases in Singapore and Indonesia and other countries, the article explores developments in anti–death penalty advocacy since 2015: the parliamentary enquiry, the ‘whole of government’ strategy led by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the efforts made by Australia and Australians in Asia.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Article
- Countries list Australia
Politics of International Advocacy Against the Death Penalty: Governments as Anti–Death Penalty Crusaders
By Mai Sato, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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Two-thirds of the countries worldwide have moved away from the death penalty in law or in practice, with global and regional organisations as well as individual governments working towards universal abolition. This article critically examines the narratives of these abolitionist governments that have abolished the death penalty in their country and have adopted the role of ‘moral crusaders’ (Becker 1963) in pursuit of global abolition. In 2018, the Australian Government, while being surrounded by retentionist states in Asia, joined the anti–death penalty enterprise along with the European Union, the United Kingdom and Norway. Using the concepts of ‘moral crusader’ (Becker 1963) and ‘performativity’ (Butler 1993), this article argues that advocacy must be acted on repeatedly for governments to be anti–death penalty advocates. Otherwise, these government efforts serve political ends in appearance but are simply a self-serving form of advocacy in practice.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
Death Penalty Politics: The Fragility of Abolition in Asia and the Pacific
By Mark Finnane, Mai Sato and Susan Trevaskes, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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Despite a steady increase worldwide in the number of states that have abolished the death penalty, capital punishment remains a troubling presence in the international order. The world’s leading powers in terms of economics and population include the retentionist states of China, India, Japan and the United States of America (USA). It seems there is no linear path to abolition, and its achievement is indeterminate. Yet, in international human rights law, death penalty abolition is a powerful norm embraced by half the countries across the world. While the majority of death penalty research has emanated from and focuses on the USA, well over 90 per cent of global executions occur in Asia, which lags behind the global trend towards abolishing the death penalty. Our symposium and this collection seek to bring perspectives from a variety of disciplines and methods—historical, legal, sociological, comparative— to bear on the questions of retention and abolition in a variety of jurisdictions and time periods.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
AEDPA Repeal
By Brandon L. Garrett & Kaitlin Phillips, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
United States
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Given how pressing the problem has become, and the real interest in reforms to promote access to justice, this article takes a different tack than prior habeas reform work: to restore habeas corpus to its pre-AEDPA and pre-Rehnquist court state, in which a federal court can review claims and reach their merits. The approach would preserve flexibility at the district court level and remove the many layers of procedural complexity that the Supreme Court and then Congress have erected. We believe that deep changes are needed, and in that, we agree with judges and scholars that have for some time proposed such changes in the writ. As we describe, AEDPA was enacted as a culmination of more than two decades of complex Supreme Court law that had already limited access to federal habeas corpus. While AEDPA incorporated some of those procedural rulings, the concern would be that should AEDPA be repealed, even in part, those court-made restrictions could be interpreted to supplant AEDPA restrictions. Clear statutory language will be needed to ensure that the Court does not frustrate Congress, as it has in the past, by supplementing statutory text in order to limit constitutional remedies. We do not mean to suggest that the various proposals set out here are exhaustive. Our goal is to promote careful considerations of alternatives to the present-day set of federal habeas corpus statutes and accompanying judicial interpretation.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Terrorism
The Modern Federal Death Penalty: A Cruel and Unusual Penalty
By Hannah Freedman, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
United States
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The federal death penalty today would be unrecognizable to the founders, who saw the ultimate penalty as a means of protecting sovereign interests and who therefore carefully guarded the practice at English common law of yielding national interests to local ones. Over the course of time, the geographic distribution and substantive basis for the penalty changed, but until the modern era, its underlying purpose did not. As the Trump era executions made painfully clear, however, the federal death penalty today is different. It is disproportionately imposed for crimes that could have readily been prosecuted by other jurisdictions and that have little obvious connection to federal sovereignty, and it is disproportionately imposed against non-white people. By any rational measure, it is vanishingly rare, and it serves no valid penological goal. Simply put, federal death sentences today are, in most cases, “cruel and unusual in the same way that being struck by lightning is cruel and unusual.”
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Little Furmans Everywhere: State Court Intervention and the Decline of the American Death Penalty
By Carol S. Steiker & Jordan M. Steiker, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
Trend Towards Abolition
United States
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This article retraces the evolution and recent decline of death peanlty in the United States, notablt through state court interventions. These dynamics between judicial and political action illuminate the importance of state court intervention in the story of the American death penalty’s precipitous decline, which has tended to foreground other institutional actors and to neglect the complex interactions among branches of government. State judicial rulings, though often highly technical and, therefore, less visible and accessible to the public, have been a pervasive and powerful force in the two-decade-long diminution of the practice of capital punishment across the United States.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Trend Towards Abolition
Ghosts of Executions Past: A Case Study of Executions in South Carolina in the Pre-Furman Era
By John H. Blume, Samuel F. Leibowitz, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
United States
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The protracted and (somewhat) ongoing debate over whether lethal injection—in some or all of its forms—is cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment is the newest variation on the question of whether a particular form of capital punishment is inhumane and cruel. The history of capital punishment in the United States over the last two centuries has been punctuated by attempts to find less painful and gruesome ways to kill persons society has condemned to die. Ironically, at least from a historical perspective, some recent executions have seen condemned inmates or their attorneys elect some of the older methods, i.e., electrocution, or offer, as a potentially less painful alternative, the firing squad or death by lethal gas. And some states, including the main subject of this article, have resurrected electrocution and the firing squad because of a claimed inability or difficulty in obtaining execution drugs. In this article, the authors trace the history of execution methods in the pre-modern era of capital punishment (before 1972), primarily in South Carolina, pointing out the often-intractable problems with their implementation process (including specific “botches”), and then address other aspects of executions that have relevance to the current debate about the wisdom and efficacy of retaining the “modern” American death penalty in the twenty-first century.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Legislative Expansion and Judicial Confusion: Uncertain Trajectories of the Death Penalty in India
By Anup Surendranath and Maulshree Pathak, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
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The numbers and the politics of the death penalty in India tell very different stories, presenting complicated narratives for its future. The public reaction to instances of sexual violence and other offences over the last decade and the consequent political response has significantly strengthened the retention and expansion of the death penalty. This is reflected from the fact that that of all the death sentences that district courts impose, only about 5 percent get confirmed in India’s appellate system. However, does this mean there is growing scepticism about the death penalty in the Supreme Court of India? Unfortunately, the answer is far from simple. An assessment of the death penalty in India’s appellate courts during the last decade will demonstrate that a crime-centric approach has hindered any principled discomfort with the death penalty or the manner of its administration. In particular, the Supreme Court has faltered in high-profile death sentence cases (i.e., offences against the state and sexual violence cases), and its track record of commutations has very little to do with principled considerations on sentencing. This paper argues that the political and judicial imagination of the death penalty, as a necessary part of the response to crime, creates significant and unique challenges for the path towards abolition.
This article was first published in Crime Justice Journal:
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list India
Explaining the Invidious: How Race Influences Capital Punishment in America
By Sheri Lynn Johnson, James and Mark Flanagan, Cornell Law School, on 1 September 2022
Academic report
United States
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This article primarily focuses on how racial bias creates nearly ubiquitous racial disparities in the imposition of the death penalty; it does so both to amass further reasons McCleskey was wrongly decided, and to point the way forward. Part I provides the necessary foundation by summarizing the history of race and the death penalty in the United States, with a focus on the Supreme Court’s treatment of racial discrimination claims in capital sentencing. Part II, the heart of this Article, examines the multiple psychological mechanisms that create racially biased decision making in capital cases. Understanding those mechanisms further undercuts the Supreme Court’s reasoning in McCleskey and argues for overturning the holding. However, recognizing the reluctance with which today’s Court would view overturning McCleskey, Part III considers whether and how alternative, case-specific uses of the data described in Part II might ameliorate the influence of racial bias in capital sentencing.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
Perpendiculaire au soleil
By Valentine Cuny-Le Callet, on 31 August 2022
United States
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En 2016, Valentine Cuny-Le Callet entame une correspondance avec Renaldo McGirth, condamné à mort, incarcéré depuis plus de 10 ans en Floride. Au fil de leurs lettres, des images qu’ils s’échangent, des rares visites, naît le récit graphique de leurs vies parallèles. Le livre questionne avec une intense émotion la brutalité d’un système carcéral, et l’amitié qui surgit, depuis une cellule de 5m2.
- Document type Livre
- Countries list United States
Race and Age Characteristics of those Sentenced to Death before and after Roper
By Frank R. Baumgartner, on 29 August 2022
Academic report
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“The penalty of death is more likely to be imposed on individuals who suffer from various disadvantages: poverty, poor lawyers, mental illness, intellectual deficits, for example. It also is more common among those with white victims compared to minority victims, those who commit crimes in jurisdictions that have previously sentenced more individuals to death, and those who committed their crimes in the 1980s or 1990s as compared to more recent years (see Baumgartner et al. 2018 for details). In this short report I focus on two particular disadvantages: age and minority status.” – Frank R. Baumgartner
Link to the article:
Shattered Justice – Crime Victims’ Experiences with Wrongful Convictions and Exonerations
By Kimberly J. Cook, on 12 August 2022
United States
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Shattered Justice presents original crime victims’ experiences with violent crime, investigations and trials, and later exonerations in their cases. Using in-depth interviews with 21 crime victims across the United States, Cook reveals how homicide victims’ family members and rape survivors describe the painful impact of the primary trauma, the secondary trauma of the investigations and trials, and then the tertiary trauma associated with wrongful convictions and exonerations. Important lessons and analyses are shared related to grief and loss, and healing and repair. Using restorative justice practices to develop and deliver healing retreats for survivors also expands the practice of restorative justice. Finally, policy reforms aimed at preventing, mitigating, and repairing the harms of wrongful convictions is covered.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
Resolution 77/274 – Moratorium on the use of the death penalty
By United Nations General Assembly, on 8 August 2022
United Nations report
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The present report provides information on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 75/183. It discusses developments towards the abolition of the death penalty and the establishment of moratoriums on executions and highlights trends in the use of the death penalty, including the application of international standards relating to the protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty. The report discusses conditions of detention for persons on death row, the application of the death penalty to foreign nationals, its disproportionate and discriminatory application to women, its disproportionate impact on poor and economically vulnerable individuals, its discriminatory use relating to persons exercising their human rights, and various initiatives for advancing its abolition. The report welcomes progress made towards universal abolition in States representing different legal systems, traditions, cultures and religious backgrounds. It concludes that all measures aimed towards limiting the application of the death penalty constitute progress in the protection of the right to life.
- Document type United Nations report
Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
By United Nations General Assembly, on 5 August 2022
United Nations report
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To mark the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the mandate on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Morris Tidball-Binz, offers a reflection from a historical perspective on the establishment of the mandate and the subsequent evolution of its working methods. He retraces the development of international standards and guidelines elaborated with the substantial contribution and support of the various mandate holders. The report also contains an analysis of the question of the death penalty from the perspective of whether it is compatible with the absolute prohibition of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and recommendations aimed at ensuring the protection of the right to life, as guaranteed under international human rights instruments.
- Document type United Nations report
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 5 August 2022
World Coalition
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- Document type World Coalition
A/HRC/51/7 – Advance Edited Version – Question of the death penalty
By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), on 26 July 2022
United Nations report
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Pursuant to Human Rights Council decision 18/117, the present report is submitted to update previous reports on the question of the death penalty. In the report, the Secretary-General reaffirms the trend towards the universal abolition of the death penalty and highlights initiatives limiting its use and implementing the safeguards guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing this severe penalty. A minority of States continued to use the death penalty. Pursuant to Council resolution 22/11, the report also includes information on the human rights of children of parents sentenced to the death penalty or executed.
- Document type United Nations report
The Power of Example: Whither The Biden Death Penalty Promise?
on 21 July 2022
NGO report
United States
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“The President, his administration and Congress must recognize that respect for human dignity and retention of the death penalty are incompatible; that respect for the rule of law must include international human rights law guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty; that upholding universal rights must include upholding the right of everyone to life and freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; and that making international institutions stronger must include implementing the conclusions of UN human rights treaty bodies,”
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
United States – Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Death Penalty – May 2022
on 21 July 2022
NGO report
United States
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1. The Committee last reviewed the United States’ compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in 2014. Among the 2014 Concluding Observations are two recommendations relevant to this Report. 2. The Committee stated that it “remain[ed] concerned that members of racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African Americans, continue to be disproportionately arrested, incarcerated and subjected to harsher sentences, including life imprisonment without parole and the death penalty.” Among other things, the Committee encouraged “[a]mending laws and policies leading to racially disparate impacts in the criminal justice system … and implementing effective national strategies or plans of action aimed at eliminating structural discrimination.” The Committee specifically encouraged “[i]mposing a moratorium on the death penalty, at the federal level, with a view to abolishing the death penalty.”1 3. The Committee also commented on “the ongoing challenges faced by indigent persons belonging to racial and ethnic minorities to access legal counsel in criminal proceedings in practice.” The Committee encouraged the adoption of “all necessary measures to eliminate the disproportionate impact of systemic inadequacies in criminal defence programmes on indigent defendants belonging to racial and ethnic minorities, including by improving the quality of legal representation provided to indigent defendants.”2 4. This report addresses the United States’ compliance with its human rights obligations under the Convention with regard to the death penalty, including with respect to those areas identified in the Committee’s 2014 Concluding Observations as described above.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
Philippines – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women – Death Penalty – June 2022
on 21 July 2022
NGO report
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The Government of the Philippines has taken commendable steps toward protecting and promoting the rights of women overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), but those workers remain vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, and when they come into conflict with the law in their host countries, their vulnerabilities are compounded by linguistic and legal barriers, as well as judicial systems which fail to account for the gendered context in which they allegedly committed criminal acts. The Government of the Philippines should do more to ensure protection of the rights of these women OFWs, particularly when they are at risk of being sentenced to death.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Women
Tunisia – Committee Against Torture (LOIPR) – Death Penalty – June 2022
on 21 July 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
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Tunisia carried out its last execution in 1991, over 30 years ago. Despite this de facto moratorium on executions, Tunisian courts continue to sentence people to death. Courts sentence people to death every year for a variety of crimes, especially terrorism. The current administration is undoing many of the positive changes to the Tunisian judicial system brought about by the 2011 revolution, and public opinion is divided over whether to move forward with abolition, maintain the status quo, or even resume executions, a course of action that some politicians and officials within the government support. Tunisia continues to support the UN resolutions aiming to establish a global moratorium on executions but has refused to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
This report recommends that Tunisia maintain its commitment to the UN moratorium and move to ratify the Second Optional Protocol, while also working to restore the independence of its judiciary and reducing the total number of crimes punishable by death in the short term. In the long-term Tunisia should completely and unconditionally abolish the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Tunisia
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Maldives – Committee Against Torture (LOIPR) – Death Penalty – June 2022
By The Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) , on 21 July 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
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This report addresses the Maldives’ compliance with its human rights obligations with respect to the death penalty. Despite its long-standing, de facto moratorium on executions, the Maldives sentenced two people to death in 2019, after sentencing no one to death in 2018.[1] At the end of 2019, there were 19 people on death row in the Maldives – three of whom had exhausted their appeals and five of whom were juveniles when the crime was committed.[2] The Maldives sentenced another individual to death in 2022, which represented the first time the country sentenced a foreign national to death.[3] The continued use of the death penalty in sentencing is particularly concerning given evidence of due process violations, including the use of torture to obtain confessions, the lack of effective and accessible complaint mechanisms for detained individuals, the lack of an independent judiciary, and the use of the death penalty as a sentence for crimes committed by juveniles.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Maldives
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Ethiopia – Committee Against Torture (LOI) – Death Penalty – June 2022
on 21 July 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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This report addresses Ethiopia’s compliance with its human rights obligations with regard to the death penalty. Although there are currently at least 147 people on death row in Ethiopia, the country has not carried out any executions during the reporting period and has also pardoned and released 41 additional death row inmates since that time.[1] The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia has also issued sentencing guidelines that purport to further reduce the likelihood of persons being sentenced to death as a punishment for their crimes.[2] Nonetheless, Ethiopia has not taken concrete steps to reduce the number of crimes eligible for the death penalty, and the use of torture and other due process violations related to judicial proceedings render all death sentences arbitrary.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Ethiopia
Palestine – Committee Against Torture – Death Penalty – June 2022
on 21 July 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
State of Palestine
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The State of Palestine on 1 April 2014 ratified the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. On 28 December 2017, the State of Palestine signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. On 18 March 2019, the State of Palestine also ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which aims to abolish the death penalty. The State of Palestine has not yet abolished the death penalty. Indeed-as described herein-the 14 June 2007 split in power between the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah in the West Bank under President Abbas, and the Hamas movement in Gaza, has been followed by many documented executions in Gaza without the requisite signature of President Abbas, and Gazan military courts conduct trials of civilians, where they can be sentenced to death.
This report considers the prevalence of torture and other issues ancillary to the death penalty itself: confessions under torture or degrading treatment, due process, access to legal counsel, death-row conditions, and methods of execution.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list State of Palestine
The DPIC Death Penalty Census
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 20 July 2022
NGO report
United States
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On June 29, 1972, the United States Supreme Court decided Furman v. Georgia, striking down all existing death penalty laws in the United States and ushering in the modern era of the U.S. death penalty. In the decades that followed—as jurisdictions revised their death-sentencing procedures in response to the Supreme Court’s rulings on capital punishment—thousands of people were sentenced to death.
The Death Penalty Census is DPIC’s effort to identify and document every death sentence imposed in the U.S. since Furman. The census captures more than 9,700 death sentences imposed between the Supreme Court’s issuance of the Furman ruling and January 1, 2021. These sentences were imposed in 1,280 counties across 40 states, as well as by the federal government and the U.S. Military.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
DPIC Special Report: The Innocence Epidemic
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 20 July 2022
NGO report
United States
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A Death Penalty Information Center Analysis of 185 Death-Row Exonerations Shows Most Wrongful Convictions Are Not Merely Accidental.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Innocence
Government Misconduct and Convicting the Innocent, The Role of Prosecutors, Police and Other Law Enforcement
By Samuel R. Gross, Maurice J. Possley, Kaitlin Jackson Roll, Klara Huber Stephens , on 20 July 2022
Academic report
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This is a report about the role of official misconduct in the conviction of innocent people. We
discuss cases that are listed in the National Registry of Exonerations, an ongoing online archive
that includes all known exonerations in the United States since 1989, 2,663 as of this writing.
This Report describes official misconduct in the first 2,400 exonerations in the Registry, those
posted by February 27, 2019
- Document type Academic report
- Themes list Innocence
The Myth of Autonomy Rights
By Kathryn E. Miller, on 20 July 2022
United States
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Supreme Court rhetoric, scholarly discussion, blackletter law, and ethical rules have perpetuated a myth that individual rights protect the autonomy of defendants within the criminal legal system. To expose this myth, I examine six rights that the Court has enshrined as essential decision points for criminal defendants due to the rights’ purported expressive and consequential functions: (1) the right to self-representation; (2) the right to plead guilty; (3) the right to waive a jury; (4) the right to testify; (5) the right to waive appeals; and (6) the right to maintain innocence at a capital trial. I conclude that each of these rights fails to protect defendant autonomy.
I then argue that genuine displays of autonomy under the criminal legal system take the form of resistance to the law, legal advocates, and the legal system. Thus, the autonomy of criminal defendants occurs not because of law but in spite of it. As such, scholarly discussions of the personal autonomy of criminal defendants should focus not on rights and rules but on acts of resistance. The current autonomy rights discourse is harmful because it obscures the system’s defects by framing discussions around individual rights instead of structural limitations. This lends itself to solutions involving procedural tinkering to better actualize individual rights instead of radical structural reform or abolition. By obscuring these structural defects and stressing the system’s protective qualities, the autonomy rights discourse presents the system not only as legitimate, but as functional, and potentially even successful. As such, a new scholarly frame is warranted: autonomy as resistance to law and the legal system. By illuminating the ways in which autonomy in the criminal legal system resembles autonomy under the American institution of slavery, the autonomy as resistance frame exposes the need for radical structural change and facilitates a reimagining of the criminal legal system.
- Document type Article
- Countries list United States
للیوم العالمي لمناھضة عقوبة الإعدام كتيب باللغة العربية
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 19 July 2022
التحالف العالمي
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- Document type التحالف العالمي
- Available languages Leaflet - World Day 2022Brochure - Journée mondiale 2022
Kit de Ratificación – Sierra Leone
on 13 July 2022
Coalición mundial
Sierra Leone
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Coalición mundial / Lobbying
- Countries list Sierra Leone
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Sierra Leone
Kit de Ratificación – Burkina Faso
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
Burkina Faso
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Esta carpeta de ratificación está dirigida a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Burkina Faso
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Burkina FasoKit de ratification - Burkina Faso
Kit de ratification – Burkina Faso
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
Burkina Faso
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Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Burkina Faso
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Burkina FasoKit de Ratificación - Burkina Faso
Kit de Ratificación – Burundi
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Burundi
- Available languages Ratification Kit - BurundiKit de ratification - Burundi
Kit de ratificación – Samoa
By Coalición mundial contra la pena de muerte, on 13 July 2022
Informe académico
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Este kit de ratificación se dirige al gobierno y parlamento. Indica el procedimiento para ratificar o adherirse al Protocolo y argumentos para convencer al país. Es posible que los gobiernos no tienen un conocimiento experto del Segundo Protocolo Facultativo. Este documento puede contener las respuestas a las preocupaciones del gobierno que será dirigido a los ONG durante sus acciones de lobby.
- Document type Informe académico
- Countries list Samoa
- Themes list El derecho internacional,
- Available languages Ratification Kit - SamoaKit de ratification - Samoa
Kit de Ratificación – Côte d’Ivoire
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
Côte d'Ivoire
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Côte d'Ivoire
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Côte d'IvoireKit de ratification - Côte d'Ivoire
Kit de Ratificación – Congo
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Congo
- Available languages Ratification Kit - CongoKit de ratification - Congo
Kit de Ratificación – Fiyi
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Fiji
- Available languages Ratification Kit - FijiKit de ratification - Fidji
Kit de Ratificación – Guinea
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Guinea
- Available languages Ratification Kit - GuineaKit de ratification - Guinée
Kit de Ratificación – Islas Marshall
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
Marshall Islands
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Este kit de ratificación está destinado a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y proporciona el procedimiento de ratificación y los argumentos para convencer al gobierno de que adopte el Segundo Protocolo Facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, destinado a abolir la pena de muerte. Por lo general, los gobiernos no conocen a fondo el Protocolo Americano. Este material puede contener respuestas a las preguntas que se le harán durante sus esfuerzos de cabildeo.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Marshall Islands
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Marshall IslandsKit de ratification - Îles Marshall
Kit de Ratificación – Surinam
By Coalición Mundial Contra la Pena de Muerte, on 13 July 2022
enfrMore details Download [ pdf - 129 Ko ]
Este kit de ratificación está destinado al gobierno y parlamento. Indica el procedimiento para ratificar o adherirse al Protocolo y argumentos para convencer al país. Es posible que los gobiernos no tienen un conocimiento experto del Segundo Protocolo Facultativo. Este documento puede contener las respuestas a las preocupaciones del gobierno que será dirigido a los ONG durante sus acciones de lobby.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Suriname
- Available languages Ratification Kit - SurinameKit de ratification - Suriname
Kit de ratification – Burundi
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 197 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Burundi
- Available languages Ratification Kit - BurundiKit de Ratificación - Burundi
Kit de ratification – Côte d’Ivoire
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 216 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Côte d'Ivoire / Côte d'Ivoire
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Côte d'IvoireKit de Ratificación - Côte d'Ivoire
Kit de ratification – Samoa
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
Rapport académique
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 213 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideurs politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le Protocole. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous serons adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Rapport académique
- Countries list Samoa
- Themes list Droit international,
- Available languages Ratification Kit - SamoaKit de ratificación - Samoa
Kit de ratification – Suriname
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 231 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Suriname
- Available languages Ratification Kit - SurinameKit de Ratificación - Surinam
Kit de ratification – Congo
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 217 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Congo
- Available languages Ratification Kit - CongoKit de Ratificación - Congo
Kit de ratification – Guinée
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 233 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Guinea
- Available languages Ratification Kit - GuineaKit de Ratificación - Guinea
Kit de ratification – Fidji
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 215 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Fiji
- Available languages Ratification Kit - FijiKit de Ratificación - Fiyi
Kit de ratification – Îles Marshall
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 13 July 2022
Marshall Islands
enesMore details Download [ pdf - 218 Ko ]
Ce kit de ratification est à destination des décideur·e·s politiques et donne la procédure de ratification ainsi que les arguments pour convaincre le gouvernement d’adopter le deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Les gouvernements n’ont habituellement pas de connaissances approfondies du Protocole. Ce matériel peut contenir des réponses aux questions qui vous seront adressées lors de vos actions de lobbying.
- Document type Lobby
- Countries list Marshall Islands
- Available languages Ratification Kit - Marshall IslandsKit de Ratificación - Islas Marshall
Ratification Kit – Burundi
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 162 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Burundi
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - BurundiKit de ratification - Burundi
Ratification Kit – Côte d’Ivoire
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
Côte d'Ivoire
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 194 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Côte d'Ivoire
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - Côte d'IvoireKit de ratification - Côte d'Ivoire
Ratification Kit – Samoa
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
Academic report
esfrfresMore details Download [ pdf - 199 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Samoa
- Themes list International law,
- Available languages Kit de Ratification - SamoaKit de ratification - SamoaKit de ratificación - Samoa
Ratification Kit – Suriname
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 115 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Suriname
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - SurinamKit de ratification - Suriname
Ratification Kit – Congo
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 155 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Congo
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - CongoKit de ratification - Congo
Ratification Kit – Guinea
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 189 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Guinea
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - GuineaKit de ratification - Guinée
Ratification Kit – Burkina Faso
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
Burkina Faso
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 193 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Burkina Faso
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - Burkina FasoKit de ratification - Burkina Faso
Ratification Kit – Fiji
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 154 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Fiji
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - FiyiKit de ratification - Fidji
Ratification Kit – Marshall Islands
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 13 July 2022
Marshall Islands
esfrMore details Download [ pdf - 184 Ko ]
This Ratification Kit is designed for government decision-makers. It gives the procedure to ratify or accede to the Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, and arguments to convince target countries to endorse it. Governments are not likely to have an expert understanding of the Second Optional Protocol. This document may contain answers to government concerns that will be addressed to you during your lobbying action.
- Document type Lobbying
- Countries list Marshall Islands
- Available languages Kit de Ratificación - Islas MarshallKit de ratification - Îles Marshall
أداة الذكرى السنوية – اليوم العالمي العشرين
By التحالف العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام, on 8 July 2022
التحالف العالمي
enfrMore details Download [ pdf - 5043 Ko ]
أداة الذكرى السنوية لليوم العالمي العشرين لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام.
تتتبع هذه الأداة 20 عامًا من النضال من أجل إلغاء عقوبة الإعدام. أعد اكتشاف الموضوعات المختلفة التي تم تناولها وإنجازات اليوم العالمي.
- Document type التحالف العالمي
- Available languages Anniversary tool - 20th World DayOutil anniversaire - 20e Journée mondiale
Poster Farsi 2022 – بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگ
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
ائتلاف جهانی
arenesfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
Всемирная Коалиция
arenesfafrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
Poster Chinese 2022- 第20届世界反死刑日
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
arenesfafrruMore details Download [ pdf - 5049 Ko ]
Poster Urdu 2022 – سزائے موت کے خلاف بیسواں عالمی دن
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
More details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
- Document type Array
Poster Traditional Chinese – 第20屆世界反死刑日
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 5049 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 5049 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
Poster Japanese 2022 – 第20回世界死刑廃止デー
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 5049 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
Outil anniversaire – 20e Journée mondiale
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 8 July 2022
Coalition mondiale
arenMore details Download [ pdf - 3969 Ko ]
Outil anniversaire pour la 20e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort.
Cet outil retrace 20 ans de combat pour l’abolition de la peine de mort. Redécouvrez les différentes thématiques abordées et les achèvements de la Journée mondiale.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages أداة الذكرى السنوية - اليوم العالمي العشرينAnniversary tool - 20th World Day
Anniversary tool – 20th World Day
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
arfrMore details Download [ pdf - 1689 Ko ]
Anniversary tool for the 20th World Day Against the Death Penalty.
This tool traces 20 years of struggle for the abolition of the death penalty. Rediscover the different themes addressed and the achievements of the World Day.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages أداة الذكرى السنوية - اليوم العالمي العشرينOutil anniversaire - 20e Journée mondiale
2022 ملصق اليوم العال م
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
التحالف العالمي
enesfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
ملصق اليوم العال م / World Day Poster
- Document type التحالف العالمي
- Available languages World Day Poster 2022Poster Spanish – 2022 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2022 - بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگAffiche Journée mondiale 2022Poster Russian 2022 - 20Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2022- 第20届世界反死刑日
Poster Tamil 2022 – மரண தண்டைனக்ெகதிரான இருபதாவது உலக நாள்
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 5049 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 19960 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
Poster Singhala 2022 – 20 වන ජගත් මරණ දඬුවමට එෙරහි දිනය
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 8 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
Poster Lingala 2022 – Mokolo ya kobundela etumbu ya liwa na mokili mobimba
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 19960 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022
World Coalition
More details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
- Document type World Coalition
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022
More details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
- Document type Array
Poster Spanish – 2022 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022
Coalición mundial
arenfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
Poster ES – 2022 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte
Poster 2022 German – 20. Welttag gegen die Todesstrafe
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 July 2022
More details Download [ pdf - 19959 Ko ]
Welttag gegen die Todesstrafe Poster
- Document type Array
Fiche détaillée – Journée mondiale 2022
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 4 July 2022
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 937 Ko ]
Fiche détaillée sur le lien entre la torture et la peine de mort, à l’occasion de la 20e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Detailed Factsheet - World Day 2022
Detailed Factsheet – World Day 2022
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 4 July 2022
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 893 Ko ]
Detailed factsheet on torture and the death penalty, for the 20th World Day Against the Death Penalty (2022).
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Fiche détaillée - Journée mondiale 2022
Outil témoignages – Journée mondiale 2022
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 28 June 2022
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 771 Ko ]
La Coalition mondiale et ses membres ont collecté des témoignages de torture dans le cadre de la peine de mort. Aveux, syndrome du couloir de la peine, moments précédant l’exécution, torture psychologique des non-condamnés à mort, méthodes d’exécution. Découvrez les témoignages de ces victimes.
Nous remercions toutes les victimes qui ont accepté de partager leurs témoignages et leurs histoires.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Testimonies tool - World Day 2022
Testimonies tool – World Day 2022
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 28 June 2022
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 764 Ko ]
The World Coalition and its members have collected testimonies of victims of torture in the death penalty. Confessions, death row phenomenon, moments before the execution, psychological torture of those not sentenced to death, methods of execution. Read the stories of these victims.
We thank all those who agreed to share their testimonies and their stories.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Outil témoignages - Journée mondiale 2022
European Court for Human Rights cases involving the death penalty
By European Court for Human Rights Press Unit, on 24 June 2022
International law - Regional body
Regional body report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
More details See the document
“[T]he [European Court of Human Rights] in Öcalan did not exclude that Article 2 [of the European Convention on Human Rights, protecting the right to life,] had already been amended so as to remove the exception permitting the death penalty. Moreover, … the position has evolved since then. All but two of the Member States have now signed Protocol No. 13 [to the Convention, concerning the abolishment of the death penalty in all circumstances,] and all but three of the States which have signed have ratified it. These figures, together with consistent State practice in observing the moratorium on capital punishment, are strongly indicative that Article 2 has been amended so as to prohibit the death penalty in all circumstances. Against this background, the Court does not consider that the wording of the second sentence of Article 2 § 1 continues to act as a bar to its interpreting the words ‘inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’ in Article 3 [of the Convention, prohibiting torture and inhuman or degrading treatment,] as including the death penalty …” (Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi v. the United Kingdom judgment of 2 March 2010, § 120).
- Document type International law - Regional body / Regional body report
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment / Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
Brochure – Journée mondiale 2022
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 24 June 2022
Coalition mondiale
arenMore details Download [ pdf - 4727 Ko ]
Brochure pour la 20e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort, sur le lien entre la torture et la peine de mort.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages للیوم العالمي لمناھضة عقوبة الإعدام كتيب باللغة العربيةLeaflet - World Day 2022
Leaflet – World Day 2022
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 24 June 2022
World Coalition
arfrMore details Download [ pdf - 1095 Ko ]
Leaflet for the 20th World Day against the death penalty (2022), on torture and the death penalty.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages للیوم العالمي لمناھضة عقوبة الإعدام كتيب باللغة العربيةBrochure - Journée mondiale 2022
Faits et chiffres 2022
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 24 June 2022
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 214 Ko ]
Fiche sur les principaux faits et chiffres relatifs à la peine de mort dans le monde en 2021 et début 2022.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Facts and Figures 2022
Facts and Figures 2022
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 24 June 2022
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 241 Ko ]
Find the main facts and figures regarding the death penalty worldwide in 2021 and early 2022.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Faits et chiffres 2022
The Death Penalty in Kenya: A Punishment that has Died Out in Practice, Part Two – Overwhelming Support for Abolition Among Opinion Leaders
on 15 June 2022
NGO report
Public Opinion
More details See the document
In 2021, The Death Penalty Project and the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, in partnership with the Australian National University commissioned Prof. Carolyn Hoyle, Director of The Death Penalty Research Unit, at the University of Oxford, to undertake research in order to provide accurate data on attitudes towards the death penalty in Kenya and facilitate a constructive conversation on the future of capital punishment. The research examined the views of both the general public in Kenya and also opinion formers, those considered influential in shaping, and responding to, national views.
Key findings :
– The vast majority of opinion formers that took part in the interviews were in favour of abolishing the death penalty.
– 90% of opinion formers were in favour of abolishing the death penalty
– 82% of opinion formers were strongly in favour of of abolishing the death penalty
– Most of the opinion formers interviewed were very well informed on the administration of the death penalty in Kenya.
– Across both groups there were concerns around the possibility that innocent people could be sentenced to death.
– 88% of opinion formers believe wrongful convictions occur fairly regularly
– 93% of opinion formers thought Kenya should be influenced by high rates of abolition around the world
– Opinion formers believed that 75% of the public would accept abolition of the death penalty, despite initial reservations.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Kenya
- Themes list Public Opinion
The Death Penalty in Kenya: A Punishment that has Died Out in Practice, Part One – A Public Ready to Accept Abolition
on 15 June 2022
NGO report
Public Opinion
More details See the document
In 2021, The Death Penalty Project and the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, in partnership with the Australian National University commissioned Prof. Carolyn Hoyle, Director of The Death Penalty Research Unit, at the University of Oxford, to undertake research in order to provide accurate data on attitudes towards the death penalty in Kenya and facilitate a constructive conversation on the future of capital punishment. The research examined the views of both the general public in Kenya and also opinion formers, those considered influential in shaping, and responding to, national views.
Key findings:
– 40% in favour of abolishing the death penalty, 10% did not know either way
– 51% in favour of retaining the death penalty, only 32% strongly in favour
– Those against the death penalty believed that criminals deserved the opportunity for rehabilitation.
– Knowledge of the death penalty appears to be limited, just 66% were aware Kenya retains the death penalty and just 21% knew no executions had take place in the past 10 years
– The public expressed concerns around the possibility that innocent people could be sentenced to death: 61% of the public – including retentionists – thought that ‘many’ or ‘some’ innocent people have been sentenced to death in Kenya; only 8% thought that ‘no innocent people have been sentenced to death’
– Public support fell from 51% to 31% when considering abolition in the region
59% of the public, who were initially in favour of retention, said that they would accept a new policy of abolition
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Kenya
- Themes list Public Opinion
Rapport journée mondiale 2021
on 10 June 2022
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 4199 Ko ]
Le 10 octobre 2021, la Coalition mondiale et les abolitionnistes du monde entier ont célébré la 19ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort (« Journée mondiale »). Chaque année, lors de la Journée mondiale, la Coalition mondiale met en lumière un aspect spécifique de la peine de mort. En 2021, la Journée mondiale a exploré le thème « Les femmes et la peine de mort, une réalité invisible » pour sensibiliser à la manière dont le traitement du genre et les inégalités fondées sur le genre créent des conditions particulièrement précaires pour les femmes condamnées à la peine capitale. Ce rapport présente ainsi les activités organisées pour la 19ème Journée mondiale et la couverture médiatique dont elle a bénéficié.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021 World Day Report
2021 World Day Report
on 10 June 2022
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 4154 Ko ]
On 10 October 2021, the World Coalition and abolitionists around the world celebrated the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty (‘World Day’). Every year on World Day, the World Coalition highlights one problematic aspect of the Death Penalty. In 2021, the World Day explored the theme “Women sentenced to death, an invisible reality” to raise awareness on how the treatment of gender and gender-based inequalities create particularly precarious conditions for women sentenced to capital punishment. This report presents the activities organised for the 19th World Day and the media coverage it received.
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Rapport journée mondiale 2021
Affiche Journée mondiale 2022
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 9 June 2022
Coalition mondiale
arenesfaruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 4097 Ko ]
20e Journée mondiale sur le thème: “Torture et peine de mort”.
- Document type Campagnes / Coalition mondiale
- Available languages 2022 ملصق اليوم العال مWorld Day Poster 2022Poster Spanish – 2022 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2022 - بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگPoster Russian 2022 - 20Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2022- 第20届世界反死刑日
World Day Poster 2022
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 June 2022
World Coalition
aresfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 4097 Ko ]
20th World Day on “Torture and the death penalty”.
- Document type Campaigning / World Coalition
- Available languages 2022 ملصق اليوم العال مPoster Spanish – 2022 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuertePoster Farsi 2022 - بیستمین روز جهانی علیهمجازات مرگAffiche Journée mondiale 2022Poster Russian 2022 - 20Й ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ДЕНЬ ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИPoster Chinese 2022- 第20届世界反死刑日
Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2022
By la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 9 June 2022
Coalition mondiale
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Depuis 20 ans, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort appelle à des initiatives locales et à des actions mondiales qui mettent en lumière l’abolition de la peine de mort. Le but de ce kit de mobilisation est d’informer sur les objectifs de cette Journée mondiale et de fournir des idées d’activités qui renforcent l’objectif abolitionniste mondial. Cette année, la Journée mondiale est consacrée aux personnes qui, durant le processus de condamnation à mort, ou après la condamnation à mort, ont été victimes de torture.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Mobilization Kit World Day 2022
Mobilization Kit World Day 2022
By the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 June 2022
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 892 Ko ]
For the 20th year in a row, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is calling for local initiatives and world-wide actions that shine a spotlight on the abolition of the death penalty. The goal of this Mobilization Kit is to inform of this year’s objectives as well provide ideas of activities that boost the global abolitionist goal. This year’s World Day is dedicated to people who, during the process of being sentenced to death, or following the sentence of their death, have been victims of torture.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2022
A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Derechos
on 2 June 2022
Derecho internacional - Naciones Unidas
arenfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ - 0 Ko ]
- Document type Derecho internacional - Naciones Unidas
- Available languages A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 قرار اعتمده جملس حقوق اإلنسايفA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 人权理事会 月 日通过的决议
A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’homme
on 2 June 2022
Droit international - Nations Unies
arenesruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type Droit international - Nations Unies
- Available languages A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 قرار اعتمده جملس حقوق اإلنسايفA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de DerechosA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 人权理事会 月 日通过的决议
التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات الإعدام في 2021
on 25 May 2022
تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
enesfrMore details See the document
قالت منظمة العفو الدولية اليوم في استعراضها السنوي لعقوبة الإعدام، إنَّ عام 2021 شهد ارتفاعًا مثيراً للقلق في تنفيذ عمليات الإعدام وإصدار أحكام الإعدام، حيث عادت بعض البلدان الأكثر تنفيذاً لعمليات الإعدام في العالم إلى سابق عهدها من حيث استخدام العقوبة، بعد تحرير المحاكم من قيود وباء فيروس كوفيد-19.
- Document type تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
- Available languages Amnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2021Condenas A Muerte Y Ejecuciones 2021Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2021
Condenas A Muerte Y Ejecuciones 2021
on 25 May 2022
Informe de ONG
arenfrMore details See the document
En 2021 tuvo lugar un preocupante aumento de las ejecuciones y las condenas a muerte, a raíz de que algunos de los verdugos más prolíficos del mundo volvieran a las andadas y los tribunales se liberaran de las restricciones relacionadas con la COVID-19. Así lo ha manifestado hoy Amnistía Internacional en su informe anual sobre la pena de muerte.
- Document type Informe de ONG
- Available languages التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات الإعدام في 2021Amnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2021Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2021
Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2021
on 25 May 2022
Rapport d'ONG
arenesMore details Download [ pdf - 2990 Ko ]
En 2021, le nombre d’exécutions et de condamnations à mort a connu une hausse inquiétante, car dans les pays qui recourent le plus massivement à ce châtiment les choses ont repris leur cours normal et les activités des tribunaux n’ont plus été entravées par les restrictions liées à la pandémie de COVID-19, souligne Amnesty International dans son rapport annuel sur le recours à la peine de mort rendu public le 24 mai.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Available languages التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات الإعدام في 2021Amnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2021Condenas A Muerte Y Ejecuciones 2021
Amnesty International Global Report : Death Sentences and Executions 2021
on 25 May 2022
NGO report
aresfrMore details Download [ pdf - 2638 Ko ]
2021 saw a worrying rise in executions and death sentences as some of the world’s most prolific executioners returned to business as usual and courts were unshackled from Covid-19 restrictions, Amnesty International said today in its annual review of the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
- Available languages التقرير العالمي لمنظمة العفو الدولية أحكام وعمليات الإعدام في 2021Condenas A Muerte Y Ejecuciones 2021Condamnations à mort et exécutions 2021
Death Sentences and Executions 2021
on 25 May 2022
Rapport d'ONG
enMore details Download [ pdf - 2638 Ko ]
2021 saw a worrying rise in executions and death sentences as some of the world’s most prolific executioners returned to business as usual and courts were unshackled from Covid-19 restrictions, Amnesty International said today in its annual review of the death penalty.
Death Sentences and Executions 2021
on 25 May 2022
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2021 saw a worrying rise in executions and death sentences as some of the world’s most prolific executioners returned to business as usual and courts were unshackled from Covid-19 restrictions, Amnesty International said today in its annual review of the death penalty.
- Document type Array
Condamnations Et Exécutions À Mort 2021
on 25 May 2022
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“Nous venons de publier notre rapport annuel sur le recours à la peine de mort dans le monde en 2021. Le bilan ? Inquiétant. Le nombre d’exécutions recensées a augmenté par rapport à 2020 notamment en Iran et en Arabie saoudite, ainsi que le nombre de condamnations à mort. Une hausse due à l’allégement des restrictions liées à la pandémie de Covid-19.”
- Document type Array
A Deadly Distraction, Why the Death Penalty is not the Answer to Rape in South Asia
on 25 May 2022
Arguments against the death penalty
NGO report
Sri Lanka
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Since 2010, persons convicted of rape offences were executed in at least 9 countries, including India and Pakistan. Moreover, public protests against the rape epidemic, which led governments to introduce capital rape laws, illustrates the need to shine a spotlight in South Asia.
The report examines the use of the death penalty for rape in four South Asian countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and explores ways that anti-death penalty activists can challenge this concerning trend.
- Document type Arguments against the death penalty / NGO report
- Countries list Bangladesh / India / Pakistan / Sri Lanka
Rapport annuel sur la peine de mort en Iran 2021
on 28 April 2022
Rapport d'ONG
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
enMore details See the document
Ce rapport de 120 pages évalue et analyse les tendances des pratiques en matière de peine de mort afin de proposer des recommandations, adaptées au contexte national, et d’engager un dialogue constructif sur la peine capitale dans le pays.
La situation de la peine de mort en République islamique d’Iran reste alarmante avec une augmentation significative des exécutions en 2021 (+25%) et un nombre croissant de femmes iraniennes exécutées. Le nombre d’exécutions a doublé après l’élection d’Ebrahim Raeisi à la présidence, et alors que la République islamique et les gouvernements occidentaux négocient pour relancer l’accord nucléaire, également appelé Plan global d’action conjoint (JCPOA). Telles sont quelques-unes des principales conclusions du 14e rapport annuel sur la peine de mort en Iran publié aujourd’hui par Iran Human Rights (IHR) et Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM).
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Available languages Annual Report on The Death Penalty In Iran 2021
Annual Report on The Death Penalty In Iran 2021
on 28 April 2022
NGO report
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
frMore details See the document
The 120-page report assesses and analyses trends in death penalty practices in order to propose recommendations, tailored to the national context, and to engage in a constructive dialogue on capital punishment in the country.
The death penalty situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran remains alarming with a significant increase in executions in 2021 (+25%) and an increasing number of Iranian women being executed. The number of executions has doubled after the election of Ebrahim Raeisi as President, and as the Islamic Republic and Western governments negotiate to revive the nuclear deal, also called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). These are some of the main findings of the 14th Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran by Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO) and Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM) released today.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Available languages Rapport annuel sur la peine de mort en Iran 2021
Compendium of case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the death penalty and extrajudicial execution
By Jeremy McBride, Council of Europe, on 24 April 2022
International law - Regional body
Legal Representation
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The compendium’s aim is to assist national judges, prosecutors and lawyers from the 46 member states of the Council of Europe to deal with extradition or deportation cases when there is a risk of the death penalty being imposed in third countries or of extrajudicial execution. It also aims at enabling legal professionals from countries where the death penalty still exists to develop arguments based upon the reasoning of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It contains relevant extracts from the Court’s case law, structured in a user-friendly way.
- Document type International law - Regional body
- Themes list Legal Representation
Living Under Sentence of Death
on 22 April 2022
Academic report
NGO report
Death Row Conditions
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In 2019-20, The Department of Law at the University of Dhaka, in collaboration with the Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) and The Death Penalty Project, conducted a study to investigate socio-economic characteristics and experiences of death row prisoners in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh continues to retain and implement the death penalty, with several executions taking place each year. Excluding laws relating to the defence forces and international crimes, there are currently 33 crimes punishable by death. 25 of these offences are non-lethal and arguably do not meet the threshold of the ‘most serious crimes’ under international law.
Inspired by similar studies in other countries, a pilot study was commissioned to examine the demographics and experiences of those sentenced to death. Consistent with those studies around the world, our findings evidence that the death penalty in Bangladesh is disproportionately used against the most vulnerable and marginalised sections of society.
72% of prisoners were classified as economically vulnerable
53% of prisoners were in low-paid work or unemployed
87% of prisoners had no qualifications beyond secondary school level
15% of prisoners had no formal education.
The study also raised serious concerns around the treatment of prisoners, the length of time prisoners spent in prison under the sentence of death and the integrity of criminal investigations and trial.
33% of prisoners’ families alleged their relative had been tortured in police custody, 5% suspected this and 15% refused to comment
60% of respondents were not satisfied with the trial process, with some claiming that the courts had failed to properly appreciate the evidence
On average it took over 10 years for death row cases to be disposed by the HCD (where sentences are confirmed). Prolonged time spent in isolation on death row, has been declared inhumane and degrading in many countries.
The sample consisted of 39 individuals on death row, evidence from their case files and face-to-face interviews with their families were conducted under rigorous ethical guidelines to reveal their profiles and experiences. Despite its small size, the sample is indicative of the general prison population allowing us to draw conclusions on possible trends.
- Document type Academic report / NGO report
- Countries list Bangladesh
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
By Lin Ciwei, on 1 April 2022
NGO report
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- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Taiwan
The Philippines – Universal Periodic Review – Death Penalty – March 2022
on 31 March 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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1. This report addresses the Philippines’ compliance with its international human rights
obligations with respect to the death penalty. For years, the Philippines imposed the death
penalty, particularly for so-called heinous crimes. In 2006, President Gloria MacapagalArroyo abolished the death penalty.1 Since then, however, lawmakers have introduced
numerous bills to reinstate the death penalty, with the House adopting Bill No. 7814 as
recently as March 2, 2021.2
2. The report examines the current state of the death penalty in the Philippines, including (1)
acceptance of international norms; (2) proposed legislation reintroducing the death penalty;
(3) torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment in enforcing drug control; (4)
conditions of detention; and (5) administration of justice and fair trial.
3. This report recommends that the Philippines continue the abolition of the death penalty,
refrain from reintroducing the death penalty, honor its international commitments, and
implement a human rights-based approach to anti-drug policy
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Philippines
Trapped Inside: Mental Illness & Incarceration
on 25 March 2022
NGO report
Mental Illness
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Pakistan’s criminal justice system fails to provide meaningful protection to persons suffering from mental illness at all stages of arrest, trial, sentencing and detention. Under Pakistani law, a person of unsound mind is unable to form criminal intent and therefore is not subject to punishment. Despite this, a disproportionate number of mentally ill prisoners are currently in Pakistan’s jails and on death row.
In light of the above, JPP, in collaboration with Monash University Australia, is launching a report titled “Trapped Inside: Mental Illness & Incarceration”, a comprehensive review of Pakistani law and practice with regards to mentally ill prisoners and defendants. This report seeks to help relevant stakeholders to better understand and respond appropriately to the mental health needs of individuals across the criminal justice system. It focuses on the steps stakeholders can take to promote and protect mental health and well-being of individuals at each stage. The report also explores last year’s landmark ‘Safia Bano’ judgement by Pakistan’s Supreme Court, which commuted the death sentences of two mentally ill death row prisoners, banned the execution of prisoners with psycho-social disabilities and set key safeguards for the same.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Pakistan
- Themes list Mental Illness
台灣立法委員對死刑 之意見調查
on 24 March 2022
NGO report
Public Opinion
enMore details See the document
2021年,死刑项目和台湾终止死刑联盟(TAEDP)委托牛津大学的Carolyn Hoyle教授和台北东吴大学的Shiow-duan Hawang教授进行了一项研究,探索台湾立法者对死刑的态度。
– 61%的受访立法者赞成废除死刑
– 39%的受访立法者赞成保留死刑,但只有一位立法者表示强烈支持
– 71%的保留死刑者和65%的废除死刑者断言,错误的定罪 “有时 “会发生
– 只有11%的受访立法者认为错误定罪’很少’发生
– 当被要求对一系列旨在减少暴力犯罪的政策进行排序时,所有受访的立法者都表示倾向于社会正义措施,如减少贫困,而不是增加死刑。
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Taiwan
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Legislators’ Opinions on the Death Penalty in Taiwan
Legislators’ Opinions on the Death Penalty in Taiwan
on 24 March 2022
NGO report
Public Opinion
zh-hantMore details See the document
In 2021, The Death Penalty Project and the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP) commissioned Professor Carolyn Hoyle at the University of Oxford and Professor Shiow-duan Hawang at Soochow University, Taipei to carry out a study exploring Taiwanese legislators’ attitudes towards capital punishment.
The study reveals that the majority of Taiwan’s legislators would like to see the death penalty abolished. The risk of wrongful convictions, the abuse of human rights and a recognition that the death penalty has no unique deterrent effect, were the primary reasons cited for supporting abolition. Additionally, a majority of legislators interviewed expressed fairly low levels of trust in the Taiwanese criminal justice system, with doubts raised over its ability to offer adequate safeguards to individuals facing capital trials.
Key findings:
– 61% of legislators interviewed are in favour of abolishing the death penalty
– 39% of legislators interviewed are in favour of retaining the death penalty, but only one legislator was strongly in favour
– 71% of retentionists and 65% of abolitionists asserted that wrongful convictions ‘sometimes’ occurred
– Only 11% of legislators interviewed thought that wrongful convictions ‘rarely’ occur
– All legislators interviewed expressed a preference for social justice measures, such as poverty reduction, over increased executions when asked to rank a range of policies aimed at reducing violent crime
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Taiwan
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages 台灣立法委員對死刑 之意見調查
Felony Murder: An On-Ramp for Extreme Sentencing
By The Sentencing Project, Fair and Just Prosecution, on 23 March 2022
NGO report
United States
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Although other countries have largely rejected the felony murder doctrine, 48 states, the District of Columbia, and the federal government still use these laws. Felony murder laws compel harsh decades-long – or even life – sentences even when the individual charged did not directly cause or intend the loss of life.
This report evaluates the legal and empirical foundation, and failings, of the felony murder rule, profiles impacted individuals, and highlights recent reform efforts in 10 jurisdictions. Key findings include:
1. Felony murder laws widen the net of extreme sentencing and are counterproductive to public safety.
2. Felony murder laws have particularly adverse impacts on people of color, young people, and women.
3. Existing reforms must be expanded to achieve justice.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
The Clemency Process in East and Southeast Asia
on 22 March 2022
NGO report
Viet Nam
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In this report, we summarise the current international position on clemency and the death penalty and compare it to snapshots of the clemency processes in the following Southeast and East Asian countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, and China. All references to clemency in this paper are in the context of reprieve from the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list China / Indonesia / Japan / Malaysia / Singapore / Taiwan / Thailand / Viet Nam
- Themes list Clemency
Death Penalty For Drug Offences: Global Overview 2021
on 21 March 2022
NGO report
Drug Offenses
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Harm Reduction International has monitored the use of the death penalty for drug offences worldwide since our first ground-breaking publication on this issue in 2007. This report, our eleventh on the subject, continues our work of providing regular updates on legislative, policy and practical developments related to the use of capital punishment for drug offences, a practice which is a clear violation of international law.
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview 2021 found that: 1) 35 countries still retain the death penalty for drug offences 2) At least 131 people were executed for drug offences in 2021 – a 336% increase from 2020. However, due to a severe lack of transparency, if not outright censorship, this is only a partial picture. This figure likely represents only a fraction of all drug-related executions carried out globally.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Cuba – Committee Against Torture – Death Penalty – March 2022
on 21 March 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
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Cuba has maintained a de facto moratorium on the imposition of the death penalty since its last reported execution in 2003. In 2010, Cuba’s Supreme Court commuted the death sentence of Cuba’s last remaining death row inmate. As of the date of this report, there is no record of an individual currently sentenced to death. Although a de facto moratorium is in place, Cuba has not committed to a de jure abolition of the death penalty, citing national security concerns.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Cuba
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Iraq – Committee Against Torture – Death Penalty – March 2022
on 18 March 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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This report provides an update to the coauthors’ report at the List of issues stage and responds to the State party’s responses to the Committee’s questions in the List of issues that touch on the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Iraq
Kenya – Committee Against Torture – Death Penalty – March 2022
on 18 March 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
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Kenya has not carried out any executions since the late 1980s. Nonetheless, Kenya continues to hand down the death penalty as a sentence in criminal cases. Accordingly, this report recommends that the Committee Against Torture recommend that Kenya formally abolish the death penalty, commute the sentences of all persons on death row, and revise laws to remove capital punishment from the list of principal sentences. Kenya should further take steps to prohibit introduction of evidence obtained through torture and ill-treatment in criminal proceedings and to ensure that all persons at risk of being sentenced to death have access to well-qualified legal counsel with adequate funding for a thorough pre-trial investigation. Kenya should ensure that no person is removed to a country where they may be at risk of being sentenced to death, and should take concrete steps to ensure that conditions of detention for persons under sentence of death comply with the Nelson Mandela Rules.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Death Penalty in India – Annual Statistics Report 2021
By Project 39A, on 4 February 2022
Academic report
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Project 39A at the National Law University, Delhi published the sixth edition of the Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics Report which provides an annual update on the use of the death penalty in India along with legislative and international developments on the issue. As on 31st December 2021, there were 488 prisoners on death row across India (a steep rise of nearly 21% from 2020), with Uttar Pradesh having the highest number at 86. This is the highest the death row population has been since 2004 as per the data from the Prison Statistics published by the National Crime Records Bureau.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list India
Malawi – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women – Death Penalty – January 2022
on 31 January 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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Detention conditions for women in Malawi are crowded, and women in prisons are not given adequate food and nutrition. Specifically, many prisons only serve people with one meal a day, often consisting of a maize meal (nsima) and peas or beans. Overcrowded conditions are a particular concern during the COVID-19 pandemic, when risk of transmission of the disease is high. Prison conditions in Malawi amount to inhuman and degrading treatment.
Women in death penalty proceedings in Malawi lack access to qualified legal representation. Defense advocates in Malawi who are assigned to capital cases often lack relevant experience. In at least one case, a lawyer failed to raise the complete defense of self-defense in representing a woman who killed her husband as a result of a long history of domestic abuse. Had the defense been raised, it is possible that the woman would not have been sentenced to death. Moreover, women from poor and marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by the death penalty because when they are accused of crimes, they are often unable to understand the charges against them because they are illiterate and cannot read the complaint against them. They are also unable to retain private counsel.
Women who face extensive gender-based violence are disproportionately affected by the death penalty in Malawi, including those who seek to protect themselves against their abusers. Long histories of gender-based violence can result in complex trauma and can exacerbate psycho-social or intellectual disabilities, yet sentencing courts fail to take these nefarious effects into account as factors in mitigation of a death sentence.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Malawi
- Themes list Women
Qatar – Human Rights Committee – Death Penalty – January 2022
on 31 January 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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Qatar had been maintaining a de facto moratorium on executions since 2000, but courts continued to sentence people to death. In 2020, however, Qatar executed a Nepali migrant worker by firing squad. Qatar’s death penalty practices are not in compliance with the Covenant. Qatar does not limit the death penalty to the most serious crimes, it is not taking steps toward a de jure moratorium on executions or ratification of the Second Optional Protocol, and it does not ensure that defendants in capital cases have a fair trial. Recent history suggests that a migrant worker may be more likely to be sentenced to death and executed for killing a Qatari national, as opposed to a non-citizen. Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable in the context of the country’s criminal legal system.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Qatar
Смертная казнь в регионе ОБСЕ, Справочный документ 2021 года
By ОБСЕ, on 21 January 2022
Доклад регионального органа
United States
enMore details See the document
Настоящий документ представляет собой обновленную версию публикации «Смертная казнь в регионе ОБСЕ: справочный документ 2020 года». Задача издания состоит в том, чтобы в кратком виде представить последние данные об изменениях в статусе смертной казни в государствах-участниках ОБСЕ со времени предыдущей публикации, а также в том, чтобы способствовать конструктивному обсуждению данной темы. Данный документ охватывает период с 1 апреля 2020 г. по 31 марта 2021 г. Особая тема: путь к отмене смертной казни.
- Document type Доклад регионального органа
- Countries list Belarus / Kazakhstan / United States
- Available languages Death Penalty in the OSCE Area: Background Paper 2021
The Death Penalty in 2021: Year End Report
By Death Penalty Information Center, on 14 January 2022
NGO report
United States
More details See the document
The death penalty in the USA in 2021 was defined by two competing forces: the continuing long-term erosion of capital punishment across most of the country, and extreme conduct by a dwindling number of outlier jurisdictions to continue to pursue death sentences and executions.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list United States
عقوبة الإعدام في البحرين : نظام مبني على التعذيب
on 14 January 2022
تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
enfrMore details See the document
صادف العاشر من أكتوبر 2021، اليوم العالمي التاسع عشر لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام. تقرير منظمة سلام للديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان، عقوبة الإعدام في البحرين: نظام مبني على التعذيب ، يوفر مـعلومـات مـختصرة يسهـل الـوصـول إلـيها بـشأن وضـع عـقوبـة الإعـدام فـي البحـريـن.
يـبحث الـتقريـر كـيف تـوسـعت عـمليات الإعـدام فـي مـعايـيرهـا وتـنفيذهـا مـنذ الــــربــــيع الــــعربــــي فــــي عــــام 2011 وكــــيف تــــتناقــــض هــــذه المــــمارســــة مــــع وعــــود حــــكومــــة البحــــريــــن بـالإصـلاح الـتي قـطعتها فـي أعـقاب لـجنة الـتحقيق البحـريـنية المسـتقلة فـي الـعام نـفسه. بـدلا مـن ذلـــك، تـــواصـــل الـــدولـــة البحـــريـــنية الاعـــتماد عـــلى الاعـــترافـــات الـــتي يـــتم إكـــراهـــها تـــحت الـــتعذيـــب والتهـديـد كـوسـيلة لإسـكات الـسجناء الـسياسـيين بـشكل دائـم. وقـد أثـبتت آلـيات المـساءلـة الـداخـلية فـي الـبلد مـرارا وتـكرارا أنـها غـير فـعالـة فـي مـعالـجة هـذه الـحالـة وربـما تـكون مـتواطـئة. وبـالـنظر إلـى هـذه الـنتائـج، ودعـما لأولـئك الـذيـن وقـعوا ضـحايـا، تـوصـي منظمة سلام للديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان رسـميا بأن يلغي الحكم بالإعدام، من بين إصلاحات أخرى.
- Document type تقرير منظمة غير حكومية
- Countries list Bahrain
- Available languages The Death Penalty in Bahrain: A system built on tortureLa Peine de Mort à Bahreïn: Un Système Construit sur la Torture
La Peine de Mort à Bahreïn: Un Système Construit sur la Torture
on 14 January 2022
Rapport d'ONG
arenMore details See the document
Le rapport de Salam pour la démocratie et les droits humains (Salam DHR) publié le 10 octobre 2021 marquait la 19e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort. La Peine de Mort à Bahreïn : Un Système Construit sur la Torture, fournit des informations accessibles et condensées sur l’évolution de la peine de mort à Bahreïn. Ce rapport s’intéresse sur comment les exécutions ont augmenté à la fois dans leurs critères mais aussi dans leur mise en œuvre depuis le printemps arabe en 2011 et sur comment cette pratique contredit les promesses de réforme du gouvernement de Bahreïn (GoB) faites à la suite de la Commission d’enquête indépendante de Bahreïn (BICI) la même année. Au lieu de cela, l’État de Bahreïn continue de s’appuyer sur des aveux extorqués sous la torture et les menaces comme méthode pour réduire au silence de façon permanente les prisonniers politiques. Les mécanismes internes de responsabilité de la nation se sont avérés, à maintes reprises, inefficaces pour remédier à cette situation et sont peut-être complices. Compte tenu de ces conclusions, et pour soutenir ceux qui ont été victimes, Salam DHR recommande officiellement que le GoB abolisse la peine de mort, parmi ces autres réformes.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Countries list Bahrain
- Available languages عقوبة الإعدام في البحرين : نظام مبني على التعذيبThe Death Penalty in Bahrain: A system built on torture
The Death Penalty in Bahrain: A system built on torture
on 14 January 2022
NGO report
arfrMore details See the document
Salam for Democracy and Human Rights (Salam DHR)’s report was published on October 10, 2021, to mark the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty in Bahrain: A system built on torture, provides accessible and abridged information regarding the development of the death penalty in Bahrain.
This report examines how executions have expanded in both their criteria and implementation since the Arab Spring in 2011 and how this practice contradicts the Government of Bahrain’s (GoB) promises of reform made following the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) that same year. Instead, the Bahraini State continues to rely on confessions coerced under torture and threats as a method of permanently silencing poliIcal prisoners. The nation’s internal mechanisms of accountability have repeatedly proven themselves to be ineffective in remedying this situation and are possibly complicit. Considering these findings, and in support those who have been victimized, Salam DHR officially recommends that the GoB abolishes the death penalty, among other reforms.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Bahrain
- Available languages عقوبة الإعدام في البحرين : نظام مبني على التعذيبLa Peine de Mort à Bahreïn: Un Système Construit sur la Torture
Death Penalty in the OSCE Area: Background Paper 2021
By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) , on 14 January 2022
Regional body report
United States
ruMore details See the document
This paper updates The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area: Background Paper 2020. It is intended to provide a concise update to highlight changes in the status of the death penalty in OSCE participating States since the previous publication and to promote constructive discussion of the issue. It covers the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. Special Focus: The road to abolition in selected OSCE participating States
- Document type Regional body report
- Countries list Belarus / United States
- Available languages Смертная казнь в регионе ОБСЕ, Справочный документ 2021 года
حلقة نقاش رف عة المستوى بشأن مسألة عقوبة الإعدام
By تقرير مفوض ة الأمم المتادة السام ة لاقوق الإنسان, on 14 January 2022
تقرير للأمم المتحدة
Public Opinion
enesfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
يقدَّم هذا التقرير عملاً بق ا رري مجلس حقوق الإنساااااان 26 / 2 و 42 / 24 . وهو يتضااااامن موج ا زً لحلقة النقاش الرفيعة المساتو بشا ن مسا لة عقوبة الإعدامل التق عقدي ق 23 شااا// ب ا رير 2021 ق الدورة السااةساة والأربعلن للمجلس. وتناولق حلقة النقاش مسا لة انتحاكاي حقوق الإنساان المتمالة بالعم بعقوبة الإعدامل وخاصة فيما يتعلق بما إذا كان للعم بحا أثر ا رةع فيما يخص معدلاي الجريمة.”
- Document type تقرير للأمم المتحدة
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages 2021 OHCHR Report on Deterrence: High-level panel discussion on the question of the death penaltyInforme de la OACDH 2021 sobre el efecto disuasorio : Mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerteRapport HCDH 2021 sur l'effet dissuasif : Réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mortОбсуждение в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни,способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности2021年联合国威慑效应报告 - 关于死刑问题的高级别专题小组讨论会
2021年联合国威慑效应报告 – 关于死刑问题的高级别专题小组讨论会
By 人权事务高级专员办事处的报告, on 14 January 2022
Public Opinion
arenesfrruMore details See the document
- Document type 联合国报告
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages حلقة نقاش رف عة المستوى بشأن مسألة عقوبة الإعدام2021 OHCHR Report on Deterrence: High-level panel discussion on the question of the death penaltyInforme de la OACDH 2021 sobre el efecto disuasorio : Mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerteRapport HCDH 2021 sur l'effet dissuasif : Réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mortОбсуждение в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни,способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности
Обсуждение в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни,способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности
By Доклад Управления Верховного комиссара по правам человека, on 14 January 2022
Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
Public Opinion
arenesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
Настоящий доклад представлен во исполнение резолюций 26/2 и 42/24 Совета по правам человека. В нем кратко изложены материалы обсуждения в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни, состоявшегося 23 февраля 2021 года в ходе сорок шестой сессии Совета. Дискуссионная группа обсудила вопросы нарушений прав человека в связи с применением смертной казни, в частности вопроса о том, способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности.
- Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages حلقة نقاش رف عة المستوى بشأن مسألة عقوبة الإعدام2021 OHCHR Report on Deterrence: High-level panel discussion on the question of the death penaltyInforme de la OACDH 2021 sobre el efecto disuasorio : Mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerteRapport HCDH 2021 sur l'effet dissuasif : Réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mort2021年联合国威慑效应报告 - 关于死刑问题的高级别专题小组讨论会
Informe de la OACDH 2021 sobre el efecto disuasorio : Mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerte
By Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos, on 14 January 2022
Informe de las Naciones Unidas
Public Opinion
arenfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
Este informe se presenta en cumplimiento de las resoluciones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos 26/2 y 42/24. Contiene un resumen de la mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerte que se celebró el 23 de febrero de 2021 durante el 46º período de sesiones del Consejo. La mesa redonda se ocupó de las violaciones de los derechos humanos relacionadas con el uso de la pena de muerte, en particular de si el uso de dicha condena tiene un efecto disuasorio sobre la tasa de delincuencia.
- Document type Informe de las Naciones Unidas
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages حلقة نقاش رف عة المستوى بشأن مسألة عقوبة الإعدام2021 OHCHR Report on Deterrence: High-level panel discussion on the question of the death penaltyRapport HCDH 2021 sur l'effet dissuasif : Réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mortОбсуждение в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни,способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности2021年联合国威慑效应报告 - 关于死刑问题的高级别专题小组讨论会
Rapport HCDH 2021 sur l’effet dissuasif : Réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mort
By Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme des Nations unies (HCDH), on 14 January 2022
Rapport des Nations Unies
Public Opinion
arenesruzh-hantMore details See the document
Le présent rapport est soumis en application des résolutions 26/2 et 42/24 du Conseil des droits de l’homme. Il rend compte, sous forme résumée, de la réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mort tenue le 23 février 2021 pendant la quarante-sixième session du Conseil. La réunion-débat a porté sur les violations des droits de l’homme liées à l’application de la peine de mort, en particulier en ce qui concerne la question de savoir si l’application de cette peine a un effet dissuasif sur les taux de criminalité.
- Document type Rapport des Nations Unies
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages حلقة نقاش رف عة المستوى بشأن مسألة عقوبة الإعدام2021 OHCHR Report on Deterrence: High-level panel discussion on the question of the death penaltyInforme de la OACDH 2021 sobre el efecto disuasorio : Mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerteОбсуждение в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни,способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности2021年联合国威慑效应报告 - 关于死刑问题的高级别专题小组讨论会
2021 OHCHR Report on Deterrence: High-level panel discussion on the question of the death penalty
By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), on 14 January 2022
United Nations report
Public Opinion
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 26/2 and 42/24. It provides a summary of the high-level panel discussion on the question of the death penalty held on 23 February 2021 at the forty-sixth session of the Council. The panel discussion addressed the human rights violations related to the use of the death penalty, in particular with respect to whether the use of the death penalty has a deterrent effect on crime rates.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages حلقة نقاش رف عة المستوى بشأن مسألة عقوبة الإعدامInforme de la OACDH 2021 sobre el efecto disuasorio : Mesa redonda de alto nivel sobre la cuestión de la pena de muerteRapport HCDH 2021 sur l'effet dissuasif : Réunion-débat de haut niveau sur la question de la peine de mortОбсуждение в рамках дискуссионной группы высокого уровня вопроса о смертной казни,способствует ли ее применение сдерживанию преступности2021年联合国威慑效应报告 - 关于死刑问题的高级别专题小组讨论会
In the Extreme: Women Serving Life Without Parole and Death Sentences in the United States
By The Sentencing Project, National Black Women’s Justice Institute and the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, on 14 January 2022
NGO report
More details See the document
One of every 15 women in prison — amounting to more than 6,600 women — is serving a life sentence and nearly 2,000 of these have no chance for parole. Another 52 women in the U.S. are awaiting execution. Many women serving extreme sentences were victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse long before they committed a crime.
- Document type NGO report
- Themes list Women
Défendre les femmes et les personnes transgenres confrontées à des peines extrêmes
on 14 January 2022
Representation légale
Legal Representation
enMore details See the document
Rédigé par une équipe comprenant des expert·e·s dans les domaines de la défense de personnes passibles de la peine de mort, des droits des femmes et des droits des personnes transgenres, ce
- Document type Representation légale
- Themes list Women / Legal Representation
- Available languages Defending Women and Transgender Persons Facing Extreme Sentences: A Practical Guide
Defending Women and Transgender Persons Facing Extreme Sentences: A Practical Guide
on 14 January 2022
Legal Representation
Legal Representation
frMore details See the document
Written by a team including experts in the fields of capital defense, gender rights, gender-sensitive mitigation and the rights of transgender persons, the guide includes sections on gender-based violence, women’s mental health, prison conditions, discrimination in the legal system, working with the media, and how to build a gender-sensitive team. It also includes a step-by-step gender-sensitive interview protocol that builds on resources developed by the anti-violence community and is tailored to the needs of defense teams.
- Document type Legal Representation
- Themes list Legal Representation / Women
- Available languages Défendre les femmes et les personnes transgenres confrontées à des peines extrêmes
Uganda – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women – Death Penalty – January 2022
on 12 January 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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This report addresses Uganda’s compliance with its obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women with respect to the death penalty. The report examines and discusses Ugandan death penalty laws and cases where women are sentenced to death row in Uganda, primarily for murder.
This report recommends that Uganda adopt a number of key recommendations to better align its death penalty practices with Uganda’s obligations to women under the Convention. These steps, among other things, include: (1) abolishing the death penalty and in the interim, limiting the death penalty to only the most serious crimes of intentional killing of another human; (2) ensuring proper gender-sensitive training in the judicial system and protecting women in conflict with the law when gender-based violence is involved; (3) developing and implementing programs to prevent gender-based violence and discrimination; and (4) ensuring fair access to counsel to women sentenced to death or at risk of being sentenced to death.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Uganda
- Themes list Women
Lebanon – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women – Death Penalty
on 12 January 2022
NGO report
World Coalition
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This report addresses Lebanon’s compliance with human rights obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women regarding its use of the death penalty.
Lebanon has not abolished the death penalty or established a de jure moratorium on the death penalty. The legal system does not protect women in conflict with the law from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender. Nor does it limit capital offenses to the “most serious” crimes.
Women migrant domestic workers appear to be at an elevated risk of being sentenced to death. Indeed, all three women known to be on death row in Lebanon are Sri Lankan migrant domestic workers. Such women face heightened obstacles to realizing their right to a fair trial. Moreover, there is no evidence that sentencing authorities take into account a woman’s history of abuse when determining an appropriate sentence. Finally, women under sentence of death face degrading conditions of detention.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Lebanon
- Themes list Women
No death penalty: Essay on the human dignity of the guilty
By Alfredo De Francesco , on 11 January 2022
More details See the document
Is the death penalty “natural” or sometimes legally due?
If not, is the death penalty always a political instrument?
If so, how and why can it be said that the death penalty is unjust, also considering religious values?
What about in case of war time or of very dangerous criminals?
In which way can there be an irrefutable argument for banning the death penalty worldwide and forever?
These and other issues concerning the death penalty are addressed by the Author of this book.
A book, where the most common theories for and against the death penalty are considered in the light of law history and philosophical views, and where Cesare Beccaria’s approach is revised, taking into account the development of the contemporary criminal law and of the legal positivism.
This is an essay, where the protection of humanity is not considered simply as a hope or as a naive dream, but rather as a juridical concept, absolutely necessary to understand one of most tragic questions of all time: “is it just to kill those who killed?”
- Document type Book
La défense de condamnés à mort : Guide de bonnes pratiques à l’usage des avocats
on 24 December 2021
Travailler avec...
enMore details See the document
En 2017, le Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide publiait la deuxième édition d’un manuel unique en son genre : un Guide de bonnes pratiques destiné aux avocat·e·s défendant les personnes passibles d’une condamnation à mort. La présente édition du Guide représente bien plus qu’une traduction en langue française. Conscientes des attributs uniques des systèmes de droit pénal relevant des pays de droit civil, les co-auteures de ce Guide ont adapté, complété, et étendu le Guide afin d’offrir des conseils mieux adaptés à la réalité des avocat·e·s exerçant dans les juridictions de tradition civiliste, caractérisées par des procédures dites « inquisitoires ». Cette adaptation du Guide complète la formation dispensée dans le cadre de l’Institut Makwanyane, un institut de formation destiné aux avocat·e·s de la défense représentant des personnes passibles de la peine de mort en Afrique anglophone et francophone.
- Document type Travailler avec...
- Themes list Représentation juridique,
- Available languages Representing Individuals Facing the Death Penalty: A Best Practices Manual
Sri Lankan expert needed to conduct study on the death penalty – Terms of reference
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 23 December 2021
World Coalition
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- Document type World Coalition
Historias invisibles: pena de muerte y las mujeres en Puerto Rico
on 19 December 2021
Informe de ONG
Puerto Rico
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En este escrito presento varios aspectos de las historias subestimadas de las mujeres que han estado sujetas a la pena capital en nuestro país. Para esto llevo a cabo un recuento de los casos desde los inicios del dominio español, con las pocas fuentes disponibles, hasta la actualidad, Además, analizo vertientes como los procedimientos de pena de muerte en la jurisdicción federal, la aplicación de este cruel castigo a personas de la diáspora boricua en los Estados Unidos y la denominada “otra pena de muerte”. Estos datos son complementados con citas de varias autoras puertorriqueñas en oposición a la pena de muerte y una contundente expresión inédita de Eugenio María de Hostos sobre este tema.
- Document type Informe de ONG
- Countries list Puerto Rico
- Themes list Women
Children who are Impacted by a Family Member’s Death Sentence or Execution: Information for Mental Health Professionals
By National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), Texas after violence project, Clinical and Support Options, on 11 December 2021
Working with...
More details See the document
This tip sheet provides some guidelines for mental health professionals who may encounter or work with children and families related to individuals who have been sentenced to death or executed.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Juveniles
Avis sur la vulnérabilité accrue des travailleuses migrantes dans le couloir de la mort
By Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, on 3 December 2021
Rapport des organes gouvernementaux
Drug Offenses
Legal Representation
enMore details Download [ pdf - 1457 Ko ]
La Commission des droits de l’Homme des Philippines publie cet avis pour attirer l’attention des Philippines sur les vulnérabilités accrues des femmes des travailleurs philippins d’outre-mer (OFW). En anglais uniquement.
- Document type Rapport des organes gouvernementaux
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Women / Drug Offenses / Legal Representation
- Available languages Advisory on the Increased Vulnerabilty of Women Migrant Workers on Death Row
Advisory on the Increased Vulnerabilty of Women Migrant Workers on Death Row
By Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, on 3 December 2021
Government body report
Drug Offenses
Legal Representation
frMore details Download [ pdf - 1457 Ko ]
The Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines issues this advisory to bring the Philippines’ attention to the heightened vulnerabilities of women Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
- Document type Government body report
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Drug Offenses / Legal Representation / Women
- Available languages Avis sur la vulnérabilité accrue des travailleuses migrantes dans le couloir de la mort
Histoires du couloir de la mort
By RTBF, on 1 December 2021
Multimedia content
Death Row Conditions
United States
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Une série documentaire sur la peine de mort et le système juridique américain. Des histoires racontées par des personnes qui ont vécu dans le couloir de la mort dont certaines ont été disculpées. Il est question de procureurs trop zélés et de manques de preuves dans un système dysfonctionnel.
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
Worked to Death: A study on migrant workers and capital punishment
By Migrant Care and Reprieve, on 24 November 2021
NGO report
Fair Trial
Legal Representation
Saudi Arabia
More details See the document
Foreign nationals, and within this group migrant workers, are a population that disproportionately faces the death penalty around the world. The data and statistics gathered by Reprieve and Migrant CARE for this report show that migrant workers as a sub-set of the foreign national population are at grave risk of human rights violations related to the death penalty, including arbitrary deprivation of the right to life in the context of unlawful death sentences and executions.
This report focuses on: states that receive migrant workers (‘receiving states’), in particular the states that make up the Association of South East Asian Nations or ASEAN (‘South East Asian states’) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (‘Gulf states’), and on states from which migrant workers travel to work (‘sending states’).
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Indonesia / Malaysia / Nigeria / Pakistan / Saudi Arabia
- Themes list Fair Trial / Legal Representation / Women
Killing in the Name of God: State-sanctioned Violations of Religious Freedom
By Eleos Justice, Monash University, on 10 November 2021
Academic report
Brunei Darussalam
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
More details See the document
As of 2020, blasphemy was formally criminalised in some 84 countries. As many as 21 countries criminalised apostasy as of 2019. The legal penalties for such offences range from fines to imprisonment to corporal punishment—and in at least 12 countries, the death penalty.
This report examines the extent to which States commit, or are complicit in, killings that violate religious freedom. Focussing on the 12 States in which offences against religion are lawfully punishable by death, we examine four different types of State-sanctioned killings on the basis of religious offence (apostasy, blasphemy, or alike) or affiliation (most commonly, membership of a religious minority): judicial executions, extrajudicial killings, killings by civilians, and killings by extremist groups. We explore the relationship between the retention of the death penalty for religious offences and other forms of State-sanctioned killings motivated by alleged religious offending or by religious identity.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Brunei Darussalam / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Maldives / Mauritania / Nigeria / Qatar / Saudi Arabia / Somalia / United Arab Emirates / Yemen
Chinese Netizens’ Opinions on Death Sentences
By Bin Liang and Jianhong Liu, The University of Michigan Press, on 4 November 2021
Academic report
Public Opinion
More details See the document
The People’s Republic of China no doubt leads the world in both numbers of death sentences and executions. Despite being the largest user of the death penalty, China has never conducted a national poll on citizens’ opinions toward capital punishment, while claiming “overwhelming public support” as a major justification for its retention and use. Based on a content analysis of 38,512 comments collected from 63 cases in 2015, this study examines the diversity and rationales of netizens’ opinions of and interactions with China’s criminal justice system. In addition, the book discusses China’s social, systemic, and structural problems and critically examines the rationality of netizens’ opinions based on Habermas’s communicative rationality framework. Readers will be able to contextualize Chinese netizens’ discussions and draw conclusions about commonalities and uniqueness of China’s death penalty practice.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list China
- Themes list Public Opinion
Women and the Death Penalty in Iran
By Iran Human Rights, on 8 October 2021
NGO report
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
More details See the document
In observation of the 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty dedicated to women, Iran Human Rights is providing a report on the women executed in Iran over the last 12 years (2010-2021). The executions in this period are by no means representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s complete history of executing women; the number of female political prisoners executed in the 1980s must be acknowledged due to their sheer volume and abhorrent nature. But even today, there is ample evidence of their cruel and inhuman treatment of female prisoners, which will be highlighted in this report.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Themes list Women
Jugée pour plus que son crime
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 7 October 2021
Rapport d'ONG
enMore details See the document
Ce rapport novateur vise à combler les lacunes critiques dans la compréhension de la manière dont les États appliquent la peine capitale dans une perspective de genre. Cette étude est la première à examiner comment et quand les femmes sont condamnées à mort et les conditions dans lesquelles elles sont détenues dans le couloir de […]
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Judged for More than Her Crime: a Global Overview of Women Facing the Death Penalty
Comment travailler avec les parlementaires pour l’abolition de la peine de mort ?
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 7 October 2021
Coalition mondiale
Travailler avec...
Public Opinion
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Ce guide pratique, rédigé en collaboration avec l’Action mondiale des parlementaires et qui s’appuie sur des exemples d’expériences sur le continent africain, s’adresse aux acteurs de la société civile voulant engager ou renforcer une collaboration avec les parlementaires pour l’abolition de la peine de mort.
- Document type Coalition mondiale / Travailler avec...
- Themes list Moratorium / Public Opinion
- Available languages How to Work with Parliamentarians for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
How to Work with Parliamentarians for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 7 October 2021
Working with...
World Coalition
Public Opinion
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This how-to guide, elaborated with Parliamentarians for Global Action with highlights coming from the African continent, is specifically designed for the use of abolitionist civil society groups who want to work with parliamentarians for the abolition of the death penalty.
- Document type Working with... / World Coalition
- Themes list Moratorium / Public Opinion
- Available languages Comment travailler avec les parlementaires pour l'abolition de la peine de mort ?
Deathworthy: a mental health perspective of the death penalty
By Project 39A, on 7 October 2021
Academic report
Mental Illness
More details See the document
A first of its kind report, Deathworthy, presents empirical data on mental illness and intellectual disability among death row prisoners in India and the psychological consequences of living on death row. The report finds that an overwhelming majority of death row prisoners interviewed (62.2%) had a mental illness and 11% had intellectual disability. The proportion of persons with mental illness and intellectual disability on death row is overwhelmingly higher than the proportion in the community population. The report also establishes correlations between conditions of death row incarceration and mental illness and ill-health. Led and conceptualised by Maitreyi Misra (Head, Mental Health and Criminal Justice, Project 39A, National Law University Delhi), the study was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Pratima Murthy (Director, NIMHANS), Dr Sanjeev Jain (Senior Professor, Deptt of Psychiatry, NIMHANS) and Dr Gitanjali Narayanan (Associate Professor, Deptt of Psychology, NIMHANS).
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list India
- Themes list Mental Illness
“No One Believed Me”: A Global Overview of Women Facing the Death Penalty for Drug Offenses
on 5 October 2021
NGO report
Drug Offenses
frMore details See the document
“No one believed me” is a quote from Merri Utami, who was sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Indonesia in 2002. Her quote reflects the injustices faced by women accused of capital drug offenses around the world: many decision-makers disbelieve women’s plausible innocence claims or discount the effects of relationships and economic instability on women’s decisions to traffic drugs.
Yemen – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women – Death Penalty – September 2021
on 20 September 2021
NGO report
World Coalition
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Women in conflict with the law in Yemen are at risk of experiencing gender-based discrimination within the legal system and while detained. Such discrimination is particularly acute when women are at risk of being sentenced to death. For example, in Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen, women are in danger of being sentenced to death for “spying,” often based primarily on the conduct of their male family members. In parts of the country controlled by the internationally recognized Government of Yemen, women accused of capital offenses are denied legal aid to mount a successful defense. And because of the mandatory nature of the death penalty for crimes such as murder, courts do not take into account an accused woman’s experiences of gender-based violence that may have motivated her actions. Women are also often financially unable to gather sufficient resources to pay “blood money” to victims’ families. Detention conditions for women, particularly in Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen, amount to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment and in some cases prison authorities torture women detainees.
Because of continued internal conflict in Yemen, there is limited official data regarding the number of women currently sentenced to death. For the same reason, there is only limited information regarding detention conditions of women sentenced to death.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Yemen
- Themes list Women
The Maldives – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women – Death Penalty – September 2021
on 20 September 2021
NGO report
World Coalition
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The Maldives’ continued use of the death penalty undermines government efforts and commitments to end gender-based discrimination. The death penalty invites discriminatory sentences against women for adultery and other crimes of sexual immorality, as well as for acting as accomplices to murder committed by male counterparts. Capital punishment promotes negative stereotypes about women and reinforces discriminatory gender roles. The possibility of facing the death penalty also discourages human rights defenders from civic engagement on a number of human rights issues, including women’s human rights.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Maldives
Report of the Secretary General: Question of the death penalty 2021 (A/HRC/48/29)
By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), on 15 September 2021
United Nations report
Public Opinion
More details See the document
The present report is submitted pursuant to decision 18/117 and resolution 42/24 of the Human Rights Council. The report focuses on consequences arising from the lack of transparency in the application and imposition of the death penalty on the enjoyment of human rights.
- Document type United Nations report
- Themes list Public Opinion
Traiter la dimension de genre de la peine de mort : Collaboration entre les parlementaires et la société civile
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 10 September 2021
Travailler avec...
enMore details Download [ pdf - 326 Ko ]
Créé à l’occasion de la 19ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort (10/10/21), cet outil a pour but de fournir des conseils pratiques et des suggestions concrètes aux organisations de la société civile qui souhaitent/ qui ont déjà collaboré avec les parlementaires pour mettre fin à la peine de mort et qui souhaitent attirer […]
- Document type Travailler avec...
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Addressing the Gender Dimension of the Death Penalty: Coaction Between Parliamentarians and Civil Society
Addressing the Gender Dimension of the Death Penalty: Coaction Between Parliamentarians and Civil Society
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 September 2021
Working with...
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Created on the occasion of the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty (10/10/21), this tool’s aim is to provide practical advice and concrete suggestions to civil society organizations who wish/ are already collaborating with parliamentarians to end the death penalty and bring attention to women sentenced to death.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Traiter la dimension de genre de la peine de mort : Collaboration entre les parlementaires et la société civile
كتيب باللغة العربية – الدورة التاسعة عشرة للیوم العالمي لمناھضة عقوبة الإعدام
By التحالف العالمي ضد عقوبة الإعدام, on 9 September 2021
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في 10 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2021، يُخصص اليوم العالمي للنساء اللائي قد يتعرضن لصدور أحكام الإعدام في حقهن، واللائي تم إعدامهن، وكذلك النساء اللائي تم تبرئتهن أو تم العفو عنهن. وذلك لأن قصصهن تبقى حقائق غير مرئية.
- Document type حملات
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Leaflet World Day Against the Death Penalty 2021 - ENBrochure FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
By 世界反死刑联盟, on 9 September 2021
arenfrMore details Download [ pdf - 993 Ko ]
- Document type 活动
- Themes list Women
- Available languages رزمة التعبئةMobilization Kit World Day 2021Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2021
Statuts 2021
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 9 September 2021
Coalition mondiale
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Statuts de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort Tels que modifiés par l’Assemblée générale du 18 juin 2021
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Bylaws 2021
Bylaws 2021
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 September 2021
World Coalition
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Bylaws of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty As Amended by the 18 June 2021 General Assembly
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Statuts 2021
Rapport d’Activité 2020
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 9 September 2021
Coalition mondiale
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Rapport d’activité de la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort de 2020, tel qu’adopté par son Assemblée générale du 18 juin 2021
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages 2020 Activity Report
2020 Activity Report
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 9 September 2021
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 496 Ko ]
Activity Report of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty for 2020, as adopted by its General Assembly on 18 June 2021
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Rapport d'Activité 2020
The Arts and Human Rights: Introducing the “Sweet Destiny” Album and Film
on 25 August 2021
Multimedia content
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
More details See the document
Iran Human Rights (IHR); August 25, 2021: Pioneering Iranian alternative rock band, Kiosk have released a new musical film and album titled “Sweet Destiny.” Based on a historic 1853 photograph of a public execution by cannon fire in Iran, it is the first professional Farsi language album or film of its kind to be dedicated to the subject of the death penalty.
The story is narrated by the photographer who has been summoned to photograph the scene of the execution as proof and questions the defendant’s crime. Divided into 14 acts, the imagined story of the execution is layered with cultural and political metaphors and references. Kiosk’s rich and poignant songs create context, take the viewers through the history of Iran since 1853 and highlight the critical issues around the death penalty and human rights breaches in Iran. Using historical photographs, paintings and animation, Sweet Destiny is visually mesmerising and thought provoking with sprinkles of satire that masterfully cross cultural boundaries. The film is subtitled in English.
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list Iran (Islamic Republic of)
La peine de mort et l’interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants
on 21 August 2021
Coalition mondiale
Rapport d'ONG
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
enMore details See the document
Les organisations signataires sont convaincues que la peine de mort est incompatible avec l’interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants, qui est une norme impérative du droit international (jus cogens), et doit donc être abolie. La peine de mort n’est tolérée par le droit et les standards internationaux que dans la mesure où elle ne peut être imposée que pour les crimes les plus graves et appliquée de manière à causer le moins de souffrance possible. Cependant, les organisations signataires estiment que, de la condamnation à l’exécution, la peine de mort cause inévitablement des dommages physiques et des souffrances psychologiques assimilables à de la torture ou à des mauvais traitements.
Le présent document de position expose dans quelle mesure les organisations internationales et régionales ont déjà reconnu une violation de l’interdiction absolue de la torture dans l’application et l’imposition de la peine de mort.
- Document type Coalition mondiale / Rapport d'ONG
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
- Available languages The death penalty and the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
The death penalty and the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
on 21 August 2021
NGO report
World Coalition
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
frMore details See the document
The signatory organizations are convinced that the death penalty is incompatible with the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which is a peremptory norm of international law (jus cogens) and should thus be abolished. The death penalty is only tolerated by international law and standards to the extent that it may only be imposed for the most serious crimes and applied in a way that causes the least possible suffering. However, the signatory organizations believe that from the sentencing to the execution, the death penalty inevitably causes physical harm and psychological suffering amounting to torture or ill-treatments.
The present position paper documents the extent to which international and regional organisation have already recognised a violation of the absolution prohibitionof torture in the application and imposition of the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
- Available languages La peine de mort et l'interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants
Poster Hausa 2021 – Ranan Yancin Hukum Cin Kissan Dounia
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 August 2021
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Matan da Akama Hukun Cin Raï da Raï : Gaskiyan da Ba’a Gani
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Poster Zarma 2021 – Jaaro Kan Ika Unndunyara Imatamgan Nda Wiiyen Ciito
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 August 2021
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Woyboro Kan Wii Yen Ciiti Ndira a Bon Cimi No Kan Borey Si Nga Ndi
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Poster TL 2021- Pandaigdigang Araw Laban sa Parusang Kamatayan
on 10 August 2021
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Kababaihang nahatulan ng parusang kamatayan: isang di nakikitang realidad
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 August 2021
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- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Poster Lingala 2021 – Mokolo ya kobundela etumbu ya liwa na mokili mobimba
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 August 2021
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Basi pe bazali kozuwa etumbu ya liwa: Ezali kosalema kasi komonana na miso ya bato te
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
رزمة التعبئة
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 10 August 2021
enfrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 1025 Ko ]
هجوتياليوم العالميعلى ءاوسلادحإلى القادة السياسيين والى الر أي العام في الدول متيمليتلاإلغاء عقوبة الإعدام فيها وفي الدول التي قد ألغتها.
للسنة التاسعةعشرة على التوالي، يدعو التحالف العالمي لمناهضة عقوبة الإعدام إلى إطلاق مبادرات محلية وأعمال على المستوى الدولي من أجل تسليط الضوء على إلغاء عقوبة الإعدام. والهدف من رزمة التعبئة هو تقديم معلومات بشأن أهداف هذه تيتلاةطشنلأانعراكفأميدقتوةنسلازعزهدف إلغاء عقوبة الإعدام عالميا.
- Document type حملات
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Mobilization Kit World Day 2021Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2021動員資料包
Saisir les procédures spéciales du Conseil des droits de l’Homme des Nations unies : les femmes et la peine de mort
on 10 August 2021
Travailler avec...
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La Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et Reprieve ont rédigé, dans le cadre de la 19ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort, ce guide pratique sur la manière de saisir les procédures spéciales des Nations unies afin d’attirer l’attention sur le cas de femmes condamnées à mort.
- Document type Travailler avec...
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty - Engaging the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council: Women and the Death Penalty
19th World Day Against the Death Penalty – Engaging the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council: Women and the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Reprieve, FIACAT, The Advocates for Human Rights, on 10 August 2021
Working with...
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While the methods in this tool are applicable beyond the scope of capital punishment, for the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty, Reprieve and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty have drafted this How-To on engaging the United Nations (UN) Special Procedures for elevating cases pertaining to women who have been sentenced to the death penalty.
- Document type Working with...
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Saisir les procédures spéciales du Conseil des droits de l'Homme des Nations unies : les femmes et la peine de mort
The war on drugs, forensic science and the death penalty in the Philippines
By Maria Corazon A.De Ungria and Jose M.Jose, on 10 August 2021
Academic report
Drug Offenses
More details See the document
The effectiveness of the death penalty to deter heinous crimes remains a contentious issue even though it has been abolished in many countries. Three years into President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, the push to re-impose the death penalty is being taken seriously.
There is urgency in providing options to the drug problem other than killing drug suspects in the streets or sentencing them to death. The drug problem is a complex issue and exposes the human vulnerability of its users for criminal exploitation.
We propose here that addressing these vulnerabilities in a balanced and comprehensive manner through health-focused, rights-based criminal justice responses, conducting forensic science-based drug investigations and determining the social causes of drug abuse is an alternative solution that demands cooperation across different sectors of society as well as underscores the fundamental value of human life.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Death in the time of Covid-19: Efforts to restore the death penalty in the Philippines
By Jose M.Jose and Maria Corazon A.De Ungria, on 10 August 2021
Academic report
Drug Offenses
More details See the document
The Philippine Congress recently passed a bill amending the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and reimposing the penalty of life imprisonment to death for specific-drug related offenses. House Bill No. 7814 also allows the presumption of guilt in certain drug-related crimes unless otherwise proven, thereby overturning the long-standing constitutional presumption of innocence.
The bill has been sent to the Senate for its concurrence and could only be several steps away before being signed into law by President Rodrigo R. Duterte. This paper discusses the ramifications of the new bill and the questioned timeliness of its passage when the country continues to have a large and overcrowded prison population and a significant number of deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 in Southeast Asia.
The government’s lapses in following the 2021 national vaccination plan became apparent in the 31 March 2021 assessment made by the congressional health panel on the government’s response to the pandemic.
From the authors’ perspective, the urgency of using the country’s limited resources to help medical frontliners and local government units prevent further infections and save lives should have outweighed the efforts exerted to pass a law that legalized the death penalty for the third time in the Philippines.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Drug Offenses
Empêcher le retour de la peine capitale aux Maldives
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, Nasheen Kalkat - Reprieve, on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
enMore details Download [ pdf - 955 Ko ]
Résultats d’une étude préliminaire sur la situation actuelle des organisations de la société civile en faveur de l’abolition, des risques auxquels elles sont confrontées et de leurs besoins pour renforcer leurs capacités.
- Document type Campagnes
- Countries list Maldives
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Preventing the Reinstatement of Capital Punishment in the Maldives
Preventing the Reinstatement of Capital Punishment in the Maldives
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Nasheen Kalkat - Reprieve, on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
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Findings from a preliminary study concerning the local abolitionist movement, risksto related civilsociety organizations and the identification of capacity building opportunities.
- Document type Campaigning
- Countries list Maldives
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Empêcher le retour de la peine capitale aux Maldives
Prévenir la réintroduction de la peine de mort aux Philippines
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, Mai Sato et Sara Kowal, on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
enMore details Download [ pdf - 227 Ko ]
Résultat d’un étude sur les menaces qui pèsent sur les efforts de la société civile locale et les risques encourus par la réintroduction de la peine de mort aux Philippines.
- Document type Campagnes
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Preventing the Reintroduction of the Death Penalty in the Philippines
Preventing the Reintroduction of the Death Penalty in the Philippines
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Mai Sato and Sara Kowal, on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
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Findings of a study on the threats facing local civil society efforts to combat reinstroduction of the death penalty and the risks involved with reintroducing the death penalty in the Philippines.
- Document type Campaigning
- Countries list Philippines
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Prévenir la réintroduction de la peine de mort aux Philippines
Turquie : Quels sont les risques de rétablissement de la peine de mort ?
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, Anne Souléliac, Rusen Aytac - Barreau de Paris, on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
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Résultats de l’étude préliminaire sur la situation des défenseur·e·s des droits humains en Turquie et la possibilité d’un retour à la peine de mort
- Document type Campagnes
- Countries list Turkey
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Turkey: The Risk of Reinstatment of the Death Penalty
Turkey: The Risk of Reinstatment of the Death Penalty
By World Caolition againt the Death Penalty, Anne Souléliac, Rusen Aytac - Barreau de Paris, on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
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Findings from a preliminary study on the situation of human rights defenders in Turkey and the potential of a return to capital punishment.
- Document type Campaigning
- Countries list Turkey
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Turquie : Quels sont les risques de rétablissement de la peine de mort ?
The death penalty in Egypt: Ten year after the uprising
By Jeed Basyouni - Reprieve, on 10 August 2021
NGO report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Death Row Conditions
Fair Trial
More details See the document
Reprieve wrote this report about the use of the death penalty in Egypt.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Egypt
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment / Death Row Conditions / Fair Trial
Astuces et conseils utiles face au harcèlement en ligne
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort , on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
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Les organisations de défense des droits humains qui mènent des activités de plaidoyer en ligne sont confrontées à des menaces de plus en plus dangereuses. Dans ce guide, nous fournissons quelques conseils et astuces utiles vis-à-vis du harcèlement en ligne, ainsi qu’une liste de ressources auxquelles les organisations peuvent se référer pour faire face au harcèlement en ligne.
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Helpful Hints and Advice on Online Harassment
Helpful Hints and Advice on Online Harassment
By World Coalition against the Death Penalty , on 10 August 2021
Public Opinion
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Online advocacy efforts by human rights organizations face increasingly dangerous threats. In this short guide, we elaborate a few helpful hints and
advice, as well as list a compilation of resources that organizations can refer to handle online harassment.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Public Opinion
- Available languages Astuces et conseils utiles face au harcèlement en ligne
Fair Trial Standards in the Maldives in Dhivehi
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Maldivian Democracy Network , on 10 August 2021
Fair Trial
Legal Representation
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އް ތަ ޑު ނގަ ން މި ގެ ތު ޢަ ރީ ޝަ ރި ވެ ފު ސާ ން އި ގެ ޭޖއް ރާ ހި ވެ ދި
2020ސް ވަ ދު ރާ ކު ގަ ހަ ފާ އި ގަ ރު ވަ ން ފެ ގެ ޔޭ ނި ދު ށް ޅަ ކޮ ދެ ބާ ދަ އަ ގެ ރު މ
- Document type Campaigning
- Countries list Maldives
- Themes list Fair Trial / Legal Representation
Fair Trial Standards in the Maldives (World Day Against the Death Penalty 2020)
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Maldivian Democracy Network , on 10 August 2021
Fair Trial
Legal Representation
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For the 18th World Day Against the Death Penalty this year is dedicated to the right to effective legal representation for individuals who face death sentences around the world. The theme of access to counsel reinforces the importance of fair trial standards in every legal system and judicial context.
- Document type Campaigning
- Countries list Maldives
- Themes list Fair Trial / Legal Representation
Investigating Attitudes to the Death Penalty in Indonesia in bahasa Indonesia
By Universitas Indonesia LBH Masyarakat Universitas Oxford The Death Penalty Project, on 10 August 2021
NGO report
Drug Offenses
Public Opinion
More details See the document
Pandangan Para Pembentuk Opini tentang Hukuman Mati di Indonesia
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Indonesia
- Themes list Drug Offenses / Public Opinion
Capital Punishment, 2019 – Statistical Tables
By U.S. Department of Justice Tracy L. Snell, on 10 August 2021
Government body report
Death Row Conditions
Drug Offenses
United States
More details See the document
This report presents statistics on persons who were under sentence of death or were executed in 2019
- Document type Government body report
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions / Drug Offenses
State-Sanctioned Killing of Sexual Minorities: Looking Beyond the Death Penalty
By Mai Sato, Christopher Alexander - Eleos Justice and Capital Punishment Justice Project, Monash University, on 10 August 2021
Academic report
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
More details See the document
This report examines the extent to which states sanction the killing of sexual minorities. It looks beyond those countries that impose the death penalty for same-sex intimacy to the far greater number of countries in which state actors commission, condone, endorse and enable such killings.
He argues that the state-sanctioned killing of sexual minorities is often perpetrated well beyond the boundaries of the law, and even in countries that do not criminalise such conduct.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list Australia
- Themes list Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Right Here, Right Now Life Stories from America’s Death Row
By Lynden Harris, on 10 August 2021
Death Row Conditions
United States
More details See the document
Upon receiving his execution date, one of the thousands of men living on death row in the United States had an epiphany: “All there ever is, is this moment. You, me, all of us, right here, right now, this minute, that’s love.”
Right Here, Right Now collects the powerful, first-person stories of dozens of men on death rows across the country. From childhood experiences living with poverty, hunger, and violence to mental illness and police misconduct to coming to terms with their executions, these men outline their struggle to maintain their connection to society and sustain the humanity that incarceration and its daily insults attempt to extinguish.
By offering their hopes, dreams, aspirations, fears, failures, and wounds, the men challenge us to reconsider whether our current justice system offers actual justice or simply perpetuates the social injustices that obscure our shared humanity.
- Document type Book
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
The Phantom
By Patrick Forbes, on 10 August 2021
Multimedia content
Public Opinion
United States
More details See the document
THE PHANTOM tells the story of one of the darkest episodes in the long history of American justice. A story of how the State of Texas knowingly sent an innocent man to his death and left a serial killer at large. A case in which – for the first time – it can be conclusively proven that the US courts executed a blameless man.
This film uncovers the shocking truth behind a tale of murder, corruption and lies that unfolded in the dusty, desperate streets of a Texas oil town nearly thirty years ago.
- Document type Multimedia content
- Countries list United States
- Themes list Innocence / Public Opinion
Life After Sentence of Death: What Becomes of Individuals Under Sentence of Death After Capital Punishment Legislation is Repealed or Invalidated
By James R. Acker, Brian W. Stull, on 25 July 2021
Academic report
United States
More details See the document
More than 2500 individuals are now under sentence of death in the United States. At the same time, multiple indicators—public opinion polls, legislative repeal and judicial invalidation of deathpenalty laws, the reduction in new death sentences, and infrequency of executions—suggest that support for capital punishment has significantly eroded. As jurisdictions abandon or consider eliminating the death-penalty, the fate of prisoners on death row—whether their death sentences, valid when imposed, should be carried out or whether these individuals should instead be spared execution—looms as contentious political and legal issues, fraught with complex philosophical, penological, and constitutional questions. This article presents a detailed account of what has happened historically to persons awaiting execution, principally within the United States but also internationally, at the time capital-punishment legislation is repealed or invalidated (either completely, or with respect to a narrow category of crimes or persons). Our analysis has uncovered no instances of executions being carried out under those circumstances. This finding has important policy implications and is directly relevant to the Supreme Court’s Eighth Amendment jurisprudence, which relies on execution practices as one measure to help inform the Court about whether the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment.
- Document type Academic report
- Countries list United States
Uganda – Universal Periodic Review – Death Penalty – July 2021
on 21 July 2021
NGO report
World Coalition
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This report addresses Uganda’s compliance with its international human rights obligations with respect to the death penalty. The report examines and discusses the current state of the death penalty in Uganda, including (1) the broad scope of crimes that are eligible for the death penalty; (2) the lack of effective access to counsel in capital cases; (3) the occurrence of extrajudicial killings.
This report recommends that Uganda adopt a number of key steps to better align its death penalty practices with Uganda’s international human rights obligations. These steps include the following: establishing an official, de jure moratorium on the death penalty; reducing the number and scope of crimes that are eligible for the death penalty; reducing the maximum possible sentence from death to one that is fair, proportionate and in compliance with international human rights standards; and other measures
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Uganda
Zimbabwe – Universal Periodic Review – Death Penalty – July 2021
By Eleos Justice, Monash University, on 15 July 2021
NGO report
World Coalition
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This report addresses Zimbabwe’s compliance with its human rights obligations with respect to its use of the death penalty. The United Nations considers Zimbabwe a de facto abolitionist country. It has not carried out any executions since 2005. Courts, however, continue to sentence individuals to death, with 88 people currently on death row as of December 2020, after 8 sentences were commuted in April 2020. The new Zimbabwean Constitution (the “2013 Constitution”) has replaced the mandatory death penalty with a discretionary sentence for the crime of murder committed under aggravating circumstances. The 2013 Constitution further outlaws the imposition of the death penalty on women, men over the age of 70, and men under the age of 21 at the time the offence was committed. In its 2016 Universal Periodic Review, Zimbabwe noted all recommendations related to the death penalty, partly on the ground that Zimbabwean public opinion did not support abolition of death penalty. Since 2016, developments demonstrate a more positive attitude among the public and opinion leaders toward further reform and the abolition of death penalty.
This report focuses on various issues concerning the death penalty and related international human rights instruments, and on conditions of detention and acts of torture and ill treatment of people in detention. Specifically, this report recommends that Zimbabwe abolish the death penalty, improve detention conditions, ratify relevant human rights treaties, and increase resources dedicated to improving the justice system.
- Document type NGO report / World Coalition
- Countries list Zimbabwe
Fiche d’information détaillée: Femmes et la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, The Advocates for Human Rights, on 1 July 2021
enMore details Download [ pdf - 624 Ko ]
Le 10 octobre 2021, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et d’autres organisations abolitionnistes du monde entier célébreront la 19ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort.
Cette année, la Journée mondiale est dédiée aux femmes qui risquent d’être condamnées à mort, qui ont été condamnées à mort, qui ont été exécutées, ainsi qu’à celles qui ont été graciées ou reconnues innocentes.
Cette fiche d’information détaillée utilisera l’expression « femmes condamnées à mort » comme une formulation générale pour toutes ces catégories. Comme les femmes ne représentent qu’un faible pourcentage des personnes condamnées à mort dans le monde, très peu d’informations sont disponibles sur le sujet. Pourtant, il est possible d’en apprendre beaucoup sur les femmes condamnées à mort en analysant leurs crimes, leur vie avant les crimes et les conditions dans lesquelles elles sont détenues dans le couloir de la mort.
- Document type Array
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Detailed Factsheet: Women and the Death Penalty
Detailed Factsheet: Women and the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, The Advocates for Human Rights, on 1 July 2021
frMore details Download [ pdf - 534 Ko ]
On 10 October 2021, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and other abolitionist organizations worldwide will celebrate the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty.
This year, the World Day is dedicated to women who risk being sentenced to death, who have received a death sentence, who have been executed, and to those who have had their death sentences commuted, exonerated, or pardoned.
This detailed factsheet will use the phrase “women sentenced to death” as an inclusive phrase for all of these categories. As women represent a small percentage of those on death row globally, very little has been reported about these women. Yet we can learn much by analyzing their crimes, their lives prior to the crimes, and the conditions under which they are detained on death row.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Fiche d'information détaillée: Femmes et la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 1 July 2021
enMore details Download [ pdf - 1030 Ko ]
Recueil de témoignages d’expériences de femmes dans le monde concernant leur condamnation à mort – Journée mondiale 2021
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Women
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 1 July 2021
frMore details Download [ pdf - 942 Ko ]
Collection of testimonials of women’s experiences around the world regarding their death sentences- World Day 2021
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, FIACAT; The Advocates for Human Rights; Cornell Center on the DP Worldwide, on 30 June 2021
enMore details Download [ pdf - 398 Ko ]
Le 10 octobre 2021, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et d’autres organisations abolitionnistes du monde entier célébreront la 19ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort.
Cette année, la Journée mondiale est consacrée aux femmes qui risquent d’être condamnées à mort, qui ont été condamnées à mort, qui ont été exécutées, ainsi qu’à celles qui ont été graciées ou reconnues innocentes. La transidentité constitue une autre minorité de genre. Une personne trans est « une personne qui vit ou qui souhaite vivre dans un genre différent de celui qui lui a été assigné à la naissance. Cela englobe toute personne ayant fait ou souhaitant faire le choix d’une transition, qu’elle choisisse ou non d’avoir recours à des traitements médicaux et/ou des chirurgies dans cet objectif » .
La peine capitale vise de manière disproportionnée les personnes socialement marginalisées : la situation est similaire pour les personnes trans, qui peuvent être victimes de discrimination dans tous les aspects de leur vie.
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Women
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty; FIACAT; The Advocates for Human Rights; Cornell Center on the DP Worldwide, on 30 June 2021
frMore details Download [ pdf - 450 Ko ]
On 10 October 2021, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and other abolitionist organizations worldwide will celebrate the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty.
This year the World Day is dedicated to women who risk being sentenced to death, who have received a death sentence, who have been executed, and to those who have had their death sentences commuted, have been exonerated or pardoned. Included in this theme, are trans women and other gender diverse individuals, who are a minority on death row but who are discriminated against on the basis of gender.
Capital punishment disproportionately targets socially marginalized individuals; it is no different for transgender people, who may face discrimination in every aspect of their lives.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 30 June 2021
enMore details Download [ pdf - 220 Ko ]
2020/2021 Fiche de faits et chiffres pour la Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Women / Terrorism
- Available languages FACTS AND FIGURES 2020/2021
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 30 June 2021
frMore details Download [ pdf - 196 Ko ]
2020/2021 Facts & Figures Sheet for the World Day Against the Death Penalty
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Terrorism / Women
- Available languages FAITS ET CHIFFRES 2020/2021
Investigating Attitudes to the Death Penalty in Indonesia, Part Two – Public Opinion: No Barrier to Abolition
By Carolyn Hoyle - The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and the University of Indonesia, on 28 June 2021
NGO report
Drug Offenses
Public Opinion
More details See the document
In 2019-20, The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and the University of Indonesia, commissioned Professor Carolyn Hoyle, of The Death Penalty Research Unit at the University of Oxford to conduct research investigating attitudes towards the death penalty in Indonesia. The findings have been presented in a two-part report; the first details the findings of a nuanced public survey and the second details the findings of interviews conducted with opinion formers. The public opinion research was undertaken by surveying a stratified random sample of 1,515 respondents – a sample large enough to make inferences from the data about the views of the overall population.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Indonesia
- Themes list Drug Offenses / Public Opinion
Investigating Attitudes to the Death Penalty in Indonesia Part One – Opinion Formers: An Appetite for Change
By Carolyn Hoyle - The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and the University of Indonesia, on 28 June 2021
NGO report
Drug Offenses
Public Opinion
More details See the document
In 2019-20, The Death Penalty Project, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and the University of Indonesia, commissioned Professor Carolyn Hoyle, of The Death Penalty Research Unit at the University of Oxford to conduct research investigating attitudes towards the death penalty in Indonesia.
The findings have been presented in a two-part report; the first details the findings of a nuanced public survey and the second details the findings of interviews conducted with opinion formers.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Indonesia
- Themes list Drug Offenses / Public Opinion
Appel d’offre Voyages
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 15 June 2021
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 692 Ko ]
La Coalition mondiale requiert des contrats pour des services de gestion de voyages, sur une base non exclusive, pour le personnel de la Coalition mondiale, ses membres et partenaires.
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Available languages Call Tender Travels
Call Tender Travels
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 15 June 2021
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 693 Ko ]
The World Coalition requires travel management services, on a non-exclusive basis, for World Coalition staff, members and partners.
- Document type World Coalition
- Available languages Appel d'offre Voyages
Appel d’Offre Evaluation 2021
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 15 June 2021
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 515 Ko ]
Évaluation finale externe du projet « Enrayer les risques de résurgence de la peine de mort dans trois pays abolitionnistes » de 36 mois sur 3 pays : Maldives, Philippines et Turquie
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Countries list Maldives / Philippines / Turkey
- Available languages Call Tender Evaluation 2021
Call Tender Evaluation 2021
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 15 June 2021
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 491 Ko ]
External Evaluation of the project “Preventing the risk of resurgence of the death penalty in three abolitionist countries” of 36 months in the Maldives, Philippines and Turkey
- Document type World Coalition
- Countries list Maldives / Philippines / Turkey
- Available languages Appel d'Offre Evaluation 2021
Assemblée générale du 18 juin 2021 – Programme
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 15 June 2021
Coalition mondiale
enMore details Download [ pdf - 300 Ko ]
Si vous faites partie d’une organisation membres, rejoignez-nous pour ce fabuleux programme du vendredi 18 juin !
- Document type Coalition mondiale
- Themes list Women / Juveniles
- Available languages 2021 General Assembly of the World coalition against the death penalty - Program
2021 General Assembly of the World coalition against the death penalty – Program
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 15 June 2021
World Coalition
frMore details Download [ pdf - 280 Ko ]
If you are a member organization, join the fantastic program we will have on Friday 18 June!
- Document type World Coalition
- Themes list Juveniles / Women
- Available languages Assemblée générale du 18 juin 2021 - Programme
Poster SWA – 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
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Wanawake waliohukumiwa kunyongwa: Ukweli uliofichika
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Poster JPN – 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
More details Download [ pdf - 8372 Ko ]
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Poster DE – 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
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Frauen in der Todeszelle: Ungesehene Realität
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Poster IT – 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
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Donne condannate a morte: una realta’ invisibile
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
Brochure FR – 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 10 June 2021
arenMore details Download [ pdf - 1231 Ko ]
Le 10 octobre 2021, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et les organisations abolitionnistes du monde entier célébreront la 19ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort.
Cette année, la Journée mondiale est consacrée aux femmes qui risquent d’être condamnées à mort, qui ont été condamnées à mort, qui ont été exécutées, ainsi qu’à celles qui ont été graciées ou reconnues innocentes.
Leurs histoires sont des réalités invisibles.
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Women
- Available languages كتيب باللغة العربية - الدورة التاسعة عشرة للیوم العالمي لمناھضة عقوبة الإعدامLeaflet World Day Against the Death Penalty 2021 - EN
Leaflet World Day Against the Death Penalty 2021 – EN
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
arfrMore details Download [ pdf - 652 Ko ]
On 10 October 2021, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and abolitionist organizations around the world will celebrate the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty.
This year the World Day is dedicated to women who risk being sentenced to death, who have received a death sentence, who have been executed, and to those who have had their death sentences commuted, have been exonerated or pardoned.
Their stories are an invisible reality.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
- Available languages كتيب باللغة العربية - الدورة التاسعة عشرة للیوم العالمي لمناھضة عقوبة الإعدامBrochure FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
Rapport de la Journée mondiale 2020
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 10 June 2021
Legal Representation
enMore details Download [ pdf - 985 Ko ]
La 18e Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort s’est penchée sur le thème « Accès à un avocat : Une question de vie ou de mort » à la lumière de l’exécution continue d’individus qui luttent pour obtenir un soutien adéquat de la part de l’État (en ayant accès à un avocat formé et expérimenté, en disposant de suffisamment de temps pour monter une défense, etc.
Avoir accès à une représentation qualifiée et efficace à toutes les étapes d’un procès est important pour garantir une procédure régulière et peut faire la différence entre la vie et la mort pour les personnes risquant la peine capitale.
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Legal Representation
- Available languages 2020 World Day report
Poster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
arenesfafrruMore details Download [ pdf - 8372 Ko ]
- Document type 活动
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدامPoster EN - 2021 World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster ES - 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگAffiche FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казни
Poster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казни
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
arenesfafrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8373 Ko ]
Женщины, приговоренные к смертной казни: невидимая реальность
- Document type Кампании
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدامPoster EN - 2021 World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster ES - 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگAffiche FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگ
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
مبارزات انتخاباتی
arenesfrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8373 Ko ]
زنان محکوم به مرگ: یک حقیقت پنهان
- Document type مبارزات انتخاباتی
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدامPoster EN - 2021 World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster ES - 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de MuerteAffiche FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казниPoster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
Kit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2021
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 10 June 2021
arenzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 699 Ko ]
La Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort s’adresse aux responsables politiques et à l’opinion publique des pays qui n’ont pas encore aboli comme ceux des pays qui l’ont déjà abolie.
Depuis 19 ans, la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort appelle à des initiatives locales et à des actions mondiales qui mettent en lumière l’abolition de la peine de mort.
Le but de ce kit de mobilisation est d’informer sur les objectifs de cette Journée mondiale et de fournir des idées d’activités qui renforcent l’objectif abolitionniste mondial.
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Women
- Available languages رزمة التعبئةMobilization Kit World Day 2021動員資料包
2020 World Day report
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
Legal Representation
frMore details Download [ pdf - 1081 Ko ]
The 18th World Day Against the Death Penalty explored the theme “Access to Counsel: A Matter of Life or Death” in light of the continued execution of individuals who struggle to have adequate support from the State (in having access to a trained, experienced attorney, to have adequate time to mount a defense, etc), who consequently also face their challenges in the judicial system.
Having access to qualified and effective representation at all stages of a trial is important to ensure due process and can spell the difference between life and death for people facing capital punishment.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Legal Representation
- Available languages Rapport de la Journée mondiale 2020
Poster EN – 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
aresfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8373 Ko ]
Women sentenced to death: an invisible reality.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدامPoster ES - 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگAffiche FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казниPoster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
Mobilization Kit World Day 2021
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
arfrzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 847 Ko ]
The World Day Against the Death Penalty is aimed at political leaders and public opinion in both retentionist and abolitionist countries.
For the 19th year in a row, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is calling for local initiatives and world-wide actions that shine a spotlight on the abolition of the death penalty.
The goal of this Mobilization Kit is to inform of this year’s objectives as well provide ideas of activities that boost the global abolitionist goal. This year the World Day is dedicated to women who risk being sentenced to death, who have received a death sentence, who have been executed, and to those who have had their death sentences commuted, have been exonerated or pardoned.
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
- Available languages رزمة التعبئةKit de mobilisation Journée mondiale 2021動員資料包
Poster ES – 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
arenfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8373 Ko ]
Mujeres condenadas a muerte: una realidad invisible
- Document type Campaigning
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدامPoster EN - 2021 World Day Against the Death Penalty2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگAffiche FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казниPoster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
Affiche FR – 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort
By Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort, on 10 June 2021
arenesfaruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8306 Ko ]
Femmes condamnées à mort : une réalité invisible
- Document type Campagnes
- Themes list Women
- Available languages 2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدامPoster EN - 2021 World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster ES - 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگPoster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казниPoster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
2021اليوم العالمي ضدّ عقوبة الاعدام
By World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, on 10 June 2021
enesfafrruzh-hantMore details Download [ pdf - 8373 Ko ]
النساء المحكومات بالاعدام : واقع غير مرئي
- Document type حملات
- Themes list Women
- Available languages Poster EN - 2021 World Day Against the Death PenaltyPoster ES - 2021 Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte2021روز جهانی علیه مجازات مرگAffiche FR - 2021 Journée mondiale contre la peine de mortPoster RU- 2021 Всемирный день против смертной казниPoster ZH 2021- 世界反死刑日
A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человека
on 2 June 2021
Международное право - Организация Объединенных Наций
arenesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type Международное право - Организация Объединенных Наций
- Available languages A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 قرار اعتمده جملس حقوق اإلنسايفA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de DerechosA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 人权理事会 月 日通过的决议
A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 人权理事会 月 日通过的决议
on 2 June 2021
国际法 - 联合国
arenesfrruMore details See the document
- Document type 国际法 - 联合国
- Available languages A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 قرار اعتمده جملس حقوق اإلنسايفA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de DerechosA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человека
A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 قرار اعتمده جملس حقوق اإلنسايف
on 2 June 2021
القانون الدولي - الأمم المتحدة
enesfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type القانون الدولي - الأمم المتحدة
- Available languages A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights CouncilA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de DerechosA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 人权理事会 月 日通过的决议
A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council
on 2 June 2021
International law - United Nations
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
- Document type International law - United Nations
- Available languages A/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 قرار اعتمده جملس حقوق اإلنسايفA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Resolución aprobada por el Consejo de DerechosA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Résolution adoptée par le Conseil des droits de l’hommeA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 Резолюция, принятая Советом по правам человекаA/HRC/48/L.17/Rev.1 人权理事会 月 日通过的决议
La seconda lettera. Corrispondenza con un condannato a morte.
By Laura Bellotti, on 2 June 2021
Fair Trial
More details See the document
James Aren Duckett è detenuto nell’FSP (Florida State Prison) dal 30 giugno 1988, a seguito della condanna per lo stupro e l’uccisione di una bambina di 11 anni. In questi 33 anni, Jim, così lo chiamano gli amici e i suoi cari, lotta con i suoi legali per affermare la propria innocenza e per evidenziare le incongruenze e i malfunzionamenti del sistema giudiziario (e carcerario) degli Stati Uniti d’America. Oltre alla sua storia, la corrispondenza con l’autrice, iniziata nel 2012 e tuttora attiva, svela pensieri, paure e riflessioni di Jim, eternamente sospeso tra l’attesa di un responso e la vita in un carcere di massima sicurezza. Una preziosa testimonianza, la sua, che impone il rifiuto dell’idea che la Giustizia passi attraverso la pena di morte.
- Document type Book
- Themes list Fair Trial / Innocence
By Carole Berrih, Ngeow Chow Ying, ECPM, ADPAN, on 27 May 2021
NGO report
Death Row Conditions
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Isolation and Desolation – Conditions of Detention of People Sentenced to Death in Malaysia is the first ever fact-finding mission report on the conditions of detention of death row prisoners in Malaysia.
It examines the use of death penalty in Malaysia as well as the actual situation of people on death row.
This report is not meant to point fingers but rather to put the facts on the table in a transparent manner and work from there. It is mainly an advocacy tool for all abolitionist stakeholders, from civil society actors to the parliamentarians who will keep fighting for the abolition of the death penalty.
Isolation and Desolation – Conditions of Detention of People Sentenced to Death di Malaysia adalah satu-satunya laporan berasaskan misi mengkaji fakta (fact-finding mission) mengenai keadaan-keadaan penahanan bagi banduan-banduan hukuman mati di Malaysia.
Laporan ini mengkaji pelaksanaan hukuman mati di Malaysia dan juga keadaan sebenar orang-orang yang dijatuhkan hukuman mati.
Laporan ini bukan bertujuan untuk menunding jari terhadap mana-mana pihak, tetapi bertujuan untuk memberi pencerahan kepada fakta-fakta yang ditemui dan berusaha ke atasnya. Laporan ini bertujuan utama sebagai alat advokasi kepada semua pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan dalam pemansuhan, bermula dari ahli persatuan kemasyarakatan sehingga ahli parlimen yang akan berusaha berterusan untuk memansuhkan hukuman mati.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Malaysia
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
Isolement et désespoir conditions de détention des condamnés à mort Malaisie
By Carole Berrih, Ngeow Chow Ying, ECPM, ADPAN, on 27 May 2021
Rapport d'ONG
Death Row Conditions
enMore details See the document
Isolement et désespoir – Conditions de détention des condamnés à mort en Malaisie est le tout premier rapport de mission d’enquête sur les conditions de détention des condamnés à mort en Malaisie.
Il examine l’application de la peine de mort en Malaisie ainsi que la situation réelle des condamnés à mort.
Ce rapport n’a pas pour but de stigmatiser les autorités mais plutôt d’établir les faits de manière transparente et de travailler à partir de cette base. Il s’agit principalement d’un outil de plaidoyer pour toutes les parties prenantes abolitionnistes, des acteurs de la société civile aux parlementaires qui continuent à se battre pour l’abolition de la peine de mort.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Countries list Malaysia
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
- Available languages Isolation and desolation conditions of detention of people sentenced to death Malaysia
Isolation and desolation conditions of detention of people sentenced to death Malaysia
By Carole Berrih, Ngeow Chow Ying, ECPM, ADPAN, on 27 May 2021
NGO report
Death Row Conditions
frMore details See the document
Isolation and Desolation – Conditions of Detention of People Sentenced to Death in Malaysia is the first ever fact-finding mission report on the conditions of detention of death row prisoners in Malaysia.
It examines the use of death penalty in Malaysia as well as the actual situation of people on death row.
This report is not meant to point fingers but rather to put the facts on the table in a transparent manner and work from there. It is mainly an advocacy tool for all abolitionist stakeholders, from civil society actors to the parliamentarians who will keep fighting for the abolition of the death penalty.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Malaysia
- Themes list Death Row Conditions
- Available languages Isolement et désespoir conditions de détention des condamnés à mort Malaisie
Issues and recommendations to raise with the government of Malawi
By Reprieve, Sant'egidio, WCADP, on 27 May 2021
NGO report
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This document has been prepared by the Community of Sant’Egidio, Reprieve and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty to assist the Commissioners ahead of the 2nd/3rd periodic report of the Government of Malawi that covers the reporting period of 2015-2019.
- Document type NGO report
- Countries list Malawi
Rapport alternatif de l’ACAT Niger, la FIACAT, la CONICOPEM, le SYNAFEN, le REPRODEVH et la WCADP à l’occasion de l’examen du 15ème rapport périodique de la République du Niger sur la mise en œuvre de la Charte africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples
By ACAT Niger, FIACAT, WCADP, Coalition Nigerienne Contre La Peine de Mort, REPRODEVH Niger, SYNAFEN , on 26 May 2021
Rapport d'ONG
More details See the document
Le présent document vise à évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Charte africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples par l’État du Niger, notamment au regard du quinzième rapport périodique du Niger couvrant la période 2017-2019. Il a été élaboré conjointement par l’Action des chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture au Niger (ACAT Niger), la Fédération internationale des ACAT (FIACAT), la Coalition nigérienne contre la peine de mort (CONICOPEM), le Syndicat national de le formation et de l’éducation du Niger (SYNAFEN), le Réseau progrès et développement humanitaire du Niger (REPRODHV) et
la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort (WCADP). Son objectif est de contribuer à l’amélioration et aux respects des droits humains au Niger.
- Document type Rapport d'ONG
- Countries list Niger
عقوبة اإلعدام وتنفيذ الضمانات التي تكفل حماية حقوق من يواجهون عقوبة اإلعدام
By United Nations Economic and Social Council , on 26 May 2021
تقرير للأمم المتحدة
enesfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
دعـا المسلس اتصتدـــــــــادر واتجتمـاعي في ص اره 1745( د – 54 )المؤرخ 16 أيـار/مـايو 1973
األمين العام إلى أن يقدم إليه كل خمس ســ ـ ـ ـنواا اعتبا ار عام 1975 تقاري دورية مســـــتلملة وتحليلية عن من
عقوبـة اععـدام. وأوصــــــــى المسلس في ص اره 1995 /57 المؤرخ 28 تموز/يوليـه 1995 بـنن تواصــــــــل تقـاري
األمين العام الخمســ ــية تنطية تنضيذ ال ــ ــمالاا التي تلضل نماية نقو من يواجعون عقوبة اععدام. وفي الق ار
لضســــــه لل المسلس إلى األ مين العام أن يســــــتند لدت إعداد التق ي الخمســــــي إلى جمي البيالاا المتانة
بما تسـتخدام
في ذلك البحوث السنائية الحديثة. ويت ـمن هذا التق ي وهو التق ي الخمسـي العا،ـ اسـتع ا الـا
عقوبة اععدام واتساهاتعا بما في ذلك تنضيذ ال مالاا خالل الضت ة 2014 -2018 .
ووفـقــ ـــا 1745( د – 54 )1990 /51 الـمـؤرخ 24 لـقـ ا رر الـمـسـلـس اتصـتدــ ـ ـ ــ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـادر واتجـتـمــ ـــاعـي
تموز/يوليه 1990 ف ـ ال عن مق ره 2005 /247 المؤرخ 22 تموز/يوليه 2005 يقدم هذا التق ي إلى المسلس
وسـيع أي ـا تعا التاسـعة في دورته الموالـويية لعام 2020 على لسنة من الس يمة والعدالة السنائية في دور
والعش ين ومسلس نقو اعلسان في دورته العادية ال ا بعة واألربعين. ويؤكد التق ي المتعلق بالسـنواا الخمس 2014 -2018 اتتساه الموثق في التقاري السـابقة لحو إلنا
عقوبة اععدام وتقييـدها في معمم البلـدان. واســــــــتم في ازدياد عدد الدول التي ألنـ عقوبة اع عدام في القـالون
وفي الممارســــــة العملية. وينع س ذلك في زيادة عدد الدول الملامة بالتااماا تعاهدية بعدم تنضيذ عقوبة اععدام.
زياداا هائلة في عدد ناتا اععدام التي لضذها عدد
و،ـ ـعدا بعل السـ ـنواا من فت ة السـ ـنواا الخمس أي ـ ـا
صليل من الدول. واســـتق الوالـــ في لعاية فت ة الدراســـة اتســـتقدـــائية وكان عدد ناتا اععدام المســـسلة في
السنة األخي ة 2018 هو األدلى منذ سنواا كثي ة.
وتنطبق ال ــ ـ ــ ـمالاا التي تلضل نماية نقو من يواجعون عقوبة اععدام على الدول التي أبق على
توص على أ،ــ ـ ـ ــــخام تقل أعمارهم عن 18
عقوبة اععدام. غي أله من دواعي القلق أن عقوبة اععدام ت ت اال ُ
ســــنة وص ارتلاب الس يمة وأن أن ام اععدام صد صــــدرا في ناتا لم تســــتوا م يار ” أ،ــــد الس ائم خطورة ”
وفي ناتا لم تتقيد فيعا المحاكماا بالمعايي الدولية.
- Document type تقرير للأمم المتحدة
- Available languages Capital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penaltyLa pena capital y la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muertePeine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mortСмертная казнь и применение мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь死刑和保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的执行情况
Смертная казнь и применение мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь
By United Nations Economic and Social Council , on 26 May 2021
Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
arenesfrzh-hantMore details See the document
В своей резолюции 1745 (LIV) от 16 мая 1973 года Экономический и Социальный Совет просил Генерального секретаря представлять Совету через каждые пять лет начиная с 1975 года периодические дополняемые аналитические доклады по вопросу о смертной казни. В своей резолюции 1995/57 от 28 июля 1995 года Совет рекомендовал, чтобы в пятилетних докладах Генерального секретаря и впредь рассматривалось осуществление мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь. В этой же резолюции Совет просил Генерального секретаря при подготовке пятилетнего доклада использовать все имеющиеся данные, включая текущие криминологические исследования. В настоящем десятом пятилетнем докладе содержится обзор практики и тенденций в области применения смертной казни, включая осуществление мер защиты в период 2014–2018 годов.
В соответствии с резолюциями 1745 (LIV) и 1990/51 от 24 июля 1990 года Экономического и Социального Совета и его решением 2005/247 от 22 июля 2005 года настоящий доклад представляется Совету на его основной сессии 2020 года, а также будет представлен Комиссии по предупреждению преступности и уголовному правосудию на ее двадцать девятой сессии и Совету по правам человека на его сорок четвертой очередной сессии.
Доклад за пятилетний период 2014–2018 годов подтверждает зафиксированную в предыдущих докладах тенденцию к отмене и ограничению применения смертной казни в большинстве стран. Число государств, отменивших смертную казнь де-юре и де-факто, продолжало расти. Это находит отражение в увеличении числа государств, связанных договорными обязательствами не применять смертную казнь. В рамках данного пятилетнего периода в течение нескольких лет был также засвидетельствован резкий рост количества смертных казней, примененных небольшим числом государств. Положение стабилизировалось в конце обзорного периода: в заключительном 2018 году число зарегистрированных смертных казней было самым низким за многие годы.
Меры, гарантирующие защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь, применяются к государствам, в которых сохраняется смертная казнь. Вместе с тем вызывает обеспокоенность тот факт, что смертная казнь по-прежнему назначалась лицам, не достигшим 18-летнего возраста на момент совершения преступления, и смертные приговоры выносились в тех случаях, когда стандарт в отношении «наиболее тяжких преступлений» не соблюдался, и в тех случаях, когда судебные разбирательства не соответствовали международным стандартам.
- Document type Доклад Организации Объединенных Наций
- Available languages عقوبة اإلعدام وتنفيذ الضمانات التي تكفل حماية حقوق من يواجهون عقوبة اإلعدامCapital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penaltyLa pena capital y la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muertePeine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mort死刑和保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的执行情况
By United Nations Economic and Social Council , on 26 May 2021
arenesfrruMore details See the document
经济及社会理事会 1973 年 5 月 16 日第 1745 (LIV)号决议请秘书长自 1975
经社理事会 1995 年 7 月 28 日第 1995/57 号决议,建议秘书长提交的五年期报告
十次五年期报告审查了 2014 至 2018 年间死刑的使用情况及发展趋势,包括保障
根据经济及社会理事会第 1745 (LIV)号决议和 1990 年 7 月 24 日第 1990/51
号决议以及经社理事会 2005 年 7 月 22 日第 2005/247 号决定,本报告提交经社
理事会 2020 年实质性会议,还将提交预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第二十九届会
关于 2014-2018 年五年期的报告确认了以往报告中记录的大多数国家内废除
在受条约义务约束不施行死刑的国家数量有所增加。同时,在该五年期的一些年 份,少数国家实施的处决数量大幅增加。在调查期结束时,情况趋于稳定,2018
仍有犯罪时不满 18 岁的人被判处死刑,以及在未达到“最严重的犯罪”标准的案
- Document type 联合国报告
- Available languages عقوبة اإلعدام وتنفيذ الضمانات التي تكفل حماية حقوق من يواجهون عقوبة اإلعدامCapital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penaltyLa pena capital y la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muertePeine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mortСмертная казнь и применение мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь
La pena capital y la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muerte
By Naciones Unidas Consejo Económico y Social , on 26 May 2021
Informe de las Naciones Unidas
arenfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
En su resolución 1745 (LIV), de 16 de mayo de 1973, el Consejo Económico y Social invitó al Secretario General a que le presentara informes periódicos
actualizados y analíticos sobre la pena capital a intervalos quinquenales a partir de 1975. En su resolución 1995/57, de 28 de julio de 1995, el Consejo recomendó que los informes quinquenales del Secretario General siguieran abarcando también la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muerte. En esa misma resolución, el Consejo pidió al Secretario General que, al preparar el informe quinquenal, utilizara todos los datos disponibles, incluidas las investigaciones criminológicas más recientes. El presente informe, que es el décimo informe quinquenal, contiene un examen del uso de la pena capital y las tendencias al respecto, incluida la aplicación de las salvaguardias,
durante el período 2014-2018.
De conformidad con las resoluciones del Consejo Económico y Social 1745 (LIV) y 1990/51, de 24 de julio de 1990, y con la decisión 2005/247 del Consejo, de 22 de julio de 2005, este informe se presenta al Consejo en su período de sesiones sustantivo de 2020, y se presentará también a la Comisión de Prevención del Delito y Justicia Penal en su 29º período de sesiones y al Consejo de Derechos Humanos en su 44º período ordinario de sesiones.
En el informe sobre el quinquenio 2014-2018 se confirma la tendencia, documentada en informes anteriores, a la abolición y limitación del uso de la pena capital en la mayoría de los países. El número de Estados que han abolido la pena de muerte en la legislación y en la práctica siguió aumentando. Esto se refleja en el mayor número de Estados que asumen la obligación dimanante de los tratados de no aplicar la pena de muerte. En el quinquenio también se registraron alguno s años en que aumentó significativamente la cantidad de ejecuciones, que llevaron a cabo un número pequeño de Estados. La situación se estabilizó al final del período abarcado por la encuesta, y el número de ejecuciones registradas en el último año, 2018, fue el
menor en muchos años.
Las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muerte se aplican a los Estados que mantienen la pena capital. No obstante, preocupa que se siguiera imponiendo la pena de muerte a personas que eran menores de 18 años en el momento de cometer el delito, y que se impusieran sentencias de muerte en casos en que no se cumplía la norma de los “delitos más graves”, y en casos en que los juicios correspondientes no se ajustaron a las normas internacionales.
- Document type Informe de las Naciones Unidas
- Available languages عقوبة اإلعدام وتنفيذ الضمانات التي تكفل حماية حقوق من يواجهون عقوبة اإلعدامCapital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penaltyPeine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mortСмертная казнь и применение мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь死刑和保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的执行情况
Peine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mort
By United Nations Economic and Social Council , on 26 May 2021
Rapport des Nations Unies
arenesruzh-hantMore details See the document
Dans sa résolution 1745 (LIV) du 16 mai 1973, le Conseil économique et social a invité le Secrétaire général à lui présenter, tous les cinq ans, à partir de 1975, un rapport analytique périodique à jour sur la peine capitale. Dans sa résolution 1995/57, du 28 juillet 1995, le Conseil a recommandé que les rapports quinquennaux du Secrétaire général continuent à porter aussi sur l’application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mort. Dans la même résolution, il a prié le Secrétaire général, lorsqu’il établirait le rapport quinquennal, de faire usage de toutes les données disponibles, y compris les recherches criminologiques en cours. Le présent rapport, qui constitue le dixième rapport quinquennal, fait le point sur l’usage de la peine capitale et les tendances en la matière durant la période 2014-2018, ainsi que sur l’application des garanties.
Conformément aux résolutions du Conseil économique et social 1745 (LIV) et 1990/51, en date du 24 juillet 1990, et à sa décision 2005/247, en date du 22 juillet 2005, le présent rapport est soumis au Conseil à sa session de fond de 2020 et sera aussi présenté à la Commission pour la prévention du crime et la justice pénale à sa vingt-neuvième session, ainsi qu’au Conseil des droits de l’homme à sa quarantequatrième session ordinaire. Le rapport sur la période quinquennale 2014-2018 confirme la tendance à l’abolition de la peine capitale et à la restriction de son usage dans la plupart des pays, dont il était rendu compte dans les rapports précédents. Le nombre d’États ayant aboli la peine de mort en droit et dans la pratique a continué d’augmenter. Le nombre
croissant d’États tenus de ne pas y recourir en vertu d’obligations conventionnelles témoigne de cette évolution. Au cours de cette période quinquennale, le nombre d’exécutions a toutefois augmenté de manière spectaculaire dans un petit nombre d’États. La situation s’est stabilisée à la fin de la période considérée, et le nombre d’exécutions enregistrées au cours de la dernière année (2018) était le plus faible depuis longtemps.
Les garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mort s’appliquent aux États où cette peine est maintenue. Il est toutefois
préoccupant de constater que la peine capitale a continué d’être appliquée à des personnes qui étaient âgées de moins de 18 ans au moment où elles avaient commis l’infraction, et que des condamnations à mort ont été prononcées sans que soit rempli le critère relatif aux « crimes les plus graves » et sans que les normes internationales relatives à un procès équitable n’aient été respectées.
- Document type Rapport des Nations Unies
- Available languages عقوبة اإلعدام وتنفيذ الضمانات التي تكفل حماية حقوق من يواجهون عقوبة اإلعدامCapital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penaltyLa pena capital y la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muerteСмертная казнь и применение мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь死刑和保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的执行情况
Capital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty
By United Nations , on 26 May 2021
United Nations report
aresfrruzh-hantMore details See the document
In its resolution 1745 (LIV) of 16 May 1973, the Economic and Social Council invited the Secretary-General to submit to it, at five-year intervals starting from 1975, periodic updated and analytical reports on capital punishment. The Council, in its resolution 1995/57 of 28 July 1995, recommended that the quinquennial reports of the Secretary-General continue to cover also the implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty.
In the same resolution, the Council requested the Secretary-General, in preparing the quinquennial report, to draw on all available data, including current criminological research. The present report, which is the tenth quinquennial report, contains a review of the use of and trends in capital punishment, including the implementa tion of the safeguards during the period 2014–2018.
In accordance with resolutions 1745 (LIV) and 1990/51, of 24 July 1990, of the Economic and Social Council, as well as its decision 2005/247 of 22 July 2005, the present report is submitted to the Council at its substantive session of 2020, and will also be before the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its twenty-ninth session and the Human Rights Council at its forty-fourth regular session.
The report on the 2014–2018 quinquennium confirms the trend documented in previous reports towards abolition and restriction of the use of capital punishment in most countries. The number of States that have abolished the death penalty in law and in practice continued to grow. This is reflected in the increased number of States bound by treaty obligations not to implement the death penalty. The quinquennium also witnessed some years of dramatic increases in the number of executions, which were carried out by a small number of States. The situation stabilized at the end of the survey period, and the number of recorded executions in the final year, 2018, was the lowest in many years. The safeguards guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty apply to States that retain capital punishment. It is of concern, however, that the death penalty continued to be imposed on persons below 18 years of age at the time of commission of the offence, and that death sentences were imposed in cases where the “most serious crimes” standard was not met and in cases of trials that did not comply with international standards.
- Document type United Nations report
- Available languages عقوبة اإلعدام وتنفيذ الضمانات التي تكفل حماية حقوق من يواجهون عقوبة اإلعدامLa pena capital y la aplicación de las salvaguardias para garantizar la protección de los derechos de las personas condenadas a la pena de muertePeine capitale et application des garanties pour la protection des droits des personnes passibles de la peine de mortСмертная казнь и применение мер, гарантирующих защиту прав тех, кому грозит смертная казнь死刑和保护死刑犯权利的保障措施的执行情况
By Amnesty Int